989 research outputs found

    Central Venous Obstruction–Induced Intracranial Hypertension in Hemodialysis Patients: An Underrecognized Cause of Elevated Intracranial Pressure

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    Background: Central venous obstruction (stenosis or occlusion) is common in patients with renal failure on hemodialysis and may be associated with intracranial hypertension (IH). Causes include vein injury from an endoluminal device, lumen obstruction from a device or thrombus, external vein compression, and high venous flow leading to vein intimal hyperplasia. A combination of high venous flow and central venous obstruction can lead to intracranial venous hypertension, impaired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) resorption, and subsequent IH. Evidence Acquisition: We conducted a search of the English literature using the Ovid MEDLINE Database and PubMed, with a focus on reports involving IH and central venous obstruction in the setting of hemodialysis. We reviewed CSF flow dynamics, the risk factors and causes of central venous obstruction, and the evaluation, management, and outcomes of central venous obstruction-induced IH. Results: Twenty-four cases of IH related to central venous obstruction in hemodialysis patients were identified. Twenty patients had headaches (83.3%) and 9 had visual symptoms (37.5%). The brachiocephalic vein was the most common site of stenosis or occlusion (20/24, 83.3%). Twenty-one patients (87.5%) had resolution of IH with treatment. Two patients died from complications of IH (8.3%). Conclusions: Central venous obstruction–induced IH is likely underrecognized by clinicians and mimics idiopathic IH. Hemodialysis patients with IH should be screened with computed tomography venography of the chest. Optimal treatment is with vascular intervention or a CSF diversion procedure and can help prevent vision loss from papilledema or nervous system damage. Medical management may be appropriate in mild cases or as a bridge to definitive interventional treatment. Increased awareness among clinicians has potential to facilitate the timely diagnosis of this treatable condition with potential for good neurologic and visual outcomes

    How might spirituality help people on a methadone program to deal with their addiction?

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    This study uses a phenomenological interpretive approach to explore the place of spirituality in the lives of eight people who are currently on a methadone program. These participants were interviewed to obtain their narratives around addiction and spirituality to see if spirituality might be a potential resource in dealing with addiction. The interviews were then transcribed and presented as individual profiles in Chapter 4, and as group narratives in Chapter 5. The researcher was initially disappointed not to obtain more specific suggestions from the participants about how spirituality had helped them in addressing their addiction. While an interest in spirituality had prompted them to participate in the research, only a minority was able to say how spirituality helped them in dealing with their heroin addiction. The researcher then saw the value of searching their narratives to explore what the participants were seeking in using heroin and what they might be seeking in spirituality. What emerged were links between substance use, spirituality and recovery that might suggest ways spirituality could be helpful in dealing with addiction in the future. The key themes in the participants' narratives around what they were seeking in using heroin were peace of mind, which they associated with freedom from emotional pain, and the search for connection. While findings from the present study are less conclusive than in a number of other studies exploring spirituality as a potential resource in addressing addiction, the study contributes to an understanding of the multidimensionality of addiction, and that spirituality is only one of the resources helpful in recovery. Although most of the participants were unable to say how spirituality had helped them, they seemed to be hoping to find out how it might do so. This led the researcher to reflect on what is missing in the participants' experience and to suggest some implications for clinical practice as well as ideas for future research. In doing so she hopes to build a bridge between their hope that spirituality (related to a religion or distinct from it) might be a resource, and their realization of that hope and experience

    Lateral parietal contributions to memory impairment in posterior cortical atrophy

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    Objective: Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome characterised by progressive impairment in visuospatial and perceptual function. Recent findings show that memory functioning can also be compromised early in the course of disease. In this study, we investigated the neural basis of memory impairment in PCA, and hypothesised that correlations would be observed with parietal cortex rather than classic medial temporal memory structures. Methods: Eighteen PCA patients, 15 typical Alzheimer's disease (tAD) patients and 21 healthy controls underwent memory testing with the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) word list and MRI. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was used to identify regions in the parietal and medial temporal lobes that correlated with memory performance. Results: Compared with controls, PCA patients were impaired at learning, immediate and delayed recall and recognition of the RAVLT. Learning rate and immediate recall was significantly better in PCA compared to tAD, whereas there was no difference in delayed recall. Recognition memory also was not statistically different between patient groups, but PCA patients made significantly more false positive errors than tAD patients. VBM analysis in the PCA patients revealed a significant correlation between total learning and grey matter density in the right supramarginal gyrus, right angular gyrus and left postcentral gyrus. The left post central gyrus also significantly correlated with immediate and delayed recall and with recognition memory. No correlations were detected in the medial temporal lobe. Conclusions: The findings provide novel evidence that early verbal memory impairment is frequently observed in PCA, and is associated with damage to lateral parietal structures. The results have implications for the diagnosis and management of PCA

    Malaria surveillance from both ends: concurrent detection of Plasmodium falciparum in saliva and excreta harvested from Anopheles mosquitoes

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    Background: Malaria is the most important vector-borne disease in the world. Epidemiological and ecological studies of malaria traditionally utilize detection of Plasmodium sporozoites in whole mosquitoes or salivary glands by microscopy or serological or molecular assays. However, these methods are labor-intensive, and can over- or underestimate mosquito transmission potential. To overcome these limitations, alternative sample types have been evaluated for the study of malaria. It was recently shown that Plasmodium could be detected in saliva expectorated on honey-soaked cards by Anopheles stephensi, providing a better estimate of transmission risk. We evaluated whether excretion of Plasmodium falciparum nucleic acid by An. stephensi correlates with expectoration of parasites in saliva, thus providing an additional sample type for estimating transmission potential. Mosquitoes were exposed to infectious blood meals containing cultured gametocytes, and excreta collected at different time points post-exposure. Saliva was collected on honey-soaked filter paper cards, and salivary glands were dissected and examined microscopically for sporozoites. Excreta and saliva samples were tested by real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-rtPCR). Results: Plasmodium falciparum RNA was detected in mosquito excreta as early as four days after ingesting a bloodmeal containing gametocytes. Once sporogony (the development of sporozoites) occurred, P. falciparum RNA was detected concurrently in both excreta and saliva samples. In the majority of cases, no difference was observed between the Ct values obtained from matched excreta and saliva samples, suggesting that both samples provide equally sensitive results. A positive association was observed between the molecular detection of the parasites in both samples and the proportion of mosquitoes with sporozoites in their salivary glands from each container. No distinguishable parasites were observed when excreta samples were stained and microscopically analyzed. Conclusions: Mosquito saliva and excreta are easily collected and are promising for surveillance of malaria-causing parasites, especially in low transmission settings or in places where arboviruses co-circulate

    Formate induces a metabolic switch in nucleotide and energy metabolism

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    Formate is a precursor for the de novo synthesis of purine and deoxythymidine nucleotides. Formate also interacts with energy metabolism by promoting the synthesis of adenine nucleotides. Here we use theoretical modelling together with metabolomics analysis to investigate the link between formate, nucleotide and energy metabolism. We uncover that endogenous or exogenous formate induces a metabolic switch from low to high adenine nucleotide levels, increasing the rate of glycolysis and repressing the AMPK activity. Formate also induces an increase in the pyrimidine precursor orotate and the urea cycle intermediate argininosuccinate, in agreement with the ATP-dependent activities of carbamoyl-phosphate and argininosuccinate synthetase. In vivo data for mouse and human cancers confirms the association between increased formate production, nucleotide and energy metabolism. Finally, the in vitro observations are recapitulated in mice following and intraperitoneal injection of formate. We conclude that formate is a potent regulator of purine, pyrimidine and energy metabolism

    Proteomics-based metabolic modeling reveals that fatty acid oxidation (FAO) controls endothelial cell (EC) permeability.

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    Endothelial cells (ECs) play a key role to maintain the functionality of blood vessels. Altered EC permeability causes severe impairment in vessel stability and is a hallmark of pathologies such as cancer and thrombosis. Integrating label-free quantitative proteomics data into genome-wide metabolic modeling, we built up a model that predicts the metabolic fluxes in ECs when cultured on a tridimensional matrix and organize into a vascular-like network. We discovered how fatty acid oxidation increases when ECs are assembled into a fully formed network that can be disrupted by inhibiting CPT1A, the fatty acid oxidation rate-limiting enzyme. Acute CPT1A inhibition reduces cellular ATP levels and oxygen consumption, which are restored by replenishing the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Remarkably, global phosphoproteomic changes measured upon acute CPT1A inhibition pinpointed altered calcium signaling. Indeed, CPT1A inhibition increases intracellular calcium oscillations. Finally, inhibiting CPT1A induces hyperpermeability in vitro and leakage of blood vessel in vivo, which were restored blocking calcium influx or replenishing the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Fatty acid oxidation emerges as central regulator of endothelial functions and blood vessel stability and druggable pathway to control pathological vascular permeability

    Heterologous Array Analysis in Pinaceae: Hybridization of Pinus Taeda cDNA Arrays With cDNA From Needles and Embryogenic Cultures of P. Taeda, P. Sylvestris or Picea Abies

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    Hybridization of labelled cDNA from various cell types with high-density arrays of expressed sequence tags is a powerful technique for investigating gene expression. Few conifer cDNA libraries have been sequenced. Because of the high level of sequence conservation between Pinus and Picea we have investigated the use of arrays from one genus for studies of gene expression in the other. The partial cDNAs from 384 identifiable genes expressed in differentiating xylem of Pinus taeda were printed on nylon membranes in randomized replicates. These were hybridized with labelled cDNA from needles or embryogenic cultures of Pinus taeda, P. sylvestris and Picea abies, and with labelled cDNA from leaves of Nicotiana tabacum. The Spearman correlation of gene expression for pairs of conifer species was high for needles (r2 = 0.78 − 0.86), and somewhat lower for embryogenic cultures (r2 = 0.68 − 0.83). The correlation of gene expression for tobacco leaves and needles of each of the three conifer species was lower but sufficiently high (r2 = 0.52 − 0.63) to suggest that many partial gene sequences are conserved in angiosperms and gymnosperms. Heterologous probing was further used to identify tissue-specific gene expression over species boundaries. To evaluate the significance of differences in gene expression, conventional parametric tests were compared with permutation tests after four methods of normalization. Permutation tests after Z-normalization provide the highest degree of discrimination but may enhance the probability of type I errors. It is concluded that arrays of cDNA from loblolly pine are useful for studies of gene expression in other pines or spruces