3,704 research outputs found

    Exploring the use of strategic frameworks in dental practice

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    This paper explores the use of strategic frameworks in NHS and private dental practice. It reviews the policy context of dentistry and suggests the challenges in this context will require dental practices to prioritise understanding and engagement with a strategic approach. A strategic approach will be required in order to enhance and improve performance. Two specific strategic frameworks will be explored in terms of their relevance to NHS and private dental practic

    Is copyright blind to the visual?

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    This article argues that, with respect to the copyright protection of works of visual art, the general uneasiness that has always pervaded the relationship between copyright law and concepts of creativity produces three anomalous results. One of these is that copyright lacks much in the way of a central concept of 'visual art' and, to the extent that it embraces any concept of the 'visual', it is rooted in the rhetorical discourse of the Renaissance. This means that copyright is poorly equipped to deal with modern developments in the visual arts. Secondly, the pervasive effect of rhetorical discourse appears to have made it particularly difficult for copyright law to strike a meaningful balance between protecting creativity and permitting its use in further creative works. Thirdly, just when rhetorical discourse might have been useful in identifying the significance and materiality of the unique one-off work of visual art, copyright law chooses to ignore its implications

    Progress toward a 30 percent-efficient, monolithic, three-junction, two-terminal concentrator solar cell for space applications

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    Component efficiencies of 0.2/sq cm cells at approximately 100x AMO light concentration and 80 C temperatures are not at 15.3 percent for a 1.9 eV AlGaAs top cell, 9.9 percent for a 1.4 eV GaAs middle cell under a 1.9 eV AlGaAs filter, and 2.4 percent for a bottom 1.0 eV InGaAs cell under a GaAs substrate. The goal is to continue improvement in these performance levels and to sequentially grow these devices on a single substrate to give 30 percent efficient, monolithic, two-terminal, three-junction space concentrator cells. The broad objective is a 30 percent efficient monolithic two-terminal cell that can operate under 25 to 100x AMO light concentrations and at 75 to 100 C cell temperatures. Detailed modeling predicts that this requires three junctions. Two options are being pursued, and both use a 1.9 eV AlGaAs top junction and a 1.4 eV GaAs middle junction grown by a 1 atm OMVPE on a lattice matched substrate. Option 1 uses a low-doped GaAs substrate with a lattice mismatched 1.0 eV InGaAs cell formed on the back of the substrate. Option 2 uses a Ge substrate to which the AlGaAs and GaAs top junctions are lattice matched, with a bottom 0.7 eV Ge junction formed near the substrate interface with the GaAs growth. The projected efficiency contributions are near 16, 11, and 3 percent, respectively, from the top, middle, and bottom junctions

    Stirring N-body systems: Universality of end states

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    We study the evolution of the phase-space of collisionless N-body systems under repeated stirrings or perturbations. We find convergence towards a limited solution group, in accordance with Hansen 2010, that is independent of the initial system and environmental conditions, paying particular attention to the assumed gravitational paradigm (Newtonian and MOND). We examine the effects of changes to the perturbation scheme and in doing so identify a large group of perturbations featuring radial orbit instability (ROI) which always lead to convergence. The attractor is thus found to be a robust and reproducible effect under a variety of circumstances

    Overcoming barriers to equality, diversity, inclusivity, and sense of belonging in healthcare education: the Underrepresented Groups’ Experiences in Osteopathic Training (UrGEnT) mixed methods study.

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    Background: Individuals from minority groups have historically faced social injustices. Those from underrepresented groups have been less likely to access both healthcare services and higher education. Little is known about the experiences of underrepresented students during their undergraduate studies in osteopathy in the UK. The aim of this project was to explore awareness of cultural diversity and beliefs about patients from underrepresented groups in current osteopathic educational environments and evaluate students' preparedness to manage patients from diverse groups. The project also aimed to investigate the educational experiences of students from underrepresented backgrounds during their training and their opinions on changes that could support better levels of recruitment and achievement. The findings were discussed with stakeholders in interactive workshops with the aim to develop recommendations for action and change. Methods: A transformative action research paradigm informed this mixed methods project. It included: 1/ a survey of students from all seven osteopathic educational providers in the UK using the Multidimensional Cultural Humility Scale (MCHS); 2/ a series of focus groups with students from underrepresented groups (women, students with disabilities, students from minority ethnic backgrounds, and students identifying as LGBTQIA+); and 3/ a workshop forum to discuss findings. Results: A total of 202 participants completed the MCHS and demographic questionnaire and seven focus groups were conducted. A model was developed to describe participants' training experiences comprising two main themes: institutional contextual obstacles (with four sub-themes) and underrepresented students' conceptual understanding of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). Recommendations for change identified in the workshops were based on three topics: institutions, staff, and students. Conclusion: Our findings confirm conclusions from other institutions that staff education is urgently needed to create and maintain equitable, inclusive environments in osteopathic educational institutions in the UK to support all students, particularly those from underrepresented groups. Institutional EDI processes and policies also need to be clarified or modified to ensure their usefulness, accessibility, and implementation

    Developing, Analyzing and Sharing Multivariate Datasets: Individual Differences in L2 Learning Revisited

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    Following the trends established in psychology and emerging in L2 research, we explain our support for an Open Science approach in this paper (i.e., developing, analyzing and sharing datasets) as a way to answer controversial and complex questions in applied linguistics. We illustrate this with a focus on a frequently debated question, what underlies individual differences in the dynamic system of post-pubertal L2 speech learning? We provide a detailed description of our dataset which consists of spontaneous speech samples, elicited from 110 late L2 speakers in the UK with diverse linguistic, experiential and sociopsychological backgrounds, rated by ten L1 English listeners for comprehensibility and nativelikeness. We explain how we examined the source of individual differences by linking different levels of L2 speech performance to a range of learner-extrinsic and intrinsic variables related to first language backgrounds, age, experience, motivation, awareness, and attitudes using a series of factor and Bayesian mixed-effects ordinal regression analyses. We conclude with a range of suggestions for the fields of applied linguistics and SLA, including the use of Bayesian methods in analyzing multivariate, multifactorial data of this kind, and advocating for publicly available datasets. In keeping with recommendations for increasing openness of the field, we invite readers to rethink and redo our analyses and interpretations from multiple angles by making our dataset and coding publicly available as part of our 40th anniversary ARAL article

    The Glass Transition Temperature of Water: A Simulation Study

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    We report a computer simulation study of the glass transition for water. To mimic the difference between standard and hyperquenched glass, we generate glassy configurations with different cooling rates and calculate the TT dependence of the specific heat on heating. The absence of crystallization phenomena allows us, for properly annealed samples, to detect in the specific heat the simultaneous presence of a weak pre-peak (``shadow transition''), and an intense glass transition peak at higher temperature. We discuss the implications for the currently debated value of the glass transition temperature of water. We also compare our simulation results with the Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan phenomenological model.Comment: submitted to Phys. Re
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