229 research outputs found

    Percepção dos alunos do 3º ciclo do ensino básico sobre a disciplina de Ciências Naturais

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação – Análise e Intervenção na EducaçãoEste estudo pretende fazer uma caracterização geral da situação do ensino das Ciências Naturais, ao nível do 3.º ciclo do ensino básico, sob a perspectiva dos alunos. Como tal, a pesquisa teve o objectivo de conhecer as percepções e opiniões dos alunos, sobre os seguintes temas: os diferentes tópicos de interesse dos alunos; as metodologias aplicadas nas aulas da disciplina de Ciências Naturais; a importância que atribuem às actividades práticas e experimentais; a sua opinião sobre a Ciência; e as suas expectativas em ter uma profissão relacionada com a ciência e/ou tecnologia. Assim, pretendemos que os resultados da pesquisa possam servir de contributo para futuras reformas curriculares, bem como para as metodologias adoptadas pelos professores. A metodologia adoptada neste estudo utilizou uma amostra de conveniência para responder a um questionário com 12 questões. Neste estudo apresentam-se os resultados de 166 questionários aplicados a alunos do 8.º ano e 9.º ano de escolaridade de três escolas distintas da região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. Os resultados deste estudo indicam, do ponto de vista positivo, que 1) os temas que alunos estão interessados em aprender estão contemplados nas orientações curriculares da disciplina, 2) de uma maneira geral os alunos têm uma opinião positiva sobre a Ciência, embora muitos discordem do seu contributo em aspectos humanitários e revelam alguma desconfiança sobre os cientistas. Por outro lado, 3) a maioria dos alunos não mostra interesse em seguir carreiras relacionadas com a ciência e/ou tecnologia, 4) as metodologias de sala de aula que os alunos preferem não vão de encontro às metodologias mais adoptadas pelos seus professores que recorrem frequentemente ao trabalho individual enquanto os alunos preferem actividades de trabalho em grupo. Perante os resultados deste estudo consideramos importante ouvir os alunos, por exemplo na elaboração de futuras reformas curriculares, ou como indicam os resultados, na adopção de metodologias que potenciem ambientes de aprendizagem mais eficazes. Recomendamos que se realizem trabalhos de investigação representativos sobre as percepções e atitudes dos alunos, e que esses trabalhos, bem como outros, contribuam para um ensino de maior qualidade e que promova o sucesso educativo

    Ways and means to comfort people at the end of life: how is the nurse a privileged player in this process?

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    Background: Comfort is a necessity throughout life, and it is a key element in the practice of nursing care for the patient at the end of life. A particular human need and a state related to the experience and culture of the person at the end of life constitute the target of attention and nursing intervention, being a very relevant indicator of the quality of health care. This article is part of a doctoral study in the field of comfort in a palliative care unit, and these are some of the partial results that emerged. Objectives: To understand the ways and means of comfort perceived by the person at the end-of-life hospitalized in a palliative care unit, their family, and health staff as well as the value of the nurse in this process. Design: Qualitative study using an ethnographic approach. Methods: We conducted semistructured interviews with 18 patients at the end of life and their matched significant family members (18) and 21 health professionals. We also conducted participant observation of care situations. Results/Discussion: The ways and means of providing comfort are centered on strategies developed by the entire multidisciplinary team. During this whole process, one of the categories that emerged from the ethnography was the nurse as a privileged player, representing an absolutely essential role in all phases. The results revealed that nurses play a very important role in end-of-life comfort, which is based on a predisposition for end-of-life care (active listening, empathy, congruence, and biographical narrative) and focused attention (global care, attention to detail, family support, and opposition to therapeutic obstinacy). Conclusions: The different ways and means of providing comfort aim to increase care, relieve, and invest in potential different forms of comfort and nurses are recognized by all those involved in this process as someone essential to providing comfort care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A atividade das juventudes partidárias no Instagram em período eleitoral: Inovação ou normalização?

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    Social media have brought new and exciting possibilities for political communication, potentially bringing politicians and voters closer together. However, there is no consensus on whether digital platforms have revolutionized campaigning or if they represent an extension of offline patterns. This article seeks to contribute to this debate by exploring party youth wings and Instagram; a political structure and social network that is understudied in political communication. A content analysis was carried out on the social media activity of the youth wings of Portuguese political parties during two elections: the 2021 Local Elections and the 2022 Legislative Election. The analysis was based on a sample of six hundred and eighty-one publications. Contrary to expectation, the results revealed that youth wings mainly communicate within a logic of normalization and did not take advantage of the potential of digital platforms for political communication.As redes sociais trouxeram novas e entusiasmantes possibilidades para a comunicação política, tendo o potencial de aproximar eleitos e eleitores. Contudo, não é consensual se as plataformas digitais vieram revolucionar a forma de fazer campanha eleitoral ou se representam uma extensão dos padrões da campanha offline. Este artigo procura contribuir para este debate, tendo como objeto de estudo um tipo de estrutura política e uma rede social que têm sido subexploradas no âmbito da comunicação política: as juventudes partidárias e o Instagram. É feita uma análise de conteúdo à atividade das alas jovens de partidos portugueses nesta rede social em dois momentos eleitorais –as Eleições Autárquicas de 2021 e as Eleições Legislativas de 2022– num universo de seiscentas e oitenta e uma publicações. Contrariamente ao esperado, os resultados revelam que as juventudes partidárias comunicam sobretudo numa lógica de normalização, não aproveitando as potencialidades das plataformas digitais para a comunicação política


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     This paper analyzes the relationship between Brazilian culture and identity in advertisement production. To begin with,we made a short report of the aspects of the construction of Brazil’s national identity and then analyzed the elements of nationalism present in a popular shoe advertisement – Havaianas sandals. We used the methodology of advertisement analysis proposed by Torben Vestergaard end Kim Schroder (1988) which involves the situation of communication, the way the text is structured and the meanings in it. Este trabalho analisa a relação entre identidade e cultura brasileira na produção publicitária. Traçamos inicialmente um breve histórico sobre aspectos da construção da identidade nacional brasileira e depois analisamos os elementos do nacionalismo presentes em uma peça de uma campanha de calçado popular - as sandálias Havaianas. Utilizamos a metodologia para análise de textos publicitários proposta por Torben Vestergaard e Kim Schroder (1988) que compreende a situação de comunicação, a forma como o texto está estruturado e os significados nele contidos

    Bioinspired architectures toward improving damage resistance on CFRP laminates

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    Carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) are widely used in advanced applications due to their high performance and low weight, however, under certain conditions, they tend to develop internal damages that may compromise the component performance in service. Low velocity impact (LVI) events are one of the most common and dangerous solicitations that CFRP laminates must face during their life time, under these conditions they tend to develop so-called barely visible impact damages (BVID) that may propagate in service. To improve damage tolerance to LVI events, three new bioinspired CFRP laminates were developed and their mechanical properties and impact behaviour were compared to a typical aeronautic standard laminate in this work. All these studied laminates, having approximately the same thickness of 4 mm, were produced by vacuum bag infusion and observed under scanning electron microscopes (SEM) for assessing their processing quality. Tensile, interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) and LVI tests were performed in order to evaluate their Young’s modules, global delamination resistance and impact response. LVI tests were performed for all laminates at the four different impact energy levels of 13.5, 25, 40 and 80 J and damage shape and areas were subsequentially evaluated by ultrasonic C-scan. SEM observations and the good agreement between theoretical and experimental Young’s modules results demonstrated a processing quality. ILSS results have shown that the bioinspired hybrid laminate (HYB) presented better global resistance to delamination when compared to the other laminates. LVI tests and C-scan inspection have also demonstrated that HL and HL_S laminates exhibited higher resistance to damage propagation and smaller damaged area, respectively.FCT, Programa MIT Portugal, projeto “IAMAT – Introduction of advanced materials technologies into new product development for the mobility industries

    Thin veils strategically interleaved to reduce low velocity damages on CFRP

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    Low velocity impact (LVI) events on carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) are one of the most problematic issues in composite applications for advanced markets, such as aeronautic, aerospace and army. Due to their own brittleness and layer-by-layer nature, when exposed to LVI solicitations, composites tend to develop internal damages that may be barely visible at naked eye. The high complex field of internal stresses developed in composite laminates during impact usually causes crack initiation and defects between layers, which may propagate (delamination) due to the low toughness that this unreinforced resin rich region exhibits. In this work, to try minimizing this propagation problem, thin veils of different materials (glass, carbon, aramid and polyester), were interleaved between different layers of a carbon/epoxy laminate typically used to produce aircraft components. In addition, to decide between which layers could be better interleave the above referred veils a theoretical study was carried out to evaluate the stresses distribution across laminate thickness when a bending moment is applied, on a carbon/epoxy laminate under study. The new carbon/epoxy laminates using the thin interleaved veils were produced by vacuum bag infusion and their mechanical characteristics and LVI responses compared with those obtained on a non-interleaved one produced in the same processing conditions. Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) and LVI tests at four different energy impact levels were performed in order to evaluate the respective characteristics of the laminates, their damage tolerance and impact response. All laminates studied were also observed under scanning electron microscopes (SEM) for assessing their processing quality.FCT, Programa MIT Portugal, projeto “IAMAT – Introduction of advanced materials technologies into new product development for the mobility industries

    CFRP bioinspirados para melhoria da resistência ao impacto e autossensorização

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    Os compósitos reforçados com fibras de carbono (CFRP) são cada vez mais usados em aplicações de elevado desempenho devido às excelentes propriedades mecânicas e baixo peso que apresentam. A resistência interlaminar continua, no entanto, a ser uma das maiores limitações do seu desempenho mecânico [1-3]. Recentemente, tem-se vindo a tentar superar o problema aplicando nos CFRP mecanismos semelhantes aos que garantem um elevado desempenho ao impacto em organismos vivos, p.e., o exosqueleto dos artrópodes que apresenta uma estrutura fibrosa laminada helicoidal (Bouligand) à escala micrométrica [4-6]. Sistemas sensoriais estudados em seres vivos também têm inspirado o desenvolvimento de compósitos multifuncionais [7], sendo ainda um desafio a criação de tecnologias de fabrico capazes de replicar estas estruturas/sistemas. Neste trabalho fabricaram-se CFRPs com desempenho mecânico melhorado, usando laminados bioinspirados com fibras orientadas helicoidalmente (tipo Bouligand) e nanotubos de carbono (CNT) como sensores capazes de lhes conferiram multifuncionalidade (monitorização de dano). Produziram-se por infusão por vácuo, usando uma resina epóxída reforçada com fibras contínuas de carbono, placas CFRP (550x180x4 mm) com empilhamentos helicoidal e standard que, para comparação de propriedades, foram sujeitas a ensaios de impacto e de compressão após-impacto. Para garantir a multifuncionalidade, transferiram-se florestas de CNT verticalmente alinhados (VA-CNT) obtidas por deposição química a vapor (CVD) para o laminado. Usaram-se ainda técnicas não-destrutivas (NDT) de ultrassons (C-Scan) na análise da microestrutura e avaliação dos danos produzidos após impacto. Os resultados evidenciam as dificuldades encontradas em fabricar as placas e as melhorias que a integração de estruturas bioinspiradas conferem às características e multifuncionalidade dos compósitosProjeto IAMATinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact damage mitigation using bioinspired CFRP laminate architectures

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    Carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) are widely used in advanced applications due to their high performance and low weight. However, when exposed to some conditions, as shear, dynamic and impact loading, they may develop interlaminar damages. One of the most common and dangerous solicitations that they must face in service is low velocity impact (LVI) events. To improve damage tolerance to LVI events, three new bioinspired CFRP laminates were developed and tested in the present work to assess and compare their behaviour to the one presented by a typical aeronautic standard laminate. All these studied laminates, having approximately the same thickness of 4 mm, were produced by vacuum bag infusion and observed under deflexion and scanning electron microscopes (SEM) for assessing their processing quality. Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) and LVI tests were performed in order to evaluate their delamination resistance and impact response. LVI tests were performed for all laminates at the three different impact energy levels of 13.5 J, 25 J and 40 J. Those tests have shown that the bioinspired hybrid laminate (HYB) and all bioinspired ones presented higher interlaminar shear strength and energy absorption for the 40 J impact energy than the standard CFRP laminate (LS), respectively.FCT projeto do Programa MIT Portugal "IAMAT – Introduction of advanced materials technologies into new product development for the mobility industries

    Strain sensors based on knocked down carbon nanotubes and bucky papers thin films

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    Recently, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) thin films have been widely applied in sensing applications due to their piezoresistive response. Furthermore, CNT anisotropic electric properties, due to its alignment, can provide useful information regarding strain direction. We present a comparative study between knocked down vertically aligned CNT based sensor, reported in our previous work [1], and CNT bucky papers (BP) based sensors. For this purpose, commercial multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were dispersed in two different solvents, dimethylformamide (DMF) and ethanol, vacuum filtrated and dried. From these freestanding BP thin films, 10x10 mm squares were cut off and transferred to polyimide (PI) films. The relative electric resistance response and sensitivity of the strained samples was measured and compared with the knocked down CNT/PI based sensor. Moreover, the morphology of the samples was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed a high sensitivity to strain, however knocked down CNT/PI based sensor presented better mechanical performance and an anisotropic behaviour that can be used to infer strain direction.FCT, Programa MIT Portugal, projeto "IAMAT (Introduction of Advanced Materials Technologies into New Product Development for the Mobility Industries