586 research outputs found

    How Faith Works

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    Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KPRI) Kosmanda merupakan suatu wadah usaha di SMAN 1 Kota Mojokerto dan bergerak pada koperasi simpan pinjam. Selain itu, melayani anggotanya yang membutuhkan dana sesuai dengan kebutuhan anggota dan terdapat pula simpanan yang dibutuhkan oleh para anggotanya. Ketiadaan sistem terkomputerisasi telah membuat KPRI Kosmanda pada SMAN 1 Kota Mojokerto sulit untuk melakukan pengolahan data transaksi yang ada pada unit usaha di koperasi tersebut, sehingga dampaknya setiap proses yang berjalan menjadi lama dan terjadi banyak kesalahan. Seperti pendataan anggota menggunakan buku yang dicatat sehingga dapat menyebabkan hilangnya data tersebut, pencatatan sisa angsuran masih dicatat dibuku dan dihitung dengan alat bantu seperti Ms. Excel dan kalkulator sehingga dapat menyebabkan kesalahan perhitungan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang diatas adalah dengan membuat aplikasi pengelolaan koperasi untuk membantu proses pengarsipan data dan mempercepat proses transaksi yang ada. Membuat aplikasi pengelolaan koperasi dapat menggunakan tahapan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Kesimpulan dari implementasi aplikasi pengelolaan koperasi, sistem dapat membantu mengurangi permasalahan tersebut, sehingga penginputan maupun transaksi yang dilakukan dapat berjalan dengan efektif dan efisie

    How Faith Works

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    Paul’s Message and Ministry in Covenant Perspective: Selected Essays [book review] / Hafemann, Scott J.

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    Development and use of an integrated systems model to design technology strategies for energy services in rural developing communities

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    For the 40% of the world\u27s families living in energy poverty today, energy services are provided almost exclusively by the same three-stone fires that have been used for millennia. The pollution from the pervasive use of these fires represents the second leading cause of death for women worldwide and contributes significantly to local and global climate change. Improving access to clean energy services can facilitate improved health and livelihoods and serve as a precursor to other economic and social development. Yet within these diverse, complex, and highly-localized communities, the most effective strategies to provide clean energy are not clear; and success of programs to provide technologies such as biomass cookstoves or subsidize fuels such as LPG or electricity has often been limited. This is because an energy carrier or conversion technology is only a small component of a much larger energy system that includes a complex set of needs, constraints, and other variables at the household, community, and global scales. Within this system exists a range of technical, economic, social, and environmental objectives that often conflict between these scales to create an imbalance between stakeholders; and outcomes vary widely based on technology design choices and local conditions. As a result, development of effective solutions requires a clear understanding of the direct and indirect impacts of design decisions that are rooted in the fundamental interactions between energy, the environment, and people. In order to assist in understanding these interactions in a systematic fashion, this dissertation develops a probabilistic unified modeling approach that seeks to facilitate energy system design by predicting outcomes in terms of a set of multi-disciplinary considerations and objectives. This approach incorporates a large parameter space including local energy needs, demographics, fuels, and devices to create a comprehensive analysis of potential strategies in terms of a range of technical, environmental, economic, and social outcomes. While recognizing that there is no single \u27best\u27 solution, this methodology allows the designer to investigate and understand trade-offs between conflicting and competing objectives, the effects of usability and multi-functionality, sensitivities of input parameters for identification of prominent and critical factors, the impacts of uncertainty in decision-making, and the potential for compromise and integrated strategies that provide sustainable and effective energy services. The model is used to explore a number of scenarios to provide energy services in a remote off-grid village in Mali for which detailed measures of disaggregated energy use are available. In addition to detailed analysis of the baseline situation, strategies investigated include the introduction of (1) general improved biomass cookstoves, (2) advanced biomass cookstoves, (3) communal biomass cookstoves, (4) LPG cookstoves, (5) solar water heaters, and (6) community-charged solar household lighting. Following this and other analyses, an integrated strategy for energy services is developed. The results show that the factors with the largest impact on the outcome of a technology strategy include the rate of user adoption, value of time, and biomass harvest renewability; in contrast, parameters such as cookstove emission factors may have less impact on the outcome. This suggests that the focus of village energy research and development should shift to the design of technologies that have high expected user adoption rates. That is, the results of this study support the hypothesis that the most effective village energy strategy is one that reinforces the natural user-driven process to stack technologies while moving toward efficient and convenient energy services. A comprehensive strategy that provides the current state-of-the art technologies to optimally meet each specific energy need in the Malian village with a population of 770—including advanced cookstoves, LPG cookstoves, solar water heaters, and solar battery lighting systems—is expected to annually create 2.5 TJ of energy savings, 500 metric tons of CO2e savings, a 40% reduction in health risk, and offer substantial improvement of quality of life. Moreover, this strategy will reduce operating costs to the users including time by an estimated 1,000(US)eachyear.Suchastrategyisexpectedtocost1,000 (US) each year. Such a strategy is expected to cost 12-13perpersonperyeartopurchaseandmaintainthenecessarytechnologiesifsuppliedbyoutsidefinancing,afigurewhichmightdoubleortriplewhenimplementationcostsareincluded.Thisisarelativelysmallexpenseincomparisontotheprojectedcostof13 per person per year to purchase and maintain the necessary technologies if supplied by outside financing, a figure which might double or triple when implementation costs are included. This is a relatively small expense in comparison to the projected cost of 110 per person per year to provide the necessary agricultural, health, and educational inputs needed for the Millennium Villages, a figure reported to be well within the range committed by international aid organizations

    Individualism And Collectivism In Nature

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    A zonal model to aid in the design of household biomass cookstoves

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    This thesis develops a computational model of a household biomass cookstove for use by the 2.7 billion people currently cooking with biomass in developing countries. This traditional practice results in a number of detrimental effects to health, ecosystems, and global climate, including indoor air pollution, which is responsible for 4 million premature deaths per year and represents the second leading cause of death for women globally. Despite several decades of engineering improved biomass cookstoves, to date there has been relatively little research regarding the computational modeling of such widely used devices. Development of a flexible, comprehensive, computationally inexpensive, and coupled model with detailed experimental validation will allow the design of cookstoves to benefit from the same engineering tools used in design for the developed world. Through investigation of techniques employed in the literature, a flexible steady-state model is developed for a single pot, natural draft, shielded fire stove burning traditional wood fuel to predict the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of the system, which is separated into the (1) bed, (2) flame, and (3) heat transfer zones. The model incorporates 15 design parameters, including 10 geometrical, 2 material, and 3 operating variables spanning the region of interest for household biomass cookstoves. The model is validated from a unified experimental data set developed from three studies in the literature that report thermal performance characteristics in terms of design characteristics. The data set includes 63 data points incorporating variation of all 15 parameters and is shown to be consistent and supportive of qualitative thumb rules regarding the effects of stove geometry, operating variables, and material on overall thermal performance. Several adjustable coefficients and convective heat transfer correlations are fitted to the data using particle swarm optimization. The model utilizes contracting mapping to predict air flow and temperature profile, resulting in 94% of the data points predicted within 5% of measured thermal efficiency and a L2 norm error of 3%. The model can be used to optimize heat transfer efficiency given local constraints for design and allows for conceptual design and sensitivity analysis without the need for extensive experimentation. In addition, the temperature and velocity profiles, location and magnitude of losses, and heat transfer contributions through various modes and regions of the pot are detailed to lead to greater understanding of the cookstove system

    Water for small-scale biogas digesters in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Acknowledgements This work was part-funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council funded ESPA project, NE/K010441/1 ‘ALTER – Alternative Carbon Investments in Ecosystems for Poverty Alleviation’. We are also grateful to the AUC for funding part of this work under the Afri-Flame project on ‘Adapta- tion of small-scale biogas digesters for use in rural households in sub-Saharan AfricaPeer reviewedPublisher PD
