134 research outputs found

    Un “sociolinguista” cinquecentesco: Girolamo Olives e i suoi Commentaria et Glosa in Cartam de Logu

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    The present paper explores the Commentaria et Glosa in Cartam de Logu (1567), the first juridical commentary, written in Latin, of the Carta de Logu, a collection of norms published in the 14th century by the judge-kings of the Sardinian Giudicato (kingdom) of Arborea. The author of the Commentaria, the Sardinian jurist Girolamo Olives, from Sassari, was the first Sardinian magistrate to be appointed as fiscal lawyer in the Council of Aragona in 1554. In his work, Olives gives us important (socio)linguistic data for a better understanding of the Sardinian linguistic community in the 16th century. It is in this period that, beside Sardinian, Catalan achieves the highest status in the linguistic repertoire, while Castilian only slowly starts to expand. Olives takes into account some patterns of Sardinian multilingualism and provides rhetorical examples of the judge-kings’ complicated strategy of legitimation and power consolidation through biblical narrative models.Il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare i Commentaria et Glosa in Cartam de Logu (1567), il primo commento giuridico, scritto in latino, della Carta de Logu, una compilazione di norme promosse dai giudici del Giudicato Sardo d’Arborea nel XIV secolo. Il suo autore, il sardo Girolamo Olives, giureconsulto di Sassari entrato nel 1554 nel Consiglio d’Aragona in qualità di avvocato fiscale (primo tra i magistrati sardi), ci offre importanti informazioni (socio)linguistiche per una migliore comprensione della comunità linguistica sarda nel XVI secolo, periodo nel quale, accanto al Sardo, si afferma l’egemonia del catalano con la funzione di polo linguistico alto, mentre il castigliano comincia lentamente a prendere piede. Olives esamina alcuni schemi del plurilinguismo sardo e fornisce esempi retorici della complessa strategia di legittimazione e di consolidamento del potere condotta dai giudici attraverso il ricorso a modelli narrativi desunti dalle Sacre Scritture

    La Tavola Ritonda: le joug et le jeu de la chevalerie = The Tavola Ritonda: The Yoke and the Game of Chivalry

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    The chivalric romance known as Tavola Ritonda, written in Italy in the early 14th century, bears the seal of contemporary leanings. His anonymous compiler gives life to a project inspired by the desire to make the legend of Tristan and Yseut a sort of encyclopaedia, able to establish a dialogue with the Italian contemporaneity and to update the myth while rationalizing and moralizing its message. The chivalrous universe of the Tavola Ritonda is thus suspended above the system of genres of medieval Italy, presenting chivalry at the same time as a game, a literary amusement, and as a yoke, a concrete possibility to promote the civil commitment that derives from adhesion to Christian values. The present paper aims at focusing on the complex representation of the chivalrous society painted in the novel. The vision of a monolithic chivalry, perfectly at ease in a feudal system organized by closed castes, is turned upside down by the very notion of adventure thanks to its many facetings, while an atmosphere of imminent end masters the text and compels the knights to question the meaning of their own civilization, the irrational drift of certain customs, the obsolescence and inconsistency of the values they persist (sometimes unjustifiably) to perpetuate.Le roman de chevalerie connu sous le titre de Tavola Ritonda, écrit en Italie au début du XIVe siècle, porte le sceau des orientations contemporaines. Son compilateur anonyme donne la vie à un projet inspiré par la volonté de faire de la légende de Tristan et Yseut une sorte d’encyclopédie des savoirs, capable d’établir un dialogue avec la contemporanéité italienne et d’en actualiser le mythe, tout en rationalisant et moralisant son message. L’univers chevaleresque de la Tavola Ritonda est donc comme suspendu au-dessus du système des genres de l’Italie du Moyen Âge, en se proposant au même temps comme un jeu, un inoffensif passe-temps littéraire, et comme un joug, un espace de promotion d’engagement civique qui tourne autour des valeurs chrétiennes. L’objectif de ce travail sera donc celui d’illustrer la complexe représentation de la société chevaleresque peinte dans le roman. La vision d’une chevalerie monolithique, parfaitement à l’aise dans un système féodal organisé par des castes closes, est bouleversée par la notion même d’aventure qui se présente désormais à plusieurs facettes, tandis qu’une atmosphère de fin imminente maîtrise le texte et contraint les chevaliers à s’interroger sur le sens de leur propre civilisation, sur la dérive irrationnelle de certaines coutumes, sur la caducité et l’inconsistance des valeurs qu’ils s’obstinent (parfois de manière injustifiée) à perpétuer

    Paratesto e metatesto giuridico nella tradizione testuale della «Carta de Logu» d’Arborea

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    RIASSUNTO: L’articolo si propone di studiare la ricezione della Carta de Logu d’Arborea (un corpus di norme promulgato nel Giudicato sardo d’Arborea nel XIV secolo) attraverso i cambiamenti che interessano il paratesto e il metatesto giuridico dei testimoni appartenenti alla sua tradizione testuale.PAROLE-CHIAVE: Carta de Logu d’Arborea – filologia materiale – paratesto – metatesto giuridicoABSTRACT: The paper explores the reception history of Arborea’s Carta de Logu (a collection of norms published in the 14th century in the Sardinian kingdom of Arborea), that is fruitfully studied through the analysis of the paratextual and metatextual changes across the witnesses belonging to its tradition.KEYWORDS: Arborea’s Carta de Logu – textual cultures – paratext – legal metatex

    Un "sociolinguista" cinquecentesco: Girolamo Olives e i suoi "Commentaria et Glosa in Cartam de Logu" (1567)

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    Il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare i Commentaria et Glosa in Cartam de Logu (1567), il primo commento giuridico, scritto in latino, della Carta de Logu, una compilazione di norme promosse dai giudici del Giudicato Sardo d’Arborea nel XIV secolo. Il suo autore, il sardo Girolamo Olives, giureconsulto di Sassari entrato nel 1554 nel Consiglio d’Aragona in qualità di avvocato fiscale (primo tra i magistrati sardi), ci offre importanti informazioni (socio)linguistiche per una migliore comprensione della comunità linguistica sarda nel XVI secolo, periodo nel quale, accanto al Sardo, si afferma l’egemonia del catalano con la funzione di polo linguistico alto, mentre il castigliano comincia lentamente a prendere piede. Olives esamina alcuni schemi del plurilinguismo sardo e fornisce esempi retorici della complessa strategia di legittimazione e di consolidamento del potere condotta dai giudici attraverso il ricorso a modelli narrativi desunti dalle Sacre Scritture.The present paper explores the Commentaria et Glosa in Cartam de Logu (1567), the first juridical commentary, written in Latin, of the Carta de Logu, a collection of norms published in the 14th century by the judge-kings of the Sardinian Giudicato (kingdom) of Arborea. The author of the Commentaria, the Sardinian jurist Girolamo Olives, from Sassari, was the first Sardinian magistrate to be appointed as fiscal lawyer in the Council of Aragona in 1554. In his work, Olives gives us important (socio)linguistic data for a better understanding of the Sardinian linguistic community in the 16th century. It is in this period that, beside Sardinian, Catalan achieves the highest status in the linguistic repertoire, while Castilian only slowly starts to expand. Olives takes into account some patterns of Sardinian multilingualism and provides rhetorical examples of the judge-kings’ complicated strategy of legitimation and power consolidation through biblical narrative models

    La "Tavola Ritonda" : le joug et le jeu de la chevalerie

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    RESUMÉ Le roman de chevalerie connu sous le titre de Tavola Ritonda, écrit en Italie au début du XIVe siècle, porte le sceau des orientations contemporaines. Son compilateur anonyme donne la vie à un projet inspiré par la volonté de faire de la légende de Tristan et Yseut une sorte d?encyclopédie des savoirs, capable d?établir un dialogue avec la contemporanéité italienne et d?en actualiser le mythe, tout en rationalisant et moralisant son message. L?univers chevaleresque de la Tavola Ritonda est donc comme suspendu au-dessus du système des genres de l?Italie du Moyen Âge, en se proposant au même temps comme un jeu, un inoffensif passe-temps littéraire, et comme un joug, un espace de promotion d?engagement civique qui tourne autour des valeurs chrétiennes. L?objectif de ce travail sera donc celui d?illustrer la complexe représentation de la société chevaleresque peinte dans le roman. La vision d?une chevalerie monolithique, parfaitement à l?aise dans un système féodal organisé par des castes closes, est bouleversée par la notion même d?aventure qui se présente désormais à plusieurs facettes, tandis qu?une atmosphère de fin imminente maîtrise le texte et contraint les chevaliers à s?interroger sur le sens de leur propre civilisation, sur la dérive irrationnelle de certaines coutumes, sur la caducité et l?inconsistance des valeurs qu?ils s?obstinent (parfois de manière injustifiée) à perpétuer. ABSTRACT The chivalric romance known as Tavola Ritonda, written in Italy in the early 14th century, bears the seal of contemporary leanings. His anonymous compiler gives life to a project inspired by the desire to make the legend of Tristan and Yseut a sort of encyclopaedia, able to establish a dialogue with the Italian contemporaneity and to update the myth while rationalizing and moralizing its message. The chivalrous universe of the Tavola Ritonda is thus suspended above the system of genres of medieval Italy, presenting chivalry at the same time as a game, a literary amusement, and as a yoke, a concrete possibility to promote the civil commitment that derives from adhesion to Christian values. The present paper aims at focusing on the complex representation of the chivalrous society painted in the novel. The vision of a monolithic chivalry, perfectly at ease in a feudal system organized by closed castes, is turned upside down by the very notion of adventure thanks to its many facetings, while an atmosphere of imminent end masters the text and compels the knights to question the meaning of their own civilization, the irrational drift of certain customs, the obsolescence and inconsistency of the values they persist (sometimes unjustifiably) to perpetuate

    Il «traffico delle lingue». Idiomi a contatto in Sardegna e nel Mediterraneo in età preunitaria

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    Il volume raccoglie i risultati del progetto di ricerca biennale dell’Università di Cagliari «Trafficking between languages»: idioms in contact in pre-unitary Sardinia, finanziato nell’ambito della Convenzione triennale tra la Fondazione di Sardegna e gli Atenei Sardi (annualità 2020). La ricerca ha avuto come obiettivo principale la disamina del contatto linguistico tra sardo, italiano e castigliano nella produzione testuale di Sardegna, colta nel momento del trapasso dalla dominazione iberica al governo sabaudo. L’ambito cronologico sincronico è individuato prevalentemente nel Settecento sardo, con qualche sconfinamento nel primo Ottocento, ma il quadro prospettico poggia sulle dinamiche interculturali e multilingui del Seicento. Il perimetro d’indagine è costituito da un ampio repertorio di testi redatti in sardo, in italiano e in spagnolo, manoscritti e a stampa, di carattere non solo letterario: si tratta di una produzione quanto mai abbondante ed eterogenea che spazia dalla documentazione giuridico-amministrativa alla letteratura didascalica, in cui scorre il nuovo spirito progressista dell’Illuminismo, sino alla trattatistica di taglio storiografico, lessicografico e storico-linguistico, in cui prende forma la riflessione sulla questione della lingua. Il gruppo di lavoro è composto da studiosi appartenenti a differenti ambiti disciplinari (filologia, linguistica, letteratura, storia), strutturati principalmente presso l’Università di Cagliari, ma anche presso altre istituzioni nazionali e internazionali, che con le loro ricerche hanno notevolmente ampliato l’estensione geografica dell’indagine, approdata così non soltanto in Sardegna, ma, attraverso il Mediterraneo, anche in Sicilia, a Napoli e nell’Impero turco

    Octave bias in an absolute pitch identification task

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    Octave errors are common within musicians, even among absolute pitch possessors. Overall, evidence shows pitch class and octave to be perceived in a different way, even if they are highly connected. We investigated whether pitch class perception, in an absolute pitch identification task, can be influenced by the octave context, examined among two consecutive octaves. Participants, all musicians with formal musical education, showed different response patterns in the two octaves even if the octave context was explicitly told to be task irrelevant. The direction of errors revealed a consistent tendency to underestimate pitch height in the lowest octave and to overestimate pitch height in the highest octave. Thus, pitch class identification showed to be biased by the octave context. These results are discussed in terms of polarity and pitch enhancement

    Protective Activity of Broccoli Sprout Juice in a Human Intestinal Cell Model of Gut Inflammation

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    Benefits to health from a high consumption of fruits and vegetables are well established and have been attributed to bioactive secondary metabolites present in edible plants. However, the effects of specific health-related phytochemicals within a complex food matrix are difficult to assess. In an attempt to address this problem, we have used elicitation to improve the nutraceutical content of seedlings of Brassica oleracea grown under controlled conditions. Analysis, by LC-MS, of the glucosinolate, isothiocyanate and phenolic compound content of juices obtained from sprouts indicated that elicitation induces an enrichment of several phenolics, particularly of the anthocyanin fraction. To test the biological activity of basal and enriched juices we took advantage of a recently developed in vitro model of inflamed human intestinal epithelium. Both sprouts’ juices protected intestinal barrier integrity in Caco-2 cells exposed to tumor necrosis factor under marginal zinc deprivation, with the enriched juice showing higher protection. Multivariate regression analysis indicated that the extent of rescue from stress-induced epithelial dysfunction correlated with the composition in bioactive molecules of the juices and, in particular, with a group of phenolic compounds, including several anthocyanins, quercetin-3-Glc, cryptochlorogenic, neochlorogenic and cinnamic acids
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