16 research outputs found

    Hemi-epiphysiodesis at the knee region: long - term results of Ambulant Centre for Defects of Locomotor Apparatus in Prague

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    This action is realized by the project NEXLIZ - CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0038, which is co-financed by the European social fund and the state budget of the Czech republic

    Response of spring barley cultivars to Ramularia leaf spot in conditions of the Czech Republic

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    The fungus Ramularia collo-cygni is increasingly important as the causal agent of Ramularia leaf spot (RLS). The work aimed to identify gene resources suitable for developing new breeding lines of spring barley with improved resistance. We tested 144 spring barley cultivars at 3 locations in the Czech Republic over 3 years (2009–2011). Only minor and statistically insignificant differences were observed between the individual cultivars in reaction to RLS. No cultivars were observed to have resistance to Ramularia collo-cygni, but significant influence of location and year on the intensity of RLS infection in barley was observed

    Oscillation criteria for nonlinear neutral hyperbolic equations with functional arguments

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    This paper is devoted to the study of oscillatory behavior of solutions to nonlinear neutral hyperbolic equations with functional arguments by using the integral averaging method and generalized Riccati techniques. First, we establish oscillation results for nonlinear neutral hyperbolic equations by reducing the multi-dimensional oscillation problems to one-dimensional oscillation problems for functional differential inequalities. Secondly, we present oscillation results for nonlinear neutral hyperbolic equations by utilizing Riccati techniques.Вивчається коливна поведiнка розв’язкiв нелiнiйних гiперболiчних рiвнянь нейтрального типу з функцiональними аргументами з допомогою методу iнтегрального усереднення та узагальненої технiки Рiккатi. По-перше, отримано результати про коливання для нелiнiйних гiперболiчних рiвнянь нейтрального типу шляхом зведення багатовимiрних задач про коливання до одновимiрних задач про коливання для функцiонально-диференцiальних нерiвностей. По-друге, отримано результати про коливання для нелiнiйних гiперболiчних рiвнянь нейтрального типу з використанням технiки Рiккатi