458 research outputs found

    Self-employment in Brazil and its determinants: a spatial analysis

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    In this paper, we intend to identify some factors underlying the different rates of participation of self-employed workers in Brazilian municipalities. In contrast with previous analysis, our study is sensitive to the spatial dimension of self-employment in Brazil. Relying on geo-referenced data from areal units, our approach avoids the restrictive assumptions of independence between area effects. Two different approaches to spatial analysis are exploited, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) and Spatial Econometrics. We show that substantial geographical heterogeneity in rates of self-employment exists within Brazil. The results point to the presence of clusters of municipalities with similar rates of participation of self-employment in the economy. The fitting of a spatial lag model to the data demonstrates that significant part of variation in self-employment is explained by spatial dependence. In addition, the municipality's degree of urbanization, rate of employment in the secondary sector as well as GDP per capita among others, indeed influences its rate of self-employment. We conclude that spatial analysis can provide useful insights in analyzing self-employment in Brazil.Brazil; self-employment

    Os impactos da abertura comercial sobre a remuneração relativa do trabalho no Brasil

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    The aim ofthis paper is to study the impacts oftrade liberalization on employment and workers' earnings in Brazil from 1985 to 1997. The main data source come from National Household Surveys (PNAD) accomplished by the Bureau of Statistics (IBGE). The theoretical referential is the Heckscher-Ohlin model and the StolperSamuelson theorem. The research shows that in Brazil there was not significant shift in the workers' relative employment or any relevant inequality of revenues deterioration, unlike observed in other Latin American countries

    Escolha ocupacional e transição no Brasil Metropolitano: uma análise com ênfase no setor informal

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    Este artigo investiga o setor informal - trabalhadores por conta própria e pequenos empregadores - em áreas metropolitanas brasileiras. Avalia-se quem são os indivíduos que se inserem como trabalhadores informais e verifica-se quem, dentre os informais, apresenta maior chance de sair do setor. Os resultados indicam que os mais escolarizados apresentam maior probabilidade de inserção como empregados sem carteira, desempregado ou inativo do que como informal. Quanto às transições, os resultados sugerem que o tempo do empreendimento é mais decisivo na permanência na informalidade relativamente aos atributos pessoais, e, a não ser por anos de estudo, há poucas diferenças entre homens e mulheres.This paper investigates the informal sector in Brazilian metropolitan areas. The objectives are to investigate personal attributes of the informal workers and to verify who of these workers make transition out of that occupation. The results for the first objective point that high-education individual has higher probability to be employee without a labor card, unemployed and inactive than informal worker. About transition, the results show that entrepreneurship time is more important than personal attributes on the probability of staying in the informal economy


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    Este trabalho surgiu das discussões relacionadas ao processo educativo de alunos frequentadores do ensino comum e classes especiais, proposta na disciplinade Fundamentos da Educação Inclusiva, do primeiro curso de Pedagogia, Modalidade de Educação à Distância, em 2014. A necessidade de compartilhar osdesafios e dificuldades encontrados no processo de inclusão educacional dosalunos com este perfil, nos levou a um aprofundamento teórico que ocorreuatravés de pesquisas bibliográficas, bem como a realização de uma observaçãoparticipativa das autoras nas classes especiais, as quais nos permitiram estabelecer alguns apontamentos e reflexões. Dentre eles, destacamos a escassarelação da estrutura, em contraste com os possíveis resultados esperados pelaspolíticas educacionais. Além disso, relatamos as dificuldades encontradas peloseducadores em efetivar o processo inclusivo e, ao mesmo tempo, organizar oensino de forma a promover o desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo e social destascrianças. Nesse sentido, consideramos que o processo inclusivo ainda se mostracomo complexo e desafiador no ambiente escolar

    Face and content validity of smoking-related and matched control pictures

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    Smoking-related pictures and matched controls are useful tools in experimental tasks of attentional bias. Noteworthy the procedures used to produce and validate these pairs of pictures are poorly reported. This study aimed to describe the production and evidence of validity of a set of smoking-related pictures and their matched controls. Two studies were conducted to assess validity. An online internet-based survey was used to assess face validity of 12 pictures related to smoking behavior and 12 matched controls. All pictures were colored and were 95mm length x 130mm width. Participants were asked if the pictures were related or not to the smoking behavior and also rated how much each picture was related to smoking behavior. The second study investigated attentional bias in smokers (n = 47) and non-smokers (n = 50), and examined how they assessed all pictures in terms of pleasantness and the 12 smoking-related pictures in terms of relevance to their own smoking behavior. Craving was assessed before and after the experiment. Results indicate that this set of pictures are valid since smoking-related pictures were considered more related to smoking behavior compared to their matched controls. Moreover, smokers showed greater attentional bias for smoking-related pictures than non-smokers. Craving and relevance of the smoking-related pictures were higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Smokers considered smoking-related pictures them less unpleasant than non-smokers. These findings provide evidence of face and content validity of this set of pictures, which will be available to researchers, contributing to maximize the standardization of future investigations

    Construção e validação de imagens relacionadas ao cigarro e seus controles pareados

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    Smoking-related pictures and matched controls are useful tools in experimental tasks of attentional bias. Noteworthy the procedures used to produce and validate these pairs of pictures are poorly reported. This study aimed to describe the production and evidence of validity of a set of smoking-related pictures and their matched controls. Two studies were conducted to assess validity. An online internet-based survey was used to assess face validity of 12 pictures related to smoking behavior and 12 matched controls. All pictures were colored and were 95mm length x 130mm width. Participants were asked if the pictures were related or not to the smoking behavior and also rated how much each picture was related to smoking behavior. The second study investigated attentional bias in smokers (n = 47) and non-smokers (n = 50), and examined how they assessed all pictures in terms of pleasantness and the 12 smoking-related pictures in terms of relevance to their own smoking behavior. Craving was assessed before and after the experiment. Results indicate that this set of pictures are valid since smoking-related pictures were considered more related to smoking behavior compared to their matched controls. Moreover, smokers showed greater attentional bias for smoking-related pictures than non-smokers. Craving and relevance of the smoking-related pictures were higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Smokers considered smoking-related pictures them less unpleasant than non-smokers. These findings provide evidence of face and content validity of this set of pictures, which will be available to researchers, contributing to maximize the standardization of future investigations.Las imágenes relacionadas con el tabaquismo y sus controles emparejados son herramientas útiles en tareas experimentales de sesgo atencional. Cabe destacar que los procedimientos usados para producir y validar estos pares de imágenes son informados de manera deficiente en los estudios. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la producción y evidencia de validez de un conjunto de imágenes relacionadas con el tabaquismo y sus controles. Se realizaron dos estudios para evaluar la validez. Se utilizó una encuesta por Internet hecha en línea para evaluar la validez de 12 imágenes relacionadas con el hábito de fumar y 12 controles emparejados. A los participantes se les preguntó si las imágenes estaban relacionadas o no con la conducta de fumar y también valoraron hasta qué punto cada imagen estaba relacionada con el hábito de fumar. El segundo estudio investigó el sesgo de atención en los fumadores (n = 47) y no fumadores (n = 50), y examinó cómo evaluaron todas las imágenes en términos de agrado y las 12 imágenes relacionadas con el tabaquismo en términos de relevancia respecto a la conducta de fumar. Se evaluó el deseo de fumar antes y después del experimento. Los resultados indican que este conjunto de imágenes es válido ya que las imágenes relacionadas con el tabaquismo se consideraron más asociadas con el hábito de fumar, en comparación con los controles. Además, los fumadores mostraron un mayor sesgo atencional para imágenes relacionadas con el tabaquismo que los no fumadores. El deseo de fumar que inspiraron las imágenes relacionadas con el tabaquismo y su relevancia fueron mayores en los fumadores que en los no fumadores. Los fumadores, en comparación con los no fumadores, consideraron las imágenes relacionadas con el tabaquismo menos desagradables. Estos hallazgos proporcionan evidencia de la validez aparente y de contenido de este conjunto de imágenes, que estarán a disposición de los investigadores, contribuyendo a maximizar la estandarización de las futuras investigaciones.Imagens relacionadas ao cigarro e seus controles pareados são ferramentas úteis para investigar viés atencional, agradabilidade, fissura e relevância de tais estímulos para o comportamento adictivo. Estudos sobre desenvolvimento e validação de tais imagens são escassos, dificultando a comparação de resultados devido ao uso de diferentes estímulos. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o processo de desenvolvimento e validação de um conjunto de imagens (12 cigarro e 12 controles) para fornecer um banco de imagens padronizadas. Dois estudos foram conduzidos, sendo o primeiro uma enquete através da internet para acessar a validade de face. Os participantes responderam se as imagens eram relacionadas ou não ao comportamento de fumar e classificaram o quanto cada uma era relacionada a este comportamento. O segundo examinou agradabilidade, relevância e fissura provocada pelas 12 imagens cigarro. Os resultados indicaram que todas imagens cigarro eram válidas, pois todos os participantes as consideraram mais relacionadas ao comportamento de fumar comparadas com as controles. Fissura e relevância foram mais altas nos fumantes e estes consideraram as imagens cigarro menos desagradáveis do que os não fumantes. Estes achados promovem validade de face e de conteúdo deste conjunto de imagens que estará disponível aos pesquisadores, contribuindo para maximizar a padronização de futuras investigações

    Microcirculation improvement after short-term infusion of vasopressin in septic shock is dependent on noradrenaline

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of vasopressin on the microcirculation and to develop a predictive model to estimate the probability of microcirculatory recruitment in patients with septic shock. METHODS: This prospective interventional study included patients with septic shock receiving noradrenaline for less than 48 hours. We infused vasopressin at 0.04 U/min for one hour. Hemodynamic measurements, including sidestream dark-field imaging, were obtained immediately before vasopressin infusion, 1 hour after vasopressin infusion and 1 hour after vasopressin withdrawal. We defined patients with more than a 10% increase in total vascular density and perfused vascular density as responders. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02053675. RESULTS: Eighteen patients were included, and nine (50%) showed improved microcirculation after infusion of vasopressin. The noradrenaline dose was significantly reduced after vasopressin (p=0.001) and was higher both at baseline and during vasopressin infusion in the responders than in the non-responders. The strongest predictor for a favorable microcirculatory response was the dose of noradrenaline at baseline (OR=4.5; 95% CI: 1.2-17.0; p=0.027). For patients using a noradrenaline dose higher than 0.38 mcg/kg/min, the probability that microcirculatory perfusion would be improved with vasopressin was 53% (sensitivity 78%, specificity 77%). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with septic shock for no longer than 48 h, administration of vasopressin is likely to result in an improvement in microcirculation when the baseline noradrenaline dose is higher than 0.38 mcg/kg/min

    Potencializando um grupo de terceira idade de uma comunidade rural

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    Objetivo: descrever as fases do processo de potencialização de um grupo de terceira idade de uma comunidade rural. Método: pesquisa convergente assistencial cujo fundamento é utilizar o espaço da prática. Conduzida com a proposta de mudar a práxis de 21 idosos e nove profissionais de saúde, com vistas a sua potencialização para a promoção da saúde. Os dados foram coletados durante 22 encontros, além de entrevistas grupais ao final da intervenção. Resultados: mostraram que apesar do impacto inicial da mudança, o grupo foi capaz de acolher a novidade, aproveitando o espaço para expressar angústias, compartilhar alegrias, construir novos conhecimentos, o que levou à incorporação de mudanças que refletiram na elaboração de hábitos saudáveis e melhora no relacionamento interpessoal. Conclusão: a pesquisa convergente assistencial se constituiu em estratégia que modificou a vida grupal, potencializando as ações de promoção da saúde.Objective: to describe the stages of the empowerment process of a group of seniors in a rural community. Method: convergent care research whose foundation is to use the scope of practice. Conducted with the proposal to change the practice of 21 seniors and nine health professionals, with the aim of health promotion empowerment. Data were collected during 22 meetings, and group interviews at the end of the intervention. Results: showed that despite the initial impact of the change, the group was able to welcome the new change, taking advantage of the space to express anxieties, share joys, and build new knowledge, which led to the incorporation of changes that reflected in the development of healthy habits and improvements in interpersonal relationships. Conclusion: the convergent care research consisted of strategy that changed the group's lives, empowering them with health promoting actions.El presente estudio describe las etapas de la capacitación de un grupo de personas mayores en una comunidad rural en la vista del análisis convergente. Estudio realizado con la propuesta de cambiar la praxis de 21 personas mayores y nueve profesionales de la salud, con miras a su capacitación para la promoción de la salud, cuya intervención se sugiere la incorporación de nuevo el funcionamiento del grupo. Los datos fueron recolectados durante 22 reuniones y entrevistas de grupos al final de la intervención. Los resultados muestran que a pesar del impacto inicial de la modificación, el grupo fue capaz de dar la bienvenida al nuevo, disfrutando del espacio para expresar la angustia, compartir alegrías, construir nuevos conocimientos, lo que llevó a la incorporación de los cambios se reflejan en el desarrollo de hábitos saludables y de mejora en las relaciones interpersonales. Se concluye que la investigación convergente consistió en la estrategia que cambió la vida de grupo, potenciando las acciones de promoción de la salud

    Comparação de valores de lactato obtidos em diferentes sítios e sua importância clínica em pacientes com sepse grave

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The ideal site for lactate collection has not been clearly established. This study aimed to evaluate associations between lactate levels in arterial blood (Lart), peripheral venous blood (Lper) and central venous blood (Lean) in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock.DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional analytical study in an tertiary university hospital.METHOD: Samples from patients with a central venous catheter and from healthy volunteers (control group) were collected. Blood was drawn simultaneously for measurements of Lart, Lper and Lcen, and the first sample was collected less than 24 hours after the onset of organ dysfunction. The results were analyzed using Pearson correlation, Bland-Altman and McNemar tests.RESULTS: A total of 238 samples were collected from 32 patients. The correlation results were r = 0.79 (P < 0.0001) for Lart/Lper and r = 0.84 (P < 0.0001) for Lart/Lcen. Bland-Altman showed large limits of agreement: -3.2 +/- 4.9 (-12.8 to 6.4) and -0.8 +/- 5.9 (-12.5 to 10.8), for Lper and Lcen respectively. lathe control group, there was greater correlation (r = 0.9009, P = 0.0004) and agreement: -0.7 +/- 1.2 (-3.1 to 1.7). Regarding clinical intervention, there was good agreement between Lart/Lcen (96.3%; three disagreements), with worst results for Lart/Lper (87.0%) with 10 cases of disagreement (P = 0.04). In eight patients (80.0%) Lper was higher than Lart.CONCLUSION: Lcen, and not Lper, can replace Lart with good correlation and clinical agreement. Lper tends to overestimate Lart, thus leading to unnecessary therapeutic interventions.Univ Fed Sao Paulo Escola Paulista Med Unifesp EP, Intens Care Unit, Discipline Anesthesiol Pain & Intens Care, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo Escola Paulista Med Unifesp EP, Intens Care Unit, Discipline Anesthesiol Pain & Intens Care, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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