121 research outputs found

    Micropropagation and acclimatization of Musa Acuminata cv. Mas and Raja Udang / Syed Abdullah Syed Mustaffa

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    Tissue culture method is the best method to overcome the shortage of planting material. The plantlets produced by tissue culture method are identical to the parent plant. This research was aimed to produce high quality planting materials of Musa Acuminata cv. Mas and Raja Udang. It was also intended to compare the regeneration efficiency of the two cultivars studied. Murashige and Skoog media added with BAP and NAA hormones were prepared and used for micropropagation of the bananas. The banana suckers were collected and surface-sterilized with ethanol and sodium hypochlorite solution. Then, the explants were cultured on MS medium. The explants were cultured under different growth conditions (light or dark conditions) to investigate the effect of light on the regeneration efficiency of the explants. Evaluation was performed to compare the shoot regeneration efficiency of Musa acuminata cv. Mas and Raja Udang in tissue culture. The plantlets were transferred to the potting mix consisting of topsoil, sand and farm yard manure in the ratio of 1:1:1. Acclimatization of plantlets was carried out before field planting purpose

    Microstructural and Dielectric Properties of Ni-Zn and Li-Ni-Zn Ferrites by Impedance Spectroscopy.

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    The real and imaginary parts of the complex impedances and the loss angle (8) of iO.5Zn05Fe20, and (Lioleo.5)O.5Nio.2ZnO.3 Fe20, ferrites were measured at 300 K in the frequency range of 1 - 10 MHz using a frequency response analyser. The complex - plane impedance spectra of the samples are associated with equivalent circuits composed of resistive and capacitive elements due to the bulk (grain) and the grain boundary components. The measured and simulated impedances were analysed using the complex nonlinear least square (CNLS) fitting method. The simulated components of the circuit are interpreted as the characteristic parameters of the microstructural properties of the materials. Microstructural properties are complemented by a morphological study using a scanning electron microscope. The dielectric properties at low and high frequency regimes are interpreted as mainly due to the interfacial and orientational polarizations respectively. A region of negative capacitances at low frequencies is observed for both samples. Frequency dependence of the characteristic parameters of the microstructural components and the dielectric behaviour of the materials are discussed

    [THE QUR’ĀNIC CONCEPT OF HUMAN BEING: A THEMATIC STUDY] التصور القرآني للإنسان: دراسة موضوعية

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    The problem statement of this research is that the Qur’ān has widely discussed the concept of human being in a number of verses, thus, there is an immense need for the Qur’ānic concept of human to be identified and highlighted. This research aims to clarify the concept of human being in the light of the Qur’ān. This study is significant because it identifies and uncovers the concept of human being according to the Holy Qur’ān, which is very essential to develop and qualify the human being to undertake the duties he is assigned with. To reach the objectives of the research, both the inductive and the analytical approaches are used. The findings of the research show that the human concepts of the human nature and his essential essence are incorrect and contradictory. However, the Qur’ānic concept of human being is distinct and unique for the fact that it is divine, given by his creator who definitely knows him very well. The human being in the light of the Qur’ān is known where he comes from, and is distinct in his own creation, he is also a creation that is being highly valued and received great appreciation in the Qurʾān, and given a special status in the universe distinguishes him from all other creations. Yet, this honor and special status make him responsible to fulfill the mission Allah S.W.T. entrusted him with. In addition, he is a free and willing being but responsible, he is also a weak being in himself unless he depends on his Creator. Finally, this research recommends that the human being concept should be determined in the light of the Qur’ān, since it is correct, sound and comprehensive, it also emphasizes to develop an integrated approach to build the human being that takes into account the reality, characteristics and needs of that creature as mentioned in the Qur’ān. تكمن مشكلة البحث في أن حديث القرآن الكريم عن الإنسان من حيث ذاته وخصائصه جاء متفرقا فيالآيات الكريمة؛ فلذلك كان جمع تلك الآيات والخلوص بنظرة القرآن الكريم للإنسان على نحو شامل ومتكاملأمرا ضروريا، ويهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان معالم وملامح التصور القرآني للإنسان. هذا البحث مهم لأنهيتناول الإنسان؛ ماهيته وحقيقته وخصائصه في ضوء النظرة القرآنية المتميزة، ومعرفة الإنسان والإلمام بحقيقتهوماهيته يعتبر غاية في الأهمية إذ لا يمكن القيام بعملية بناء الإنسان وعمارته -ثم تأهيله للقيام بمهمتهالوظيفية- على أسس سليمة إلا بمعرفته المعرفة الحقة والتي لا يمكن إيجادها خارج الإطار القرآني، وللوصولإلى أهداف البحث اعتمد الباحث المنهج الاستقرائي لتتبع وجمع الآيات التي تحدثت عن الإنسان وخصائصهوماهيته، مع الرجوع إلى المصادر التفسيرية القديمة والحديثة التي تطرقت إلى هذا الموضوع، وإضافة إلى ذلك،اعتمد الباحث المنهج التحليلي لتحليل النصوص القرآنية لاستنباط نظرة القرآن الكريم للإنسان من حيثماهيته وخصائصه. ومن أهم النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث: أن التصورات البشرية للإنسان تتميز بالقصوروالتناقض بين تصور يحط من قيمة الإنسان وآخر يرفعه إلى مقام الألوهية، وأن الرؤية القرآنية للإنسان متميزةوفريدة من نوعها لأنها من عند الله تعالى خالق هذا الإنسان فهو -وحده- الأعلم به، فالإنسان في التصورالقرآني معلوم الأصل والمصدر، متميز في ذاته وخلقه وتركيبته، وهو مخلوق مكرم نال تقديرا وحفاوة كبيرين فيالخطاب القرآني، وله منزلة خاصة في الكون تميزه عن سائر الموجودات، حيث سخر له جميع ما في الأرضلينتفع به، وهذا التكريم وهذه الحفاوة ليسا لذات الإنسان وإنما للمهمة الشريفة التي أنيطت به، والدور الجللالذي كلف بأدائه وهو خلافة الله في أرضه؛ فهو شُ رِّفَ لأنه كُل فَ. وهو كائن حر وذو إرادة ولكنه مسؤول،كما أنه كائن ضعيف في ذاته ما لم يعتمد على خالقه. ومن أبرز توصيات البحث: ضرورة تحديد التصورللإنسان في ضوء القرآن الكريم لأنه الصحيح والسليم، ليتم -وفق هذا التصور- وضع منهج متكامل لبناءالإنسان يراعي حقيقته وخصائصه وحاجياته

    Languages, gestures and movement as evasion strategies used by Dato' Seri Najib in news interview

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    News interview is regarded as a form of institutional talk where the interaction process between the participants differs from an ordinary conversation in which the course of interaction in news interviews is an exchange of question-and-answer (Clayman & Heritage, 2002). This paper aims to explore evasion practices used by Dato’ Seri Najib Razak in an exclusive interview episode ‘101 East’ broadcasted live by Al Jazeera Channel on 26th October 2018. The data was collected from the online YouTube videos in which the participants in the 101 East were between the host interviewer, Mary Jolley, and the guest interviewee, Dato’ Seri Najib Razak. Using conversation analysis approach, this study analyzed how the interviewee evaded from answering controversial questions in the interview. The findings suggest that language, gestures and movement were used by the interviewee as evasion strategies to avoid from answering questions and to terminate topics in the interview. The organization of gestures and movement used by the interviewee as evasion strategies in this study were forewarning, interruption, final thanks and body movement

    Signifikan dalam Pemilihahan Ayat al-Quran sebagai Terapi dalam Rawatan Autistik secara Umum [Significance in The Selection of al-Qur'an Verse as Therapy in The Treatment of Autistic in General]

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    Penggunaan ayat al-Quran sebagai terapi dalam rawatan penyakit dewasa ini tidak boleh dinafikan lagi. Dalam hal ini, terdapat kombinasi ayat al-Quran yang berbeza digunakan terhadap rawatan sesuatu penyakit walaupun rawatan terhadap penyakit yang sama. Tambahan lagi, setiap pengamal juga mempunyai kombinasi ayat tersendiri ketika rawatan berpandukan pengalaman dan ilmu masing-masing. Melalui analisis indukif dan deduktif, artikel ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan kepentingan dalam pemilihan sesuatu ayat al-Quran bagi rawatan terhadap penyakit austistik secara umum, yang disokong oleh penjelasan dan pandangan ulama’ tafsir dan sarjana semasa. Kombinasi ayat-ayat yang dipilih tersebut adalah berdasarkan kepada garis umum bagi semua pesakit autistik. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat 15 kombinasi ayat daripada beberapa surah yang boleh dijadikan terapi umum bagi rawatan penyakit autistik, yang disokong  berdasarkan kepada beberapa signifikan yang umum bagi semua pesakit autistik. Kombinasi ini boleh dijadikan sebagai terapi atau salah satu usaha dalam membantu pesakit autistik sekalipun tidak dapat menyembuhkan secara menyeluruh. Diharapkan terapi ini dapat digunakan oleh guru pembimbing di sekolah untuk membantu pesakit autistik di sekolah khas di Malaysia ini. The use of Quranic verses as therapy in the treatment of diseases as of late cannot be denied any further. In this regard, there are different combinations of Qur'anic verses being used as a treatment of a particular disease, even for same disease. In addition, each practitioner also practices his own combination of verses during treatment depending on their experience and studies. Through inductive and deductive analysis, this article aims to discuss the significance in the selection of each verse of the Qur'an for treatment of autistic diseases in general, which are backed by the explanation and opinion of current scholars. The combination of the selected verses is based on the general guidelines for all autistic patients. The results of the study found that there are 15 combinations of verses from several surahs that can be used as a general therapy for the treatment of autistic diseases based on some common significance for all autistic patients. This combination can be used as a therapy or amongst the efforts to assist autistic patients albeit it cannot be completely cured. It is hoped that this therapy can be used by guiding teachers in schools to help autistic patients in special schools in Malaysia


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    Based on an observation through many communities, it is obviously that people are very careless on the possession of property, or even merely to get the advantage from it. They used not to think about, but prefer to neglect, the rightness of owning, the rightness of acquiring and the rightness of spending the property. In their mind is whatever they can gain, irrespective to the ethic and moral on the way of reaching and gaining, is totally belong to them, and they are free to do so ever. It is a very liberal concept of property. As a way of life, Islamic order ruled all aspects of life including the ownership of the property. There many verses of Al Qur’an as well as the teaching of the prophet Muhammad PBUH about the property. But the problem is there are many muslim scholars who has interpreted Al Qur’an on the fact and reality based only, and not due to the core of the mission of Al Qur’an. Not to pick the Qur’an teaching up to the life, or to build up the life depend on the doctrine of Qur’an, as it is ought to. Imam Muhammad Abu Zahrah, the famous and prominent Egyptian muslim scholar in the first twentieth century who has great intention and desire of the implementation of Islamic law was one who has keen interest on the issue of economy, especially on the issue of usury (riba). He has written several articles, papers and a book as well, on the subject of riba. Moreover, he has also written a set of Qur’anic Interpretation (Tafsiir) in which he commented on some verses concerning the property and wealth

    A Salient Based Bag of Visual Word model (SBBoVW): improvements toward difficult object recognition and object location in image retrieval

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    Object recognition and object location have always drawn much interest. Also, recently various computational models have been designed. One of the big issues in this domain is the lack of an appropriate model for extracting important part of the picture and estimating the object place in the same environments that caused low accuracy. To solve this problem, a new Salient Based Bag of Visual Word (SBBoVW) model for object recognition and object location estimation is presented. Contributions lied in the present study are two-fold. One is to introduce a new approach, which is a Salient Based Bag of Visual Word model (SBBoVW) to recognize difficult objects that have had low accuracy in previous methods. This method integrates SIFT features of the original and salient parts of pictures and fuses them together to generate better codebooks using bag of visual word method. The second contribution is to introduce a new algorithm for finding object place based on the salient map automatically. The performance evaluation on several data sets proves that the new approach outperforms other state-of-the-arts

    Historical Building Inspection using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    Building inspection is very much required for all buildings especially those historical ones to maintain the structure condition and the safety of the people around. Visual inspection is commonly conducted using manual descriptive information carried out by the inspector personally. The problem with this technique of assessment is that the time needed to write all the defect description on site and to access difficult area can be hazardous. The aim of performing historical building inspection on Tan Swee Hoe’s historical mansion is to evaluate the overall condition of the building with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) image assisted inspection and Condition Survey Protocol 1 (CSP1) method. From this drone assisted inspection, it shows that the time spent on site is less than half an hour and the data collected being evaluated with CSP1 method defined that the building is dilapidated. The overall building condition is in red class and require serious attention to avoid any injuries to the visitors. To prevent a possible failure of a building in the coming years, a suitable condition inspection has been carried out to identify the current existing defect so that it would be fixed before further damage to the building and visitors around it