23 research outputs found

    The role of mothers-in-law in antenatal care decision-making in Nepal: a qualitative study

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    Background Antenatal care (ANC) has been recognised as a way to improve health outcomes for pregnant women and their babies. However, only 29% of pregnant women receive the recommended four antenatal visits in Nepal but reasons for such low utilisation are poorly understood. As in many countries of South Asia, mothers-in-law play a crucial role in the decisions around accessing health care facilities and providers. This paper aims to explore the mother-in-law’s role in (a) her daughter-in-law’s ANC uptake; and (b) the decision-making process about using ANC services in Nepal. Methods In-depth interviews were conducted with 30 purposively selected antenatal or postnatal mothers (half users, half non-users of ANC), 10 husbands and 10 mothers-in-law in two different (urban and rural) communities. Results Our findings suggest that mothers-in-law sometime have a positive influence, for example when encouraging women to seek ANC, but more often it is negative. Like many rural women of their generation, all mothers-in-law in this study were illiterate and most had not used ANC themselves. The main factors leading mothers-in-law not to support/ encourage ANC check ups were expectations regarding pregnant women fulfilling their household duties, perceptions that ANC was not beneficial based largely on their own past experiences, the scarcity of resources under their control and power relations between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. Individual knowledge and social class of the mothers-in-law of users and non-users differed significantly, which is likely to have had an effect on their perceptions of the benefits of ANC. Conclusion Mothers-in-law have a strong influence on the uptake of ANC in Nepal. Understanding their role is important if we are to design and target effective community-based health promotion interventions. Health promotion and educational interventions to improve the use of ANC should target women, husbands and family members, particularly mothers-in-law where they control access to family resources

    Total antioxidant activity and trace elements in human milk: the first 4 months of breast-feeding

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    The content of many nutrients in breast milk are dependent on the nutritional status of the lactating woman. This is particularly true for fat and water-soluble vitamins, some of which have antioxidant properties. The aim of the study entertained herein was to evaluate the changes in total antioxidant status of human milk during the first 4 months of lactation, and to correlate such changes with the contents in specific antioxidant oligoelements (Cu, Zn, Mn and Se). Milk samples were collected from (31) lactating women recruited at the Service of Obstetrics of the Hospital de São João in Porto, after 1, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks after birth. The total antioxidant status (TAS) of human milk was measured by the Randox¼ commercial kit and trace metals by ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry). The results found for TAS and oligoelements under study show a decrease in the concentration of these parameters from 7 days to 4 months of breast-feeding and significant correlations (p < 0.05) were found between TAS and Cu, Zn and Se (not Mn). The decreases of Cu, Zn and Se were also correlated, but not proportional between them, suggesting diverse excretion mechanisms for all. Between primipara and multipara women, a significant difference was found only for Cu and Zn concentrations at 7 days of lactation, but not for the other metals or TAS. With respect to the mother’s age, no correlation was found, either for trace metal concentrations or TAS

    Like Mother(-in-Law) Like Daughter? Influence of the Older Generation’s Fertility Behaviours on Women’s Desired Family Size in Bihar, India

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    This paper investigates the associations between preferred family size of women in rural Bihar, India and the fertility behaviours of their mother and mother-in-law. Scheduled interviews of 440 pairs of married women aged 16–34 years and their mothers-in-law were conducted in 2011. Preferred family size is first measured by Coombs scale, allowing us to capture latent desired number of children and then categorized into three categories (low, medium and high). Women’s preferred family size is estimated using ordered logistic regression. We find that the family size preferences are not associated with mother’s fertility but with mother’s education. Mother-in-law’s desired number of grandchildren is positively associated with women’s preferred family size. However, when the woman has higher education than her mother-in-law, her preferred family size gets smaller, suggesting that education provides women with greater autonomy in their decision-making on childbearing

    Milk: an epigenetic amplifier of FTO-mediated transcription? Implications for Western diseases

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