377 research outputs found

    Collisional Shaping of Nuclear Star Cluster Density Profiles

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    A supermassive black hole (SMBH) surrounded by a dense, nuclear star cluster resides at the center of many galaxies. In this dense environment, high-velocity collisions frequently occur between stars. About 10%10 \% of the stars within the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster collide with other stars before evolving off the main-sequence. Collisions preferentially affect tightly-bound stars, which orbit most quickly and pass through regions of the highest stellar density. Over time, collisions therefore shape the bulk properties of the nuclear star cluster. We examine the effect of collisions on the cluster's stellar density profile. We show that collisions produce a turning point in the density profile which can be determined analytically. Varying the initial density profile and collision model, we characterize the evolution of the stellar density profile over 1010 Gyr. We find that old, initially cuspy populations exhibit a break around 0.10.1 pc in their density profile, while shallow density profiles retain their initial shape outside of 0.010.01 pc. The initial density profile is always preserved outside of a few tenths of parsec irrespective of initial conditions. Lastly, we comment on the implications of collisions for the luminosity and color of stars in the collisionly-shaped inner cluster.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letters. Comments welcom

    Runaway Coalescence at the Onset of Common Envelope Episodes

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    Luminous red nova transients, presumably from stellar coalescence, exhibit long-term precursor emission over hundreds of binary orbits, leading to impulsive outbursts with durations similar to a single orbital period. In an effort to understand these signatures, we present and analyze a hydrodynamic model of unstable mass transfer from a giant-star donor onto a more compact accretor in a binary system. Our simulation begins with mass transfer at the Roche limit separation and traces a phase of runaway decay leading up to the plunge of the accretor within the envelope of the donor. We characterize the fluxes of mass and angular momentum through the system and show that the orbital evolution can be reconstructed from measurements of these quantities. The morphology of outflow from the binary changes significantly as the binary orbit tightens. At wide separations, a thin stream of relatively high-entropy gas trails from the outer Lagrange points. As the orbit tightens, the orbital motion desynchronizes from the donor's rotation, and low-entropy ejecta trace a broad fan of largely ballistic trajectories. An order-of-magnitude increase in mass ejection rate accompanies the plunge of the accretor with the envelope of the donor. We argue that this transition marks the precursor-to-outburst transition observed in stellar coalescence transients.Comment: Revised following peer-review. ApJ accepted. Animated version of Figure 5 will be available via the Journal's online publicatio

    Bound Outflows, Unbound Ejecta, and the Shaping of Bipolar Remnants during Stellar Coalescence

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    Recent observations have revealed that the remnants of stellar-coalescence transients are bipolar. This raises the questions of how these bipolar morphologies arise and what they teach us about the mechanisms of mass ejection during stellar mergers and common-envelope phases. In this paper, we analyze hydrodynamic simulations of the lead-in to binary coalescence, a phase of unstable Roche lobe overflow that takes the binary from the Roche limit separation to the engulfment of the more compact accretor within the envelope of the extended donor. As mass transfer runs away at increasing rates, gas trails away from the binary. Contrary to previous expectations, early mass loss from the system remains bound to the binary and forms a circumbinary torus. Later ejecta, generated as the accretor grazes the surface of the donor, have very different morphologies and are unbound. These two components of mass loss from the binary interact as later, higher-velocity ejecta collide with the circumbinary torus formed by earlier mass loss. Unbound ejecta are redirected toward the poles, and escaping material creates a bipolar outflow. Our findings show that the transition from bound to unbound ejecta from coalescing binaries can explain the bipolar nature of their remnants, with implications for our understanding of the origin of bipolar remnants of stellar-coalescence transients and, perhaps, some preplanetary nebulae.Comment: ApJ accepte

    A Consistent Picture Emerges: A Compact X-ray Continuum Emission Region in the Gravitationally Lensed Quasar SDSS J0924+0219

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    We analyze the optical, UV, and X-ray microlensing variability of the lensed quasar SDSS J0924+0219 using six epochs of Chandra data in two energy bands (spanning 0.4-8.0 keV, or 1-20 keV in the quasar rest frame), 10 epochs of F275W (rest-frame 1089A) Hubble Space Telescope data, and high-cadence R-band (rest-frame 2770A) monitoring spanning eleven years. Our joint analysis provides robust constraints on the extent of the X-ray continuum emission region and the projected area of the accretion disk. The best-fit half-light radius of the soft X-ray continuum emission region is between 5x10^13 and 10^15 cm, and we find an upper limit of 10^15 cm for the hard X-rays. The best-fit soft-band size is about 13 times smaller than the optical size, and roughly 7 GM_BH/c^2 for a 2.8x10^8 M_sol black hole, similar to the results for other systems. We find that the UV emitting region falls in between the optical and X-ray emitting regions at 10^14 cm < r_1/2,UV < 3x10^15 cm. Finally, the optical size is significantly larger, by 1.5*sigma, than the theoretical thin-disk estimate based on the observed, magnification-corrected I-band flux, suggesting a shallower temperature profile than expected for a standard disk.Comment: Replaced with accepted version to Ap

    Merger of white dwarf-neutron star binaries: Prelude to hydrodynamic simulations in general relativity

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    White dwarf-neutron star binaries generate detectable gravitational radiation. We construct Newtonian equilibrium models of corotational white dwarf-neutron star (WDNS) binaries in circular orbit and find that these models terminate at the Roche limit. At this point the binary will undergo either stable mass transfer (SMT) and evolve on a secular time scale, or unstable mass transfer (UMT), which results in the tidal disruption of the WD. The path a given binary will follow depends primarily on its mass ratio. We analyze the fate of known WDNS binaries and use population synthesis results to estimate the number of LISA-resolved galactic binaries that will undergo either SMT or UMT. We model the quasistationary SMT epoch by solving a set of simple ordinary differential equations and compute the corresponding gravitational waveforms. Finally, we discuss in general terms the possible fate of binaries that undergo UMT and construct approximate Newtonian equilibrium configurations of merged WDNS remnants. We use these configurations to assess plausible outcomes of our future, fully relativistic simulations of these systems. If sufficient WD debris lands on the NS, the remnant may collapse, whereby the gravitational waves from the inspiral, merger, and collapse phases will sweep from LISA through LIGO frequency bands. If the debris forms a disk about the NS, it may fragment and form planets.Comment: 28 pages, 25 figures, 6 table

    The Process of Stellar Tidal Disruption by Supermassive Black Holes. The first pericenter passage

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    Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are among the brightest transients in the optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray sky. These flares are set into motion when a star is torn apart by the tidal field of a massive black hole, triggering a chain of events which is -- so far -- incompletely understood. However, the disruption process has been studied extensively for almost half a century, and unlike the later stages of a TDE, our understanding of the disruption itself is reasonably well converged. In this Chapter, we review both analytical and numerical models for stellar tidal disruption. Starting with relatively simple, order-of-magnitude physics, we review models of increasing sophistication, the semi-analytic ``affine formalism,'' hydrodynamic simulations of the disruption of polytropic stars, and the most recent hydrodynamic results concerning the disruption of realistic stellar models. Our review surveys the immediate aftermath of disruption in both typical and more unusual TDEs, exploring how the fate of the tidal debris changes if one considers non-main sequence stars, deeply penetrating tidal encounters, binary star systems, and sub-parabolic orbits. The stellar tidal disruption process provides the initial conditions needed to model the formation of accretion flows around quiescent massive black holes, and in some cases may also lead to directly observable emission, for example via shock breakout, gravitational waves or runaway nuclear fusion in deeply plunging TDEs.Comment: Review chapter in book: 'The Tidal Disruption of Stars by Massive Black Holes', Space Science Reviews, Springer. Comments welcom

    A Description of Quasar Variability Measured Using Repeated SDSS and POSS Imaging

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    We provide a quantitative description and statistical interpretation of the optical continuum variability of quasars. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has obtained repeated imaging in five UV-to-IR photometric bands for 33,881 spectroscopically confirmed quasars. About 10,000 quasars have an average of 60 observations in each band obtained over a decade along Stripe 82 (S82), whereas the remaining ~25,000 have 2-3 observations due to scan overlaps. The observed time lags span the range from a day to almost 10 years, and constrain quasar variability at rest-frame time lags of up to 4 years, and at rest-frame wavelengths from 1000A to 6000A. We publicly release a user-friendly catalog of quasars from the SDSS Data Release 7 that have been observed at least twice in SDSS or once in both SDSS and the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, and we use it to analyze the ensemble properties of quasar variability. Based on a damped random walk (DRW) model defined by a characteristic time scale and an asymptotic variability amplitude that scale with the luminosity, black hole mass, and rest wavelength for individual quasars calibrated in S82, we can fully explain the ensemble variability statistics of the non-S82 quasars such as the exponential distribution of large magnitude changes. All available data are consistent with the DRW model as a viable description of the optical continuum variability of quasars on time scales of ~5-2000 days in the rest frame. We use these models to predict the incidence of quasar contamination in transient surveys such as those from PTF and LSST.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figures, replaced with accepted version. Catalog is available at http://www.astro.washington.edu/users/ivezic/macleod/qso_dr7

    COSMOGRAIL: the COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses XIII: Time delays and 9-yr optical monitoring of the lensed quasar RX J1131-1231

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    We present the results from nine years of optically monitoring the gravitationally lensed z=0.658 quasar RX J1131-1231. The R-band light curves of the four individual images of the quasar were obtained using deconvolution photometry for a total of 707 epochs. Several sharp quasar variability features strongly constrain the time delays between the quasar images. Using three different numerical techniques, we measure these delays for all possible pairs of quasar images while always processing the four light curves simultaneously. For all three methods, the delays between the three close images A, B, and C are compatible with being 0, while we measure the delay of image D to be 91 days, with a fractional uncertainty of 1.5% (1 sigma), including systematic errors. Our analysis of random and systematic errors accounts in a realistic way for the observed quasar variability, fluctuating microlensing magnification over a broad range of temporal scales, noise properties, and seasonal gaps. Finally, we find that our time-delay measurement methods yield compatible results when applied to subsets of the data.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, minor additions to the text only, techniques and results remain unchanged, A&A in pres

    Time Delay and Accretion Disk Size Measurements in the Lensed Quasar SBS 0909+532 from Multiwavelength Microlensing Analysis

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    We present three complete seasons and two half-seasons of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) r-band photometry of the gravitationally lensed quasar SBS 0909+532 from the U.S. Naval Observatory, as well as two seasons each of SDSS g-band and r-band monitoring from the Liverpool Robotic Telescope. Using Monte Carlo simulations to simultaneously measure the system’s time delay and model the r-band microlensing variability, we confirm and significantly refine the precision of the system’s time delay to ΔtAB = 50+2 −4 days, where the stated uncertainties represent the bounds of the formal 1σ confidence interval. There may be a conflict between the time delay measurement and a lens consisting of a single galaxy. While models based on the Hubble Space Telescope astrometry and a relatively compact stellar distribution can reproduce the observed delay, the models have somewhat less dark matter than we would typically expect. We also carry out a joint analysis of the microlensing variability in the r and g bands to constrain the size of the quasar’s continuum source at these wavelengths, obtaining log{(rs,r/cm)[cos i/0.5]1/2} = 15.3 ± 0.3 and log{(rs,g/cm)[cos i/0.5]1/2} = 14.8 ± 0.9, respectively. Our current results do not formally constrain the temperature profile of the accretion disk but are consistent with the expectations of standard thin disk theory
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