104 research outputs found

    Genetic management strategies for controlling infectious diseases in livestock populations

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    This paper considers the use of disease resistance genes to control the transmission of infection through an animal population. Transmission is summarised by R0, the basic reproductive ratio of a pathogen. If R0 > 1.0 a major epidemic can occur, thus a disease control strategy should aim to reduce R0 below 1.0, e.g. by mixing resistant with susceptible wild-type animals. Suppose there is a resistance allele, such that transmission of infection through a population homozygous for this allele will be R02 < R01, where R01 describes transmission in the wildtype population. For an otherwise homogeneous population comprising animals of these two groups, R0 is the weighted average of the two sub-populations: R0 = R01ρ + R02 (1 - ρ), where ρ is the proportion of wildtype animals. If R01 > 1 and R02 < 1, the proportions of the two genotypes should be such that R0 ≀ 1, i.e. ρ ≀ (R0 - R02)/(R01 - R02). If R02 = 0, the proportion of resistant animals must be at least 1 - 1/R01. For an n genotype model the requirement is still to have R0 ≀ 1.0. Probabilities of epidemics in genetically mixed populations conditional upon the presence of a single infected animal were derived. The probability of no epidemic is always 1/(R0 + 1). When R0 ≀ 1 the probability of a minor epidemic, which dies out without intervention, is R0/(R0 + 1). When R0 > 1 the probability of a minor and major epidemics are 1/(R0 + 1) and (R0 - 1)/(R0 + 1). Wherever possible a combination of genotypes should be used to minimise the invasion possibilities of pathogens that have mutated to overcome the effects of specific resistance alleles

    Metallic Copper as Dehalogenation Catalyst in the Treatment of Water and Wastewaters

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    Most halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) are toxic and carcinogenic, hence unwanted in the environment. Several technologies exist for the treatment of both legacy and newly contaminated zones. In many contaminated subsurface environments, nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) as a reagent is the tool of choice, while palladium (Pd) as a catalyst faces technical challenges. A system comprising metallic copper and borohydride as a reducing agent (referred herein as copper-borohydride system, CBHS) provides an alternative to nZVI and Pd. This chapter presents a deeper understanding of the CBHS for the treatment of HOCs by highlighting the state of knowledge related to the i) type and classes of compounds that are treatable, ii) possible reaction pathways for their transformation, iii) specific metal activities for transformation of selected classes of HOCs, iv) influence of common water constituents on catalyst stability, and v) future perspectives regarding its application in water treatment applications. Furthermore, an up-to-date discussion is presented regarding the available techniques for the synthesis of copper nanoparticles. Based on the evaluation criteria including product selectivity patterns, amount and the fate of intermediates, and metal cost and stabilities in water, the most suitable application areas for Cu, Pd, and nZVI are presented as recommendations

    Phylogeny and potential virulence of cryptic clade Escherichia coli species complex isolates derived from an arable field trial

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    Analysis of Escherichia coli taxonomy has expanded into a species-complex with the identification of divergent cryptic clades. A key question is the evolutionary trajectory of these clades and their relationship to isolates of clinical or veterinary importance. Since they have some environmental association, we screened a collection of E. coli isolated from a long-term spring barley field trial for their presence. While most isolates clustered into the enteric-clade, four of them clustered into Clade-V, and one in Clade-IV. The Clade -V isolates shared >96% intra-clade average nucleotide sequence identity but <91% with other clades. Although pan-genomics analysis confirmed their taxonomy as Clade -V (E. marmotae), retrospective phylogroup PCR did not discriminate them correctly. Differences in metabolic and adherence gene alleles occurred in the Clade -V isolates compared to E. coli sensu scricto. They also encoded the bacteriophage phage-associated cyto-lethal distending toxin (CDT) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes, including an ESBL, blaOXA-453. Thus, the isolate collection encompassed a genetic diversity, and included cryptic clade isolates that encode potential virulence factors. The analysis has determined the phylogenetic relationship of cryptic clade isolates with E. coli sensu scricto and indicates a potential for horizontal transfer of virulence factors

    Influence of soil temperature on Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida

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    Relationships between soil temperatures and the potato cyst nematode (PCN) life cycle and population multiplication were investigated to understand the risks to potato crops from PCN in relation to increasing soil temperatures associated with climate change, and to support development of the United Kingdom Potato Council`s PCN management model. The initial (hatching) part of the PCN life cycle was examined for both Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida over a range of temperatures, and the responses are then considered in relation to actual soil temperatures during the potato growing season in different sites in the United Kingdom. Hatching was stimulated by potato root diffusate over a temperature range from 5–29ÂșC and was monitored for 5 weeks. The greatest cumulative percentage hatch of second stage juveniles (J2) occurred between 15 and 27ÂșC for G. rostochiensis and 13–25ÂșC for G. pallida. Globodera rostochiensis hatched more quickly and had a delayed hatch at ≄25ÂșC while G. pallida was more efficient at these higher temperatures. From these observations, it is likely that climate change, and associated increases in soil temperatures, will result in increased rates and amounts of hatching for both species, leading to increased population levels on susceptible hosts and damage to potato crops. Currently, regions of the United Kingdom with warm soil temperatures are also expected to have high levels of hatching of PCN, and therefore greater multiplication resulting in greater challenges in the management of these nematodes in infested land

    Results of the 1st external quality assurance for SARS new coronavirus diagnostic PCR and serology : talk

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    Background The detection of the new Coranavirus (CoV) causing agent of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) for diagnostic purposes is still a critical step in prevention of secondary hospital infections. In this respect the PCR for SARS diagnostic is the fastest and most sensitive method and was published very early after the description of the new pathogen by different groups. To evaluate the quality and sensitivity of the SARS PCR performed in diagnostic laboratories all over the world an external quality assurance (EQA) for SARS PCR was initiated by the WHO, the European Network for Diagnostics of "Imported" Viral Diseases (ENIVD) and the Robert Koch-Institut. Methods Therefore 10 samples of inactivated SARS CoV strains isolated in Frankfurt and Hong Kong in different dilutions and negative controls were prepared. The freeze dried samples were send by mail to 62 different laboratories, in 37 countries in Europe and Israel (35), Asia (11), The Americas (11), Australia and New Zealand (4) and Africa (1). The results were returned by email or fax 1 week (13), 2 weeks (14), 3 weeks (6) and later (29) after receiving the material which does not mimic at all the possible speed of this fast method. But this was not considered in the evaluation of these first SARS EQA. Results 44 laboratories showed good or excellent results (26 = 100%, 18 = 90%) and even the 14 laboratories which archived only 80% (10) or 70% (4) correct results are mostly lacking sensitivity. The results of the other 4 laboratories show basic problems in regard to sensitivity, specificity and consistency of results and must be overcome as soon as possible. 4 laboratories seem to have problems with the specificity finding a positive signal in negative samples. The different methods used for preparation of the SARS CoV genome and diagnostic PCR test procedure used by the participating laboratories will be discussed in more detail in the presentation. Conclusion However, in contrast to previous EQAs for Ebola, Lassa and Orthopoxviruses the quality of PCR results was rather good which might be caused by the early publication and distribution of well developed PCR methods. An EQA for evaluation of SARS specific serology is still ongoing, first results will be available beginning of April 2004

    East Weddell Sea echinoids from the JR275 expedition

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    Information regarding the echinoids in this dataset is based on the Agassiz Trawl (AGT) and epibenthic sledge (EBS) samples collected during the British Antarctic Survey cruise JR275 on the RRS James Clark Ross in the austral summer 2012. A total of 56 (1 at the South Orkneys and 55 in the Eastern Weddell Sea) Agassiz Trawl and 18 (2 at the South Orkneys and 16 in the Eastern Weddell Sea) epibenthic sledge deployments were performed at depths ranging from ~280 to ~2060 m. This presents a unique collection for the Antarctic benthic biodiversity assessment of an important group of benthic invertebrates. In total 487 specimens belonging to six families, 15 genera, and 22 morphospecies were collected. The species richness per station varied between one and six. Total species richness represents 27% of the 82 echinoid species ever recorded in the Southern Ocean (David et al. 2005b, Pierrat et al. 2012, SaucĂšde et al. 2014). The Cidaridae (sub-family Ctenocidarinae) and Schizasteridae are the two most speciose families in the dataset. They comprise seven and nine species respectively. This is illustrative of the overall pattern of echinoid diversity in the Southern Ocean where 65% of Antarctic species belong to the families Schizasteridae and Cidaridae (Pierrat et al. 2012)

    Recent warming across the North Atlantic region may be contributing to an expansion in barley cultivation

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    Although grass dominates most agricultural systems in the North Atlantic region (NAR), spring barley is the most important cereal and is used for animal feed and food and drink products. Recent changes in climate have resulted in warmer conditions across the NAR which have major implications for crop production. In this paper, we investigate the thermal requirement of spring barley in the region and use the results to examine the effects of recent trends in temperature and rainfall on barley cultivation, based on 11 regional meteorological sites. At these sites, between 1975 and 2015, we found significant warming trends for several months of the cropping season and significant trends for increases in the cropping season degree days (CSDD). In recent years, this has resulted in an increased proportion of years when the estimated minimum thermal requirement for barley has been met at sites above about 60°N. However, annual variations in CSDD are large and years still occur at these sites where this is insufficient. While warming could potentially allow an earlier start and later end to the cropping season, it is likely that high rainfall at maritime sites, and low rainfall at continental sites, will limit the ability of growers to benefit from this. Warming is considered to have been one of the main factors contributing to the large expansion of the area of barley cultivated in Iceland since the 1990s.publishedVersio

    Runx1 deficiency protects against adverse cardiac remodeling following myocardial infarction

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    Background: Myocardial infarction (MI) is a leading cause of heart failure and death worldwide. Preservation of contractile function and protection against adverse changes in ventricular architecture (cardiac remodeling) are key factors to limiting progression of this condition to heart failure. Consequently, new therapeutic targets are urgently required to achieve this aim. Expression of the Runx1 transcription factor is increased in adult cardiomyocytes after MI; however, the functional role of Runx1 in the heart is unknown. Methods: To address this question, we have generated a novel tamoxifen-inducible cardiomyocyte-specific Runx1-deficient mouse. Mice were subjected to MI by means of coronary artery ligation. Cardiac remodeling and contractile function were assessed extensively at the whole-heart, cardiomyocyte, and molecular levels. Results: Runx1-deficient mice were protected against adverse cardiac remodeling after MI, maintaining ventricular wall thickness and contractile function. Furthermore, these mice lacked eccentric hypertrophy, and their cardiomyocytes exhibited markedly improved calcium handling. At the mechanistic level, these effects were achieved through increased phosphorylation of phospholamban by protein kinase A and relief of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase inhibition. Enhanced sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase activity in Runx1-deficient mice increased sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium content and sarcoplasmic reticulum–mediated calcium release, preserving cardiomyocyte contraction after MI. Conclusions: Our data identified Runx1 as a novel therapeutic target with translational potential to counteract the effects of adverse cardiac remodeling, thereby improving survival and quality of life among patients with MI

    Prospects for plant defence activators and biocontrol in IPM - Concepts and lessons learnt so far

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    There is an urgent need to develop new interventions to manage pests because evolution of pesticide resistance and changes in legislation are limiting conventional control options for farmers. We investigated ÎČ-aminobutyric acid (BABA), jasmonic acid (JA) and fructose as possible plant defence activators against grey mould disease, . Botrytis cinerea, and root knot nematode, . Meloidogyne incognita. We also tested . Trichogramma achaeae parasitoid wasps and an antifeedant plant extract for biocontrol of the invasive tomato leafminer, . Tuta absoluta. BABA and JA enhanced resistance of tomato plants to . B. cinerea but neither treatment provided complete protection and the efficacy of treatment varied over time with BABA being more durable than JA. Efficacy was partly dependent on tomato cultivar, with some cultivars responding better to BABA treatment than others. Furthermore, treatment of tomato with BABA, JA and fructose led to partial suppression of . M. incognita egg mass development. Biocontrol agent, . T. achaeae, performance against . T. absoluta could be enhanced by adjusting the rearing conditions. Both attack rate and longevity were improved by rearing the parasitoids on . T. absoluta rather than on other insects. Finally, . Ajuga chamaepitys extract was shown to have significant antifeedant activity against . T. absoluta. Our findings suggest that there are potential new solutions for protection of crops but they are more complicated to deploy, more variable and require more biological knowledge than conventional pesticides. In isolation, they may not provide the same level of protection as pesticides but are likely to be more potent when deployed in combination in IPM strategies
