2,306 research outputs found

    Revisiting Deliverance: The Sunbelt South, the 1970s Masculinity Crisis, and the Emergence of the Redneck Nightmare Genre

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    Is Deliverance a story about survivalism? An ecological cautionary tale? An allegory of the rise of the Sunbelt? A thinly veiled homoerotic fantasy? Since its release, the film has provoked passionate critiques, inspired different analyses, and has become a cult phenomenon. The imagery, stereotypes, and symbols produced by the film still inform popular perceptions of the US South, even by those who have never actually watched it. Readings of Deliverance have tended to privilege one particular interpretation, failing to fully grasp its relevance. The movie is a rich cultural text that provides historians with multiple ways to analyze the South, particularly concepts such as southern identity and masculinity.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/studythesouth/1015/thumbnail.jp

    The effective use of grammar and vocabulary strategies in the process of teaching-learning english in students of 10th grade at Manuel Olivares Institute in the morning shift, II semester 2014

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    Learning the English language has a high importance everywhere in the world. That is why it is a matter of study at any level of education. It is the universal language. Due to this, in our country English has become a very important subject,which has been taught traditionally in secondary school. But now it is considered a very important subject in the study plan in secondary school, and therefore, more attention is being given by the government and school authorities. This study is focused on vocabulary and grammar teaching –learning strategies,not only because it has been observed that these are the sub skills teachers usually teach in English class, but also because through the years of experience as a student and now as a teacher I have noticed that most of the students do not even learn and use the grammar correctly. So, this paper is conducted to investigate the factors that are affecting the effective learning of English, mainly in the process of teaching and learning vocabulary and grammar in the 10th grade at Manuel Olivares Institute. Besides, it is intended to identify the strategies teachers and tudents are using during the process of learning English in the classroom

    Etnociências e etnomatemática: narrativas de um colono alemão de santa Maria do Herval

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    O artigo apresenta resultados parciais de uma pesquisa de Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, desenvolvida na cidade de Santa Maria do Herval, Brasil. Objetiva identificar como os saberes de um colono alemão foram utilizados em suas atividades laborais e em seu dia-a-dia. Metodologicamente a pesquisa apresenta abordagem qualitativa e estudo de caso de inspiração etnográfica. A análise das narrativas confirma a presença de práticas que foram reformuladas continuadamente e passadas de geração em geração. Conclui que os saberes do colono são utilizados em suas atividades laborais como jogos de linguagem marcados pela oralidade, pensamento proporcional e estimativa

    Cinema e matemática: propostas envolvendo a resolução de problemas

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    Este estudo apresenta alguns resultados sobre uma pesquisa de Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS, Brasil, que articula as temáticas cinema e matemática. Objetiva apresentar possibilidades de utilização de filmes de ficção associados à resolução de problemas, em sala de aula, verificando os diferentes papéis que o filme pode assumir. Participam da pesquisa quatro professores de matemática de escolas públicas e 19 licenciandos em matemática da PUCRS, totalizando 23 bolsistas que compõem o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID. Metodologicamente, perfaz quatro etapas: fundamentação teórica, intervenções dos pesquisadores, elaboração das propostas, análise das aplicações. Identifica potencialidades do uso do cinema como introdutor, motivador e contextualizador de conteúdos, bem como apresenta dificuldades encontradas pelos professores e ocorrências sobre a aceitação dos estudantes

    Grafeq e matemática no ensino médio: algumas propostas interdisciplinares

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    Este artigo objetiva verificar o modo como o software GrafEQ pode contribuir para uma abordagem interdisciplinar do ensino de Matemática, em particular, em turmas do Ensino Médio. Participam como colaboradores desse estudo quatro professores de Matemática de escolas públicas e 20 licenciandos do Curso de Matemática da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS, Brasil, totalizando 24 bolsistas que compõem o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID. Metodologicamente, percorre quatro etapas: intervenções pedagógicas; elaboração das propostas; aplicação das propostas; validação. Após as intervenções, realizadas pelas autoras, os participantes elaboraram propostas a serem aplicadas nas escolas envolvidas. Ao validar as propostas evidenciam se possibilidades do tratamento de temas diversos que envolvem professores de diferentes áreas contribuindo para melhorar o desempenho em Matemática e aumentar o interesse do estudante

    Suggestion from the Past?

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    Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (main), 35A22, 78A25, 93A30The generalization of the concept of derivative to non-integer values goes back to the beginning of the theory of differential calculus. Nevertheless, its application in physics and engineering remained unexplored up to the last two decades. Recent research motivated the establishment of strategies taking advantage of the Fractional Calculus (FC) in the modeling and control of many phenomena. In fact, many classical engineering applications deserve a closer attention and a new analysis in the viewpoint of FC. Bearing these ideas in mind, this work addresses the partial differential equations that model the electrical transmission lines. The distributed characteristics of this system may lead to design techniques, for integrated circuits, capable of implementing directly fractional-order impedances and, therefore, constitutes an alternative to exploring fractal geometries and dielectric properties

    New Polymeric films for Smart Windows with Permanent Memory Effect

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    In the field of the liquid crystals in device applications, the polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) with permanent memory effect can become feasible in technological applications. Although studies of the liquid crystals in technological applications were extensively reviewed in the literature, not so much has been reported on the permanent memory effect (PME) in PDLCs. PDLCs can change transmittance from a totally opaque state to a totally transparent state during the application of an external electric field. Typically, the opaque appearance returns to the PDLC when the electric field is switched OFF. However, in this work PDLCs have been produced that use the electric field to create a highly transparent state but the transparent state remains even when the electric field is switched OFF giving rise to a permanent alignment state of LC molecules. This property is called a permanent memory effect (PME). For optimizing this effect a series of linear polyethylene glycol di(meth)acrylate and multi-arm polyethylene glycol with linear chains arms extending radially from a central core with reactive (meth)acrylate end groups were synthesized and characterized. The resulting pre-polymers and also some commercial ones were then tested in preparation of PDLCs. The 70 % of PME and the reproducibility even after multiple repetitions of the heating and electric field cycles application make the poly(ethyleneglycol) dimethacrylate of molecular weight 875 g mol-1 the most appropriate pre-polymer in preparation of PDLCs with PME. This effect is also dependent on the thermal polymerization which produces a polymer ball morphology type in the polymer matrix. In addition, PME is also highly dependent on the alignment layer type coating the glass PDLC cell (homogeneous alignment). With the high transparent state permanently displayed at room temperature through PME (70 %), an efficient procedure to allow the PDLC to acquire its opaque state has been achieved. A method of removing the PME has been outlined by Joule effect with the application of the electric current to the conductive layer (ITO) of the glass PDLC cell. This procedure makes the experimental setup to destroy the LC alignment structure simpler and more practical than by radiation heat. Conventional PDLCs need continuity of energy supply for keeping the ON state, which can be a very limiting aspect for many applications. However, PDLCs with PME besides having lower power consumption can be used in digital memory devices based on write-read-erase cycles. For this, a prototype has been assembled as proof of the concept to be used in the digital process of recording information with the binary language

    Digital culture: the evolution of the cultural sector

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    Technology has been impacting all sectors widelyacross the economy, empowered by the new Information and Communication TechnologiestheDigital Culturewill contribute to the disappearance of limitations in cultural productionand consumption.In this research,we aim to assess the impacts of digitizationand Internet penetration in how culture is produced, consumed and distributed, focusing both the impacts in the ancientinstitutions andthe newly popularized spaces of domesticculture

    Selective synthesis under microwave irradiation of new monomers for potential applications in PDLC films

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    Dissertation to obtain the degree of master in BioorganicPolymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) films consist, commonly, on nematic liquid crystal domains dispersed in a polymeric matrix. These composites can be switched electrically from an opaque scattering state to a highly transparent state by an applied electric field. The molecular structure of the polymerisable monomers that can be incorporated as polymeric matrix plays an important role in the performance of PDLCs. Therefore, the aims of this work were to design and synthesise several new monomers that could be polymerised photochemically and thermally to be incorporated as polymeric matrices in PDLCs and investigate the influence of the molecular structure on the performance of these devices. Several monomers were synthesised in order to achieve better miscibility between the liquid crystal and the monomers during preparation of PDLC films. For this purpose, the monomers were synthesised so as to mimic some structural elements of the E7 liquid crystal molecules. Thus, several aromatic mono- and dimethacrylates with and without a linear chain spacer with five methylene units, as well as vinylic monomers were successfully synthesised. Mild and solvent freeprocedures were developed with reaction times as short as 1 to 5 min, using microwave irradiation. The structures of all isolated monomers were supported by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and FTIR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and melting point. Of all the synthesised monomers, the monomers that included in their structure aromatic rings bearing a cyano group and/or a linear chain spacer with five methylene units were fully characterised due to their higher molecular structure affinity with the E7 liquid crystal molecules. In order to evaluate the effect of these groups, these monomers were compared with those of similar structure but without the respective groups. Thus, DSC and POM with temperature ramps were used for the thermal characterisation of the monomers. The structural morphologies of the polymeric matrices were characterised by SEM. The monomers were also copolymerised with glycidyl methacrylate and the molecular weights of the resulting polymers were evaluated by GPC. The electro-optical properties of the PDLC films were determined by measuring the voltage dependence on the transmitted light.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - Project PTDC/CTM/69145/200

    Discalculia e dificuldades de aprendizagem: percepções de professores do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental

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    Este artigo apresenta parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa de Mestrado, em andamento, sobre discalculia. Objetiva identificar a percepção que professores do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental possuem acerca de alguns aspectos que envolvem esse transtorno e as estratégias utilizadas em classe para desenvolver as habilidades matemáticas que o indicam. Metodologicamente, realiza uma Análise Textual Discursiva dos dados levantados por meio de um questionário aplicado em seis escolas públicas. O referencial está fundamentado em estudos voltados ao transtorno da discalculia e evidencia que a maioria dos professores não recebem subsídios teóricos que possibilitem ao menos a suspeita de indícios dos estudantes com tais dificuldades