289 research outputs found

    Possibility of hazardous environment monitoring

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá mobilní robotikou a jejím využitím v průmyslu, konkrétně v průmyslu energetickém. Důraz je kladen na schopnost pohybu a překonávání překážek. Cílem této práce je poskytnout čtenáři základní přehled o mobilní robotice, o podvozcích, jejich druzích, výhodách a účelu použití. V druhé častí je popsán návrh koncepce podvozku mobilního monitorovacího zařízení pro zadanou aplikaci. Následuje návrh koncepce polohovacího zařízení na kterém bude umístěno zařízení pro monitorování. Tyto koncepce mají za účel nastínit možné řešení práce a byly řešeny s ohledem na funkčnost zařízení a cenu. Výstupem je předpokládané mobilní monitorovací zařízení, které by mělo být schopné plnit zadané úkoly.This bachelor’s thesis is about mobile robotics and usage it in electricity industry. First part solve ability of taking the fences and provide basic facts about mobile robotics, kind of chassis and purpose of usage to reader. Second part includes concepts of truck and position device with monitoring system. This concepts solve submission with reference to utility of monitoring device, mobile robot and price. Output of this work is constructive solving of mobile monitoring robot.

    Joining the EU would be a mistake

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    Comparing the effect of endurance and resistance training on resting metabolic rate in a group of men with a sedentary lifestyle

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    Study examined the effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition and compared changes in these parameters in group of men (n=17), aged 17-36, with sedentary lifestyle. During the initial measurements, the values of RMR, body composition and exercise test were obtained. In addition, five-day nutritional intake and record of physical activity were completed. After the initial measurements, subjects were randomly assigned in two training groups. Subjects in group EX1 (n=9) performed aerobic physical activity – endurance training (jogging and/or running), whereas subjects in group EX2 (n=8) performed anaerobic physical activity – resistance training. Physical activity was performed for 12 weeks, 3 times a week. The output measurements were obtained after 12 weeks of regular physical activity. Data of RMR were collected using the air analyzer Metalyzer Cortex 3B in the Laboratory of Sports Medicine, Faculty of Sports Studies in Brno. For body composition, method of bioelectrical impedance analysis has been used. RMR increased significantly from pre- to postraining for EX1 (2045,8 ± 207,5 to 2168,8 ± 217,7 kcal.d-1) as well as for EX2 (1992 ± 164,4 to 2340 ± 321,3 kcal.d-1). Body fat for EX1 was significantly reduced (21,2 ± 6,4 to 18,7 ± 6,8 %) compared with EX2 (22,4 ± 6,2 to 20,6 ± 7,6 %). Measured data indicate more significant changes by subjects from EX1 group (endurance training). This study is a part of research for the dissertation of one of the authors and was financially supported from projects of specific research MUNI/A/0987/2011 and MUNI/A/0803/2012

    Evaluation of efficiency of technologies for wastewater sludge hygienisation

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    The paper compares the methods of hygienisation of wastewater treatment plants sludges with respect to meet legislative requirements of conditions for using the treated sludge on agricultural land. The paper draws a comparison of the experimental results between the method of hygienisation and stabilisation of the sludge through the autothermic aerobic thermophilic stabilisation (AATS) by pure oxygen and the method of sludge hygienisation by pasteurization. Results of the experiment confirm that sewage sludge treated by both assessed hygienisation technologies meets legislation requirements for application to agricultural soil.O

    Measured and simulated distributions of voltage and temperature along stator coils of synchronous generator

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    The ECP (end winding corona protection) of the armature coils of a synchronous generator is designed and modeled. The paper focuses on the distribution of voltage and temperature along this protection that is both measured and simulated. The results are compared. The aim of the work is to verify the suggested mathematical model which would help to save time and costs connected with the ECP design

    Biogeneze mitochondrií parazitického prvoka Trypanosoma brucei

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    Výzkum zaměřený na mitochondrie, včetně jejich redukovaných forem, jako jsou hydrogenosomy a mitosomy, vedl v poslední době u této nepostradatelné organely k objevu nečekané diverzity. Je zajímavé, že mitochondrie parazitického prvoka Trypanosoma brucei je schopna, v závislosti na dostupných zdrojích uhlíku, projít pozoruhodnými funkčními a strukturními změnami. Mimoto bylo navrženo, že trypanosomy patří mezi nejstarší známá eukaryota a jako taková vzbuzuje jejich mitochondrie u biologů o to větší zájem. Abychom přispěli k poznání mitochondriální biogeneze a funkce, zaměřili jsme se na studium dvou klíčových mitochondriálních procesů, štěpení preproteinů importovaných do mitochondrie a mechanismus transportu pyruvátu do těchto organel. Navíc jsme studovali příjem železa do T. brucei. Tento kov je nezbytný pro funkci mnoha proteinů, především pro železo-sirné mitochondriální proteiny. Evoluční historie trypanosom a jejich mitochondrie je sporná. Na základě některých zpráv představuje mitochondrie trypanosom původní formu této organely, což je podpořeno objevením domnělé archaické translokázy vnější mitochondriální membrány (ATOM) a jediného typu translokázy, tvořící pór na vnitřní mitochondriální membráně. My jsme naopak identifikovali a charakterizovali mitochondriální procesující peptidázu v...In last decade, investigations of mitochondria including their various reduced forms such as hydrogenosomes and mitosomes revealed unexpected diversity of this indispensable organelle. Interestingly, the single mitochondrion of parasitic protist Trypanosoma brucei is able to undergo remarkable functional and structural changes reflecting available carbon sources. Moreover, it was proposed that trypanosomes belong among the most ancient eukaryotes and as such, their mitochondria raised high attention of biologists. To contribute to the knowledge of mitochondrial biogenesis and function, we focused on studies of two key mitochondrial processes, the processing of preproteins that are imported to the mitochondria, and mechanism of pyruvate transport to these organelles. Moreover, we also investigated uptake of iron by T. brucei. This metal is essential for function of numerous proteins, particularly for iron-sulfur proteins in mitochondria. Evolutionary history of trypanosomes and their mitochondrion is a question of debates. According to some reports, mitochondrion of trypanosomes represent an ancient form of this organelle, which is supported by identification of putative "archaic" translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (ATOM) and finding of only a single type of translocation pore in...Katedra parazitologieDepartment of ParasitologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc