62 research outputs found

    Gas-Solid Heat Exchanger for Cement Production

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    Radical Technological Innovation and Perception: A Non-Physician Practitioners’ Perspective

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    Radical technological innovations, such as chatbots, fundamentally alter many aspects of healthcare organizations. For example, they transform how clinicians care for their patients. Despite the potential benefits, they cannot be integrated into practice without the support of the clinicians whose jobs are affected. While previous research shed important light on physicians’ perceptions, little is known on nonphysician practitioners view said innovations. This paper reports on a qualitative study, involving 10 nonphysician clinicians from Ontario, Canada, conducted to determine the perceptions and cognitions of clinicians regarding radical innovation and their previous experiences with technological change. Results indicate that clinicians as semi-autonomous agents can interpret and act upon their environment with regard to determining how innovations such as chatbots are implemented

    Investigation on different vertical aerated rock filter (vertical aerated rock filter) in removing phosphorus from domestic wastewater

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    Nutrients in the water body encourage the growth of algae which can accelerate eutrophication. Rock filter (RF) has appeared as an alternative technology to remove phosphorus from wastewater. In response to this, the selection of media between steel slag and limestone for pilot scale filter has been investigated by receiving the same volumetric hydraulic loading rate and airflow rate. Based on the analysis, steel slag emerged as the best media in removing the selected parameters. Therefore, the vertical aerated steel slag filter (VASSF) has been optimized with different hydraulic loading rates (HLR) ranging from 0.16 to 5.44 m3/m3day and airflow rate ranging from 3L/min to 10L/min to enhance the removal of phosphorus. Based on the optimization study, total phosphorus (TP) removal was perfectly removed by using an airflow rate of 7L/min and HLR of 1.04 m3/m3.day. The VASSF was efficiently removed by 89%, 75%, 73%, 30% and 96% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), TP and total coliform respectively. Meanwhile, for the pH, the effluent value decreased by 56%, pH also rose to 7.3 and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration increased up to 5.09 mg/L. Result from steel slag lab-scale study shows that for selected parameter was removed by about 99%, 94%, 97%, 58% and 96% meanwhile for limestone lab-scale study removed by about 95%, 94%, 98%, 64% and 100% of BOD, COD, TSS, TP and total coliform respectively. The mechanism for phosphorus removal study by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDX) equipment has been conducted after a period of two months for testing. For the fresh steel slag sample, there is no phosphorus on the surface but for the treated steel slag sample, there are available on the surface. Based on phosphorus attachment on media it indicates that the adsorptions occur on the media and all parameters are in the permissible limit of standard B based on Malaysian Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulation 2009

    Investigation of a Gas-Solid Separation Process for Cement Raw Meal

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    AbstractThe gas/solid heat exchanger (2D-HX), developed to replace the cyclone preheaters in cement plants is presented. This design aims at reducing construction height and operation costs. The separation process in the 2D-HX is experimentally investigated, and the results show that separation efficiencies up to 90% can be achieved in the gravitationally driven process. Based on the data, a model of the separation process is developed, utilizing relations from pneumatic transport and cyclone theory. The model fit is acceptable, especially in the area of interest. Based on experimental data, further development of the technology is encouraged

    Hvad vil Danmark på Nordpolen? En idéanalyse af Danmarks udenrigspolitiske strategi i Arktis

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    Imens Danmarks territorielle krav i Arktis kan opfattes som konfrontatorisk, handler Danmarks officielle udenrigspolitiske strategi i Arktis først og fremmest om at sikre fred gennem internationalt samarbejde. Derfor findes der en uklarhed om, hvilke idéer som faktisk ligger til grund for strategien. Med udgangspunkt i de teoretiske perspektiver på internationelle relationer defensiv neorealisme og offensiv neorealisme laver vi en idéanalyse af Danmarks udenrigspolitiske strategi i Arktis. Dermed bidrager vi til en større forståelse af strategien og dens mulige implikationer. Undersøgelsen fandt at strategien er overvejende defensiv i kraft af målet om sikkerhed og strategien bandwagoning. Samtidig findes der offensive dele, herunder det territorielle krav. Dette medfører en form for tvetydighed i strategien, som kan have konsekvenser. Det er muligt at strategien fører til et fordelagtigt udfald gældende grænsedragningen i Arktis, men strategien kan omvendt også være med til at opildne en eventuel militær konflikt mellem Danmark og Rusland i Arktis.Imens Danmarks territorielle krav i Arktis kan opfattes som konfrontatorisk, handler Danmarks officielle udenrigspolitiske strategi i Arktis først og fremmest om at sikre fred gennem internationalt samarbejde. Derfor findes der en uklarhed om, hvilke idéer som faktisk ligger til grund for strategien. Med udgangspunkt i de teoretiske perspektiver på internationelle relationer defensiv neorealisme og offensiv neorealisme laver vi en idéanalyse af Danmarks udenrigspolitiske strategi i Arktis. Dermed bidrager vi til en større forståelse af strategien og dens mulige implikationer. Undersøgelsen fandt at strategien er overvejende defensiv i kraft af målet om sikkerhed og strategien bandwagoning. Samtidig findes der offensive dele, herunder det territorielle krav. Dette medfører en form for tvetydighed i strategien, som kan have konsekvenser. Det er muligt at strategien fører til et fordelagtigt udfald gældende grænsedragningen i Arktis, men strategien kan omvendt også være med til at opildne en eventuel militær konflikt mellem Danmark og Rusland i Arktis

    University-based smoking cessation program through pharmacist-physician initiative: An economic evaluation

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    Introduction: Annually, especially in poor resourced countries, significant amount of money is spent to treat chronic diseases. The money instead could be saved by spending on health promotion programs for preventing chronic diseases. Aim: To conduct cost-effectiveness analysis of various intervention modules in the "Smoking Cessation" program conducted in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Materials and Methods: This was an observational study design. Cost-effectiveness analysis was used to assess the costs and outcomes of the intervention. Data were collected retrospectively from medical records of all clients (n= 129) and then all the participants were followed-up for at least 6 months from the date of participation. Data were analysed descriptively using frequency (%) and mean (sd). Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was carried out to test for normality. Chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used at alpha level of 0.05. All analyses were done using SPSS version 19. Results: The findings of the study showed that the majority of participants were Malays (n= 108; 83.7%), males (n= 128; 99.2%), USM's staff (n= 71; 55.0%) and within an age group of 23 years or less (n= 38; 29.5%). Among those who successfully quit were male (n= 30; 100%), Malays (n= 29; 96.7%), staff (n= 19; 63.3%), moreover, their age ranged from 35 to 56-year-old (n= 15; 50.0%). Further analysis of data showed that there were significant associations between success rate and modules of intervention, occupation, motivation factors, and frequency of counselling. Total cost of the Smoking Cessation Program was MYR 38,634.66 (during a period of 34.5 months), with a success rate equal to 29.1%. The most cost-effective module of intervention was counselling alone (CE ratio equal to MYR360.00 per 1% of success rate). The study found counselling with patch was ineffective during the study period. Conclusion: Counselling alone module was the most cost-effective in Smoking Cessation program conducted in USM, Malaysia.Scopu

    Fundamentals of entrepreneurship (ENT300) : case study Chill out Lounge / Mohamad Hafiez Busra…[et al.]

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    In every progressive firm or organization, top management is really important to responsible for setting quantifiable, measurable and attainable objectives. This is to make sure the top management of the company can achieve their objective smoothly and perfectly.For Chill Out, our policy is developed as a guideline for daily operation of the company that stresses more on the continual need to maximize profits in a just, reasonable manner. Other than that, we also are looking forward to improve our share in the market size. In addition, we will try to providing our customers with the best and fastest service to make sure our customers really satisfied with our company. In addition, to achieve our objective, we had determined our target market. As our company is located at KUCHING area, so our target markets are mostly among the local and foreign tourist. The reason is, they will look for a place that offers them relaxation and comfort. According to this matter, our company prepares to give a full commitment and gives our best in terms of services and products. So this is our good opportunity due to our objective to earn the greatest possible profit by increasing our service and offered a reasonable price to our customer. A related objective of the marketing department is to develop appropriate marketing strategies to ensure the transactions of the business are well done. Another important section in Chill Out is the administration. The main objective of the administrative office manager is to coordinate and communicate the information activities of each of the company's main division so that unit costs of service may be reduced and our services be increased. Hence, the administrative are the one which responsible in determining and administrating our organization to its' best condition. Therefore, in our company also, administrative office manager provides a support service for all other functions. The most important part in Chill Out is the cost of the project. Although every part of top management is really good, the project cost budget is the most important. This is because, if our capital cannot support the business, this project will be useless. So, the total amount to start the project is RM100, 000.00. In the future, we really hope that we have many regular customers that always use our services

    pH Effect on Phosphorus Removal in Synthetic Wastewater by Using Electric Arc Furnace Lab-scale Filter

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    Abstract. Phosphorus is known as non-renewable source and due to its high levels of phosphorus in water body may lead to eutrophication problems. It may come from many sources such as industry, agriculture and from wastewater treatment plant. Large excessive of phosphorus may increase the purification cost and serious water quality problem because of the effect of algae toxin in water. Conventional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) requires lot of cost such as labour, capital and maintenance costs. Therefore, the lab-scale aerated steel slag filter (ASSF) emerged as an alternative method to remove phosphorus from water due to its simple and also low cost technology has been developed to overcome this problem. This lab-scale filter has been conducted by using synthetic wastewater for an eight weeks starting from 19 March until 4 th May 2014. This study is to investigate the effect of pH range from 4.5 to 7.5 and temperature for phosphorus removal mechanism. From this study, result shows that lab-scale ASSF achieve about 90% of phosphorus removal at pH 5.0. Based on X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, the steel slag is rich in Ca, Al and Fe which is enhance the P removal with the influence of pH for precipitation mechanism process in this experiment
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