16 research outputs found


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    In the works of certain Greek authors one may find, more or less visible, mistakes, negligences and incoherences. In some other occasions, what those authors intend to express and what they really offer seem to be contradictory; both faults, either being willing or not, attempt against the beauty of the works and against the credibility of their content. The aim of this essay is both to offer examples of this kind, and to proceed to a critical analysis, an appraisal and an explanation of the issue

    Parodias de situaciones y versos homéricos en Aristófanes

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    Aristophanes often integrates in his comedies situations, complete lines, hemistichs or single words from the epic. The πάθος of such expressions powerfully contrasts with the linguistic and expressive context of his plays, and he thereafter obtains a strong comic effect. The use of verses different from the hexameter and, on the other hand, the authors' own interests acts against the litterality of the quotations. Moreover Aristophanes seems to consider Homer as the author of every epic word and, interesting enough, the presence of Homer in his comedies is more frequent than in other authors, like tragic or lyric poets, where this presence would be a priori more expectable. So Aristophanes frequently is the only witness of some Homeric expressions and topics in the litterature of the VIII-V b.C. centuriesNo disponible

    Jorge Bergua Cavero, Pronunciación y prosodia del griego antiguo. Guía práctica para la lectura de sus textos, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 2015, 122 pp. ISBN 978-8-47-882744-2

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    Review: Jorge Bergua Cavero, Pronunciación y prosodia del griego antiguo. Guía práctica para la lectura de sus textos, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 2015, 122 pp. ISBN 978-8-47-882744-2Reseña de Jorge Bergua Cavero, Pronunciación y prosodia del griego antiguo. Guía práctica para la lectura de sus textos, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 2015, 122 pp. ISBN 978-8-47-882744-

    Relaciones de metro y contenido en la párodos del Ayante de Sófocles

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    Relaciones de metro y contenido en la párodos del Ayante de Sófocle

    ¿Una conversación obscena?

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    Cuando Hipoclides supo que Clístenes lo había desestimado como futuro marido de su hija, respondió con un simple “no me importa”. Sin embargo, las posibles connotaciones obscenas de su nombre, las palabras de Clístenes al comunicarle la noticia y los hechos mismos que decidieron a éste a rechazar a Hipoclides como yerno apuntan a una posible obscenidad disimulada en toda la escena