205 research outputs found


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    Morality remains a problem for Indonesia up to now as shown in various kinds of social problems such as violence, immorality, corruption and others. All these problems are in fact related to the morale of the nation. Education is an area which is expected to cope with all moral issues. Therefore, moral education is an important aspect which needs proper strategies and sources in order to be successful. Suluk linglung is one of the ancient works which contains a lot of moral values highly relevant for education. This paper focuses on the moral values in Suluk Linglung which portrays Sunan Kalijaga’s spiritual journey to find the essence of life and its relevance with Islamic education.Keywords: Pendidikan, Moral, Suluk Linglun

    Operasional Hermeneutika Sebagai Mitra Penafsiran Alqur’an

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    Hermeneutika tidak hanya melihat teks, tetapi berusaha menggali makna lebih dalam dengan mempertimbangkan horizon yang melingkupi sebuah teks dan tiga hal mendasar; teks, konteks, dan kontekstualisasi. Dalam asumsi hermeneutik untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang utuh dari sebuah teks, maka teks tidak bisa langsung diterima begitu saja, melainkan  perlu dicermati bahkan dicurigai.  Disini, menjadi  menarik untuk dicermati ketika yang menjadi objek kajian adalah Alqur’an; bagaimana jika hermeneutika dalam memahami Alqur’an, mengandaikan mungkin saja terjadi kekeliruan karena dalam sejarah kodifikasi Alqur’an terjadi pembakaran mushaf-mushaf yang berbeda, bisa jadi dalam mushaf yang berbeda itulah teks yang benar, dan dalam teks Alqur’an kita dewasa ini terdapat kekeliruan, dengan demikian hal penting dalam memahami Alqur’an adalah menangkap pesan ideal moral bukan fanatik terhadap teksnya. Deskriptif-analitis dipilih dalam kajian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran komprehensif dan analisis kritis sebagai upaya memetakan konsep berikut kesimpulan solutif. Sebagai hasil kajian; hermeneutika perlu didudukkan dengan serius. Perlu etika yang jelas ketika hermeneutika ambil bagian sebagai mitra penafsiran Alqur’an; upaya penggalian makna dan kontekstualisasi pesan-pesan Alqur’an harus senantiasa dilakukan tanpa mengabaikan aspek keotientikan dan ke Ilahiahan Alqur’an

    Peningkatan Minat dan Hasil Belajar Siswa dengan Metode Peer Teaching Pada Teknik Listrik Dasar Otomotif

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    Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar siswa kelas X TKR SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan pada materi pelajaran Teknik Listrik Dasar Otomotif (TLDO) dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran peer teaching (tutor sebaya). Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) atau Classroom Action Research (CAR). Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode conviniente sampling. Total jumlah sampel menjadi 30 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode observasi dan angket. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji statistik menggunakan analisis statistic N-Gain. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran mengunakan metode peer teaching (tutor sebaya) di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan menunjukkan peningkatan persentase minat dan hasil belajar siswa.Hasil minat belajar siswa pada siklus 1 di peroleh data rata-rata persentase sebesar 49,6%, termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Sedangkan pada siklus 2 minat belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan dengan rata-rata persentase 74% termasuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil belajar pra siklus rerata 56,6 dengan presentasi siswa dibawah KKM sebesar 83,3%, Pada nilai pada siklus I, memiliki peningkatan rata-rata menjadi 72,8 siswa yang belum memenuhi KKM 14 siswa (46,7%) dan siswa yang telah memenuhi KKM sebanyak 16 siswa (53,3%).Hasil belajar nilai pada siklus II juga mengalami peningkatan rerata sebesar 80,47 yaitu siswa yang telah memenuhi KKM bertambah menjadi 21 siswa (70%) sedangkan siswa yang belum memenuhi KKM menurun menjadi 9 siswa (30%) dari jumlah 30 siswa

    Analisis Pengaruh Efektivitas Sistem Penilaian Kinerja terhadap Motivasi Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja dan Kinerja Karyawan PT Coats Rejo Indonesia

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    This study shows that dimension ofacceptability has the higher contribution followed by dimension of sensitivity,relevance and reliability. In contrast, dimension of practicality has thelowest contribution to motivation, work satisfaction and work performance. Furthermore,the company has not yet been able to comply with the employee's expectations ofpracticality used in conducting performance appraisal system. In other words,further evaluation of performance appraisal system emphasizing on practicalityfactors is required; keep manage and evaluate from the priority dimensionsof acceptability, sensitivity, relevanceand reliability. These steps will lead to a condition of satisfactory to theexpectation of both the company and the employees; high work performance as aresult of highly motivated and work satisfaction employees

    Urinoir Analyzer Pintar Pendeteksi Kelainan Pada Fungsi Ginjal Dengan Analisis Kadar Ph Dan Warna Pada Urin

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    Perkembangan pemeriksaan penyakit kelainan ginjal melalui analisa urin saat ini dilakukan dalam dua proses pemeriksaan secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Pada dasarnya dibutuhkan sebuah alat yang mampu memproses dan menganalisis sebuah sampel urin secara otomatis agar tidak terjadinya kesalahan dalam melakukan pemeriksaan penyakit melalui sampel urin. Awalan perkembangan ini menggunakan sebuah Kontroler Arduino UNO dan dua buah variabel masukan yaitu sensor warna TCS3200 dan sensor PH meter SKU SEN0161. Dua buah variabel masukan sensor bekerja secara berdampingan dengan sensor TCS3200 memiliki hasil keluaran berupa nilai frekuensi RGB dan diproses kembali menjadi frekuensi keabuan. Lalu, sensor PH meter SKU SEN0161 menghasilkan sebuah nilai PH pada sampel urin. Hasil dari pemeriksaan tersebut ditampilkan pada sebuah penampil berupa LCD berukuran 16x2. Hasil pemeriksaan dari alat ini dibandingkan dengan hasil analisa pakar dari Balai Laboratorium Kesehatan Yogyakarta bagian Urology. dan mendapatkan tingkatan nilai akurasi 93% dengan keberhasilan data sebanyak 28 dari 30 data yang diambil. The development of examining kidney disorders through urine analysis is currently carried out in two processes of examination, macroscopic and microscopic. Basically, we need a tool that is able to process and analyze a urine sample automatically so that there are no errors in carrying out disease checks through the urine sample. The beginning of this development used an Arduino UNO controller and two input variables, namely the TCS3200 color sensor and the SKU SEN0161 PH meter sensor. Two sensor input variables working side by side with the TCS3200 sensor have an output in the form of RGB frequency values and are processed back into gray frequencies. Then, the PH meter SKU SEN0161 sensor generates a PH value in the urine sample. The results of these checks are displayed on a 16x2 LCD display. The examination results of this tool are compared with the results of the analysis of experts from the Yogyakarta Health Laboratory Center, Urology section. and get an accuracy level of 93% with the success of the data as much as 28 of the 30 data taken


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    This study discusses how the Ḥadīth related to the pandemic and how the practice of a ḥadīth boarding school - Darus-Sunnah in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia- deal with this issue using a qualitative, and descriptive-analytical method with an anthropological-phenomenological paradigm, this research identifies and constructs their discussion on pandemic and their effort to deal with it. The study finds that Darus-Sunnah bases their discussion about the Covid-19 outbreak on Ḥadīth sources. It also finds that understanding the Prophet’s traditions can thoroughly help to prevent the spread of Covid-19 as the Ḥadīth sources suggest to avoid the possibility for the viruses to transmit to others, and recommend to collaborate between religious, government, and health care agents in combatting the pandemic

    Exploring Blockchain Data Analysis and Its Communications Architecture: Achievements, Challenges, and Future Directions: A Review Article

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    Blockchain technology is relatively young but has the potential to disrupt several industries. Since the emergence of Bitcoin, also known as Blockchain 1.0, there has been significant interest in this technology. The introduction of Ethereum, or Blockchain 2.0, has expanded the types of data that can be stored on blockchain networks. The increasing popularity of blockchain technology has given rise to new challenges, such as user privacy and illicit financial activities, but has also facilitated technical advancements. Blockchain technology utilizes cryptographic hashes of user input to record transactions. The public availability of blockchain data presents a unique opportunity for academics to analyze it and gain a better understanding of the challenges in blockchain communications. Researchers have never had access to such an opportunity before. Therefore, it is crucial to highlight the research problems, accomplishments, and potential trends and challenges in blockchain network data analysis and communications. This article aims to examine and summarize the field of blockchain data analysis and communications. The review encompasses the fundamental data types, analytical techniques, architecture, and operations related to blockchain networks. Seven research challenges are addressed: entity recognition, privacy, risk analysis, network visualization, network structure, market impact, and transaction pattern recognition. The latter half of this section discusses future research directions, opportunities, and challenges based on previous research limitations


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    Based on the many verses of the Qur'a>n and the H{adi>th concerning the intentions and management of the heart, we can conclude that these two things are very important. One should not be surprised if there are many scholars who compile books on the topic of special discussion about the two. Starting something with the intention of causing interest and focus on a charity that affects the readiness of the heart to do it. This readiness is important because the heart is a place where ikhla>s{ as the mouth of all worship is. With the heart ready it is expected that a ‘charity can be carried out to the maximum. The intention is not just a ritual of worship, but if worship is carried out with full appreciation, there will appear a lot of Islamic religious education values ​​obtained. Among them are submission and obedience to religious orders, obeying regulations, growing enthusiasm to achieve good goals, determination and enthusiasm towards goodness, patience and a strong willingness to do something good even though heavy and difficult, awareness to improve the quality of faith and devotion, concern for self and the environment, vigilance to avoid or deal with liver disease, discipline, wisdom, love and obedience to religious orders


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    Abstract: Epistemology of Fazlur Rahman in Understanding the Qur’an and Hadith. This article  examines the epistemology of Fazlur Rahman in understanding the Qur’an and  the hadith,  and  was  his thought  of the qur’an  and  hadith  relevance to the  modern era.  This research is a library research, using  a hermeneutic approach or historical-critical approach. The collected datas  are analyzed  in descriptive-analytic. The results showed; Firstly, epistemology of Fazlur Rahman in understanding the Qur’an and the hadith  is epistemology of Burhani,  this epistemology is based on observation and  experimentation which  is systematized with the operationalization of the methods of historical  criticism,  sistematic interpretation and refined  by the method of double movement. While the arguments reasoning used  in understanding the Qur’an and  the hadith  is a demonstrative argument, verification and exploratory with a historical approach, normative and philosophical. Secondly, epistemology of Fazlur Rahman has significant relevance to the development of qur’anic and hadith thought  in the  modern era,  mainly in the  aspect of development and  methodology system.  However,  with regard  to the evolution  of the sunna and  the hadith,  although it has defended his entity from the orientalist, Fazlur Rahman has  a conception of liberal and  dangerous, because he  doubted the  validity of most  of the traditions  of the  technical contained in the  books  of hadith,  he thought  that the  itsnad  does  not ensure the validity of the hadith, because itsnads  itself is emerging at the end of the first century  AH

    Citizens' Preferences Toward Halal Products

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    The purpose of this article is to explore people’s enjoyment of halal products and the various ways in which this pleasure is manifested. The research utilized a quantitative approach employing the Theory of Persuasion and a questionnaire as the data collection technique. The study involved 486 respondents who are residents of Bandung Regency. The findings of the research are as follows: 1. Consumers’ perception that halal products are healthy contributes to their pleasure in using these products. 2. Pleasant experiences with halal products foster loyalty among consumers, encouraging them to remain loyal to the products. A significant majority of citizens, 347 respondents (74.1%), expressed agreement with their fondness for halal products and demonstrated an eagerness to seek further information about them. Additionally, 67 respondents (14.3%) expressed a strong agreement with their preference for halal products. Keywords: preferences, halal products, da’wah persuasion, ELM-based da’wa
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