430 research outputs found

    issues and perspectives in dairy sheep breeding

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    The present review consists of two parts. In the first part, the authors briefly describe the state of the art of breedingprogrammes for Italian dairy sheep; then they report new models for genetic evaluation and consider the problem ofgenotype x environment interaction and the impact of farming systems on the genetic merit of animals. In the secondpart new breeding goals regarding the evolution of milk quality concept and the increasing importance of functional traitsare reported. Regarding milk quality, the authors especially focus on the traits related to cheese-making ability and onthe nutraceutical aspects of milk. Among functional traits, resistance to diseases (mastitis and Scrapie) has been highlightedfor its great importance in livestock species. Finally, the perspectives of marker-assisted selection have also beenreported

    Derivation of multivariate indices of milk composition, coagulation properties, and individual cheese yield in dairy sheep

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    Milk composition and its technological properties are traits of interest for the dairy sheep industry because almost all milk produced is processed into cheese. However, several variables define milk technological properties and a complex correlation pattern exists among them. In the present work, we measured milk composition, coagulation properties, and individual cheese yields in a sample of 991 Sarda breed ewes in 47 flocks. The work aimed to study the correlation pattern among measured variables and to obtain new synthetic indicators of milk composition and cheese-making properties. Multivariate factor analysis was carried out on individual measures of milk coagulation parameters; cheese yield; fat, protein, and lactose percentages; somatic cell score; casein percentage; NaCl content; pH; and freezing point. Four factors that were able to explain about 76% of the original variance were extracted. They were clearly interpretable: the first was associated with composition and cheese yield, the second with udder health status, the third with coagulation, and the fourth with curd characteristics. Factor scores were then analyzed by using a mixed linear model that included the fixed effect of parity, lambing month, and lactation stage, and the random effect of flock-test date. The patterns of factor scores along lactation stages were coherent with their technical meaning. A relevant effect of flock-test date was detected, especially on the 2 factors related to milk coagulation properties. Results of the present study suggest the existence of a simpler latent structure that regulates relationships between variables defining milk composition and coagulation properties in sheep. Heritability estimates for the 4 extracted factors were from low to moderate, suggesting potential use of these new variables as breeding goals

    Genetic parameters of milk fatty acid profile in sheep: comparison between gas chromatographic measurements and Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy predictions.

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    Fatty acid (FA) composition is a key component of sheep milk nutritional quality. However, breeding for FA composition in dairy sheep is hampered by the logistic and phenotyping costs. This study was aimed at estimating genetic parameters for sheep milk FA and to test the feasibility of their routine measurement by using Fourier-transform IR (FTIR) spectroscopy. Milk FA composition of 989 Sarda ewes farmed in 48 flocks was measured by gas chromatography (FA GC ). Moreover, FTIR spectrum was collected for each sample, and it was used to predict FA composition (FA FTIR ) by partial least squares regression: 700 ewes were used for estimating model parameters, whereas the remaining 289 animals were used to validate the model. One hundred replicates were performed by randomly assigning animals to estimation and validation data set, respectively. Variance components for both measured and predicted traits were estimated with an animal model that included the fixed effects of parity, days in milking interval, lambing month, province, altitude of flock location, the random effects of flock-test-date and animal genetic additive. Genetic correlations among FA GC , and between corresponding FA GC and FA FTIR were estimated by bivariate analysis. Coefficients of determination between FA GC and FA FTIR ranged from moderate (about 0.50 for odd- and branched-chain FA) to high (about 0.90 for de novo FA) values. Low-to-moderate heritabilities were observed for individual FA (ranging from 0.01 to 0.47). The largest value was observed for GC measured C16:0. Low–to-moderate heritabilities were estimated for FA groups. In most of cases, heritabilites were slightly larger for FA GC than FA FTIR . Estimates of genetic correlations among FA GC showed a large variability in magnitude and sign. The genetic correlation between FA FTIR and FA GC was higher than 60% for all investigated traits. Results of the present study confirm the existence of genetic variability of the FA composition in sheep and suggest the feasibility of using FA FTIR as proxies for these traits in large scale breeding programs

    Multiple-breed genomic evaluation by principal component analysis in small size populations

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    In this study, the effects of breed composition and predictor dimensionality on the accuracy of direct genomic values (DGV) in a multiple breed (MB) cattle population were investigated. A total of 3559 bulls of three breeds were genotyped at 54 001 single nucleotide polymorphisms: 2093 Holstein (H), 749 Brown Swiss (B) and 717 Simmental (S). DGV were calculated using a principal component (PC) approach for either single (SB) or MB scenarios. Moreover, DGV were computed using all SNP genotypes simultaneously with SNPBLUP model as comparison. A total of seven data sets were used: three with a SB each, three with different pairs of breeds (HB, HS and BS), and one with all the three breeds together (HBS), respectively. Editing was performed separately for each scenario. Reference populations differed in breed composition, whereas the validation bulls were the same for all scenarios. The number of SNPs retained after data editing ranged from 36 521 to 41 360. PCs were extracted from actual genotypes. The total number of retained PCs ranged from 4029 to 7284 in Brown Swiss and HBS respectively, reducing the number of predictors by about 85% (from 82% to 89%). In all, three traits were considered: milk, fat and protein yield. Correlations between deregressed proofs and DGV were used to assess prediction accuracy in validation animals. In the SB scenarios, average DGV accuracy did not substantially change when either SNPBLUP or PC were used. Improvement of DGV accuracy were observed for some traits in Brown Swiss, only when MB reference populations and PC approach were used instead of SB-SNPBLUP (+10% HBS, +16%HB for milk yield and +3% HBS and +7% HB for protein yield, respectively). With the exclusion of the abovementioned cases, similar accuracies were observed using MB reference population, under the PC or SNPBLUP models. Random variation owing to sampling effect or size and composition of the reference population may explain the difficulty in finding a defined pattern in the results

    Intensificazione sostenibile nella filiera ovina e caprina

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