27 research outputs found

    Nogués, Antonio Miguel y Checa, Francisco (coords.): La cultura sentida. Homenaje al Profesor Salvador Rodríguez Becerra Sevilla, Signatura Demos, 2011

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    Recensión de libro de Antonio Nogués y Francisco Checa (coords.): La cultura sentida. Homenaje al profesor Salvador Rodríguez Becerra. Sevilla, Signatura Demos, 2011.Book review of Antonio Nogués and Francisco Checa (coords.): La cultura sentida. Homenaje al profesor Salvador Rodríguez Becerra. Sevilla, Signatura Demos, 2011.- Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. - Área de Antropología Social. Universidad de Jaén. - Laborarorio de Antropología Social y Cultural (HUM-472). Universidad de Almería. - Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada

    Calendario festivo y actos de culto en Carmona: una reflexión acerca de las fiestas en la modernidad

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    The article offers a tour around the annual festive cycle of Carmona (Seville), with special emphasis on the cult acts and religiousness. The data, result of the direct observation, have been supported by other historical in nature which provides a diachronic overview of the major festivals in this city. This will enables an overall analysis of the most recent transformations of the festive fact in a population that can serve as a model for the Low Andalusia. Pursuing this goal in this article are described the organizing agents and the degrees of participation from different sectors of the community, are detected the influence of dominant models and different processes of festive revitalization. Finally, the information provided allows a reflection about the consequences of modernity in the festive fact.El artículo ofrece un recorrido por el ciclo anual festivo de Carmona (Sevilla), con especial énfasis en los actos de culto y en la religiosidad. Los datos, fruto de la observación directa, han sido apoyados con otros de carácter histórico lo que proporciona un panorama diacrónico de las principales fiestas de esta ciudad. Esto posibilitará un análisis general de las transformaciones más recientes del hecho festivo en una población que puede funcionar como modelo para la Baja Andalucía. Buscando este objetivo en el artículo se describen los agentes organizadores y los grados de participación de los diferentes sectores de la comunidad, se detecta la influencia de modelos dominantes y diferentes procesos de revitalización festiva. Finalmente, la información aportada permite una reflexión acerca de las consecuencias de la modernidad en el hecho festivo

    Bahá'í faith in Andalusia: Its establishment in a context of religious pluralism

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    El pluralismo religioso en Andalucía se ha intensificado en los últimos años con motivo de los flujos migratorios que tienen como destino, definitivo o transitorio, esta comunidad autónoma. No obstante, este pluralismo no sólo es contribución del auge migratorio, sino también el resultado de la sinergia de diversos factores vinculados en su mayoría a la libertad religiosa en los marcos normativos estatal y autonómico. Un ejemplo de ello es la fe bahaí, cuya comunidad actual no se relaciona tanto con la llegada de bahaíes de otros estados, sino a sus propias dimensiones espiritual y organizativa, en la que encajan creyentes de perfiles muy diversos. Este texto pretende dar cuenta de cómo la fe bahaí está implantada en Andalucía.The religious pluralism in Andalusia has intensified in recent years because of the flow of immigration, both temporary and permanent into this region. However, this pluralism is not only a change from increased migration, but is also the result of different factors linked mostly to national or autonomic legislative framework of the religious freedom. An example is the Bahá'í Faith, in which the current community is not so much connected with the arrival of believers from other countries, but with its own spiritual and organizational aspects, into which believers with different profiles fit. This text tries to shed light on how Bahá'í faith was established in Andalusia.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    El deseo de pertenecer en una voraginosa matrioska. Benidorm en La lección de anatomía, de Marta Sanz

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    El artículo explora la mirada etnográfica sobre Benidorm en la autobiografía novelada de Marta Sanz, La lección de anatomía, lugar en el que la autora madrileña pasó su infancia. En la obra se nos presenta esta ciudad alicantina, paradigma del desarrollo de la década de los sesenta, como un espacio transformado por el turismo de masas. Una ciudad donde se percibe una segmentación social de espacios y de mundos expresivos construidos por la relación dialéctica entre anfitriones y huéspedes, residentes y turistas. En el texto aportamos una lectura contextualizada de esa mirada etnográfica construida desde el género y la perspectiva desde una doble agencia. Palabras clave: Autoficción, turismo de masas, Benidorm, espacio turístico, centro-periferia. The article explores the ethnographic gaze on Benidorm in Marta Sanz's autobiographical novel, La lección de anatomía (The Anatomy Lesson), the place where the Madrid-born author spent her childhood. The work presents this city in Alicante, a paradigm of development in the 1960s, as a space transformed by mass tourism. A city where we perceive a social segmentation of spaces and expressive worlds constructed by the dialectic relationship between hosts and guests, residents and tourists. In the text we provide a contextualised reading of this ethnographic gaze constructed from gender and the perspective from a double agency. Keywords: Autofiction, mass tourism, Benidorm, tourist space, centre-periphery.The article explores the ethnographic gaze on Benidorm in Marta Sanz's autobiographical novel, La lección de anatomía (The Anatomy Lesson), the place where the Madrid-born author spent her childhood. The work presents this city in Alicante, a paradigm of development in the 1960s, as a space transformed by mass tourism. A city where we perceive a social segmentation of spaces and expressive worlds constructed by the dialectic relationship between hosts and guests, residents and tourists. In the text we provide a contextualised reading of this ethnographic gaze constructed from gender and the perspective from a double agency. Keywords: Autofiction, mass tourism, Benidorm, tourist space, centre-periphery. El artículo explora la mirada etnográfica sobre Benidorm en la autobiografía novelada de Marta Sanz, La lección de anatomía, lugar en el que la autora madrileña pasó su infancia. En la obra se nos presenta esta ciudad alicantina, paradigma del desarrollo de la década de los sesenta, como un espacio transformado por el turismo de masas. Una ciudad donde se percibe una segmentación social de espacios y de mundos expresivos construidos por la relación dialéctica entre anfitriones y huéspedes, residentes y turistas. En el texto aportamos una lectura contextualizada de esa mirada etnográfica construida desde el género y la perspectiva desde una doble agencia. Palabras clave: Autoficción, turismo de masas, Benidorm, espacio turístico, centro-periferia

    ‘Visitor saints’. Transpositions of the sacred in revitalised celebrations

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    El son jarocho hoy día es considerado música profana y mestiza. Asociado históricamente a la fiesta del fandango, vive en la actualidad una situación de fervor fruto de un movimiento de revitalización iniciado hace más de treinta años. Es un caso excepcional para profundizar sobre los procesos de transformación de los rituales festivos revitalizados en la postmodernidad. La etnografía, tejida con descripciones densas y testimonios de entrevistas, nos sirve para visibilizar prácticas hasta ahora ignoradas. Hemos identificado en ellas una tipología de cultos caracterizados por acarreos y velorios, que denominamos “santos visitantes”. Nuestros resultados revelan cómo en los movimientos de revitalización festiva actuales se desvían las sacralidades, acentuando el carácter lúdico y profano de las expresiones culturales.Today, son jarocho is considered profane and mestizo music. Historically associated with the fandango celebration, it is currently experiencing a situation of fervour as a result of a revitalisation movement that began more than thirty years ago. It is an exceptional case for delving into the processes of transformation of revitalised festive rituals in postmodern times. The ethnography, woven with dense descriptions and interview testimonies, helps us to make visible hitherto ignored practices. We have identified in them a typology of cults characterised by acarreos and velorios, which we call "visiting saints". Our results reveal how in the current festive revitalisation movements the sacred is diverted, accentuating the playful and profane character of cultural expressions.Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Antropología, Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Jaén. Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada

    The festive calendar and cult acts in Carmona: a reflection of the festive celebration in the modernity

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    El artículo ofrece un recorrido por el ciclo anual festivo de Carmona (Sevilla), con especial énfasis en los actos de culto y en la religiosidad. Los datos, fruto de la observación directa, han sido apoyados con otros de carácter histórico lo que proporciona un panorama diacrónico de las principales fiestas de esta ciudad. Esto posibilitará un análisis general de las transformaciones más recientes del hecho festivo en una población que puede funcionar como modelo para la Baja Andalucía. Buscando este objetivo en el artículo se describen los agentes organizadores y los grados de participación de los diferentes sectores de la comunidad, se detecta la influencia de modelos dominantes y diferentes procesos de revitalización festiva. Finalmente, la información aportada permite una reflexión acerca de las consecuencias de la modernidad en el hecho festivo.The article offers a tour around the annual festive cycle of Carmona (Seville), with special emphasis on the cult acts and religiousness. The data, result of the direct observation, have been supported by other historical in nature which provides a diachronic overview of the major festivals in this city. This will enables an overall analysis of the most recent transformations of the festive fact in a population that can serve as a model for the Low Andalusia. Pursuing this goal in this article are described the organizing agents and the degrees of participation from different sectors of the community, are detected the influence of dominant models and different processes of festive revitalization. Finally, the information provided allows a reflection about the consequences of modernity in the festive fact

    Tenemos cita con el arte: Visiting art museums with people living with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers

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    GIMUPAI is a research group constituted by teachers and researchers of the Faculty of Fine Arts (Complutense University of Madrid) and the Department of Social Psychology and Anthropology (Salamanca University). In answering to the growing necessity of developing museum programs for people living with Alzheimer's disease, we have designed, implemented and evaluated a set of museum visits and workshops under the name "Tenemos cita con el arte". This initiative is part of the Spanish state-funded research project entitled "Art education un museums and other cultural institutions as a tool for increasing the wellbeing of people affected with Alzheimer" (Ministerio de Educación-EDU2013-43253-R). With this program we aim at making the museum accessible to people with Alzheimer and their caregivers. In doing so, we analyze the difficulties that a group of this characteristics encounters. This text offers an in-depth view of the museum itineraries carried out during the visits to the Museo del Prado and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid. It includes information on the specific aims, methodology, contents, challenges and difficulties encountered while accompanying a group of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers to a museum setting

    Murine femur micro-computed tomography and biomechanical datasets for an ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis model

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    The development of new effective and safer therapies for osteoporosis, in addition to improved diagnostic and prevention strategies, represents a serious need in the scientific community. Micro-CT image-based analyses in association with biomechanical testing have become pivotal tools in identifying osteoporosis in animal models by assessment of bone microarchitecture and resistance, as well as bone strength. Here, we describe a dataset of micro-CT scans and reconstructions of 15 whole femurs and biomechanical tests on contralateral femurs from C57BL/6JOlaHsd ovariectomized (OVX), resembling human post-menopausal osteoporosis, and sham operated (sham) female mice. Data provided for each mouse include: the acquisition images (.tiff), the reconstructed images (.bmp) and an.xls file containing the maximum attenuations for each reconstructed image. Biomechanical data include an.xls file with the recorded load-displacement, a movie with the filmed test and an.xls file collecting all biomechanical results.This study was funded by Basque Country government under the ELKARTEK program No. kk-2018/00031/BC and No. kk-2019/00093/BC

    A hotspot mutation targeting the R-RAS2 GTPase acts as a potent oncogenic driver in a wide spectrum of tumors

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    A missense change in RRAS2 (Gln to Leu), analogous to the Gln-to-Leu mutation of RAS oncoproteins, has been identified as a long-tail hotspot mutation in cancer and Noonan syndrome. However, the relevance of this mutation for in vivo tumorigenesis remains understudied. Here we show, using an inducible knockin mouse model, that R-Ras2 triggers rapid development of a wide spectrum of tumors when somatically expressed in adult tissues. These tumors show limited overlap with those originated by classical Ras oncogenes. R-Ras2-driven tumors can be classified into different subtypes according to therapeutic susceptibility. Importantly, the most relevant R-Ras2-driven tumors are dependent on mTORC1 but independent of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-, MEK-, and Ral guanosine diphosphate (GDP) dissociation stimulator. This pharmacological vulnerability is due to the extensive rewiring by R-Ras2 of pathways that orthogonally stimulate mTORC1 signaling. These findings demonstrate that RRAS2 is a bona fide oncogenic driver and unveil therapeutic strategies for patients with cancer and Noonan syndrome bearing RRAS2 mutations.We thank M. Blázquez and the personnel of the CIC Flow Cytometry, Microscopy, Pathology, and Genomics Units for expert technical work. X.R.B.’s project leading to these results has received funding from the Spanish Association against Cancer (GC16173472GARC), the Castilla-León government (CSI252P18, CSI145P20, and CLC-2017-01), the RTI2018-096481-B-100 grant cofounded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Research Development Fund “A way of making Europe” of the European Union, and “la Caixa” Banking Foundation (HR20-00164). X.R.B.’s institution is supported by the Programa de Apoyo a Planes Estratégicos de Investigación de Estructuras de Investigación de Excelencia of the Castilla-León government (CLC-2017-01). J.R.-V. received funding from the Carlos III Health Institute (PI20/01724). J.R.-V.’s contract is supported by a senior postdoctoral contract of the Spanish Association against Cancer. L.C.’s contract was supported by contracts from the Spanish Association against Cancer and the CLC-2017-01 grant. L.F.L.-M.’s contract was mostly supported by funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU13/02923) and, subsequently, by the CLC-2017-01 grant. R.C. was supported by a predoctoral contract from the MSI (BES-2016-0077909) and the CLC-2017-01 grant

    Tenemos cita con el arte: a pilot project of visits and workshops with people affected by Alzheimer's disease in the Prado Museum, the Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Museum and the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid

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    GIMUPAI is a research group comprising teachers and researchers from the Faculty of Fine Arts (University Complutense of Madrid) and the Department of Social Psychology and Anthropology (Salamanca University) who have been working in art and health projects over the last thirteen years. Recently, we have carried out Tenemos cita con el arte, part of a national research project entitled "Art education in museums and other cultural institutions as a tool for increasing the wellbeing of people affected with Alzheimer" (Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness-EDU2013-43253-R). The main objective of the program is to make the museum‘s artworks available to people with Alzheimer‘s and their caregivers, at the same time encouraging them to participate in artistic activities and artistic creation through art workshops. Tenemos cita con el arte has been designed as a program of visits of the Prado Museum and the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia Museum. The program also has included participation in workshops on visual arts and artistic creativity in the Faculty of Fine Arts. The program was undertaken between October and December 2015 with a group of 15 participants (Alzheimer‘s patients, caregivers, and other health and social workers)