108 research outputs found

    Brincadeiras entre as crianças no jardim de infância

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    Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-EscolarO presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré- Escolar da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, sendo a ilustração, análise, fundamentação e reflexão crítica do trabalho realizado ao longo da Prática Profissional Supervisionada. A Prática Profissional Supervisionada ocorreu em dois contextos diferentes: em Creche (de 5 de janeiro a 13 de fevereiro) e em Jardim de Infância (de 19 de fevereiro a 29 de maio). Em contexto de Creche tive a oportunidade de contactar com crianças que tinham entre 11 e 19 meses de idade e em Jardim de Infância, com crianças que tinham idades compreendidas entre os três e os cinco anos de idade. Durante o período de Prática Profissional Supervisionada em Jardim de Infância um dos elementos que captou a minha atenção foi o brincar, isto é, de que forma as crianças brincavam entre si e quais as brincadeiras que realizavam. Desta forma, as brincadeiras entre as crianças em Jardim de Infância foram alvo de estudo da minha parte, o que me permitiu conhecer melhor as mesmas e dão título ao presente relatório. Ao longo do estudo desta problemática observei que as crianças, no recreio, se organizavam em grupos tendo em conta o sexo, tendo brincadeiras distintas entre si. Na sala de atividades existiam áreas que eram mais exploradas pelas meninas e outras pelos meninos, levando a que fossem formadas fronteiras de género entre as crianças, devido à tipologia das brincadeiras desenvolvidas e às preferências manifestadas. Mais no final da Prática Profissional Supervisionada, por vezes, as crianças no recreio, já começavam a organizar-se em grupos nos quais estavam presentes elementos de ambos os sexos e a participar em brincadeiras diferentes. Na sala de atividades, os meninos e as meninas começaram a mostrar interesse pelas áreas anteriormente preferidas pelo sexo contrário.ABSTRACT This report has been developed within the framework of the master's degree in Preschool Education of the Superior School of Education of Lisbon, which evidence, analysis, reasoning and critical reflection of the work done over the Supervised Professional Practice. The Supervised Professional Practice occurred in two different contexts: in nursery school (from January 5 to February 13) and kindergarten (from February 19 to May 29). In context of nursery school I had the chance to contact with children who had between 11 and 19 months of age and in kindergarten, with children whose ages were between three and five years. During the period of Supervised Professional Practice in kindergarten I was attracted by the playing, that is, the way how the children played among themselves and which were the games. In this way, the playing among children in kindergarten were the subject of the present report, which allowed me to know them better and gave title to the present work. Along the study of this subject noticed that children on the playground, organized themselves in groups taking account the sex, having distinct games with one another. In the activities room there were areas that were more explored by the girls and others by the boys, causing borders of genre among children, due to the types of games developed and their preferences. Close to the end of the Supervised Professional Practice, sometimes the kids on the playground, began to organize themselves into groups, in which elements were present both sexes participating in different games. In the activities room, boys and girls began to show interest in the previously preferred areas for the opposite sex

    Estudo da estrutura muco-ciliar antes e após o tratamento termal

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    Termalismo é definido como o uso da água mineral natural e de outros meios complementares para fins de prevenção, terapêutica, reabilitação ou bem-estar. As águas sulfúricas são as mais adequadas no tratamento das vias respiratórias superiores, tendo ações anti-inflamatórias, antioxidantes e dessensibilizantes. Atuam favoravelmente nas mucosas, aliviando a dor, a obstrução nasal e a congestão nasal, diminuindo a intensidade e duração das agudizações e evitando a evolução para a cronicidade destas patologias otorrinolaringológicas. Em estudos anteriores áreas hipercromáticas foram encontradas no citoplasma das células ciliadas nasais - estrias supranucleares hipercromáticas - em maior abundância em células ciliadas nasais de pessoas saudáveis e em menos abundância em pessoas com patologia otorrinolaringológica subjacente. O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo estudar a alteração da estrutura e depuração mucociliar antes e após o tratamento termal. Tem ainda como finalidade avaliar se estas alterações alteram favoravelmente a sintomatologia nasal. Para tal, foram estudados 49 doentes das termas de Unhais da Serra. A todos foi feita por nós uma história clínica orientada para a área otorrinolaringológica, efetuada colheita de exsudado nasal através de citologia nasal e aplicado o teste de trânsito de sacarina, antes e após todo o tratamento termal. Os doentes, com média de 12,4 dias de tratamento termal, tiveram um aumento na mediana das células ciliadas nasais com estrias supranucleares hipercromáticas, de 2 para 3 (p=0.130). Houve melhoria na depuração mucociliar, traduzindo-se por uma diminuição do teste de trânsito de sacarina de, em média, 6.81 minutos após o tratamento termal (intervalo de confiança 95%: 4.88 a 8.74 min) (p<0.05). Houve melhoria sintomática, que é referida por 100% dos indivíduos da nossa amostra. Com este estudo, concluímos que a água termal ajuda na limpeza do muco, diminui os mediadores inflamatórios, aliviando a dor e a sensação de obstrução nasal. Assim, há uma depuração mucociliar mais eficaz, no que se traduz num tempo de transporte mucociliar mais curto, não havendo uma variação marcante na contagem de células ciliadas nasais com estrias supranucleares hipercromáticas após os tratamentos.Hydrotherapy is defined as the use of natural mineral water and other complementary means for prevention, treatment, rehabilitation or welfare. Sulfuric waters are most suitable in the treatment of the upper airway, having anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and desensitizing actions. They act favorably on mucous membranes, relieving pain, nasal obstruction and nasal congestion, decreasing the intensity and duration of acute exacerbations and preventing progression to chronicity of these otorhinolaryngological diseases. In previous studies hyperchromatic areas were found in the cytoplasm of ciliated nasal cells - hyperchromatic supranuclear stria - in greater abundance in nasal ciliated cells of healthy people and in less abundance in people with underlying otorhinolaryngological pathology. This study has as main objective to analyze the change in the structure and mucociliary clearance before and after thermal treatment. It also aimed to evaluate whether these changes alter favorably the nasal symptoms. To this end, we studied 49 patients from Unhais da Serra thermal. We conducted a clinical history oriented to the otorhinolaryngological area, we also collected nasal discharge, through nasal cytology, and applied the saccharin traffic test before and after thermal treatment. The patients, with an average of 12.4 days of thermal treatment, had an increase in the median of the nasal ciliated cells with hyperchromatic supranuclear stria , from 2 to 3 (p = 0.130). There was improvement in mucociliary clearance, resulting in a decrease in saccharin traffic test, on average, 6.81 minutes after thermal treatment (95% confidence interval: 4.88 to 8.74 min) (p <0,05). 100% of patients from our sample referred that there was symptomatic improvement. This study concluded that thermal water helps mucus cleansing and decreases inflammatory mediators, relieving pain and the sensation of nasal obstruction. Thus, there is a more effective mucociliary clearance which results in a decrease of mucociliary transport time, and no remarkable variation in the count of nasal ciliated cells with hyperchromatic supranuclear stria, after treatments

    Shiftwork schedules: from effect’s evaluation to intervention possibilities

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    Ancorado numa investigação mais alargada sobre os efeitos do trabalho por turnos, o presente trabalho propõe-se contribuir para a discussão de possibilidades de intervenção nesta problemática, considerando especialmente o papel do contexto organizacional. Tal discussão é feita a partir da referência a três estudos realizados em empresas industriais, nos quais, foram avaliados alguns dos efeitos tipicamente associados ao trabalho por turnos na saúde, vida familiar e social e avaliação da satisfação com o próprio turno de trabalho. No conjunto das três empresas estiveram envolvidos 859 trabalhadores/as por turnos. Os dados foram recolhidos através de questionário, integrando este escalas publicadas na literatura ou desenvolvidas pela equipa de investigação. As análises de correlações efetuadas indicaram uma associação estatisticamente significativa e no sentido esperado entre a perceção do suporte do contexto organizacional e os efeitos avaliados. Especificamente, tal associação oscilou entre -.19 com os “problemas de sono” e .47 com a interface com a “vida fora da empresa”. Além da relevância das práticas de gestão que podem ser usadas pelas organizações, são apresentadas/discutidas outras possibilidades de intervenção. Em ambos os casos, o enfoque permanece no suporte que pode ser proporcionado pelo contexto organizacional na promoção da adaptação a esta modalidade horária de trabalho.Anchored on a wider research on the shiftwork effects, this study aims to contribute to the discussion of intervention possibilities in this issue considering, in particular, the role of the organizational context. This discussion is made with reference to three studies conducted in industrial companies which assessed some of the effects that are typically associated with shiftwork: effects on health, family and social life and satisfaction with the work shift. In the three companies 859 shift workers were involved. Data were gathered from a survey (the scales used in the survey included scales published in the literature and other developed by the research team). The correlation analysis indicated a statistically significant association between the perception of organizational support and the assessed effects. This association varied between -.19 with “sleep problems” and .47 with the interface with “life outside the company”. Beyond the relevance of management practices that can be used by organizations, other possibilities of intervention are presented/discussed. In both cases, the focus remains on the support that may be provided by the organizational context by promoting the adaptation to this work schedule

    The Socio-Technical Relationship between Riverside Inhabitants and Big Cats (Panthera onca and Puma concolor) in the Sustainable Development Reserves of Amanã and Mamirauá in the Amazon

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    Estudos conduzidos por cientistas naturais sobre a relação entre fauna silvestre e populações tradicionais muitas vezes não apontam a assimetria e as controvérsias inerentes ao tema, principalmente quando tratam da fauna carismática. O embate entre modos tradicionais de lidar com os problemas advindos da convivência com onças e o empenho em conservar esses animais está se dando em uma arena onde o diálogo é falho. O objetivo do artigo foi apresentar a rede sociotécnica desse conflito. Ao assumir a Teoria Ator-Rede como método para analisar essa relação, espera-se dar um passo para a composição de um mundo comum que considere de forma simétrica os humanos e não-humanos que compõem a rede. Os atores, suas práticas e conexões na rede e as dissonâncias nos discursos foram apresentados procurando seguir alguns preceitos básicos da teoria, como adotar a política como parte do fazer científico, abandonar a divisão modernista e as representações e assumir a multiplicidade ontológica.Studies conducted by natural scientists on the relationship between wildlife and traditional populations often do not indicate the inherent asymmetry and controversies of the subject, especially when dealing with charismatic fauna. The clash between traditional ways of dealing with the problems arising from the coexistence with big cats and the commitment to preserve these animals is taking place in an arena with little room for dialog. The objective of this paper was to present the socio-technical relationship of this conflict. By taking the Actor-Network Theory as a method to analyze this relationship, we hope to take a step towards the composition of a common world that considers the humans and non-humans that make up the network in a symmetric way. The actors, their practices and connections in the network, and the dissonances in discourses were presented according to some basic rules of the theory, such as adopting policy as part of the scientific process, abandoning the modernist division and representations, and accepting the ontological multiplicity

    Current State-of-Art and New Trends on Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN and NLC) for Oral Drug Delivery

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    Lipids and lipid nanoparticles are extensively employed as oral-delivery systems for drugs and other active ingredients. These have been exploited for many features in the field of pharmaceutical technology. Lipids usually enhance drug absorption in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), and when formulated as nanoparticles, these molecules improve mucosal adhesion due to small particle size and increasing their GIT residence time. In addition, lipid nanoparticles may also protect the loaded drugs from chemical and enzymatic degradation and gradually release drug molecules from the lipid matrix into blood, resulting in improved therapeutic profiles compared to free drug. Therefore, due to their physiological and biodegradable properties, lipid molecules may decrease adverse side effects and chronic toxicity of the drug-delivery systems when compared to other of polymeric nature. This paper highlights the importance of lipid nanoparticles to modify the release profile and the pharmacokinetic parameters of drugs when administrated through oral route

    Membrane applications for lactose recovering

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    Cheese whey, the co-product from cheese making processes, is a natural and cheap source of high value compounds, mainly proteins, small peptides, oligosaccharides, lactose, and minerals. Lactose is the main component (about 90%) of the dry extract of cheese whey. This carbohydrate has plenty of application in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to its relative low sweetening power, caloric value, and glycemic index. Besides, lactose is currently available for diverse physicochemical properties, namely particle size, bulk density, distribution, and flow characteristics, extending its use for a larger range of applications. Recovery of lactose from cheese whey can be carried out through different processes, such as membrane processes, crystallization, anti-solvent crystallization, and sonocrystallization. This chapter aims to furnish a deep insight into the performance of membrane processes for lactose recovery from cheese wheyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neuroinflammation and Parkinson’s disease - from neurodegeneration to therapeutic opportunities

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder worldwide. Clinically, it is characterized by a progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons (DAn), resulting in severe motor complications. Preclinical and clinical studies have indicated that neuroinflammation can play a role in PD pathophysiology, being associated with its onset and progression. Nevertheless, several key points concerning the neuroinflammatory process in PD remain to be answered. Bearing this in mind, in the present review, we cover the impact of neuroinflammation on PD by exploring the role of inflammatory cells (i.e., microglia and astrocytes) and the interconnections between the brain and the peripheral system. Furthermore, we discuss both the innate and adaptive immune responses regarding PD pathology and explore the gut–brain axis communication and its influence on the progression of the disease.The present work was supported by Prémios Santa Casa Neurociências— Prize Mantero Belard for Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (MB-28-2019), the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to S.M. (CEECIND/01902/2017) and F.G.T. (2021.00643.CEECIND), the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), the Competitiveness Internationalization Operational Programme (POCI), national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of projects UIDB/50026/2020, UIDP/50026/2020, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029751, and EXPL/MED-PAT/0931/2021, project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), and under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)

    Virus Genome Sequencing as a Key Tool to Understand Cryptic Transmission

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    Funding: This study is co-funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (234_596874175) on behalf of the Research 4 COVID-19 call. This work is also a result of the GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Portugal Regional Operational Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). This work was also supported by Fundos FEDER through the ProgramaOperacionalFactores de Competitividade–COMPETE and by FundosNacionais through the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the scope of the project UID/BIM/00009/2019 (Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health -ToxOmics).Dissemination of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in healthcare institutions affects both patients and health-care workers (HCW), as well as the institutional capacity to provide essential health services. Here, we investigated an outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in a "non-COVID-19" hospital ward unveiled by massive testing, which challenged the reconstruction of transmission chains. The contacts network during the 15-day period before the screening was investigated, and positive SARS-CoV-2 RNA samples were subjected to virus genome sequencing. Of the 245 tested individuals, 48 (21 patients and 27 HCWs) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. HCWs were mostly asymptomatic, but the mortality among patients reached 57.1% (12/21). Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed that all cases were part of the same transmission chain. By combining contact tracing and genomic data, including analysis of emerging minor variants, we unveiled a scenario of silent SARS-CoV-2 dissemination, mostly driven by the close contact within the HCWs group and between HCWs and patients. This investigation triggered enhanced prevention and control measures, leading to more timely detection and containment of novel outbreaks. This study shows the benefit of combining genomic and epidemiological data for disclosing complex nosocomial outbreaks, and provides valuable data to prevent transmission of COVID-19 in healthcare facilities.publishersversionpublishe


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    O Programa de Atendimento Psicológico Estudantil (PAPSE) teve início em junho de 2019. A equipe sempre foi composta por uma coordenadora/supervisora, docente da Faculdade de Psicologia e discentes da mesma faculdade. O PAPSE está organizado para atender especialmente discentes da Unifesspa. A partir de março de 2020, os atendimentos passaram a ocorrer de forma remota, devido a pandemia da Covid-19. A clínica psicanalítica vem sendo convocada a responder às urgências da pandemia bem como suas consequências na saúde mental. O objetivo do texto é apresentar a experiência do PAPSE antes e durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Desde que iniciou as atividades, o PAPSE atendeu 162 discentes