49 research outputs found

    Condom use and the risk of HIV infection: who is being protected?

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    A study/survey done on condom use among Zimbabwean men in Zimbabwe.Descriptive baseline data at enrolment into a cohort of male factory workers who were tested for HIV serology and monitored for sero-con version over time, were analysed for condom use. At recruitment, the 1 146 men were asked about their sexual behaviour, history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), condom use and circumstances under which condoms were used. HIV seroprevalence in the cohort was 18,2 pc. Self reported use of condoms was low, with only 5 pc of the men reporting using them all the time. Forty four pc reported that they had never used a condom, 11,5 pc tried a condom only once, and 30,5 pc used condoms less than half the time. HIV positive men were more likely (Odds Ratio [OR]= 2,2 95 pc Cl: 1,3 — 3,3) to use condoms than those who tested negative. Men using a condom more than once were younger and had more education (p values < 0,0005). Univariate analysis showed that men with self reported risk factors for HIV infection were more likely to use condoms. Significantly more condom users reported paying for sex, multiple sex partners or (for married men) a girlfriend (p < 0,005). Condom users also more often had a history of genital ulcers, urethral discharge or other STDs. Few married men (24 pc) reported using a condom with their wives. Condom use was more commonly reported with commercial sex workers (44 pc) or other extramarital partners (36 pc). Some risk factors for HIV infection were also present amongst men who reported that they did not use condoms. Independent determinants of condom use identified by stepwise logistic regression analysis included young age, having a girlfriend (OR = 2,2; 95 pc Cl: 1,47 — 3,3), number of sex partners in the last year (OR = 1,27; 95 pc Cl: 1,06 —1,51 per partner), and paying for sex in the preceding year (OR = 1,74; 95 pc Cl: 1,06 — 2,83). The results show that men use condoms with partners considered risky, such as prostitutes or girlfriends but use condoms less often with their wives. The results underscore theneedfor health education for behavioural change that promotes universal, consistent use of condoms or monogamous partnership

    Analytical methods used in estimating the prevalence of HIV/AIDS from demographic and cross-sectional surveys with missing data: a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Sero- prevalence studies often have a problem of missing data. Few studies report the proportion of missing data and even fewer describe the methods used to adjust the results for missing data. The objective of this review was to determine the analytical methods used for analysis in HIV surveys with missing data. METHODS: We searched for population, demographic and cross-sectional surveys of HIV published from January 2000 to April 2018 in Pub Med/Medline, Web of Science core collection, Latin American and Caribbean Sciences Literature, Africa-Wide Information and Scopus, and by reviewing references of included articles. All potential abstracts were imported into Covidence and abstracts screened by two independent reviewers using pre-specified criteria. Disagreements were resolved through discussion. A piloted data extraction tool was used to extract data and assess the risk of bias of the eligible studies. Data were analysed through a quantitative approach; variables were presented and summarised using figures and tables. RESULTS: A total of 3426 citations where identified, 194 duplicates removed, 3232 screened and 69 full articles were obtained. Twenty-four studies were included. The response rate for an HIV test of the included studies ranged from 32 to 96% with the major reason for the missing data being refusal to consent for an HIV test. Complete case analysis was the primary method of analysis used, multiple imputations 11(46%) was the most advanced method used, followed by the Heckman's selection model 9(38%). Single Imputation and Instrumental variables method were used in only two studies each, with 13(54%) other different methods used in several studies. Forty-two percent of the studies applied more than two methods in the analysis, with a maximum of 4 methods per study. Only 6(25%) studies conducted a sensitivity analysis, while 11(46%) studies had a significant change of estimates after adjusting for missing data. CONCLUSION: Missing data in survey studies is still a problem in disease estimation. Our review outlined a number of methods that can be used to adjust for missing data on HIV studies; however, more information and awareness are needed to allow informed choices on which method to be applied for the estimates to be more reliable and representative

    HIV seroconversion among factory workers in Harare: who is getting newly infected?

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    A clinical report on the impact of HIV/AIDS among factory workers in Zimbabwe's industrial areas of Harare.It was estimated that by the of 1996 more than 8.4 million AIDS cases had occurred worldwide.1 Because of the long and variable duration between infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the ultimate development of AIDS, a more useful indication of current trends in the epidemic is the number of new infections with HIV. Twenty eight million people from 190 countries across the world were HIV positive by mid 1996.Composed of distinct epidemics, each with its own features, degree and extent, the pandemic has had a disproportionately severe impact on the developing world. Despite wide information on HIV prevention, 3.1 million new infections occurred during 1996. Up to 93% of the HIV infections recorded in 1996 were from developing countries with 68% from sub-Saharan Africa.2 Developing countries, who have weaker economic structures, continue to bear the greatest burden of HIV infections. HIV infection appears be spreading much faster in Southern Africa than anywhere else

    Comparing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patient costs under molecular diagnostic algorithms in South Africa

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    SETTING: Ten primary health care facilities in Cape Town, South Africa, 2010–2013. OBJECTIVE: A comparison of costs incurred by patients in GenoType® MDRTBplus line-probe assay (LPA) and Xpert® MTB/RIF-based diagnostic algorithms from symptom onset until treatment initiation for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). METHODS: Eligible patients identified from laboratory and facility records were interviewed 3–6 months after treatment initiation and a cost questionnaire completed. Direct and indirect costs, individual and household income, loss of individual income and change in household income were recorded in local currency, adjusted to 2013 costs and converted to US.RESULTS:MediannumberofvisitstoinitiationofMDRTBtreatmentwasreducedfrom20to7(P<0.001)andmediancostsfellfromUSUS. RESULTS: Median number of visits to initiation of MDR-TB treatment was reduced from 20 to 7 (P < 0.001) and median costs fell from US68.1 to US$38.3 (P = 0.004) in the Xpert group. From symptom onset to being interviewed, the proportion of unemployed increased from 39% to 73% in the LPA group (P < 0.001) and from 53% to 89% in the Xpert group (P < 0.001). Median household income decreased by 16% in the LPA group and by 13% in the Xpert group. CONCLUSION: The introduction of an Xpert-based algorithm brought relief by reducing the costs incurred by patients, but loss of employment and income persist. Patients require support to mitigate this impact

    Opportunities to improve goat production and food security in Botswana through forage nutrition and the use of supplemental feeds

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    Goats fulfil a central role in food and nutritional security across Africa with over half of households owning or rearing goats in rural areas. However, goat performance is poor and mortality high. This study assessed the nutritional quality of commonly used feeds and proposes feed-baskets to enhance goat nutrition and health. Feeds were collected from 11 areas within the Central District of Botswana, and macronutrient analyses were conducted, including crude protein, fibre fractions, ash, and metabolizable energy (ME). Forage nutrition was compared across seasons and soil types. Additionally, seasonal supplementation trials were conducted to evaluate consumption rates of various supplements, including crop residues, pellets, Lablab purpureus, and Dichrostachys cinerea. Each supplement was provided ad libitum for a 24-h period, and consumption rates determined. Findings revealed significant differences in nutrition among various feed sources, across seasons, and in relation to soil types (p < 0.001). Consumption rates of supplements were higher during the dry season, possibly due to reduced forage availability. Supplement consumption rates varied across supplement type, with crop residues accounting for approximately 1% of dry matter intake, compared to up to 45% for pellets, 13% for L. purpureus, and 15% for D. cinerea. While wet season feed baskets exhibited higher ME values compared to dry-season feed-baskets, the relative impact of supplementation was more pronounced during the dry season. These results highlight the potential for optimizing goat diets through improved grazing and browsing management, especially during the reduced nutritional availability in the dry season in Botswana. Such diet optimisation may improve goat health and productivity, which may positively impact the food and financial security of smallholders by providing both increased yields and increased resilience. Importantly, rural communities can experience some of the lowest food security levels in the region. The interventions explored in this study utilise natural capital, often freely available, which can be deployed through existing husbandry systems, potentially making them accessible and practical to smallholders

    Integrating pediatric TB services into child healthcare services in Africa: study protocol for the INPUT cluster-randomized stepped wedge trial

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    Background Tuberculosis is among the top-10 causes of mortality in children with more than 1 million children suffering from TB disease annually worldwide. The main challenge in young children is the difficulty in establishing an accurate diagnosis of active TB. The INPUT study is a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized intervention study aiming to assess the effectiveness of integrating TB services into child healthcare services on TB diagnosis capacities in children under 5 years of age. Methods Two strategies will be compared: i) The standard of care, offering pediatric TB services based on national standard of care; ii) The intervention, with pediatric TB services integrated into child healthcare services: it consists of a package of training, supportive supervision, job aids, and logistical support to the integration of TB screening and diagnosis activities into pediatric services. The design is a cluster-randomized stepped-wedge of 12 study clusters in Cameroon and Kenya. The sites start enrolling participants under standard-of-care and will transition to the intervention at randomly assigned time points. We enroll children aged less than 5 years with a presumptive diagnosis of TB after obtaining caregiver written informed consent. The participants are followed through TB diagnosis and treatment, with clinical information prospectively abstracted from their medical records. The primary outcome is the proportion of TB cases diagnosed among children < 5 years old attending the child healthcare services. Secondary outcomes include: number of children screened for presumptive active TB; diagnosed; initiated on TB treatment; and completing treatment. We will also assess the cost-effectiveness of the intervention, its acceptability among health care providers and users, and fidelity of implementation. Discussion Study enrolments started in May 2019, enrolments will be completed in October 2020 and follow up will be completed by June 2021. The study findings will be disseminated to national, regional and international audiences and will inform innovative approaches to integration of TB screening, diagnosis, and treatment initiation into child health care services. Trial resistration NCT03862261, initial release 12 February 2019

    When Did HIV Incidence Peak in Harare, Zimbabwe? Back-Calculation from Mortality Statistics

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    HIV prevalence has recently begun to decline in Zimbabwe, a result of both high levels of AIDS mortality and a reduction in incident infections. An important component in understanding the dynamics in HIV prevalence is knowledge of past trends in incidence, such as when incidence peaked and at what level. However, empirical measurements of incidence over an extended time period are not available from Zimbabwe or elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa. Using mortality data, we use a back-calculation technique to reconstruct historic trends in incidence. From AIDS mortality data, extracted from death registration in Harare, together with an estimate of survival post-infection, HIV incidence trends were reconstructed that would give rise to the observed patterns of AIDS mortality. Models were fitted assuming three parametric forms of the incidence curve and under nine different assumptions regarding combinations of trends in non-AIDS mortality and patterns of survival post-infection with HIV. HIV prevalence was forward-projected from the fitted incidence and mortality curves. Models that constrained the incidence pattern to a cubic spline function were flexible and produced well-fitting, realistic patterns of incidence. In models assuming constant levels of non-AIDS mortality, annual incidence peaked between 4 and 5% between 1988 and 1990. Under other assumptions the peak level ranged from 3 to 8% per annum. However, scenarios assuming increasing levels of non-AIDS mortality resulted in implausibly low estimates of peak prevalence (11%), whereas models with decreasing underlying crude mortality could be consistent with the prevalence and mortality data. HIV incidence is most likely to have peaked in Harare between 1988 and 1990, which may have preceded the peak elsewhere in Zimbabwe. This finding, considered alongside the timing and location of HIV prevention activities, will give insight into the decline of HIV prevalence in Zimbabwe

    Opportunities to improve goat production and food security in Botswana through forage nutrition and the use of supplemental feeds

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data is available from authors upon reasonable request.Goats fulfil a central role in food and nutritional security across Africa with over half of households owning or rearing goats in rural areas. However, goat performance is poor and mortality high. This study assessed the nutritional quality of commonly used feeds and proposes feed-baskets to enhance goat nutrition and health. Feeds were collected from 11 areas within the Central District of Botswana, and macronutrient analyses were conducted, including crude protein, fibre fractions, ash, and metabolizable energy (ME). Forage nutrition was compared across seasons and soil types. Additionally, seasonal supplementation trials were conducted to evaluate consumption rates of various supplements, including crop residues, pellets, Lablab purpureus, and Dichrostachys cinerea. Each supplement was provided ad libitum for a 24-h period, and consumption rates determined. Findings revealed significant differences in nutrition among various feed sources, across seasons, and in relation to soil types (p < 0.001). Consumption rates of supplements were higher during the dry season, possibly due to reduced forage availability. Supplement consumption rates varied across supplement type, with crop residues accounting for approximately 1% of dry matter intake, compared to up to 45% for pellets, 13% for L. purpureus, and 15% for D. cinerea. While wet season feed baskets exhibited higher ME values compared to dry-season feed-baskets, the relative impact of supplementation was more pronounced during the dry season. These results highlight the potential for optimizing goat diets through improved grazing and browsing management, especially during the reduced nutritional availability in the dry season in Botswana. Such diet optimisation may improve goat health and productivity, which may positively impact the food and financial security of smallholders by providing both increased yields and increased resilience. Importantly, rural communities can experience some of the lowest food security levels in the region. The interventions explored in this study utilise natural capital, often freely available, which can be deployed through existing husbandry systems, potentially making them accessible and practical to smallholders.United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Global Challenges Research Fund.http://link.springer.com/journal/12571hj2024Zoology and EntomologySDG-02:Zero Hunge

    Impact and Process Evaluation of Integrated Community and Clinic-Based HIV-1 Control: A Cluster-Randomised Trial in Eastern Zimbabwe

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    BACKGROUND: HIV-1 control in sub-Saharan Africa requires cost-effective and sustainable programmes that promote behaviour change and reduce cofactor sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at the population and individual levels. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We measured the feasibility of community-based peer education, free condom distribution, income-generating projects, and clinic-based STI treatment and counselling services and evaluated their impact on the incidence of HIV-1 measured over a 3-y period in a cluster-randomised controlled trial in eastern Zimbabwe. Analysis of primary outcomes was on an intention-to-treat basis. The income-generating projects proved impossible to implement in the prevailing economic climate. Despite greater programme activity and knowledge in the intervention communities, the incidence rate ratio of HIV-1 was 1.27 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.92–1.75) compared to the control communities. No evidence was found for reduced incidence of self-reported STI symptoms or high-risk sexual behaviour in the intervention communities. Males who attended programme meetings had lower HIV-1 incidence (incidence rate ratio 0.48, 95% CI 0.24–0.98), and fewer men who attended programme meetings reported unprotected sex with casual partners (odds ratio 0.45, 95% CI 0.28–0.75). More male STI patients in the intervention communities reported cessation of symptoms (odds ratio 2.49, 95% CI 1.21–5.12). CONCLUSIONS: Integrated peer education, condom distribution, and syndromic STI management did not reduce population-level HIV-1 incidence in a declining epidemic, despite reducing HIV-1 incidence in the immediate male target group. Our results highlight the need to assess the community-level impact of interventions that are effective amongst targeted population sub-groups

    Voluntary HIV counselling and testing among men in rural western Uganda: Implications for HIV prevention

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Voluntary HIV counselling and testing (VCT) is one of the key strategies in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Uganda. However, the utilization of VCT services particularly among men is low in Kasese district. We therefore conducted a study to determine the prevalence and factors associated with VCT use among men in Bukonzo West health sub-district, Kasese district.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A population-based cross-sectional study employing both quantitative and qualitative techniques of data collection was conducted between January and April 2005. Using cluster sampling, 780 men aged 18 years and above, residing in Bukonzo West health sub-district, were sampled from 38 randomly selected clusters. Data was collected on VCT use and independent variables. Focus group discussions (4) and key informant interviews (10) were also conducted. Binary logistic regression was performed to determine the predictors of VCT use among men.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall VCT use among men was 23.3% (95% CI 17.2–29.4). Forty six percent (95% CI 40.8–51.2) had pre-test counselling and 25.9% (95%CI 19.9–31.9) had HIV testing. Of those who tested, 96% returned for post-test counselling and received HIV results. VCT use was higher among men aged 35 years and below (OR = 2.69, 95%CI 1.77–4.07), the non-subsistence farmers (OR = 2.37, 95%CI 2.37), the couple testing (OR = 2.37, 95%CI 1.02–8.83) and men with intention to disclose HIV test results to sexual partners (OR = 1.64, 95%CI 1.04–2.60). The major barriers to VCT use among men were poor utilization of VCT services due to poor access, stigma and confidentiality of services.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>VCT use among men in Bukonzo West, Kasese district was low. In order to increase VCT use among men, the VCT programme needs to address HIV stigma and improve access and confidentiality of VCT services. Among the more promising interventions are the use of routine counselling and testing for HIV of patients seeking health care in health units, home based VCT programmes, and mainstreaming of HIV counselling and testing services in community development programmes.</p