20,381 research outputs found

    Identification with averaged data and implications for hedonic regression studies

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    In the estimation of models with averaged data, weighted least squares is often used and recommended as a way of improving the efficiency of the estimator. However, if the size of the different groups is not conditionally independent of the regressand, consistent estimation may not be possible at all. It is argued that in the case of some leading examples of averaged data regression, consistent estimation is possible using the usual weighted estimator.Endogenous sampling; Functional form; Weighted least squares.

    Identification with Averaged Data and Implications for Hedonic Regression Studies

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    In this estimation of models with averaged data, weighted least squares is often used and recommended as a way of improving the efficiency of the estimator. However, if the size of the different groups is not conditionally independent of the regressand, consistent estimation may not be possible at all. It is argued that in the case of some leading examples of averaged data regression, consistent estimation is possible using the usual weighted estimator.

    Skewness in Financial Returns: Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Market (in English)

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    This paper addresses the issue of symmetry in financial returns. The return distributions of the major stocks traded on the Portuguese market and included in the PSI-20 Index are examined for periods from four to nine years. The results show that the symmetry of the returns is rejected against several alternative distributions. Statistically significant differences between returns below and above the mean are detected, which provides additional evidence of skewness in the return distributions. In addition, as observed in other studies, it is interesting to note that such results are similar to other low-capitalization and low-volume markets, which also exhibit asymmetric return distributions.stock markets, skewness, financial returns

    Exclusive photoproduction of quarkonium in proton-nucleus collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    In this work we investigate the coherent photoproduction of psi(1S), psi(2S) and Upsilon (1S) states in the proton-nucleus collisions in the LHC energies. Predictions for the rapidity distributions are presented using the color dipole formalism and including saturation effects that are expected to be relevant at high energies. Calculations are done at the energy 5.02 TeV and also for the next LHC run at 8.8 TeV in proton-lead mode. Discussion is performed on the main theoretical uncertainties associated to the calculations.Comment: 05 pages, 5 figures. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Diffractive dissociation in proton-nucleus collisions at collider energies

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    The cross section for the nuclear diffractive dissociation in proton-lead collisions at the LHC is estimated. Based on the current theoretical uncertainties for the single (target) diffactive cross section in hadron-hadron reactions one obtains sigma_SD(5.02 TeV) = 19.67 \pm 5.41 mb and sigma_SD(8.8 TeV) = 18.76 \pm 5.77 mb, respectively. The invariant mass M_X for the reaction pPb -> pX is also analyzed. Discussion is performed on the main theoretical uncertainties associated to the calculations.Comment: 04 pages, 2 figures. Final version to be published in European Physical Journal A - "Hadrons and Nuclei

    Light vector meson photoproduction in hadron-hadron and nucleus-nucleus collisions at the energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    In this work we analyse the theoretical uncertainties on the predictions for the photoproduction of light vector mesons in coherent pp, pA and AA collisions at the LHC energies using the color dipole approach. In particular, we present our predictions for the rapidity distribution for rh0 and phi photoproduction and perform an analysis on the uncertainties associated to the choice of vector meson wavefunctionand the phenomenological models for the dipole cross section. Comparison is done with the recent ALICE analysis on coherent production of rho at 2.76 TeV in PbPb collisions.Comment: 07 pages, 6 figures. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Quantiles for Counts

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    This paper studies the estimation of conditional quantiles of counts. Given the discreteness of the data, some smoothness has to be artificially imposed on the problem. The methods currently available to estimate quantiles of count data either assume that the counts result from the discretization of a continuous process, or are based on a smoothed objective function. However, these methods have several drawbacks. We show that it is possible to smooth the data in a way that allows inference to be performed using standard quantile regression techniques. The performance and implementation of the estimator are illustrated by simulations and an application.Asymmetric maximum likelihood, Jittering, Maximum score estimator, Quantile regression, Smoothing.

    The inhibitory activity of synthetic compounds and ions against transporters of multi-drug resistant bacteria

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    RESUMO: Sessenta e três derivados de hidantoína foram utilizados para avaliar possíveis efeitos de modulação na actividade das bombas de efluxo (BE) na Salmonella NCTC 13349 utilizando um método fluorimétrico semi-automático. Nenhum dos compostos apresentaram actividade anti-bacteriana até concentrações de 240 mg/L. Entre todos os compostos, SZ-7 demonstrou possuir propriedades de modulação de effluxo na presença de glucose. Para testar esta actividade, estirpes de Salmonella resistentes à ciprofloxacina, induzidas a elevados níveis de resistência com sobre-expressão de BE, foram expostas ao SZ-7. Este derivado afectou a susceptibilidade das estirpes à ciprofloxacina. Uma vez que os 63 compostos estudados apresentaram pouco efeito inibitório /cumulativo, apesar de serem conhecidos pelos seus efeitos moduladores de BE-dependentes de iões em eucariotas, foi questionado o papel dos iões na regulação de BE bacterianas, que poderão influenciar a eficácia de novos compostos. Para este estudo, utilizamos a Escherichia coli AG100 como modelo, devido ao extenso conhecimento no que respeita a estrutura e actividade das BE. Devido à importância de iões de cálcio (Ca2+) nos canais de transporte membranar e na actividade de ATPases, a sua actividade na modulação do efluxo foi investigada. De resultados anteriormente obtidos concluiu-se que a pH 5 o efluxo é independente de energia metabólica; contudo, a pH 8 é absolutamente dependente, sendo que o Ca2+ é indispensável para manter a actividade das ATPases bacterianas. A acumulação/effluxo de EtBr pela E. coli AG100 foi determinada na presença/ausência de Ca2+, clorpromazina (inibidor de ligação de Ca2+ a proteínas), e ácido etilenodiamino tetra-acético (quelante de Ca2+). Acumulação/effluxo aumentou a pH 8, contudo o Ca2+ reverte estes efeitos evidenciando a sua importância no funcionamento das BE bacterianas. Em resumo este trabalho colocou em evidência que muitos aspectos bioquímicos e bioenergéticos devem ser tomados em consideração no estudo da resistência bacteriana mediada por BE.------- ABSTRACT: Sixty-three hydantoin derivatives were evaluated for their modulating effects on efflux pump (EP) activity of Salmonella NCTC 13349 utilizing a semi-automatic fluorometric method. None of the compounds presented antibacterial activities at concentrations as high as 240 mg/L. Among all compounds, SZ-7 showed possible efflux modulating activity in the presence of glucose, indicative of a potential EP inhibitor. To verify its potential effects, ciprofloxacin-resistant Salmonella strains, induced to high level resistance with over-expressing EPs, were exposed to SZ-7. This derivative affected the susceptibility of the ciprofloxacin-resistant strains. Since the 63 compounds studied had very low inhibitory/accumulative effects, even though their known for being efficient in modulating ion-driven eukaryotic EPs, we questioned whether ions had a leading role in regulating bacterial EPs, influencing the effectiveness of new compounds. For this study we used Escherichia coli AG100 as a model, due to the extensive knowledge on its EPs structure and activity. Owing the importance of calcium ions (Ca2+) for membrane transport channels and activity of ATPases, the role of Ca2+ was investigated. From previous results we concluded that at pH 5 efflux is independent of metabolic energy; however, at pH 8 it is entirely dependent of metabolic energy and the Ca2+ ions are essential to maintain the activity of bacterial ATPases. Accumulation and efflux of ethidium bromide (EtBr) by E. coli AG100 was determined in the presence and absence of Ca2+, chlorpromazine (inhibitor of Ca2+-binding to proteins), and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Ca2+ chelator). Accumulation of EtBr increased at pH 8; however Ca2+ reversed these effects providing information as to the importance of this ion in the regulation of bacterial EP systems. Overall this work puts in evidence that many biochemical and bioenergetic aspects related to the strains physiology need to be taken into consideration in bacterial drug resistance mediated by EPs

    Culture-oriented approach in tourism and hospitality

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    Final Version (This version includes the comments and suggestions of the panel of examiners)In this world of globalization, Tourism and Hospitality has been a booster for the development of economies, societies and commerce. A hotel has a preponderant influence in tourism destinations since it is one of the possible accommodation options that tourists will choose to stay while visiting a tourist destination. News show that the number of tourists is increasing every year and the diversity of hotels in a tourism destination must be prepared for this diversity of tourist flows. With the increase of the number of tourists, hotels must be prepared to accommodate tourists of different nationalities, and consequently with different cultures, to provide a higher quality of services. During my internship at Bom Jesus Hotels, from the 1st of February till the 1st of June 2019, mainly working at the front desk department, I could see that this Hotel group was striving to provide high quality services and goods to their guests, increasing their satisfaction in the hosting period, especially as far groups are concerned. In order to manage the cultural diversity among guest groups, Bom Jesus Hotels elaborate protocols concerning different markets and different nationalities. During my internship, I felt interest in knowing more about the protocols, as an intercultural tool for guest groups’ management, carried out a brief analysis of them and proposed some improvements.Numa era de globalização, o Turismo e a Hospitalidade têm impulsionado o desenvolvimento de economias, sociedades e comércio. Um hotel tem uma influência preponderante nos destinos turísticos, pois é uma das possíveis opções de alojamento que os turistas poderão escolher enquanto visitam um destino turístico. As notícias mostram que o número de turistas está a aumentar a cada ano e a diversidade de hotéis de um destino turístico deve estar preparada para este aumento de fluxo turístico. Com o aumento do número de turistas, os hotéis devem estar preparados para alojar turistas de diferentes nacionalidades e, consequentemente, de diferentes culturas, para oferecer um serviço de melhor qualidade. Durante o meu estágio nos Hotéis Bom Jesus, de1 de fevereiro a 1 de junho de 2019, onde desempenhei, essencialmente, funções no departamento de receção, pude perceber que estes hotéis tentam fornecer serviços e produtos de alta qualidade aos seus hóspedes, aumentando a sua satisfação no período de hospedagem, principalmente no que diz respeito a grupos de hóspedes. Para gerir a diversidade cultural entre os hóspedes de um grupo, os hotéis de Bom Jesus elaboraram protocolos vinculados a diferentes mercados e nacionalidades. Durante meu estágio, senti interesse em conhecer mais sobre os protocolos, como uma ferramenta intercultural para a gestão de grupos de hóspedes, realizei uma breve análise dos grupos e propus algumas melhorias