3,312 research outputs found

    Raciocínio dedutivo e indutivo nas declarações de inconstitucionalidade

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    Examina os aspectos concernentes ao raciocínio jurídico nas suas formas de indução e dedução. Apresentando o estudo da lógica jurídica, apontando um paralelismo com as fundamentações do Supremo Tribunal Federal em suas declarações de inconstitucionalidade. Demonstra assim a importância de se apreciar tal estudo dos raciocínios, devendo mantê-lo de forma clara nas exposições de motivos das decisões, como forma de se garantir a busca da verdade e, por conseqüência, a verificação da justiça

    Spatial Price Transmission, Transaction Costs, and Econometric Modelling and Modelling Salmonella Spread in Broiler Production

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    Transaction costs are major determinants of price transmission across space and must be accounted for when modelling price transmission. This article contributes to literature by evaluating the impact of not properly accounting for transaction cost variation on price transmission parameters using a Monte Carlo experiment and a real world application. We show that when transaction costs are variable and nonstationary, threshold vector error correction models assuming fixed thresholds provide biased inference, while the flexible threshold specification accounting for transaction cost variation is able to provide unbiased estimates on market performance indicators.In the second essay, we identify determinants and control strategies for Salmonella in broiler production. The presence of Salmonella spp. in broiler production is a concern as the bacterium can be transmitted to humans via contaminated meat and derived products. A longitudinal study using official results of Salmonella spp isolation from drag swabs collected at the end of the grow-out period was performed to determine risk factors related to farm and broiler house characteristics and management practices, as recorded by a Brazilian integrated broiler enterprise. A Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal model revealed significant spatial and time influence and significant effects of size of broiler house and total housing area per farm, type of broiler house and litter recycles on the odds of isolating Salmonella spp from litter, allowing the implementation of measures to reduce the risk of persistence of the bacterium in the broiler production chain. We find evidence of a principal-agent problem while setting strategies to control the bacteria in litter and suggest the adoption of incentives aiming to reduce prevalence in the integrated enterprise. The possibility of implementing optimal control measures by extending recorded data is discussed

    Occupational Risks: Perceptual Map Construction using psychometric paradigm and multivariate methods

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    Risk management focus main on technical and rational analysis about operational risks and by those imposed by occupational environment. In this work one looks to contribute to perception study of work safety professionals about a series of activities and environment agents. In this way it was used theory sustained by psychometric paradigm and multivariate analysis tools, mainly multidimensional scaling, generalized Procrustes analysis and facet theory, in order to construct the perceptual map of occupational risks. The results obtained showed that the essential characteristics of risks, which were initially split in 4 facets were detected and maintained in perceptual map. The construction of perceptual map also permitted to verify the formation of a new facet, not considered in the beginning. The facet theory which by hypothesis was used in this work showed adequate, providing the regional interpretation of the map. The inferential analysis realized showed fine results for the final configuration validation, indicating which risks and/or activities belongs to the same facet.

    Rumour Processes on N

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    We study four discrete time stochastic systems on \bbN modeling processes of rumour spreading. The involved individuals can either have an active or a passive role, speaking up or asking for the rumour. The appetite in spreading or hearing the rumour is represented by a set of random variables whose distributions may depend on the individuals. Our goal is to understand - based on those random variables distribution - whether the probability of having an infinite set of individuals knowing the rumour is positive or not

    Death in the "microwave oven'': a form of execution by carbonization

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    Death in the "microwave oven'' has nothing to do with microwaves energy. It is the jargon name given to a criminal form of execution by carbonization that has been adopted by drug dealers in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The goal is to torture and intimidate victims, in an attempt of corpse occultation and to make identification harder or impossible253E1E

    Rapid maxillary expansion and obstructive sleep apnea: a review and meta-analysis

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    Background: OSAS during childhood leads to significant physical and neuropsychomotor impairment. Thus, it needs to be recognized and treated early in order to avoid or attenuate the chronic problems associated with OSAS, which are deleterious to a child’s development. Adenotonsillectomy and, in select cases, continuous positive airwaypressure (CPAP) have been the preferred treatments for OSAS in children, and yet they are ineffective at fully ameliorating the disease. Minimally invasive treatments have recently been proposed, comprising intra-oral and extra-oral devices as well as speech therapy. Objetive: to conduct a meta-analysis on studies from around the world that used rapid maxillary expansion (RME) to treat OSAS in children. Material and Methods: We performed a meta-analysis of studies using RME for OSA treatment in children. A literature survey was conductedusing PubMed and Medline for English articles published up to December 2014 with the following descriptors: Sleep Apnea, Obstructive, Children, Treatment, Orthodontic, Othopaedic, Maxillaryexpansion. Studies were included in the meta-analysisif they were case-controlled studies, randomized, and involved non-syndromic children aged 0 to 12years old diagnosed with OSA by the polysomnography apneahypopnea index (AHI) before and after the intervention, submitted RME only. Results: In all, 10 articles conformed to the inclusion criteria and were included in this meta-analysis. The total sample size across all these articles was 215 children, having a mean age of 6.7 years,of whom58.6%were male. The mean AHI during the follow-up was -6.86 (p <0.0001). Conclusions: We concluded that rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in children with OSAS appears to be an effective treatment for this syndrome. Further randomized clinical studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of RME in adults