1,721 research outputs found

    Embeddedness of Economic Actions in the Social Network: Study among of Local Genuine Entrepreneurship in Cirebon, West Java

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    Economic activities in a social context can not be separated from social networking, for example, the networking between business actors. This study aims to find out the time-term of the businessmen's work, with whom they worked; and the impact of their networking. This research was conducted in Cirebon Regency West Java Province, Indonesia, for 6 months, from May to October 2019. Applying the qualitative method, this research found that: local entrepreneurs in the rattan business sector have been running for a long time. As a result of historical formation, there is a wide network between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs with certain institutions and community structures. The map of economic network attachment in social networks shows the diversity of attachments between economic networks and social networks

    Development of Implicit Rational Runge-Kutta Schemes for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations

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    In this paper, the development of One – Stage Implicit Rational Runge – Kutta methods are considered using Taylor and Binomial series expansion for the direct solution of general second order initial value problems of ordinary differential equations with constant step length. The basic properties of the developed method were investigated and found to be consistent and convergent. Keywords: Implicit Rational Runge Kutta scheme, Second Order Equations, Convergence and Consisten

    Embeddedness of Economic Actions in the Social Network: Study among of Local Genuine Entrepreneurship in Cirebon, West Java

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the attachment of economic activity in social networks among entrepreneurs in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. This research was conducted in Cirebon Regency, for a period of 6 months, from May to October 2019. This research method uses a qualitative approach. The results of the study found that: first, local entrepreneurs (genuine) in the rattan business sector have been running for a very long time. Second, as a result of historical formation, there is a wide network both between entrepreneurs and between entrepreneurs with certain institutions and community structures. Thrid, the map of economic network attachment in social networks shows the diversity of attachments between economic networks and social networks


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    Abstract: Analysis of Typology and Leadership Style in Islamic Education InstitutionsThis article aimed to analyze typology and leadership styles in Islamic education. The method used was literature review or literature study, where the researcher collected data sources from various works of literature related to the problem being studied. After that, the researcher analyzed, recorded, and managed the data obtained to conclude the problems studied. Data sources were primary and secondary data. The results indicated that: First, the type of educational leadership could be classified into participatory/democratic, autocratic, Laissez-Faire, transformative, paternalistic, and militaristic leadership. Second, the educational leadership model can be classified into Contingency (Fiedler Leadership), Vroom-Yetton Normative, and Transformational Leadership Models. Third, leadership according to the Prophet Muhammad, can be described that (1) A leader must have potential in his/her field; (2) Be gentle and accepting suggestions or criticisms; (3) Be fair in all activities; (4) Encouraging, caring, controlling followers continuously to develop their potential, or empowering existing resources to achieve goals. (5) Be patient, trustworthy, and trustful; and (6) Upholding the values of deliberation. Fourth, the relevances of the types, styles, and leadership models to Islamic education were in planning, managing, supervising, motivating, and controlling education implementers to achieve common goals.Abstrak: Analisis Tipologi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan dalam Lembaga Pendidikan IslamArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tipologi dan gaya kepemimpinan dalam pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian pustaka atau studi literatur, yaitu peneliti melakukan pengumpulan data yang bersumber dari berbagai literatur yang terkait dengan masalah yang dikaji. Setelah itu, peneliti menganalisis, mencatat, dan mengelolah data yang didapatkan untuk menarik kesimpulan dari persoalan yang dikaji. Sumber data berupa data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, tipe kepemimpinan pendidikan dapat diklasifikasikan terdiri dari tipe kepemimpinan partisipatif/demokratis, otokratif, laissez-Faire, transformative, paternalistis, dan militerialstis. Kedua, model kepemimpinan pendidikan dapat diklasifikasikan terdiri dari model kontingensi (fiedler leadership contingency model), model kepemimpinan normatif vroom-yetton, dan model jalur tujuan (transformational leadership model). Ketiga, kepemimpinan menurut Rasulullah saw., dapat deskripsikan bahwa (1) Seorang pemimpin harus mempunyai potensi di bidangnya; (2) Bersikap lemah lembut kepada yang dipimpinnya dalam artian terbuka dalam menerima saran atau kritikan; (3) Berlaku adil dalam segala aktivitasnya; (4) Mendorong, memperhatikan, dan mengontrol pengikutnya untuk senantiasa mengembangkan kemampuan atau memperdayakan sumber daya yang ada dalam rangka percapaian tujuan. (5) Bersikap sabar, amanah, dan tawakal; dan (6) Menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai musyawarah. Keempat: adapun relevansi antara tipe, gaya, dan model kepemimpinan terhadap pendidikan Islam adalah membuat perencanaan, mengelola, mengawasi, memotivasi, dan mengontrol pelaksana pendidikan dalam rangka mencapai tujuan bersama

    Aurat dan Pakaian Perempuan

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    The issue of nakedness and clothing is a contextual-historical problem. This means that the limits of genitalia and how to dress is a matter of local culture. The development of a culture also influences the conception of values ​​in the actions and interaction patterns of each of its members. Various problems actually arise in society that give rise to pro and contra opinions related to the issue of genitalia and women's clothing, especially the issue of limitation of genitalia on women and the law to close it, clothing or clothing criteria used to cover it. Regarding women's clothing, there are a number of provisions. Firstly, a woman must not reveal her nakedness (large nakedness) except in front of her husband. Secondly, the minimum limitation of women's clothing that generally applies is to close the upper intimate area, namely the breast and underarm area, and cover the lower intimate area. This form of dress is not something that should be treated in social interaction in society, but is demanded to dress in accordance with the ethics, morals, and customs of the community. Thirdly, the Qur'an and Sunnah definitely prohibit all activities, both passive and active, if someone is suspected can cause sexual arousal to the opposite sex. Fourth, QS. An-Nur verses 31 and QS. Al-Ahzab verse 59 is an ethical and moral guidance in dressing for women so that they avoid social disturbances when they leave the house to meet their needs.Isu aurat dan pakaian adalah masalah kontekstual-historis. Ini berarti bahwa batas aurat dan bagaimana tatacara berpakaian adalah masalah budaya lokal. Perkembangan budaya juga mempengaruhi konsepsi nilai dalam tindakan dan pola interaksi masing-masing anggota masyarakat. Berbagai masalah justru bermunculan di masyarakat yang memunculkan opini pro dan kontra terkait dengan masalah alat aurat dan pakaian wanita, khususnya masalah pembatasan aurat pada wanita dan hukum untuk menutupnya, kriteria pakaian atau pakaian yang digunakan untuk menutupinya. Terkait dengan aurat dan pakaian perempuan terdapat beberapa ketentuan, yaitu, pertama, seorang perempuan tidak boleh menampakkan auratnya (aurat besar) kecuali di hadapan suaminya; kedua,batasan minimal pakaian perempuan yang berlaku secara umum adalah menutup aurat bagian atas (al-juyub al-‘ulwiyyah), yaitu daerah payudara dan bawah ketiak, dan menutup aurat bagian bawah (al-juyub as-sufliyah), bentuk berpakaian semacam ini bukan yang harus diperlakukan dalam melakukan interaksi sosial dalam masyarakat, tetapi dituntut untuk berpakaian sopan sesuai dengan etika, moral, dan adat masyarakat setempat; ketiga, Alqur’an dan sunnah secara pasti melarang segala aktivitas baik pasif maupun aktif yang dilakukan seseorang bila diduga dapat menimbulkan ransangan birahi kepada lawan jenisnya. Keempat, QS. An-Nur ayat 31 dan QS. Al-Ahzab ayat 59 merupakan tuntunan etika dan moral dalam berpakaian bagi perempuan agar mereka terhindar dari gangguan sosial ketika mereka keluar rumah untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya

    Melting of ferrosilicon manganese with the use of high ash rock coal as a reducing agent

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    A study of the process of smelting ferrosilicon manganese with the use of high ash rock coals as a reducer instead of traditional coke was carried out. The physicochemical properties of coke from high-ash coals of the Kuu-chek deposit have been studied. The fundamental possibility of its application for the production of standard ferrosilicon manganese in large-scale laboratory conditions has been shown

    A review on assessment and treatment for depression in Malaysia.

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    This paper aimed to review the literature on depression that focused on its assessment and treatment in Malaysia. PsycINFO, Medline, local journals were searched, and 18 published articles were included in this paper. Results indicate that research on depression in Malaysia, particularly validation studies and psychotherapy research, was weak and fragmented, with minimal empirical evidence available. Pharmacotherapy still dominated the treatment for depression, and, in terms of psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) was recently practiced, but only a few studies have reported on the treatment efficacy of CBT. Major limitations of studies were noted, and, consequently, the problems that are associated with the implementation and future direction of clinical and research on depression in Malaysia were discussed. In short, the contribution of empirical research on the assessment and treatment for depression remained inconsistent and fragmented and urgently in need of further empirical investigation


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    Multicultural-based education is seen as important in responding to existing differences. The diversity of schools of law in fiqh and issues of khilafiyah often become internal debates among Muslims and often lead to divisions. This type of research is qualitative research, the data source is through documentation and resource persons, data collection techniques are through observation, documentation, and interviews. Data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results show that (1) the dimensions of multicultural values ​​in fiqh learning consist of curriculum dimensions, dimensions in teaching materials consist of values ​​of tolerance, equality of rights, values ​​of brotherhood, justice, and social ethics, (2) implementation of multicultural values ​​in comparison of schools in fiqh learning, namely promoting the values ​​of tolerance and not being fanatical, being inclusive, not discriminatory, teaching the background of the emergence of differences, ethics in responding to differences, and promoting the values ​​of peace and unity, (3) the implications of multicultural values in fiqh learning, namely (1) implications in the domain of attitude (affection) which consists of awareness and cultural sensitivity, responsiveness to culture, and skills to avoid conflict, (2) domain of knowledge (cognitive) which consists of knowledge of the language and culture of people others, and the ability to analyze and translate cultural behavior and knowledge about cultural awareness. (3) the learning domain which consists of the ability to correct distortions, stereotypes, and misunderstandings about ethnic groups

    Automatic code generation from UML diagrams: the state-of-the-art

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    The emergence of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as the de-facto standard for modeling software systems has encouraged the development of automated software tools that facilitate automatic code generation. UML diagrams are used to diagrammatically model and specify the static structure as well as the dynamic behavior of object-oriented systems and the software tools then go ahead and automatically produce code from the given diagrams. In the last two decades substantial work has been done in this area of automatic code generation. This paper is aimed at identifying and classifying this work pertaining to automatic code generation from UML diagrams, restricting the search neither to a specific context nor to a particular programming language. A Systematic literature review (SLR) using the keywords “automatic code generation”, “MDE”, “code generation” and “UML” is used to identify 40 research papers published during the years 2000–2016 which are broadly classified into three groups: Approaches, Frameworks and Tools. For each paper, an analysis is made of the achievements and the gaps, the UML diagrams used the programming languages and the platform. This analysis helps to answer the main questions that the paper addresses including what techniques or implementation methods have been used for automatic code generation from UML Diagrams, what are the achievements and gaps in the field of automatic code generation from UML diagrams, which UML diagram is most used for automatic code generation from UML diagrams, which programming language source code is mostly automatically generated from the design models and which is the most used target platform? The answers provided in this paper will assist researchers, practitioners and developers to know the current state-of-the-art in automatic code generation from UML diagrams.Keywords: Automatic Code Generation (ACG); Unified Modeling Language (UML); Model Driven Engineering (MDE

    Isolation and Identification of Postharvest Spoilage Fungi Associated with Sweet Oranges (Citrus sinensis) Traded in Kano Metropolis

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    Mycological studies on fungi in apparently diseased sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis) sampled from retailers at Na'ibawa Yan Lemu market in Kano Metropolis was carried out between August and September 2006. The samples were surface sterilized using 85% ethanol and homogenates were cultured on potato Dextrose Agar and incubated aerobically at room temperature for 7 days at 30°C. Pure cultures of the resulting fungal colonies were obtained from the subcultures of the primary plates. These were identified morphologically and microscopically. The investigation revealed that up to 90% of the samples were infected with one or more fungal species. The most predominant pathogenic fungus isolated from the samples was, Aspergillus sp (32.5%); others include Mucor sp. (25%), Penicillium sp (15%), Rhizopus sp (15%), Fusarium sp, (7.5%), and Alternaria sp. (5%). Proper handling from the farm as well as during storage and the avoidance of mixing of diseased ones with the healthy ones were identified as important factors in preventing loss. The use of suitable chemical treatment of the orange is also recommended as means of reducing economic loss due to fungal pathogens.Key words: Mycological studies, Fungal colonies, Sweet orange, Kan