966 research outputs found

    Investigating the productivity and sustainability of weathered basement aquifers in tropical Africa using numerical simulation and global sensitivity analysis

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    Groundwater stored in weathered basement aquifers (WBAs) is a strategic water resource. In this study, we investigate the productivity of WBAs and sustainability of groundwater abstractions using a novel process‐based stochastic modeling approach, which is applied to simulate abstractions in the Precambrian basement aquifer in Ghana. The statistical distribution of the generated synthetic yield data was found in very good agreement with observed yield data from the same Ghanaian aquifer. Further analysis provided robust insights regarding how different hydrogeological parameters of the WBA, and their interplay, control aquifer productivity and sustainability. Results indicate that 97% of the simulated abstractions could sustain the yield of a hand pump (6 L/min), approximately 30% could also sustain yields >60 L/min, while only 1% could sustain yields greater than 300 L/min. The model indicates that an aquifer transmissivity value of approximately 1.4 m2/day is required for a successful hand‐pumped borehole, while a higher yielding source (60 L/min) requires a transmissivity value of at least 9.5 m2/day. A global sensitivity analysis of 13 model input parameters shows that the thickness of the regolith and the maximum hydraulic conductivity developed at the base of the saprolite are the critical factors controlling success and sustainability for low yielding hand‐pumped boreholes. For higher yielding supplies, the net recharge, the depth to groundwater, and the aquifer extent become increasingly significant. Results from this work have important implications for the potential for increased development of groundwater from WBAs in tropical Africa

    Absence of Persistent Magnetic Oscillations in Type-II Superconductors

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    We report on a numerical study intended to examine the possibility that magnetic oscillations persist in type II superconductors beyond the point where the pairing self-energy exceeds the normal state Landau level separation. Our work is based on the self-consistent numerical solution for model superconductors of the Bogoliubov-deGennes equations for the vortex lattice state. In the regime where the pairing self-energy is smaller than the cyclotron energy, magnetic oscillations resulting from Landau level quantization are suppressed by the broadening of quasiparticle Landau levels due to the non-uniform order parameter of the vortex lattice state, and by splittings of the quasiparticle bands. Plausible arguments that the latter effect can lead to a sign change of the fundamental harmonic of the magnetic oscillations when the pairing self-energy is comparable to the cyclotron energy are shown to be flawed. Our calculations indicate that magnetic oscillations are strongly suppressed once the pairing self-energy exceeds the Landau level separation.Comment: 7 pages, revtex, 7 postscript figure

    Functional Characterization of a Novel Family of Acetylcholine-Gated Chloride Channels in Schistosoma mansoni

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    Acetylcholine is the canonical excitatory neurotransmitter of the mammalian neuromuscular system. However, in the trematode parasite Schistosoma mansoni, cholinergic stimulation leads to muscle relaxation and a flaccid paralysis, suggesting an inhibitory mode of action. Information about the pharmacological mechanism of this inhibition is lacking. Here, we used a combination of techniques to assess the role of cholinergic receptors in schistosome motor function. The neuromuscular effects of acetylcholine are typically mediated by gated cation channels of the nicotinic receptor (nAChR) family. Bioinformatics analyses identified numerous nAChR subunits in the S. mansoni genome but, interestingly, nearly half of these subunits carried a motif normally associated with chloride-selectivity. These putative schistosome acetylcholine-gated chloride channels (SmACCs) are evolutionarily divergent from those of nematodes and form a unique clade within the larger family of nAChRs. Pharmacological and RNA interference (RNAi) behavioral screens were used to assess the role of the SmACCs in larval motor function. Treatment with antagonists produced the same effect as RNAi suppression of SmACCs; both led to a hypermotile phenotype consistent with abrogation of an inhibitory neuromuscular mediator. Antibodies were then generated against two of the SmACCs for use in immunolocalization studies. SmACC-1 and SmACC-2 localize to regions of the peripheral nervous system that innervate the body wall muscles, yet neither appears to be expressed directly on the musculature. One gene, SmACC-1, was expressed in HEK-293 cells and characterized using an iodide flux assay. The results indicate that SmACC-1 formed a functional homomeric chloride channel and was activated selectively by a panel of cholinergic agonists. The results described in this study identify a novel clade of nicotinic chloride channels that act as inhibitory modulators of schistosome neuromuscular function. Additionally, the iodide flux assay used to characterize SmACC-1 represents a new high-throughput tool for drug screening against these unique parasite ion channels

    Resonant Raman scattering off neutral quantum dots

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    Resonant inelastic (Raman) light scattering off neutral GaAs quantum dots which contain a mean number, N=42, of electron-hole pairs is computed. We find Raman amplitudes corresponding to strongly collective final states (charge-density excitations) of similar magnitude as the amplitudes related to weakly collective or single-particle excitations. As a function of the incident laser frequency or the magnetic field, they are rapidly varying amplitudes. It is argued that strong Raman peaks should come out in the spin-density channels, not related to valence-band mixing effects in the intermediate states.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review

    Modelling the future of the Hawaiian honeycreeper : an ecological and epidemiological problem

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    The Hawaiian honeycreeper (Drepanididae) faces the threat of extinction; this is believed to be due primarily to predation from alien animals, endemic avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) and climate change. A deterministic SI modelling approach is developed, incorporating these three factors and a metapopulation approach in conjunction with a quasi-equilibrium assumption to simplify the vector populations. This enables the qualitative study of the behaviour of the system. Numerical results suggest that although (partial) resistance to avian malaria may be advantageous for individual birds, allowing them to survive infection, this allows them to become carriers of infection and hence greatly increases the spread of this disease. Predation obviously reduces the life-expectancy of honeycreepers, but in turn this reduces the spread of infection from resistant carriers; therefore the population-level impact of predation is reduced. Various control strategies proposed in the literature are also considered and it is shown that predation control could either help or hinter, depending upon resistance of the honeycreeper species. Captive propagation or habitat restoration may be the best feasible solution to the loss of both heterogeneity within the population and the loss of the species as a whole

    Berezinians, Exterior Powers and Recurrent Sequences

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    We study power expansions of the characteristic function of a linear operator AA in a pqp|q-dimensional superspace VV. We show that traces of exterior powers of AA satisfy universal recurrence relations of period qq. `Underlying' recurrence relations hold in the Grothendieck ring of representations of \GL(V). They are expressed by vanishing of certain Hankel determinants of order q+1q+1 in this ring, which generalizes the vanishing of sufficiently high exterior powers of an ordinary vector space. In particular, this allows to explicitly express the Berezinian of an operator as a rational function of traces. We analyze the Cayley--Hamilton identity in a superspace. Using the geometric meaning of the Berezinian we also give a simple formulation of the analog of Cramer's rule.Comment: 35 pages. LaTeX 2e. New version: paper substantially reworked and expanded, new results include

    Assessing regional variation in yield from weathered basement aquifers in West Africa and modelling their future groundwater development and sustainability

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    A data-driven modelling approach was applied to quantify the potential groundwater yield from weathered crystalline basement aquifers in West Africa, which are a strategic resource for achieving water and food security. To account for possible geological control on aquifer productivity, seven major geological domains were identified based on lithological, stratigraphic, and structural characteristics of the crystalline basement. Extensive data mining was conducted for the hydrogeological parameterisation that led to the identification of representative distributions of input parameters for numerical simulations of groundwater abstractions. These were calibrated to match distributions of measured yields for each domain. Calibrated models were then applied to investigate aquifer and borehole scenarios to assess groundwater productivity. Considering the entire region, modelling results indicate that approximately 50% of well-sited standard 60-m-deep boreholes could sustain yields exceeding 0.5 L/s, and 25% could sustain the yield required for small irrigation systems (> 1.0 L/s). Results also highlighted some regional differences in the ranges of productivities for the different domains, and the significance of the depth of the static water table and the lateral extent of aquifers across all geological domains. This approach can be applied to derive groundwater maps for the region and provide the quantitative information required to evaluate the potential of different designs of groundwater supply networks

    Recurrence for discrete time unitary evolutions

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    We consider quantum dynamical systems specified by a unitary operator U and an initial state vector \phi. In each step the unitary is followed by a projective measurement checking whether the system has returned to the initial state. We call the system recurrent if this eventually happens with probability one. We show that recurrence is equivalent to the absence of an absolutely continuous part from the spectral measure of U with respect to \phi. We also show that in the recurrent case the expected first return time is an integer or infinite, for which we give a topological interpretation. A key role in our theory is played by the first arrival amplitudes, which turn out to be the (complex conjugated) Taylor coefficients of the Schur function of the spectral measure. On the one hand, this provides a direct dynamical interpretation of these coefficients; on the other hand it links our definition of first return times to a large body of mathematical literature.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, typos correcte

    Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs) in layered soils: a Material Point approach

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    Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs) can be used to determine in-situ soil properties and represent a practical choice for site investigation offshore, especially for linear infrastructure, such as offshore wind export cables. Information gained from CPTs is key for predicting soil-structure interaction behaviour, for example when predicting the tow forces involved in seabed ploughing, as the CPT provides an analogue to the process. The numerical modelling of CPTs is challenging due to the significant distortion in the soil displaced by the penetrating cone. This means that solving this sort of problem using finite elements, although not impossible, is numerically tiresome in terms of remeshing and mapping of state variables. Therefore, in this paper we adopt the Material Point Method (MPM) to develop a CPT prediction tool in layered soils. This MPM is combined with a novel non-matching mesh frictional boundary to represent the penetrometer. The developed tool will be used to understand the response of layered soils commonly found offshore as a step towards predicting the interaction of ploughs and anchors with the seabed

    Towards integrated flood inundation modelling in groundwater-dominated catchments

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    Traditionally in flood inundation modelling the contribution of groundwater is either neglected or highly simplified. Long-duration groundwater-induced events, such as those that occur across Chalk catchments of northern Europe, can, however, incur significant economic and social cost. We present a new methodology for integrated flood inundation modelling by coupling the 2D hydrodynamic model LISFLOOD-FP with the 3D finite-difference groundwater model ZOOMQ3D. We apply the model to two adjacent Chalk catchments in southern England, the Lambourn and Pang, over two flooding events, during the winters of 2000/01 and 2013/14. A dense network of monitoring boreholes reveals local-scale heterogeneities in the aquifer not captured by the model. However, we demonstrate through inundation extent and streamflow comparisons that, on a regional scale, groundwater levels are simulated sufficiently well to capture groundwater inundation extent. The role of the unsaturated zone is discussed and contrasted between the two events. Currently, predictive tools to simulate groundwater flood events are limited, and this new, computationally efficient methodology will help to fill this gap