65 research outputs found


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    BAB V PENUTUP Perkembangan PT. Prudential Life Assurance selama 5 tahun terakhir ini memberikan banyak prestasi di antaranya Digital Brand Of The Year 2015 untuk kategori unit link, Top Brand Awards, Call Center Awards, dan lain-lain. Strategi yang dilakukan PT. Prudential cukup berhasil dengan pendapatan premi atau laba yang meningkat setiap tahunnya. Adapun beberapa strategi yang di gunakan oleh PT. Prudential Life Assurance dalam mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan yaitu sebagai berikut: 1. Memberikan informasi kinerja perusahaan yang terus di laporkan kepada pelanggan dan publik guna mengetahui kegiatan perusahaan. 2. Kemajuan teknologi informasi yang di manfaatkan oleh PT. Prudential Life Assurance sebagai langkah yang lebih maju agar pelanggan tidak harus ke kantor untuk mencek, cukup dengan mengakses internet atau membuka web Prudential, pelanggan bisa mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. 3. Komunikasi yang terus dilakukan oleh agen kepada pelanggan guna membina hubungan baik jangka panjang. Di dalam dunia bisnis ini, setiap pelaku bisnis harus mampu menjaga dan mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup perusahaannya agar bisnis mereka dapat bersaing kompetitif di domestik maupun di luar negeri. Agar perusahaan mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan lain serta mendapatkan keuntungan (profitabilitas) yang kompetitif pula, pelaku bisnis harus dapat melakukan berbagai cara untuk mendapatkan pelanggan (customer) potensial yang baru serta mampu mempertahankan supaya pelanggan tetap loyal pada perusahaan dengan tidak melupakan etika bisnis. Karena dengan adanya etika bisnis yang dimiliki setiap pelaku bisnis, mampu menciptakan persaingan yang sehat dalam dunia bisnis. 5.2 Saran dan Rekomendasi Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas, maka saran dan rekomendasi. ? Jangan cepat berpuas diri dengan apa yang sudah dicapai saat ini, Prudential Indonesia hendaknya tetap peka terhadap perkembangan dan perubahan kebutuhan konsumen. ? Tetap mempertahankan kualitas tenaga penjualan yang prima karena merekalah ujung tombak keberhasilan perusahaan

    Kinetic Model For Growth And Influence Of Ph On The Growth Of Halochlorella Rubescens In A Fabricated Photobioreactor

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    For years, Chlorella sp, have been proven to be one of the candidates in producing abundant amounts of algal biomass. In this study, the fabrication of a new reactor was done and performance of Halochlorella rubescens, microalgae under genus Chlorella sp. in producing high cell mass was studied. Microalgae cell activation profile in three different cultivation volumes (500 mL, 1 L and 5 L) at normal cultivation mode and effect of pH towards the algae growth kinetic in a fabricated 15-L photobioreactor was investigated. 500 mL culture recorded highest biomass concentration and biomass productivity of 2.493 g/L and 0.183 g DW L-1 d -1. Dilution of cell lines and inoculum age are found to have notable effects towards microalgae growth. Highest biomass concentration and biomass productivity,1.689 g/L and 0.1043 g DW L-1 d -1 was recorded when the microalgae cultivated in pH 10.5 culture and high alkalinity medium showed remarkable effects towards the microalgae productivity. Two growth models, Logistic and Gompertz tested in this study to determine the growth model for microalgae in fabricated reactor. R2 values obtained for pH 8.5, 10.5 and 13.5 from both Logistic and Gompertz are 0.9634, 0.9482, 0.7225 and 0.9626, 0.9474, 0.7249 respectively. This shows that this microalgae best-fitted with Logistic model and growth kinetics of Halochlorella rubescens can be determined by using this mode


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    Community participation in development in the village also determines the strength of an existing program, and determines the success of a program, including the establishment of village infrastructure. The Village Library is an important point that needs to be taken seriously in its establishment, use and even in its management. The entire process can be carried out by the community, one of which is library management. In its management, the village library requires the participation of the community. This community in question is the community leaders in the village. Parties from the village government took part in the establishment of the village library in Segati Village. In the management of the village library, the involvement of community leaders is impossible if it does not exist, which community leaders in this village are very accepting and have hope in the infrastructure of this village. With the strength of community leaders, there is a great hope in the management of this village library. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing and describing the participation of community leaders in the management of village libraries in Desa Segati Kecamatan Langgam Kabupaten Pelalawan. The method in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The object of the research is participation, community leaders, and village libraries and the research subjects are community leaders, totaling 4 (four) people. Participation in ideas and social participation which is given as a closeness of heart is the participation that is most often carried out by community leaders. This is because participation is a very easy, flexible and timeless form of participation. In addition, labor participation, skill participation is participation carried out by community leaders but still has limited time and opportunities due to differences in work and opportunities from each community leader in Desa Segati Kecamatan Langgam Kabupaten Pelalawan. Meanwhile, property participation has been carried out by several community leaders indirectly

    Comparison of the Effectiveness of Learning Model Problem Posing with Quantum Learning TANDUR toward Students’ Understanding in Mathematics Concept

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of the learning model Problem Posing type Post Solution Posing with Quantum Learning TANDUR type to understand the concept of mathematics on the integral material is not necessarily use three-teir multiple choice diagnostic test based E-Learning class XI MIPA students in SMA N 1 Bringin year Lesson 2019/2020. This research is a quantitative study of quasi-experimental experiments with the design of Posttest Only Control Group design. The samples in this study were students of grade XI MIPA 1 and XI MIPA 2 SMA N 1 Bringin. The instrument used in this study was about understanding the mathematical concept of Three-Teir Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test. The results of the study gained that the classifications of class-savvy category XI MIPA 1 have an average of 26.18% while the class XI MIPA 2 has an average of 21.47%. Thus, understanding the concept of class XI MIPA 1 is higher than the class XI MIPA 2. Then based on the results of the hypothesis test using an average similarity test with test-T scores obtained t-count =-0.00691 is between-2.02 ≤ t-table ≤ 2.02 which means that the effectiveness of implementation of learning model Problem Posing type Post Solution Posing same as the application of learning model of Quantum Learning TANDUR type towards understanding student mathematics concept

    Pengelolaan Lembaga Kurus dan Pelatihan (LKP) Menjahit “Nuri” di Kelurahan Suka Maju, Kecamatan Sail, Kota Pekanbaru

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    Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah Pengelolaan Lembaga Kursus Dan Pelatihan (LKP) Menjahit “Nuri” Di Kelurahan Sukamaju Kecamatan Sail Kota Pekanbaru? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan LKP Menjahit Nuri Kelurahan Sukamaju Kecamatan Sail Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini memiliki 3 sub fokus yaitu 1) perencanaan, 2) pelaksanaan, 3) evaluasi. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan menjahit Nuri yang melibatkan 4 (empat) informan sebagai subjek penelitian, diantaranya informan inti 2 (dua), informan pengamat, informan inti 1 (satu), informan kontrol. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik dokumen, observasi, dan wawancara. Sedangkan analisis dalam penelitian meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan, dan triangulasi. pengelolaan LKP Menjahit Nuri perlu diperbaiki agar mencapai tujuan pendidikan secara efektif dan efesien. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan  evaluasi. Perencanaan sudah dilakukan dengan sebaik mungkin, namun pada pelaksanaan ada yang menyimpang tidak dilaksanakan sesuai dengan telah direncanakan. Pengelolaan LKP Menjahit Nuri perlu ditingkatkan lagi apalagi dalam pelaksanaan dan evaluasinya

    Dukungan Keluarga dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Mellitus yang Berobat di Puskesmas

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between family support and the quality of life of DM patients. This type of research is a quantitative research using a cross-sectional design. The results showed that most DM patients (64.3%) had a good quality of life. There is a statistically significant relationship between the quality of life of patients with emotional support (p-Value = 0.0002), instrumental (p-Value = 0.0005), and informational (p-Value = 0.000), but the relationship is not significant with support award (p-Value = 0.52). In conclusion, factors related to the quality of life of DM patients are emotional, instrumental, and informational support.   Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Family Support, Quality of Lif

    Pola Asuh Orang Tua di Desa Meredan Barat Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat masa bayi orang tua di desa Mirdan, kecamatan Toalang, Kota Kabupaten Siak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mendeskripsikannya secara besar-besaran. Penelitian ini memiliki populasi 764 manula. Teknologi sampling yang digunakan Proportionate Startified Random Sampling, menghasilkan sampel dari 89 orang tua. Instrumen yang digunakan - pertanyaan - jawaban. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif berdasarkan vairabel maka Diperoleh kontribusi yang signifikan dan positif pada setiap indikator terhadap variabel pola asush orang tua. Pada indikator pola asuh otoritatif diraih kontribusi sebesar 43,3% dengan tafsiran sedang. Kemudian pada indikator Pola Asuh Laissez Faire meraih kontribusi sebesar 43,3% dengan tafsiran sedang, dan yang terakhir pada pola asuh karismatik diraih kontribusi sebesar 43,7% dengan tafsiran sedang. Selanjutnya secara keseluruhan kontribusi dari indikator ialah sebesar 43,4% dengan tafsiran sedang

    Efforts to Improve Character Through Cak Bur Game

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    The behavior and character of the community and even children regarding noble values that are upheld and rooted in daily behavior. These values began to be eroded by foreign cultures that tend to be consumerism, individualistic, materialistic so that the character values are considered no longer important if they conflict with the goals to be achieved. Efforts to integrate and increase character values in the learning process can be done through traditional games with children, namely the Cak Bur game. This study aims to improve and enhance the character through cultural literacy of the traditional game of cak bur. This research uses action research which is carried out in two cycles. The subjects in this study were 2 groups of school-age children. The action taken is a game of cakbur to improve the child's character. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the child's character increased by 8 characters with 9 characters that appeared during the game and were in good or increasing criteria. This development has reached the success criteria where the research is said to be successful if the characters that emerge from the cak bur game are 3 characters and there is an increase in the character of children in the cak bur game as many as 7 children. Thus, this research can be said to be successfu

    Male rape : introducing a special provision in the penal code with reference to the laws in the United Kingdom / Muhammad Khairul Riduan Mustafar, Julie Faralisa Abd Jais and Muhammad Zulhilmi Mohd Nizam

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    This research is a study on the law of rape in Malaysia, namely the Penal Code ( Act 574 ). The issue of male rape by male which known as sodomy is something known to the country but not the issue of male rape by women where it happened overseas. There is no law regarding the criminal offence of male rape by women where there are possibilities which are unknown and might happen in future. The first stage of this study will involve information collecting and a review in seeking the rational for such law to be included in the Penal Code in order to protect all. The issue of gender equality is one of the reasons why such law should have here. Elements of consent and medical are also the arguments here as it is important in establishing male rape by women. This study then will be followed by the qualitative analysis which are the views and opinions from the subject to the questions asked

    The Effect Of Selected Factors Contribute To Work-Family Conflict And Employee Performance In Public Sector

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    This research aimed is to identify the effect of selected factors contribute to work-family conflict and employee performance in public sector. New era nowadays, many employees has facing work-family conflict because they did not know what factor will effected their worklife balance. Work-life balance is important to enhance performance among employee. The purpose of this quantitative study conducted to investigate the effect of selected factors contribute to work-family conflict and employee performance in public sector. This study focus on workload, workforce and workforce diversity will influence employee performance. This research have use Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS) to evaluate the result of this research. Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics is been use to measure the result from the data based on the questionnaire. Data collection for this research is questionnaire which is 30 respondent was selected from the organization in public sector. The finding of this research has found that workplace flexibility and workforce diversity has relationship with employee performance. The finding of this study will provide useful information for employee, organization and future researcher to enhance employee performance