14 research outputs found

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Nitrogen Availability, Leaf Life Span And Nitrogen Conservation Mechanisms In Leaves Of Tropical Trees [disponibilidade De Nitrogênio, Longevidade Foliar E Mecanismos De Conservação De Nitrogênio Em Folhas De Espécies Arbóreas Tropicais]

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    Evergreen species of temperate regions are dominant in low-nutrient soils. This feature is attributed to more efficient mechanisms of nutrient economy. Nevertheless, the cashew (Anacardium occidentale-Anacardiaceae), a deciduous species, is native to regions in Brazil with sandy soil, whilst the annatto (Bixa orellana-Bixaceae), classified as an evergreen species native to tropical America, grows spontaneously in regions with more humid soils. Evergreens contain robust leaves that can resist adverse conditions for longer. The physical aspects of the leaves and mechanisms of nutrient economy between the two species were compared, in order to verify whether the deciduous species had more efficient mechanisms that might explain its occurrence in regions of low soil fertility. The mechanisms of nitrogen economy were also compared for the two species at available concentrations of this nutrient. The following were analysed: (i) leaf life span, (ii) physical leaf characteristics (leaf mass per area, and rupture strain), (iii) nitrogenous compounds (nitrogen, chlorophyll, and protein), (iv) nitrogen conservation mechanisms (nitrogen resorption efficiency, resorption proficiency, and use efficiency), and (v) nitrogen conservation mechanisms under different availability of this mineral. The higher values of leaf mass per area and leaf rupture strain found in A. occidentale were related to its longer leaf life span. A. occidentale showed lower concentrations of nitrogen and protein in the leaves than B. orellana. Under lower nitrogen availability, A. occidentale had higher nitrogen resorption proficiency, nitrogen use efficiency and leaf life span than B. orellana. 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    Oral tolerance is inefficient in neonatal mice due to a physiological vitamin A deficiency

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    Increased risk of allergy during early life indicates deficient immune regulation in this period of life. To date, the cause for inefficient neonatal immune regulation has never been elucidated. We aimed to define the ontogeny of oral tolerance and to identify necessary conditions specific for this stage of life. Ovalbumin (OVA) was administered orally to mice through breast milk and efficiency of systemic tolerance to OVA was assessed in adulthood using a model of allergic airway inflammation. Oral tolerance induction was fully efficient starting third week of life. Inefficiency in neonates was a consequence of abnormal antigen transfer across the gut barrier and retinaldehyde dehydrogenase expression by mesenteric lymph node CD103(+) neonatal dendritic cells, resulting in inefficient T-cell activation. Neonates' serum retinol levels were three times lower than in adult mice, and vitamin A supplementation was sufficient to rescue neonatal defects and allow tolerance induction from birth. The establishment of oral tolerance required the differentiation of Th1 lymphocytes in both vitamin A-supplemented neonates and 3-week-old unsupplemented mice. This knowledge should guide the design of interventions for allergy prevention that are adapted to the neonatal stage of life such as vitamin A supplementatio