42 research outputs found

    Hydraulic Behavior in The Downflow Hanging Sponge Bioreactor

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    Performance efficiency in a Downflow Hanging Sponge (DHS) bioreactor is associated with the amount of time that a wastewater remains in the bioreactor. The bioreactor is considered as a plug flow reactor and its hydraulic residence time (HRT) depends on the void volume of packing material and the flow rate. In this study, hydraulic behavior of DHS bioreactor was investigated by using tracer method. Two types of sponge module covers, cylindrical plastic frame (module-1) and plastic hair roller (module-2), were investigated and compared. A concentrated NaCl solution used as an inert tracer and input as a pulse at the inlet of DHS bioreactor. Analysis of the residence time distribution (RTD) curves provided interpretation of the index distribution or holdup water (active volume), the degree of short-circuiting, number of tanks in series (the plug flow characteristic), and the dispersion number. It was found that the actual HRT was primarily shorter than theoretical HRT of each test. Holdup water of the DHS bioreactor ranged from 60% to 97% and 36% to 60% of module-1 and module-2, respectively. Eventhough module-1 has higher effective volume than module-2, result showed that the dispersion numbers of the two modules were not significant difference. Furthermore, N-values were found larger at a higher flow rate. It was concluded that a DHS bioreactor design should incorporated a combination of water distributor system, higher loading rate at startup process to generate a hydraulic behavior closer to an ideal plug flow.ABSTRAKEfisiensi unjuk kerja bioreactor Downflow Hanging Sponge (DHS) berkaitan dengan lamanya waktu tinggal limbah berada di dalam bioreaktor tersebut. Bioreaktor DHS dianggap sebagai seuatu reaktor aliran sumbat (plug flow) dimana waktu tinggal hidraulik (HRT) tergantung pada volume pori material isian dan laju alir. Dua jenis modul digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yang diberi nama dengan module-1 dan module-2 untuk melihat pengaruh jenis modul terhadap karakteristik hidraulik. Dalam eksperimen ini, nilai HRT diteliti menggunakan metode pencacahan (tracer). Hasil dari kurva residence time distribution (RTD) dianalisis nilai volume aktif, tingkat short-circuiting, karakteristik plug flow (jumlah seri tangki berpengaduk, N-value), dan bilangan dispersi. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh HRT atual lebih singkat dari HRT teoritis. Volume aktif bioreaktor bernilai antara 60% sampai 90% dan 36% sampai 60% untuk masing-masing modul-1 dan modul-2. Walaupun volume efektif module-1 lebih besar dari modul-2, bilangan dispersi untuk kedua modul tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Nilai N-value diperoleh lebih besar pada laju alir lebih besar. Dari penelitian ini, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain bioreaktor DHS sangat berhubungan dengan sistem distribusi limbah cair dan laju alir yang tinggi untuk mendapatkan kondisi bioreaktor mendekati sistem plug flow ideal

    Effluent Quality Test On The Communal WWTP in Banda Aceh City

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    Abstract:  One of the domestic wastewater management systems developed in Banda Aceh City is a settlement-scale centralized wastewater treatment plant, also known as the Communal WWTP system, with an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and anaerobic filter (AF) configuration. This study aims to examine the quality of the effluent from the treatment of communal WWTPs in the city of Banda Aceh. Measurements of the contents of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Ammonia, and Total Coliform were carried out on effluent samples from the communal WWTP and the results of the analysis were compared with the quality standards from the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 68 of 2016 concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards. The research showed that the pH, COD, BOD, and Ammonia parameters had met the quality standards, while the TSS and Total Coliform parameters at the five (5) locations of the communal WWTP studied had not shown effective performance and had not met the quality standards. The choice of technology configuration and management of communal WWTP is a factor that influences the processing performance and quality of communal WWTP effluent in Banda Aceh City.Abstrak:  Salah satu sistem pengelolaan air limbah domestik yang dikembangkan di Kota Banda Aceh adalah SPALD-Terpusat skala permukiman, atau disebut juga dengan sistem IPAL Komunal, dengan konfigurasi anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) dan anaerobic filter (AF). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kualitas efluen hasil pengolahan IPAL komunal yang ada di kota Banda Aceh. Pengukuran kandungan pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Amonia serta Total Coliform dilakukan pada sampel efluen dari IPAL komunal dan hasil analisisnya dibandingkan dengan baku mutu Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan No. 68 Tahun 2016 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Domestik. Penelitian menunjukkan parameter pH, COD, BOD dan Amonia telah memenuhi baku mutu sedangkan parameter TSS dan Total Coliform pada lima (5) lokasi IPAL komunal yang diteliti belum menunjukkan kinerja yang efektif dan belum memenuhi standar baku mutu. Pemilihan konfigurasi teknologi dan pengelolaan IPAL komunal menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pengolahan dan kualitas efluen IPAL komunal di Kota Banda Aceh


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    This research is a preliminary study of the utilization of chitosan modified with liquid smoke to produce edible coating material that can be used as a preservative of beef. Chitosan compounds obtained from shrimp shell waste, while liquid smoke produced from pyrolysis of palm shells at a temperature of 340oC. Edible coating solution with various concentrations was made by dissolving chitosan (1-1.5%) into 3% liquid smoke, which was then applied as a meat preservative. Meat samples that have been dipped edible coating for 15 minutes, then stored in the refrigerator and observed decreased endurance every 24 hours for 8 days. Analysis results of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) showed that liquid smoke contains phenol and acetic acid compounds that have antimocrobial properties. Meat endurance test was done by analyzing the aroma, texture and color of meat. The results showed that the beef that has been coated liquid chitosan solution can last up to 7 days. Chitosan concentration affects the endurance of meat, the greater the chitosan concentration, the better the meat endurance. The optimum concentration was obtained at 1% of chitosan, the meat still has an acceptable aroma, texture and color for up to 6 days. This suggests that chitosan-liquid smoke can be used as an edible coating material


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    The rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in the world impact increased water pollution. Human activities, such as dam constructions, excessive water consumption, severance of river flows, compaction of riverbanks, and excessive use of riverbed vegetation, disrupt river flow and alter the original hydrological cycle. In response to these conditions, this study aims to analyze water quality and river quality status to set up a watershed environmental management strategy in Aceh Province as a case study. River water quality was analyzed descriptively by comparing the results of laboratory tests with parameters, namely TSS, pH, BOD, COD, DO, total phosphate, nitrate, and fecal coli. These parameters were then transformed into the environmental index (Water Quality Index and Pollution Index). It was found that Water Quality Index (WQI) results are shown from 50 to 70. WQI with the Good category is at Kr. Weh which is in the Central Aceh city. The medium-less type is found in 10 watersheds. The water quality with the category of Less is found at 3 points, namely Kr. Aceh, Cr. Doy, and Cr. Daroy. The quality of the river water in the Aceh region, from upstream to downstream, has decreased in quality with a lightly polluted status based on the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 27 of 2021 for class II


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    Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) as a solid waste in Crude Palm Oil (CPO) industry does not utilized yet as an alternative energy source to generate electricity. It is well known that use of solid wate (biomass) as an energy source is part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) scheme due to direct reduction of Green House Gases (GHGs) emission and provide a direct contribution to sustainable development. Utilization of EFB as a source of energy is very potential to be implemented in Aceh since this province has 25 CPO Mills at the moment which actively produce about 870,000 ton EFB per year. This study is subjected to evaluate the potency of electricity  from EFB theoretically by using primary data (survey data) and secondary data. Potency of EFB and number of electricity produced from that EFB are estimated using primary data and direct combustion scenario, respectively. Calculation methods for emission reduction acieved are done by AMS-I.D: Renewable electricity generation to the grid and AMS-III.E: Methane emissions avoided from dumping at a solid waste disposal site. The result of this investigation shows that energy consumption in 25 CPO Mills is 45 GW(e)h per year. Evidently, the number of energy/electricity which is potential to be produced by using 75% EFB is 1,047 GWh per year; so that the GHGs emission reduction up to 171,232.21 tCO2e per year.Keywords: empty fruit bunch, clean development mechanism, GHGs emission, renewable energ

    Pengaruh Nozzle Terhadap Aspek Hidrodinamika Kinerja Kolom Gelembung Pancaran

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    Kolom gelembung pancaran merupakan salah satu alat perpindahan massa antara fasa gas dan cair. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mempelajari pengaruh nozzle terhadap aspek hidrodinamika antara lain: kedalaman penetrasi gelembung (Z), holdup gas (eg), dan laju alir volumetrik gas entrainment (Ql) yang terjadi dalam kolom gelembung pancaran. Variabel proses yang dipelajari antara lain laju alir volumetrik cairan (10-50 L/menit), ukuran diameter nozzle (0,008-0,0127 m), dan tinggi nozzle (0,125-0,25 m). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa ukuran diameter nozzle semakin kecil dan laju alir volumetrik cairan yang semakin besar menghasikan laju alir volumetrik gas entrainment, holdup gas, dan kedalaman penetrasi gelembung yang semakin besar

    Strategi pengendalian pencemaran air Sungai Krueng Daroy Kota Banda Aceh

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji mutu air sungai dan mengembangkan berbagai upaya penanggulangan cemaran secara berkelanjutan yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kualitas air Sungai Krueng Daroy di Kota Banda Aceh dinilai dengan membandingkannya dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 22 Tahun 2021. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan matriks SWOT sebagai teknik. Kualitas air sungai mengalami penurunan baik di hulu maupun di hilir sehingga meningkatkan indeks pencemaran. Berdasarkan analisis SWOT, kebijakan pengelolaan Sungai Krueng Daroy kini berada di kuadran III, dengan karakteristik S<W dan O>T, artinya strategi yang ada harus diganti dengan strategi yang baru. Strategi ini dapat diterjemahkan dengan mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada guna meminimalkan ancaman yang ada, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan peluang yang muncul dari unsur-unsur peran pemerintah dan memprioritaskan kebijakan dengan (1) strategi pemanfaatan sungai yang berkelanjutan; (2) pengetahuan dan pencegahan pencemaran sampah dan limbah di sepanjang sungai kepada masyarakat; (3) penyediaan anggaran pengelolaan sungai dan pelibatan masyarakat dalam pengamanan sungai; (4) hukuman yang tegas bagi pelaku cemaran air sungai

    The Improvement of Hydrophilic Property of Polyethersulfone Membrane with Chitosan as Additive

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    Membrane technology has been implemented broadly for clean water treatment. To produce a better membrane, modification is carried out by adding chitosan into a polymer solution. Materials used in this research are polyethersulfone (PES) 18%, the n-methyl pyrrolidone solvent modified with a chitosan solution (at 0.2 – 1 wt%) as an additive, and deionized water as a non-solvent. The membrane synthesis is carried out with the non-solvent induced phase separation method of blending the polymer. Membrane characterization includes functional group analysis, morphological structure, and water contact angle. Membrane performance is monitored at the filtration process, resulting in the permeability coefficient, and for the rejection of a contaminant (humic acid) with dead-end filtration. Research results show that the modified membrane characterization has an asymmetric morphological structure with a thinner top layer, and the membrane sublayer has a finger-like macrovoid structure with a larger size as compared to the original PES membrane (without the chitosan solution addition). The chitosan additive into the PES membrane improves the membrane’s hydrophilic property. The highest value of the permeability coefficient is achieved with a 1% chitosan addition, which provides a permeability coefficient value of 10.524 L/m2.h.bar and a rejection coefficient of 70.3%.

    Use of G3-DHS Bioreactor for Secondary Treatment of Septic Tank Desludging Wastewater

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    Study was done for the use of the third-generation of downflow hanging sponge (G3-DHS) bioreactor for secondary treatment of septic tank desludging wastewater. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the prospective system of G3-DHS bioreactor to be applied in Indonesia. During experiment, the G3-DHS bioreactor kept a relatively high dissolved oxygen concentration under natural aeration. At a relatively short hydraulic retention (HRT) of 3 h, the G3-DHS bioreactor could remove up to 21% (SD = 15%) of total COD, 21% (SD = 7%) of filtered-COD, 58% (SD = 24%) of unfiltered-BOD, and 33% (SD = 24%) of ammonium removal. The final effluent had an unfiltered-BOD of only 46 mg/L (SD = 20 mg/L) that it was below the Indonesian standard (unfiltered-BOD = 100 mg/L) for thresholds of domestic wastewater treatment plants effluent