43 research outputs found
ICF Personal Factors Strengthen Commitment to Person-Centered Rehabilitation : A Scoping Review
Background: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) classification is a biopsychosocial frame of reference that contributes to a holistic understanding of the functioning of a client and the factors involved. Personal factors (PFs) are not currently classified in the ICF due to large societal and cultural diversity and lack of clarity in the scope of such factors. Aims: To ascertain which factors in the ICF classification have been defined as PFs in different studies and what conclusions have been drawn on their role in the ICF classification. Methods: The study was a scoping review. A systematic search for articles published in 2010–2020 was performed on the Cinahl, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Sport Discus databases. The PFs specified in the articles were classified according to the seven categories proposed by Geyh et al. socio-demographic factors; position in the immediate social and physical context; personal history and biography; feelings; thoughts and beliefs; motives; and general patterns of experience and behavior. Results: The search yielded 1,988 studies, of which 226 met the inclusion criteria. The studies had addressed a wide variety of PFs that were linked to all seven categories defined by Geyh et al. Some studies had also defined PFs that were linkable to other components of the ICF or that did not describe functioning. Approximately 22% (51) of the studies discussed the role of PFs in rehabilitation. Conclusions: The range of PFs in the ICF classification addressed in the reviewed studies is wide. PFs play an important role in rehabilitation. However, according to the reviewed studies, a more precise coding of PFs is not yet warranted
Pk-yrityksen riskienhallinta elintarvikealalla : ET-RH -työkirja liiketoiminnan riskien hallintaan ja varautumissuunnitteluun
Yritystoiminta on aina mahdollisuuksien hyödyntämistä, riskinottoa ja riskienhallintaa. Käytännössä kysymys on siitä, että tunnistetaan yritystoiminnan tärkeimmät riskit, selvitetään riskienhallinnan keinot, toteutetaan toimenpiteitä riskien hallitsemiseksi ja seurataan riskien kehittymistä. Riskienhallinta voidaan myös nähdä varautumisen työvälineenä. Tämän työkirjan tarkoitus on avustaa ja tukea elintarvikealan pk-yritysten liiketoiminnan riskienhallintaa (RH) ja varautumissuunnittelua erilaisten johtamisvälineiden avulla.
Työkirja sisältää sarjan elintarvikealan pk-yritysten riskienhallintaa käsitteleviä tieto- ja työkortteja, joiden avulla elintarvikeyrityksissä voidaan kehittää ja seurata yrityksen riskienhallintaa ja varautumista erilaisten häiriöiden ja poikkeusolojen varalta. Työkirjan alussa oleva yrityskontekstin ja riskikentän kartoitus auttaa myöhempien tietokorttien ja työkorttien työstämistä ja suunnittelua. Työkirjan tietokorteissa käsitellään riskienhallinnan kannalta tärkeitä tekijöitä ja työkorttien tehtävien avulla ohjeistetaan kartoittamaan asiakohtiin liittyviä riskitekijöitä. Tietokorttien yhteyteen on liitetty malliksi täytettyjä esimerkkityökortteja. Kunkin työkortin riskitekijöitä on esitelty yhdessä tai useammassa tietokortissa.
Työkirja perustuu maa- ja metsätalousministeriön (MMM) rahoittamaan selvitystyöhön ”Riskienhallinnan välineitä elintarvikealan pk-yritysten varautumissuunnittelun tueksi ja liiketoimintariskien hallitsemiseksi (ET-RH -selvitystyö)”. Selvitystyössä keskityttiin erityisesti alle 250 hengen elintarvikejalostusalan yritysten riskienhallinnan haasteisiin. Tämä ei kuitenkaan tarkoita sitä, etteikö työkirja antaisi välineitä myös tätä isompien elintarvikeyritysten riskienhallintaan tai vinkkejä jonkin muun toimialan riskienhallintaan
Micro-Scale Distribution of CA4+ in Ex vivo Human Articular Cartilage Detected with Contrast-Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography Imaging
Contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography (CE mu CT) with cationic and anionic contrast agents reveals glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content and distribution in articular cartilage (AC). The advantage of using cationic stains (e.g., CA4+) compared to anionic stains (e.g., Hexabrix (R)), is that it distributes proportionally with GAGs, while anionic stain distribution in AC is inversely proportional to the GAG content. To date, studies using cationic stains have been conducted with sufficient resolution to study its distributions on the macro-scale, but with insufficient resolution to study its distributions on the micro-scale. Therefore, it is not known whether the cationic contrast agents accumulate in extra/pericellular matrix and if they interact with chondrocytes. The insufficient resolution has also prevented to answer the question whether CA4+ accumulation in chondrons could lead to an erroneous quantification of GAG distribution with low-resolution mu CT setups. In this study, we use high-resolution mu CT to investigate whether CA4+ accumulates in chondrocytes, and further, to determine whether it affects the low-resolution ex vivo mu CT studies of CA4+ stained human AC with varying degree of osteoarthritis. Human osteochondral samples were immersed in three different concentrations of CA4+ (3 mgI/ml, 6 mgI/ml, and 24 mgI/ml) and imaged with high-resolution mu CT at several timepoints. Different uptake diffusion profiles of CA4+ were observed between the segmented chondrons and the rest of the tissue. While the X-ray -detected CA4+ concentration in chondrons was greater than in the rest of the AC, its contribution to the uptake into the whole tissue was negligible and in line with macro-scale GAG content detected from histology. The efficient uptake of CA4+ into chondrons and surrounding territorial matrix can be explained by the micro-scale distribution of GAG content. CA4+ uptake in chondrons occurred regardless of the progression stage of osteoarthritis in the samples and the relative difference between the interterritorial matrix and segmented chondron area was less than 4%. To conclude, our results suggest that GAG quantification with CE mu CT is not affected by the chondron uptake of CA4+. This further confirms the use of CA4+ for macro-scale assessment of GAG throughout the AC, and highlight the capability of studying chondron properties in 3D at the micro scale.Peer reviewe