568 research outputs found

    Toward collisions produced in requirements rankings: A qualitative approach and experimental study

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    Requirements prioritization is an important issue that determines the way requirements are selected and processed in software projects. There already exist specific methods to classify and prioritize requirements, most of them based on quantitative measures. However, most of existing approaches do not consider collisions, which are an important concern in large-scale requirements sets and, more specifically, in agile development processes where requirements have to be uniquely selected for each software increment. In this paper, we propose QMPSR (Qualitative Method for Prioritizing Software Requirements), an approach that features the prioritization of requirements by considering qualitative elements that are related to the project's priorities. Our approach highlights a prioritization method that has proven to reduce collisions in software requirements rankings. Furthermore, QMPSR improves accuracy in classification when facing large-scale requirements sets, featuring no scalability problems as the number of requirements increases. We formally introduce QMPSR and then define prioritization effort and collision metrics to carry out comprehensive experiments involving different sets of requirements, comparing our approach with well-known existing prioritization methods. The experiments have provided satisfactory results, overcoming existing approaches and ensuring scalabilityThis work was partially supported by the Spanish Government [grant number RTI2018-095255-B-I00 ] and the Madrid Research Council [grant number P2018/TCS-4314

    Bridging the gap between information architecture analysis and software engineering in interactive web application development

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Science of Computer Programming. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Science of Computer Programming, 78, 11 (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2012.07.020Special section on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2010) and Special section on methodological development of interactive systems from Interaccion 2011Web development teams comprise non-computer experts working on the conceptual modeling of non-functional aspects in software applications. Later on, such conceptual information is processed by analysts and software engineers to face the technical phases of the software project. However, this information transfer is often difficult to automate since the information processed by the different professionals involves different abstraction levels, as well as important cost and effort that need to be considered. The main aim of this research is to minimize these problems by increasing automation and interoperability in the development of interactive web applications. To take up this challenge, we have created and evaluated a tool that aims at bridging the gap between the conceptual definitions of web contents – i.e., the information architecture, and the UML elements for analysis and design required by software engineers, connecting functional and non-functional information to achieve the rest of technical activities during the software development process.This work has been supported by the founded projects TIN2011-24139 and TIN2011-15009-E

    Characterization and geophysical evaluation of the recent 2023 Alausí landslide in the northern Andes of Ecuador

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    The province of Chimborazo located in the northern Andes of Ecuador presents many intrinsic factors, which contribute to the occurrence of mass movements, leaving in many of the cases registered damages of materials and loss of life. The recent landslide of March 26, 2023, in the Alausí canton is an event of great interest due to the magnitude of the occurred destruction and the corresponding fatalities. Therefore, there are two predominant objectives of the current study, of which the first has been to determine the most relevant characteristics of this mass movement by identifying and analyzing the geomorphology of the recorded slope movement and the lithological units involved, by field work and through geophysical surveys. Secondly, we performed a preliminary study of the possible triggers of the movement by means of the historical analysis of the precipitations during the months of January to March of the last decade and the study of the recent seismic series. However, through the obtained analysis, it is determined that the study site is composed of three distinctive lithological units. The observed mass movement is of the rotational type, as result of the intense rainfall that occurred during the first quarter of 2023, being hereby the most probable triggering factor. This corresponds to a 600% increase in the average monthly rainfall compared to the period from 2010 to 2022.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Tool for fast mismatch analysis of analog circuits

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    A tool is presented that evaluates statistical deviations in performance characteristics of analog circuits, starting from statistical deviations in the technological parameters of MOS transistors. Performance is demonstrated via the analysis of a Miller OTA in two different configurations and a linearized CMOS transconductor. The CPU time is reduced by a factor of 25 to 90 with respect to conventional Monte Carlo simulation, while maintaining similar accuracy in the computations

    Mining interesting regions using an evolutionary algorithm

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    In this paper, we offer a new method to induce interesting knowledge from the relevant sets of data in databases for supervised learning. Thus, in this work, ELLIPSES is presented as a new method oriented to discover knowledge according to the expert's needs, by the detection of the most significant regions. The method essence is found in an evolutionary algorithm that finds these regions one after another. The expert decides which regions are significant and determines the stop criterion. The extracted knowledge is offered through two types of rules: Quantitative and Qualitative. The tool also offers a visualization of each rule by parallel coordinate systems. The ELLIPSES results are compared with C4.5 on UCI Repository datasets

    OBLIC: Classification System Using Evolutionary Algorithm

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    We present a new classification system based on Evolutionary Algorithm (EA), OBLIC. This tool is an OBLIque Classification system whose function is to induce a set of classification rules no hierarchical from a database or training set. The core of the algorithm is a EA with real-coded and Pittsburgh approach. Each individual is composed by a no fixed classification rules set what split in regions the search space. The fitness of each classification is obtained by means of the exploration of these regions. The result of the tool is the best classification obtained in the evolutionary process

    Pla d’Autoprotecció del Centre Cultural CAN SALADRIGAS

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    Aquest projecte desenvolupa el Pla d’Autoprotecció i Emergència de l’edifici industrial catalogat “CAN SALADRIGAS”, al barri del Poblenou de Barcelona. L’edifici, de construcció singular, s’està sotmetent a una rehabilitació integral, per a reconvertir-lo en Centre Cultural, i haurà d’acollir tres programes independents: Biblioteca de Barri, Centre d’Imatgeria Festiva del Poblenou (CIFP), i Centre de Cultura Industrial de Barcelona (CCIB). Amb aquest projecte es pretén dotar l’edifici d’una estructura d’Autoprotecció que permeti identificar, prevenir i controlar els riscos sobre les persones i els bens, possibiliti respondre adequadament a les possibles situacions d’emergència i garanteixi la integració d’aquestes actuacions amb el sistema públic de protecció civil. Aprofitant l’oportunitat del moment, el projecte persegueix un segon objectiu, que és el d’adaptar l’edifici a la normativa vigent en matèria de prevenció d’incendis, fent un estudi exhaustiu i adoptant les mesures de protecció adients, tant passives com actives. El Pla d’Autoprotecció s’ha elaborat aplicant el RD 393/2007 que aprova la Norma Bàsica d’Autoprotecció, vigent des del 25 de març de 2007, derogant el Manual d’Autoprotecció de 1984, i que encara que manté els mateixos continguts que aquest, modifica de manera important l’estructura dels Plans d’Autoprotecció. L’adequació a la normativa en matèria de prevenció d’incendis s’ha fet adoptant les prescripcions del Codi Tècnic de l’Edificació, RD 314/2006, i més concretament del Document Bàsic DB SI - Seguretat en cas d’Incendi, d’aplicació des del 29 de setembre de 2006. De manera complementària, igualment s’ha considerat l’Ordenança de condicions de protecció contra incendis als edificis de Barcelona, de 1997. Per a la justificació de la protecció contra incendis (PCI) de l’edifici, s’han utilitzat els criteris generals per a l’elaboració de projectes de PCI en edificis i establiments, de la norma UNE 157653, de gener de 2008. Finalment, declarar la finalitat del projecte, que és la de conferir l’edifici d’un alt nivell de seguretat, adequat a la seva tipologia i les funcions a desenvolupar

    Biomecánica del baile flamenco. Análisis de los tiempos de pausa y actividadØ)W

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    En este artículo se ha estudiado los períodos de actividad y descanso en el baile flamenco. Se han grabado y analizado los bailes de 6 bailaoras profesionales que voluntariamente han participado en este estudio con una edad media de 24 ±6,06 años, un peso medio de 58,84 ±2,25 kg y una altura media de 166 ± 6,67 cm. La duración media de los bailes es de 457,67 ± 70,77 s. Se ha contabilizado como tiempo de pausa aquellos segundos durante los que no se efectuaban ningún zapateado, estos períodos tienen una duración muy corta que oscila entre 1 y 15 s. La duración media de los tiempos totales de pausa durante los bailes ha sido de 32 ± 2,10 s, lo que equivale a un 6,99% del tiempo total de baile. Por el contrario, los períodos de actividad (segundos durante los que se efectúa al menos un zapateado) son bastante más largos, de hecho un 26,29% del tiempo de baile se distribuye en períodos de una duración superior a 120 s. La duración media del tiempo total de actividad durante los bailes ha sido de 425,67 ± 41,3 s, equivalente a un 93,01% del tiempo total de baile. Los períodos de actividad superiores a 31 s suelen continuarse con períodos de pausa igual o mayores a 3 s. Pensamos que estos resultados son la base sobre la cual poder programar la preparación física específica de bailaoras de flamenco

    Norte de Jalisco. Una Región "remota" de Occidente

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    Este modesto libro trata de ser una aportación al conocimiento del Norte de Jalisco, región casi ignorada a nivel nacional- e incluso regional- pero que encierra en potencia recursos naturales y humanos, con los cuales se puede lograr en el futuro un mayor desarrollo. Las dificultades que el medio físico ofrece para lograr un mayor y rápido avance socioeconómico, no pueden servir de justificantes para perpetuar ese atraso general y esa estructura regional, pues sus habitantes tienen el mismo derecho al progreso que cualquier otro grupo, de no importar cuál rumbo del espacio nacional

    Comportamiento electroquímico de aerogeles de carbón nanoporosos en fenómenos de desionización capacitiva

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    III Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología de Investigadores y Tecnólogos Andaluce