29 research outputs found

    Occupational health: physical activity, musculoskeletal symptoms and quality of life in computer workers: a narrative review

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    Computer work has assumed a very important role for many companies, but specific occupational and health symptoms associated with the use of computers can appear. According to the literature, physical activity is considered a key player in the prevention and control of work-related musculoskeletal symptoms, contributing to a better quality of life in computer workers. The principal aims of this review are to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship among sedentary behavior, physical activity and quality of life of computer workers; to outline the importance of promoting the development of an educational program for Occupational Health directed at computer workers at the level of quality of life, musculoskeletal symptoms, and physical activity; and to call for attention to the factors needed to initiate and maintain a health program that involves the active participation of workers who must be concerned about their health. This review demonstrates the important role of workplaces in health promotion and the opportunities that workplaces provide to establish and continue successful health-promotion programs for computer workers, generating important benefits for the health and quality of life of individuals and groups.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on the perception of physical activity and on the perception of musculoskeletal symptoms in computer workers: comparative longitudinal study design

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    Lockdown resulting from the pandemic led to a change in the health habits of the computer workers community. Sedentary work, together with less active lifestyles, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic leads to impacts on physical activity (PA) and can contribute to the development of musculoskeletal symptoms (MSS). Understand the effects of lockdown on the perception of physical activity levels and on the perception of frequency of musculoskeletal symptoms, over periods of 12 months and 7 days, in computer workers. Longitudinal comparative study between 2019 (M1) and 2021 (M2), over 18 months, in 40 volunteer participants. The inclusion criteria were full-time workers aged between 18 and 65 and the exclusion criteria included diagnosis of non-work-related medical conditions. In addition to a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire (NMQ) was used to evaluate the MSS and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), was used to analyse the perception of the level of PA. These questionnaires were used in two assessment stages (M1 and M2). McNemar test and Wilcoxon paired test were used to evaluate the effect of lockdown on the perception of PA, and on the perception of frequency of musculoskeletal symptoms. The MSS prevalence in the previous 12 months increased significantly in the neck (M1: 45.0%, M2: 62.5%, p = 0.046), in the shoulders (M1: 37.5%, M2: 55.0%, p = 0.033), and in the hands/wrists (M1: 25.0%, M2: 45.0%, p = 0.019). The mean pain score increased in the shoulders (1.43 ± 2.24, 2.35 ± 2.55, p = 0.003) and in the elbows (0.18 ± 0.59, 0.60 ± 1.34, p = 0.015). No differences were found in the PA between M1 and M2, but the weekly mean sitting time increased from 4.75 ± 2.26 to 6.26 ± 2.65 (p < 0.001). After 18 months it became clear that MSS perception increased mainly in the neck, shoulders and hands/wrists with a significant increase in pain intensity in the shoulder and elbow regions. The weekly sitting time increased significantly. Further studies are needed in order to determine the impact of teleworking in a pandemic context. But multifactor behind these results should be taken into account by health institutions and those responsible for the Prevention of Occupational Risks in Computer Workers in order to adopt educational strategies for the promotion of Physical activity (PA), in these workers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Positive effects of an online workplace exercise intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life perception in computer workers: A quasi-experimental study design

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    Computer workers’ sedentary work, together with less active lifestyles, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, represents a high risk for many chronic diseases, leading to a decrease in health-related quality of life (QoL). Workplace exercises consist of a set of physical exercises, implemented during work breaks, that have multiple benefits for workers’ health. To assess the impact of online workplace exercises on computer workers’ perception of quality of life. Methods: Quasi-experimental study with two groups: a control group (n = 26) and an intervention group (n = 13). The inclusion criteria were that participants must be aged between 18 and 65 years old and the exclusion criteria included diagnosis of non-work-related medical conditions. The interventions consisted of workplace exercises, which were applied for 17 consecutive weeks, each session lasting 15 min, three times a week. The exercise programme, performed online and guided by a physiotherapist, consisted of mobility exercises, flexibility and strength exercises, with the help of a TheraBand® for elastic resistance. The control group were not subjected to any intervention. A socio-demographic questionnaire and the Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36v2) were used in two assessment stages (M0—baseline and M1—final of intervention). A mixed ANOVA with interaction time*group was used to evaluate the effect of the exercise programme. A good perception of the QoL was obtained in both stages. The exercise programme had a positive effect in the domains of Pain (ptime*group = 0.012, η2p = 0.158), Physical Function (ptime*group = 0.078, η2p = 0.082), Physical Performance (ptime*group = 0.052, η2p = 0.098), and Emotional Performance (ptime*group = 0.128, η2p = 0.061). After 17 weeks of workplace exercises, it became clear that the intervention group positively increased their QoL perception, with this improvement being significant in the Pain domain, which resulted in an improvement in their health condition. Therefore, further studies are needed to determine the optimal exercise for CWs, with detailed exercise types, different intensities and focused on various health conditions. info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What is the role of Pseudomonas sp. in the anaerobic digestion of long-chain fatty acids?

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    Palmitate accumulation in continuous bioreactors fed with oleate appears to be the cause for frequent reports of process failure during the anaerobic treatment of lipids or LCFA-rich wastewaters. In these reactors, oleate can be converted to palmitate by microorganisms other than syntrophic bacteria (facultative anaerobic bacteria), and do not depend on the presence of active hydrogenotrophic methanogens. To study non-syntrophic oleate conversion to palmitate, methanogens were selectively eliminated by applying low hydraulic retention time in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) fed with oleate. A small plug flow reactor (PFR) was installed in series with the CSTR to allow growth of some of the washed out microorganisms in the form of a biofilm. The high amount of palmitate in the biofilm samples indicated the presence of the key microorganisms on oleate conversion to palmitate. A sample of the PFR biofilm rich in palmitate, collected after 22 days of operation, was subjected to Illumina sequencing showing that Pseudomonas was the predominant (42%) genus present. Two Pseudomonas isolates obtained from the same biofilm were used to study the role of these microorganisms on oleate biotransformation. Two bioreactors were inoculated with isolates 1 (reactor RI1) and 2 (reactor RI2) and fed with oleate at an organic loading rate of 1 g L-1 d-1 (period I) and 4 g L-1 d-1 (period II) in chemical oxygen demand (COD). In period I, oleate concentration in COD varied between 0.258 g L-1 and 0.740 g L-1 in reactor RI1, and between 0.192 g L-1 and 0.642 g L-1 in reactor RI2. In period II oleate concentration in COD was close to 1.500 g L-1 in RI1 and 1.000 g L-1 in RI2. Apparently oleate is being used by Pseudomonas isolates, however no intermediate product was detected. Probably some intermediate metabolite is being produced and is not being quantified. This hypothesis is currently under study, and may bring some light on the puzzling bioconversion of oleate into palmitate.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acessibilidade dos edifícios destinados à prática de desporto nas pessoas com deficiência - intervenção dos/as enfermeiros/as especialistas em reabilitação

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    Background: The nurse specialist in rehabilitation nursing is essential in the involvement of people with disabilities in sports practices. Its role is to intervene in deviations of health of the person and to evaluate the accessibility of the building. Objectives: Analyze architectural barriers in the building and analyze the differences taking into account the typology of the building and their location. Methodology: Quantitative paradigm of descriptive and transversal nature. A universe composed of 9 public sports buildings of a Municipality. The data collection instrument is an observation grid built from the legislation in force. The treatment of data using simple descriptive statistics and chi-square. Results: There are architectural barriers in buildings, but there have been no significant differences in accessibility conditions between pool and field buildings or between buildings located in the city or periphery Conclusion: In the municipality under study, people with disabilities have difficulty accessing suitable places to practice some sports activities. Rehabilitation nurses should evaluate the enclosures in relation to architectural barriers to make proper counseling and sensitization to the local authority in order to make it more inclusive.Enmarcado: El enfermero especialista en enfermería de rehabilitación es imprescindible en la participación de la persona con discapacidad en prácticas deportivas. Su papel es intervenir en desvíos de salud de la persona y aún evaluar las accesibilidades del edificado. Objetivos: Analizar las barreras arquitectónicas y comprobar si la tipología del edificio (con piscina y con campo) el la ubicación de los pueblos (ciudad y periferia) interfiere en las condiciones de accesibilidad. Metodología: Paradigma cuantitativo de naturaleza descriptiva y transversal. Universo compuesto por 9 edificios deportivos públicos de un Municipio. El instrumento de recolección de datos es una rejilla de observación construida a partir de la legislación vigente. El tratamiento de datos con la estadística descriptiva simple y chi-cuadrada Resultados: Existen barreras arquitectónicas en los edificios, pero no se observaron diferencias significativas con respecto a las condiciones de accesibilidad entre edificios con piscina y con campos ni entre edificios ubicados en la ciudad o periferia Conclusión: En el municipio en estudio las personas con discapacidad tienen dificultades de acceso a lugares adecuados para la práctica de algunas actividades deportivas. Las enfermeras de rehabilitación deben evaluar los recintos sobre las barreras arquitectónicas para hacer el debido asesoramiento y sensibilización ante el municipio, a fin de hacerla más inclusiva.Enquadramento: O/A enfermeiro/a especialista em enfermagem de reabilitação tem um papel fundamental no envolvimento da pessoa com deficiência em práticas desportivas. O seu papel é intervir em desvios de saúde da pessoa e ainda avaliar as acessibilidades do edificado. Objetivos: Analisar barreiras arquitetónicas no edificado e analisar as diferenças tendo em conta a tipologia do edifício e a localização dos mesmos. Metodologia: Paradigma quantitativo de natureza descritiva e transversal. Universo composto por 9 edifícios desportivos públicos dum Município Português. O instrumento de colheita de dados é uma grelha de observação construída a partir da legislação em vigor. O tratamento de dados fez-se com recurso a estatística descritiva simples e qui-quadrado. Resultados: Existem barreiras arquitetónicas nos edifícios como escadas com degraus e corrimãos inadequados, instalações sanitárias com lavatórios e sanitas sem alturas corretas, entre outras, mas não se verificaram diferenças significativas relativamente às condições de acessibilidade entre edifícios com piscina e com campos nem entre edifícios localizados na cidade ou periferia.&nbsp; Conclusão: No município em estudo as pessoas com deficiência têm dificuldades de acesso a locais adequados para a prática de algumas atividades desportivas. As/os enfermeiros/as de reabilitação devem avaliar os recintos relativamente às barreiras arquitetónicas para fazer o devido aconselhamento e sensibilização junto da autarquia, a fim de a tornar mais inclusiva

    Performance of traditional risk factors in identifying a higher than expected coronary atherosclerotic burden

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    Abstract Objective To evaluate the performance of traditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in identifying a higher than expected coronary atherosclerotic burden. Methods We assessed 2069 patients undergoing coronary CT angiography, with assessment of calcium score (CS), for suspected coronary artery disease. A higher than expected atherosclerotic burden was defined as CS >75th percentile (CS >P75) according to age and gender-adjusted monograms. The ability of traditional CV risk factors to predict a CS >P75 was assessed in a customized logistic regression model ("Clinical Score") and by the calculation of SCORE (Systemic Coronary Risk Evaluation). The population attributable risk (PAR) of risk factors for CS >P75 was calculated. Results The median CS was 3.0 (IQR 0.0-98.0); 362 patients had CS >P75. The median SCORE was 3.0 (IQR 1.0-4.0). With the exception of hypertension, all traditional CV risk factors were independent predictors of CS >P75: diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking and family history (OR 1.3-2.2, p≤0.026). The areas under the ROC curves for CS >P75 were 0.64 for the Clinical Score (95% CI 0.61-0.67, pP75 were in the two lower quartiles of the Clinical Score. Altogether, the traditional risk factors explain 56% of the prevalence of CS >P75 (adjusted PAR 0.56). Conclusion Despite the association of CV risk factors with a higher than expected atherosclerotic burden, they appear to explain only half of its prevalence. Even when integrated in scores, the predictive power of these risk factors was modest, exposing the limitations of risk stratification based solely on demographic and clinical risk factors.publishersversionpublishe

    A Palavra e a Imagem

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    Num quadro teórico-crítico, influenciado por teorias contemporâneas de classe, género e etnia, vamos considerar os confrontos entre culturas, materializados em diversas práticas discursivas e visuais, que estudaremos transdisciplinarmente, numa perspectiva formal e como documentos. São exemplos das referidas práticas, por um lado, a escrita jornalística, que as novas tecnologias estão a desenvolver exponencialmente, a ensaística, o conto, o relato de viagem e biográfico, o romance, o poema, o drama e, por outro lado, as múltiplas imagens em suporte digital, o design, a fotografia, o vídeo, o cinema, a arquitectura, a gravura. Os ensaios publicados avaliam os estudos da palavra, ou da imagem visual, ou das formas diferentes como elas interagem, em relação a temas cronologicamente localizados entre o século XVIII e o século XXI.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Análise e avaliação da distribuição de metais pesados em um antigo aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos “Aterro Invernadinha”

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    A contaminação por metais em locais que receberam resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) é um grave problema ambiental enfrentado atualmente. Este estudo avaliou o teor e a distribuição dos metais pesados níquel (Ni), cobre (Cu), zinco (Zn), cromo (Cr), cádmio (Cd) e chumbo (Pb) em diferentes profundidades na área de um antigo aterro de RSU, denominado de “Aterro Invernadinha”, o qual está situado no município de Passo Fundo, RS. A metodologia do trabalho baseou-se na realização de furos de sondagem, coletas de amostras em diferentes profundidades do solo (de 0-1 m, de 1-2 m e de 2-3 m) e análise dos metais empregando o método 3050B. A quantificação dos teores dos metais em estudo foi realizada por espectroscopia de absorção atômica com chama. Posteriormente, realizou-se análise estatística e geoestatística unidirecional horizontal para os metais Cu, Zn e Cr, utilizando os softwares GSLIB e VarioWin. A mesma metodologia de coleta e tratamento de dados foi efetuada em uma área de controle, livre de contaminação, situada próxima ao antigo aterro (Reserva Arlindo Haas). Os resultados demonstram teores elevados de metais no solo de recobrimento (0-1 m) e uma grande variabilidade dos dados na área do aterro. A geoestatística foi uma ferramenta eficiente para se verificar a distribuição espacial dos dados e para concluir que há contaminação por Zn em todo o percurso, enquanto que para Cu e Cr a contaminação é pontual e randômica. Palavras-chave: Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos. Metais Pesados. Geoestatística

    Cuidados de enfermagem para a inclusão social da pessoa com deficiência física adquirida: Revisão Integrativa

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    Introduction: Adequate nursing care can promote the social inclusion of people with acquired physical disabilities because it allows full participation in different areas of life in society, such as work, health and leisure.” Objective: To analyze which nursing care were developed for the inclusion and social participation of people with acquired physical disabilities. Methodology: Integrative literature review. The research was conducted in the databases of Web of Science,Scopus, in databse aggregator EBSCOhost and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, identifying studies from 2010-2020. Results: of the 615 studies identified, 14 studies were included demonstrating that some developed nursing care are: the identification of architectural barriers and the promotion of safe and effective care transitions through the empowerment of people with disabilities. Conclusion: The social inclusion of people with acquired physical disabilities must be a specific intervention in nursing care.Introdución: La atención de enfermería adecuada puede promover la inclusión social de las personas con discapacidad adquirida porque permiten la participación plena en los distintos ámbitos de la vida en sociedad, como el trabajo, la salud y el ocio. Objetivo: Analizar la atención de enfermería desarrollados para la inclusión y participación social de la persona con discapacidad física adquirida. Metodología: Revisión integrativa de la literatura. Las búsquedas se realizó en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus, en el agregador EBSCOhost y Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, identificando estudios de 2010-2020. Resultados: De los 615 estudios identificados, se incluyeron 14 estudios que demuestran que algunos de los cuidados de enfermería desarrollados son: la identificación de barreras arquitectónicas y la promoción de transiciones asistenciales seguras y efectivas a través del empoderamiento de las personas con discapacidad. Conclusión: La inclusión social de las personas con discapacidad adquirida debe ser un área de intervención específica para las enfermeras.Introdução: Os cuidados de enfermagem adequados podem promover a inclusão social da pessoa com deficiência física adquirida porque permitem a participação plena nas várias esferas da vida em sociedade, como no trabalho, saúde e lazer. Objetivo: Analisar quais os cuidados de enfermagem desenvolvidos para a inclusão e participação social da pessoa com deficiência física adquirida. Metodologia: Revisão integrativa da literatura. A pesquisa realizou-se nas bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus, no agregador de bases EBSCOhost e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, identificando-se estudos de 2010-2020. Resultados: dos 615 estudos identificados incluíram-se 14 estudos demonstrando que alguns cuidados de enfermagem desenvolvidos são: a identificação de barreiras arquitetónicas e a promoção de transições de cuidado seguras e eficazes através do empoderamento da pessoa com deficiência.Conclusão: A inclusão social das pessoas com deficiência física adquirida deve ser uma área de intervenção específica dos enfermeiros

    Barreiras de acessibilidade e mobilidade urbana para atendimento em centro especializado de reabilitação física

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    Introduction: This study aimed to understand the perception of people with physical disabilities or reduced mobility when facing accessibility barriers for service in a specialized rehabilitation center. Methodology: Qualitative descriptive-exploratory study, conducted in 2019, with 90 users of the physical rehabilitation program of Metropolitan Region I, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed based on content analysis, thematic approach. Results: The testimonies converged in two categories, which showed the precarious conditions of accessibility on the sidewalks, routes, public transport system, constituting determining factors for increasing the dependence of people to get around. Discussion: The reports of the participants of this study revealed that the daily confrontation of architectural and attitudinal barriers promotes commitment in several aspects. The daily confrontations of accessibility barriers, the lack of empathy of others, the precarious conditions of maintenance in public transport, contribute to make people feel disrespected, invisible, excluded in the fundamental right to come and go. Conclusion: We found that the participants face unacceptable architectural and attitudinal barriers from a social and inclusive point of view, aggravated by disrespectful and law-breaking behaviors, obstacles resulting from the lack of urban mobility planning, compromising functional gains for their independence in the right to go and come.Introducción: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender la percepción de las personas con discapacidad física o movilidad reducida ante las barreras de accesibilidad para el servicio en un centro de rehabilitación especializado. Metodología: estudio cualitativo descriptivo-exploratorio, realizado en 2019, con 90 usuarios del programa de rehabilitación física de la I Región Metropolitana, en Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Datos recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y analizados en base al análisis de contenido, enfoque temático. Resultados: Los testimonios convergieron en dos categorías, que evidenciaron las precarias condiciones de accesibilidad en las aceras, rutas, sistema de transporte público, constituyendo factores determinantes para incrementar la dependencia de las personas para desplazarse. Discusión: Los informes de los participantes de este estudio revelaron que el enfrentamiento diario de barreras arquitectónicas y actitudinales promueve el compromiso en varios aspectos. Los enfrentamientos diarios de barreras de accesibilidad, la falta de empatía de los demás, las precarias condiciones de mantenimiento en el transporte público, contribuyen a que las personas se sientan irrespetadas, invisibles, excluidas del derecho fundamental al ir y venir. Conclusión: Encontramos que los participantes enfrentan barreras arquitectónicas y actitudinales inaceptables desde el punto de vista social e inclusivo, agravadas por comportamientos irrespetuosos y violadores de las leyes, obstáculos derivados de la falta de planificación de la movilidad urbana, comprometiendo las ganancias funcionales para su independencia en el derecho a ir y venir.Introdução: Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a percepção de pessoas com deficiência física ou mobilidade reduzida quando se deparam com barreiras de acessibilidade para atendimento em um centro especializado de reabilitação.Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo descritivo-exploratório, realizado em 2019, com 90 utilizadores do programa de reabilitação física da Região Metropolitana I, do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A colheita de dados realizou-se através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e foram analisados com base na análise de conteúdo, abordagem temática. Resultados: Os depoimentos convergiram em duas categorias, que evidenciaram as precárias condições de acessibilidade nas calçadas, ruas, nos transportes públicos, constituindo fatores determinantes para o aumento da dependência das pessoas para se locomover. Discussão: Os relatos dos participantes deste estudo revelaram que o enfrentamento diário de barreiras arquitetónicas e atitudinais comprometem diversos aspectos. A falta de empatia dos outros, as precárias condições de manutenção nos transportes públicos, contribuem para que as pessoas se sintam desrespeitadas, invisíveis, excluídas no direito fundamental de ir e vir. Conclusão: Constatamos que os participantes enfrentam barreiras arquitetónicas e atitudinais inaceitáveis do ponto de vista social e inclusivo, agravadas por comportamentos desrespeitosos e transgressores das leis, da falta de planeamento de mobilidade urbana, comprometendo ganhos funcionais para sua independência no direito de ir e vir