451 research outputs found

    Beşinci sınıf İngilizce öğretim programının duyuşsal boyutu üzerine bir nedensel karşılaştırma çalışması

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    The primary purpose of this study was to analyze the affective domain of the fifth-grade intensive English curriculum. The study sample was 366 fifthgrade students from seven schools selected through convenience sampling from 1803 students in 47 secondary schools in Iğdır. We used “The Scale of Affective Objectives of Teaching English to Young Learners” developed by Şad (2011) to assess 5th grade English language teaching curriculum in terms of the affective domain by comparing pilot schools and regular schools. Besides, “Foreign Language Teaching Activities Scale” by Şad (2011) was the other data collection tool used to explore what sorts of teaching activities, teacher or learner-centered, are used in schools to provide a deeper understanding of the affective domain of the curriculum. The study results showed no significant difference between the students regarding four dimensions of affective domain in terms of certain variables. Students in both pilot and regular schools had a high level of positive attitude towards English language learning. Teacher-centered activities as teaching activities were commonly used in schools. To conclude, the number of class hours did not seem to be a principal factor in changing affective components of attitudes towards English language learning.Araştırmanın temel amacı, yabancı dil ağırlıklı beşinci sınıf İngilizce öğretim programının duyuşsal alan boyutunu, uygulama sonrasında uygulamaya tabi olan okullar ile tabi olmayan okulların karşılaştırılarak incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Iğdır ili Merkez ilçe sınırları içerisinde yer alan 47 ortaokulda eğitim gören 1803 öğrenci arasından uygun örnekleme metodu ile 7 okul arasından seçilmiş olan 366 ortaokul 5. sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Programın duyuşsal alan boyutunun incelenmesi için Şad (2011) tarafından geliştirilen “Çocuklara Yabancı Dil Öğretiminin Duyuşsal Hedefleri Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Yabancı dil derslerindeki öğretim etkinliklerinin ne sıklıkla yapıldığını ölçmek için ise yine Şad (2011) tarafından geliştirilen “Yabancı Dil Öğretim Etkinlikleri” ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları, duyuşsal alan boyutunda, Yabancı Dil Ağrılıklı 5. Sınıf programının uygulandığı okullar ile uygulanmayan okular arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığını göstermektedir; öğrenciler yabancı dil derslerine ve yabancı dil öğrenmeye yönelik yüksek düzeyde olumlu tutuma sahiptir. Yabancı dil derslerinde yapılan etkinlikler incelendiğinde ise, daha çok öğretmen merkezli etkinliklerin yapıldığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Bulgulardan hareketle, İngilizce dersine yönelik duyuşsal yönde öğrencilerin tutumunda ders saat sayısındaki farklılığın belirleyici bir etken olmadığı sonucuna varılabilir

    Job Satisfaction Level Of Government Employees: The General Directorate Of Sport And Sports Federations Sample

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the job satisfaction levels of employees of sports federation and general directorate of sport, and to analyze according to some variables. “Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire” was used to determine the job satisfaction levels of employees. Since the data didn’t fulfill the parametric assumptions, nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis and Man-Whitney U tests were used on the analysis according to job satisfaction levels. According to results of analysis, 98.8% of employees’ job satisfaction levels are medium and high. It was revealed that there is a statistically significant difference between employees’ general job satisfaction, internal and external sub-dimension points according to age groups, marital status, situation of selecting their jobs willingly and educational level. As a result; it was seen in terms of general job satisfaction and internal satisfaction that internal satisfaction levels of employees who are 40 or more in comparison with employees who are between 22-40 age groups, internal satisfaction levels of employees whose marital status are married in comparison with employees whose marital status are single, general satisfaction and internal satisfaction levels of employees who selected their job willingly and general, internal and external satisfaction levels of employees whose education levels are associate degree in comparison with employees whose education levels are bachelor’s degree and postgraduate are higher

    Organizational Commitment of People Working For Turkish Sports Management Organizations In Terms of Some Variables

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    The aim of this study is to identify and examine the organizational commitment levels of the people working for General Directorate of Sports and Sports Federations that form the main structure of Turkey national sports management organization regarding some variables. Sampling of the study consisted of 105 female and 142 male, totally 247 participants whose age averages were 40.53± 9.86 working for General Directorate of Sports and Sports Federations that form the main structure of Turkish national sports management organization. Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) was used to identify organizational commitment levels of the employers. Since the data did not meet the parametric hypotheses, nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis and Man-Whitney U tests were used to analyze organizational commitment levels in terms of variables. Results of the analysis revealed that organizational commitment and its sub dimensions emotional, normative and attendance commitment levels were at moderate level. Considering education levels, getting in-service training and quality inservice training conditions, there was not any significant difference at organizational commitment level and sub dimensions; however, there were significant differences in terms of the ages, marital statuses, the institution they worked for, their position, and whether they chose their job voluntarily or not. In conclusion, the ones who were above 40, married, working for federation, chose their jobs voluntarily, were senior executives, and section leaders had higher organizational commitment levels

    Değişik Vejetasyon Dönemlerine Kadar Uygulanan Farklı Tuz Konsantrasyonlarının Biberde Meydana Getirdiği Fizyolojik, Morfolojik ve Kimyasal Değişikliklerin Belirlenmesi

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    Bu araştırma, 2013 yılında Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü iklim odasında, materyal olarak Jalapeno biber (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Deneme kontrollü koşullar altında sıcaklığı +40?C ile –20?C arasında ayarlanabilen iklim odasında kurulmuştur. Yetiştirme dönemi boyunca iklim odası 25 ±1 ?C (gündüz/gece) sıcaklıkta, 16/8 saat (ışık/karanlık) fotoperiyodik düzende, % 60-65 nemli ortamda ve 400 ?mol m-2s-1 ışık şiddetinde tutulmuştur. Yetiştirme odasında çıkış ve farklı vejetasyon dönemlerine kadar damla sulama ile hoagland besin çözeltisi içeren hidroponik sisteme alınmış, daha sonra tuz stresi uygulamalarına başlanmıştır. Bu amaçla biberin üç farklı vejetasyon döneminin başında (sekiz gerçek yapraklı dönem, ilk çiçeklenme dönemi ve hasat döneminde) dört farklı tuz konsantrasyonu NaCl (0 mM, 50 mM, 75 mM ve 100 mM) ilave edilmiştir. Deneme süresince hasar indeksi, yaprak sayısı (adet), yaprak ağırlığı (g), yaprak kalınlığı (mm), yaprak alanı (cm2), yaprak oransal su içeriği (%), yaprak su potansiyeli (MPa), yaprak hücrelerinde membran zararlanması (%), yaprak sıcaklığı (°C), klorofil tayini (SPAD değeri), bitki boyu (cm), kök derinliği (cm), meyve sayısı (adet), meyve boyu (mm), meyve çapı (mm), meyve ağırlığı (g), yapraklardaki makro ve mikro besin elementleri (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, Na, Cl) miktarları ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlar neticesinde farklı tuz konsantrasyonu NaCl bakımından ele alınan kriterlerden yaprak hücrelerinde membran zararlanması, yaprak sıcaklığı ve besin elementlerinden Na ve Cl tuzluluk azaldıkça gelişme ve büyümenin arttığı gözlenmiştir. Diğer tüm kriterlerde tuzluğun 0 mM ‘dan 100 mM’e doğru artmasıyla elde edilen değerler azalmaktadır. Zaman ana etkisinde ise; yaprak hücrelerinde membran zararlanması, yaprak sıcaklığı ve besin elementlerinden Na ve Cl hariç denemede ele alınan diğer tüm kriterlerde hasat dönemine kadar tuz uygulaması yapılan parsellerde en düşük düzeyde olurken bunu çiçeklenme dönemi izlemiş, 8 gerçek yapraklı döneme kadar yapılan tuz uygulanan parsellerde en yüksek düzeye çıkmıştır. Yaprak su potansiyeli ise tuz konsantrasyonu arttıkça stres değeri de şiddetlendiği sonucuna varılmıştır

    Hemoplazmozlu kedilerde bazı kan gaz, hemogram ve biyokimyasal parametrelerin değerlendirilmesi

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate some blood gases, hemogram, and biochemical parameters in cats with hemoplasmosis. Ten healthy and fifteen infected cats were enrolled in the study. 7 mL of blood sample was taken once from all cats into tubes with and without anticoagulant. Blood gases, complete blood count, and biochemical analyzes were performed from blood samples. While pH, HCO3 and BE levels of cats with hemoplasmosis were significantly lower than healthy cats, lactate levels were higher (p< 0.05). WBC, Mon, Gra, and RDW levels were found to be significantly higher than in healthy cats, while RBC, Hct, Hb, and PLT levels were found to be lower (p< 0.05). AST, T.Bil, D.Bil, P, TG, LDH, TP, and CK levels were significantly higher than healthy, while Alb and Ca levels and A:G ratio were found to be low (p< 0.05). As a result, it was determined that metabolic acidosis, hyperlactatemia, anemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia developed in cats with hemoplasmosis. In addition, it can be concluded that the A:G ratio should be considered in the diagnosis of infected cats and it should be evaluated together with other diagnostic test results.Sunulan çalışmanın amacı, hemoplazmozlu kedilerde bazı kan gazı, hemogram ve biyokimyasal parametrelerin değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmaya on sağlıklı ve on beş hemoplazmozlu kedi dahil edildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen tüm kedilerden antikoagülanlı ve antikoagülansız tüplere bir kez 7 mL kan alındı. Kan örneklerinden kan gazı, tam kan sayımı ve biyokimyasal analizler yapıldı. Hemoplazmozlu kedilerin pH, HCO3 ve BE düzeyleri sağlıklı kedilere göre anlamlı olarak düşük iken, laktat düzeyleri yüksekti (p< 0.05). WBC, Mon, Gra ve RDW seviyeleri sağlıklı kedilere göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunurken, RBC, Hct, Hb ve PLT seviyeleri düşük bulundu (p< 0.05). AST, T.Bil, D.Bil, P, TG, LDH, TP ve CK düzeyleri sağlıklı bireylere göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunurken, Alb ve Ca düzeyleri ile A:G oranı düşük bulundu (p< 0.05). Sonuç olarak hemoplazmozlu kedilerde metabolik asidoz, hiperlaktatemi, anemi, hipertrigliseridemi, hipoalbuminemi, hiperbilirubinemi geliştiği tespit edildi. Ayrıca hemoplazmozlu kedilerin tanısında düşük A:G oranının dikkate alınması ve diğer tanısal test sonuçları ile birlikte değerlendirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldı

    Development and in vitro/in vivo evaluation of thermo-sensitive in situ gelling systems for ocular allergy

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    Ocular allergy is one of the most common disorders of the eye surface. Following diagnosis this condition is typically treated with preparations containing antihistamines. However, anatomy of the eye and its natural protective mechanisms create challenges for ocular drug delivery. Rapid elimination of antihistamine substances due to short residency times following application can lead to insufficient treatment of ocular allergies. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to prepare a controlled ocular delivery system to extend the retention time of olopatadine hydrochloride (OLO) and in doing so to reduce the need for frequent application. We developed extended-release ocular in situ gelling systems for which in vivo retention times were determined in sheep following in vitro characterization and cytotoxicity studies. In vivo results were then compared to commercially available Patanol eye drops. the transparent gels formulated using appropriate amounts of polymers and having longer ocular retention times appear to be a viable alternative to commercially available eye drops

    Centrality measures with a new index called E-User (Effective User) Index for determiningthe most effective user in Twitter Online Social Network

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    Abstract In this study, we considered the issue of determination of the most effective user in the twitter online social network. We worked on asocial network graph which have relationships (edges) between users who posteda tweet and other users who re-posted it. In other words, we assume that there is a relationship between User-X and User-Y when User-X posted a tweet and User-Y re-postedit. In Social Network Analysis (SNA), there are four fundamental centrality measures such as Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality, Betweenness Centrality, and Eigenvector Centralities.We developed a new approach for determiningthe most effective user in Twitter online social network by using an index named E-User (Effective User) Index.Through this index, we think that we are able to obtain more realistic results in SNA for Twitter.We designed a small weighted and directed social network graph by using a simulated data and used it for determining the most effective user in this study. In our graph, weights indicate the number of retweets between a user and other user, and directions indicate which user did retweet to other user&apos;s tweet. In the graph, directions can be bidirected. This means that both users did retweet their tweets to each other


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    “Values Education”, which added to Mathematics Teaching Program at the Turkish Academic Year of 2017-2018, is revised and updated as “Our Values” on January of 2018. “Our Values” based on a grown value system that aims to maintain the existence of societies preserve the unity and togetherness of societies and have the real educational success like every stage of individuals’ life. The Ministry of National Education has determined the base values, which should be gained during the education of Mathematics, as justice, friendship, honesty, patience, respect, love, responsibility, patriotism and helpfulness. The aim of this study is making the students realize their own values and making them gain the helpfulness values by using creative drama activities during the education of Mathematics. In this study, “helpfulness value”, which is under the topic of “Our Values” of Mathematics Teaching Program, was tried to put into practise by creative drama activities. In the study, experimental method which contains pretested and postested control group is used in order to show the behaviour difference between experimental group, which activity based creative drama method was applied, and the control group, which activity based creative drama method was not applied. This study is designed as a controlled experimental study with pretest-posttest. The group of study was consisted 106 students, which studying in 3 different provinces (Aydın, Afyon, Uşak) in the same region. Both experimental and control group was consisted by 53 students. In the study, data were collected from “helpfulness scale” which developed by Demirci (2017). As a result of the study, the helpfulness scale score of experimental group, which activity based creative drama was applied is high but there is no meaningful difference between helpfulness scale scores of experimental group and control group.  Article visualizations

    Conservation Status of Three Rare and Endemic Species From Turkey (Kalidium Wagenitzii, Muscari Adilii Verbascum Gypsicola)

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    DergiPark: 751851trkjnatBu çalışma ile Türkiye’nin İç Anadolu bölgesi için endemik olan K. wagenitzii (Aellen) Freitag amp; G. Kadereit, M. adilii M. B. Güner amp; H. Duman ve V. gypsicola Vural amp; Aydoğdu türlerinin popülasyon yapıları ve yayılış alanlarının belirlenmesi ve bunların sonucunda IUCN tehlike kategorilerinin tekrardan değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu türlerin seçilmesinin nedeni sahip oldukları sınırlı yayılış alanları ile insan faktörü sonucu yüksek oranda yok olma riski taşımalarıdır. Çok yıllık halofitik K. wagenitzii türünün Tuz Gölü çevresinde 5 lokalitede yayılışı belirlenmiş ve toplam olgun birey sayısı 6458 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı 36 km2 olmasına karşın yayılış alanı 213 km2 dir. Tarım amaçlı kontrolsüz su kaynaklarının kullanılması önemli bir tehdit faktörüdür. K. wagenitzii türünün tehdit kategorisi IUCN Kırmızı Liste kriterlerine göre EN olarak değerlendirilmiştir. M. adilii marnlı toprakları tercih etmekte ve habitat tipi P. nigra ve meşe ormanlarının yıkımı sonucu oluşan steplerdir. Nallıhan-Beypazarı çevresinde 3 lokaliteden bilinmekte ve olgun birey sayısı 6144 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı ve yayılış alanı sırasıyla 12 km2 ve 28 km2 dir. Tür üzerindeki baskılar yol inşası ve tarım alanlarının büyümesi, ağaçlandırma çalışmaları ve fabrika kurulumu olup CR kategorisinde değerlendirilmiştir. V. gypsicola marnlı topraklarda yayılmaktadır. Beypazarı-Nallıhan çevresinden 3 lokalite ve Sivirihisar-Eskişehir’de bir lokalite yayılışı bulunmaktadır. Olgun birey sayısı 2755 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı 16 km2 ve yayılış alanı 269 km2 dir. Aşırı otlatma ve tarım alanlarının büyümesi ile birlikte fabrika kurulumu tür üzerindeki baskılar olup EN olarak değerlendirilmiştir.In this study, we aimed to determine the population size and distribution areas and to re-evaluate IUCN threat categories of Kalidium wagenitzii (Aellen) Freitag amp; G. Kadereit, Muscari adilii M.B. Güner amp; H. Duman and Verbascum gypsicola Vural amp; Aydoğdu, which are endemics of the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. The three species have limited distribution areas and high risk of extinction as a result of human impact. The perennial halophytic species K. wagenitzii was found in 5 localities around Salt Lake (Tuz Gölü) and a total number of 6458 mature individuals were determined. The area of occupancy of the species is 36 km2 and the extent of occurrence is 213 km2. Uncontrolled use of water resources for agricultural purposes is a serious threat factor for the species. Kalidium wagenitzii is listed in EN category according to the IUCN Red List criteria. Muscari adilii prefers marly soils and its habitat type is formed by secondary succession after the destruction of Pinus nigra and oak forests. It is known from 3 localities around Nallıhan-Beypazarı with a population size of 6144 mature individuals. The area of occupancy and the extent of occurrence of the species is 12 km2 and 28 km2, respectively. The pressures on the species are road construction and increase of farmland, afforestation and factory establishment. According to the IUCN Red List criteria, the species is listed in CR category. Verbascum gypsicola is distributed on marly soils. It is known from 3 localities around Nallıhan–Beypazarı and one locality in Sivrihisar-Eskişehir with 2755 mature individuals in total. The area of occupancy of the species is 16 km2 and the extent of occurrence is 269 km2. Overgrazing and expansion of agricultural land, together with factory establishment are the major threats for this species, which is listed as EN in IUCN Red List.


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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate clinical achievements of ClinproTMSealant and Teeth mate F-1 fissure sealants with or without ozone treatment as well as retention, marginal discoloration, marginal adaptation and caries formation under in-vivo conditions. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on 166 patients whose ages differs between 9-12 and 3 different groups were formed above them according to split mouth technique, in order to evaluate clinical achievements of fissure sealants with or without ozone treatment. Group 1: ClinproTMSealant and Teethmate F-1 were applied on a total of 104 first lower permanent molar teeth which were randomly selected from 52 patients. Group 2: ClinproTM Sealant and ClinproTM Sealant following ozone treatment were applied on 112 randomly selected teeth of 56 patients. Group 3: Teeth mate F-1 and Teeth mate F-1 following the ozone treatment were applied on 116 first lower permanent molar teeth which were randomly selected from 58 patients. Based on the modified USPHS criteria, the impacts on general achievement, retention, marginal fit, marginal discoloration and caries formation on occlusal surfaces were evaluated in 3rd,6th,12th,18th months. Chi-Square Test and Fisher’s Exact Test were used for analyses of the data. Results: In Group 1; Clinpro™Sealant showed higher clinical success rates in all observation periods. Considering marginal adaptation and retention, Clinpro™Sealant group was statistically significantly different in 18th month observations. In group 2 and group 3, there was not statistically significantly difference (p&gt;0.05) between control and experimental groups but clinical success rates of Clinpro ™ Sealant and Teetmate F-1 with Ozone Treatment were higher than the same groups without ozone pretreatment during all observation periods. Conclusion: It was determined that, ClinproTMSealant yielded more successful results than the Teethmate F-1 under in-vivo conditions. Although there wasn’t any statistically significantly difference between Group 2 and Group 3 in which Ozone as a pretreatment method before performing fissure sealant was considered, the Ozone pretreatment method’s success rates were higher clinically according to Bravo, Alpha and Charlie Scores. It seems that performing Ozone Therapy before applying fissure sealant is a successful method for preventing pit and fissure sealants, clinically