28 research outputs found

    Variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con la violencia de género en una muestra clínica (N=40)

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    XVI Jornades de Foment de la Investigació (Any 2011)La violencia contra la mujer, desafortunadamente, sigue realizándose en la actualidad. La mujer afectada por este tipo de violencia, vive en situación de maltrato demasiado larga. El objetivo principal de este estudio piloto es conocer si existen diferencias entre los posibles factores que conforman el cuestionario, confeccionado el año anterior: “Evaluación del tipo y fase de la violencia de género” (EETFVG), en relación con diferentes variables sociodemográficas consideradas en el estudio como son: tipo de maltrato sufrido; lugar de nacimiento; lugar de residencia, apoyo social; apoyo familiar; creencias y edad de estas mujeres. Los resultados indican variabilidad en cuanto al perfil sociodemográfico de estas mujeres. En este sentido, concluimos que las variables sociodemgráficas y las variables medidas mediante el cuestionario están relacionados

    Discriminación de la mujer en el trabajo

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    Quinzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2009-2010

    Elaboración de una escala de actitudes paterno-filiales hacia la lectura

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    Quinzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2009-2010

    Vasculitis after blood pressure monitoring

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    Introducción Descripción de aparición equimosis en un brazo asociado inicialmente a la toma de presión arterial, por Vasculitis Leucocitoclástica y propuesta de utilidades alternativas de la toma de presión arterial. Caso Clínico Varón de 80 años acude a urgencias con disnea, insuficiencia cardíaca, insuficiencia renal prediálisis con hiperpotasemia e inestabilidad hemodinámica. Durante su estancia desarrolló una lesión cutánea con aspecto de púrpura palpable, marcada desde el límite inferior del manguito de presión arterial hasta la zona distal de la mano y que no desaparecía a la vitropresión, y prurito. Durante su ingreso la lesión del brazo se extendió a todos los miembros, tanto superiores como inferiores El estudio de la lesión del brazo concluyó con diagnóstico de vasculitis Leucocitoclástica por la presencia de eosinófilos, lo que sugiere probable etiología medicamentosa a un antibiótico que llevaba tomando siete días antes de la entrada a urgencias. Discusión Se plantea la necesidad de monitorización seriada de la presión arterial, y la duración de dicha monitorización en pacientes inestables frente a los efectos secundarios de esta técnica. También el estudio de otras utilidades de la toma de presión arterial.Introduction Description of ecchymoses appearance in the arm, initially associated with measurement of blood pressure, but caused by leukocytoclastic vasculitis, and proposal for alternative utility of measuring blood pressure. Clinical Case 80-year-old male came to ER with dyspnea, heart failure, renal failure predialysis with hyperkalemia and hemodynamic instability. During his stay he developed a skin lesion that looks like palpable purpura, marked from the lower limit of the blood pressure cuff to the distal area of the hand that not disappeared with vitropression, and pruritus. During admission the arm injury was extended to all members, both upper and lower. The study of the arm injury concluded with diagnosis of leukocytoclastic vasculitis given the presence of eosinophils, that which suggested probable drug etiology to an antibiotic that had been taken since seven days prior to admission to ER. Discusions The need for serial monitoring of blood pressure, and the duration of such monitoring in unstable patients considering the side effects of those techniques was questioned. In addition, the study of other utilities of measuring blood pressure

    Adaptación y Validación Española del Instrumento de Violencia Contra las Mujeres de la Organización Mundial de la Salud

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) developed an instrument to detect violence against women that has been widely used in several countries. Despite this instrument’s importance in identifying intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW), it has not been adapted for the Spanish population. The aim of this study was to adapt and validate the WHO violence against women instrument in a sample in Spain, facilitating the detection of IPVAW in this context and comparisons between countries. Method: After the instrument was translated and adapted into Spanish, 532 women from the general population in Spain completed it. The initial instrument consisted of 28 items. We deleted three items due to low internal consistency, resulting in 25 items in the final version. Results: Suitable internal consistency was obtained through Confirmatory Factorial Analysis for physical (α = .92), psychological (α = .91), sexual (α = .86), and control behaviors subscales (α = .91) as well as for the total scale (α = .95). The instrument revealed highly prevalent IPVAW in our sample (79.7%). Conclusions: The use of the Spanish version of the WHO violence against women instrument in Spain seems justified.La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) desarrolló un instrumento para detectar la violencia de género (VG) que ha sido ampliamente utilizado en varios países. A pesar de la importancia del instrumento para identificar la VG, éste no ha sido adaptado en población española. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y validar el instrumento de VG de la OMS en España, facilitando la detección de la VG en este contexto y la comparación entre países. Método: 532 mujeres de la población general en España completaron el instrumento tras su traducción y adaptación al español. El instrumento inicial constaba de 28 ítems. Se eliminaron tres ítems debido a su baja consistencia interna, resultando un total de 25 ítems en la versión final. Resultados: Se obtuvo una adecuada consistencia interna mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio para las subescalas de violencia física (α = .92), psicológica (α = .91), sexual (α = .86) y en conductas de control (α = .91), así como en la escala total (α = .95). El instrumento reveló alta prevalencia de VG (79,7%). Conclusiones: El uso de la versión española del instrumento de VG contra las mujeres de la OMS, justifican su uso en España

    Pooled Time Series Modeling Reveals Smoking Habit Memory Pattern

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    Smoking is a habit that is hard to break because nicotine is highly addictive and smoking behavior is strongly linked to multiple daily activities and routines. Here, we explored the effect of gender, age, day of the week, and previous smoking on the number of cigarettes smoked on any given day. Data consisted of daily records of the number of cigarettes participants smoked over an average period of 84 days. The sample included smokers (36 men and 26 women), aged between 18 and 26 years, who smoked at least five cigarettes a day and had smoked for at least 2 years. A panel data analysis was performed by way of multilevel pooled time series modeling. Smoking on any given day was a function of the number of cigarettes smoked on the previous day, and 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56 days previously, and the day of the week. Neither gender nor age influenced this pattern, with no multilevel effects being detected, thus the behavior of all participants fitted the same smoking model. These novel findings show empirically that smoking behavior is governed by firmly established temporal dependence patterns and inform temporal parameters for the rational design of smoking cessation programs

    Longitudinal Effects of Distress and Its Management During COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic that hit Spain during March 2020 forced the strict confinement of the population for 2 months. The objectives of this study were (a) to assess the magnitude and duration of the influence of confinement on people’s Distress, (b) to study the temporal sequence of stress, and (c) to show how different day-to-day activities and personal variables influence perceived Distress levels. Method: A daily registration was completed by 123 people, with ages ranging from 21 to 75 years old (X = 43, SD = 10 years), of which there were 40 men (32%) and 83 females (68%). During 45 days of lockdown, from March 19th to May 3rd, participants were asked to respond to a socio-demographic survey and make daily records comprising the MASQ-D30 and some day-to-day behaviors. Pooled time series was applied to establish what effect time had on the dependent variable. Results: Distress has a 14-day autoregressive function and gender, physical activity, sexual activity, listening to music, and teleworking also influence Distress. It has been hypothesized that the intercept presents variability at level 2 (individual), but it has not been significant. Interactions between Gender—Telecommuting, and Gender—Physical Activity were observed. Approximately 66% of the variance of Distress was explained (R 2 = 0.663). Discussion: At the beginning of the lockdown, the average levels of Distress were well above the levels of the end (z = 3.301). The individuals in the sample have followed a very similar process in the development of Distress. During the lockdown, the “memory” of Distress was 2 weeks. Our results indicate that levels of Distress depend on activities during lockdown. Interactions exist between gender and some behavioral variables that barely influence Distress in men but decrease Distress in women. The importance of routine maintenance and gender differences must be considered to propose future interventions during confinement

    Intensive longitudinal modelling predicts diurnal activity of salivary alpha-amylase

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    Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) activity has been widely used in psychological and medical research as a surrogate marker of sympathetic nervous system activation, though its utility remains controversial. The aim of this work was to compare alternative intensive longitudinal models of sAA data: (a) a traditional model, where sAA is a function of hour (hr) and hr squared (sAAj,t = f(hr, hr2 ), and (b) an autoregressive model, where values of sAA are a function of previous values (sAAj,t = f(sAA j,t-1, sAA j,t-2, . . ., sAA j,t-p). Nineteen normal subjects (9 males and 10 females) participated in the experiments and measurements were performed every hr between 9:00 and 21:00 hr. Thus, a total of 13 measurements were obtained per participant. The Napierian logarithm of the enzymatic activity of sAA was analysed. Data showed that a second-order autoregressive (AR(2)) model was more parsimonious and fitted better than the traditional multilevel quadratic model. Therefore, sAA follows a process whereby, to forecast its value at any given time, sAA values one and two hr prior to that time (sAA j,t = f(SAAj,t-1, SAAj,t-2) are most predictive, thus indicating that sAA has its own inertia, with a “memory” of the two previous hr. These novel findings highlight the relevance of intensive longitudinal models in physiological data analysis and have considerable implications for physiological and biobehavioural research involving sAA measurements and other stress-related biomarkers

    Self-Care and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Drainage Enterostomy: A Multicenter, Cross Sectional Study

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    The current article examined stoma self-care and health-related quality of life in patients with drainage enterostomy, described clinical and sociodemographic variables and analyzed the relationship between all of them. Trained interviewers collected data using a standardized form that queried sociodemographic and clinical variables. In addition, Self-Care (SC) was measured through a specific questionnaire for Ostomized Patients (CAESPO) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) through the Stoma Quality of Life questionnaire (S-QoL), which are not included in the electronic medical record. This was a multicenter, cross sectional study conducted in four hospitals of the province of Castellon (Spain), where 139 participants were studied. As novel findings, it was found that the level of SC of the stoma was high and was positively correlated with health-related quality of life. In relation to SC and sociodemographic variables studied in the research, women, married patients and active workers presented significantly higher scores than the rest. In relation to the clinical variables, we highlight the highest scores of the autonomous patients in the care of their stoma and those who used irrigations regularly. The lowest scores were the patients with complications in their stoma. We can highlight the validity and reliability of the CAESPO scale for biomedical and social research, and the importance of skills related to self-care of ostomy patients for a good level of HRQoL