123 research outputs found

    Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis of heat transfer problems in heated channels with water at supercritical pressure

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    The present work, partly made during a three month stage at the University of Aberdeen (UK), is aimed to investigate the heat transfer problem in heated channels with water at supercritical pressure. The analysis is performed with three different Computational Fluid Dynamics codes (SWIRL, an “in-house” CFD code, FLUENT and STAR-CCM+, general-purpose CFD codes). The aim of this work is to evaluate the performances of different low-Reynolds number turbulence models in predicting mixed convection heat transfer of fluids at supercritical pressure, with particular attention to the features that are affected by the modifications of the turbulence field due to influence of flow acceleration and buoyancy. Several simulations are performed and the predicted results are compared with the data obtained by the experimental facility in the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory at the University of Manchester. The simulated test section is 2 m long, with a diameter of 25.4 mm (1”). Different operating conditions are imposed for water at 25 MPa, in both downward and upward flow. Mainly, the analysis is conducted using the Yang-Shih turbulence model and the SWIRL CFD code in simple two-dimensional geometry. Results on a broad-spectrum of boundary conditions are achieved and a better understanding of the heat transfer behaviour was developed by the analysis of the dimensionless velocity and the dimensionless turbulent kinetic energy, for different axial locations along the pipe. Deterioration and enhancement phenomena are pointed out considering the ratio between the Nusselt number in the mixed convection flow and the Nusselt number of forced flow, while the difference between the effects of buoyancy and flow acceleration is pointed out by the Buoyancy parameter Bo*, introduced by Jackson, et al. (1979). Some numerical aspects are also pointed out. The low-Reynolds number k-e turbulence models adopted in the work, are generally able to predict both heat transfer enhancement and deterioration phenomena even if, in some upward flow cases, wall temperature over prediction was obtained from the simulations, due to the large change in fluid properties when temperature reaches the pseudocritical value. So, the predicted effect of buoyancy is much greater than suggested by a buoyancy parameter based on bulk temperature. Buoyancy and the consequent laminarization effects mainly govern the occurrence of deterioration in the considered experimental data, but other mechanisms contribute to the occurrence of this phenomenon

    Be friendly, stay well: The effects of job resources on well-being in a discriminatory work environment

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    Many studies have focused on the negative effects of discrimination on workers’ well-being. However, discrimination does not affect just victims but also those people who witness discriminatory acts or who perceived they are working in a discriminatory work environment. Although perceiving a discriminatory work environment might be a stressor, the presence of job resources might counteract its negative effects, as suggested by the Job Demand-Resources model. The goal of this study is to test the effect of perceiving a discriminatory work environment on workers’ psychological well-being when job autonomy and co-workers and supervisor support act as mediator and moderators respectively. To test the moderated mediation model data were gathered with a sample of Italian 114 truckers. Results demonstrated that job autonomy partially mediates the relationship between perceiving a discriminatory work environment and workers’ well-being. Main interactional effects have been observed when co-workers support is introduced in the model as moderator, while no main interactional effects exist when supervisor support is introduced. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) SFRH/BPD/121748/2016Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España PSI2015-64894-

    Assessment of occupational exposure to gaseous peracetic acid

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    Objectives In order to assess short-term exposure to peracetic acid (PAA) in disinfection processes, the Authors compared 4 industrial hygiene monitoring methods to evaluate their proficiency in measuring airborne PAA concentrations. Material and Methods An active sampling by basic silica gel impregnated with methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide (MTSO), a passive solid phase micro-extraction technique using methyl p-tolyl sulfide (MTS) as on-fiber derivatization reagent, an electrochemical direct-reading PAA monitor, and a novel visual test strip PAA detector doped with 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulfonate were evaluated and tested over the range of 0.06–16 mg/m3, using dynamically generated PAA air concentrations. Results The linear regression analysis of linearity and accuracy showed that the 4 methods were suitable for PAA monitoring. Peracetic acid monitoring in several use applications showed that the PAA concentration (1.8 mg/m3) was immediately dangerous to life or health as proposed by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and was frequently exceeded in wastewater treatment (up to 7.33 mg/m3), and sometimes during food and beverage processes and hospital high-level disinfection operations (up to 6.8 mg/m3). Conclusions The methods were suitable for the quick assessment of acute exposure in PAA environmental monitoring and can assist in improving safety and air quality in the workplace where this disinfectant is used. These monitoring methods allowed the evaluation of changes to work out practices to reduce PAA vapor concentrations during the operations when workers are potentially overexposed to this strong antioxidant agent. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(4):527–53

    Approaching the discriminatory work environment as stressor: The protective role of job satisfaction on health

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    Discrimination is a complex phenomenon with adverse consequences at personal and organizational levels. Past studies have demonstrated that workers who are victims of discrimination might show less job satisfaction, less organizational commitment and worse levels of health and productivity. Although most research has focused on the effects of discrimination on victims, less is known about the extent to which discrimination produces consequences on workers who perceive the existence of a discriminatory work environment. The goal of this article is to analyze the consequences of the perception of a discriminatory work environment on employees' health. The importance of this relationship is studied taking into account the mediating effect of job satisfaction. In order to reach this goal a cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 1633 Italian workers (male = 826, female = 764), employed in private and public sectors, and in different hierarchical positions. Results suggest that the perception of a discriminatory work environment is negatively associated with employees' health. This relationship is partially mediated by job satisfaction (R (2) = 0.17). This study demonstrates that perceiving a discriminatory work environment might have a negative impact on workers' health. A higher level of job satisfaction might buffer this effect. These findings have several practical implications. On the one hand, Human Resource Managers need to intervene in order to recognize and diminish implicit biases, creating a healthy and inclusive environment (e.g., through training, diversity policies, etc.). On the other hand, promoting job satisfaction (e.g., providing mechanisms of voice) might help workers to preserve their well-being, coping with the negative effects of a discriminatory work environment

    Trapping at the Solid−Gas Interface: Selective Adsorption of Naphthalene by Montmorillonite Intercalated with a Fe(III)− Phenanthroline Complex

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    In this study, stable hybrid materials (Mt−Fe(III)Phen), made by the μ-oxo Fe(III)−phenanthroline complex [(OH2)3(Phen)- FeOFe(Phen)(OH2)3]4+ (Fe(III)Phen) intercalated in different amounts into montmorillonite (Mt), were used as a trap for immobilizing gaseous benzene and naphthalene and their mono chloro-derivatives at 25 and 50 °C. The entrapping process was studied through elemental analysis, magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and evolved gas mass spectrometry. Naphthalene and 1-chloronaphthalene were found to be immobilized in large amount at both temperatures. Molecular modeling allowed designing of the structure of the interlayer in the presence of the immobilized aromatic molecules. Adsorption is affected by the amount of the Fe complex hosted in the interlayer of the entrapping hybrid materials. On the contrary, under the same conditions, benzene and chlorobenzene were not adsorbed. Thermal desorption of naphthalenes was obtained under mild conditions, and immobilization was found to be reversible at least for 20 adsorption/desorption cyclesThe authors are thankful to the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia for FAR 2016 funding program (PAsTIME Project, grant number: FAR2016DIPBORSARI), for the Visiting Professor program, and for the facilities provided by the Centro Interdipartimentale Grandi Strumenti, to MIUR for funding program FFABR 2017, to the Computational Centre of University of Granada and CINECA of Bologna for the high-performance computing service, and to the Andalusian project RMN1897 and the Spanish projects FIS2013-48444- C2-2-P and FIS2016-77692-C2-2-P for financial support

    development of an innovative gas chromatography mass spectrometry method for assessment of formaldehyde in the workplace atmosphere

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    World consumption of formaldehyde (FA) is forecast to grow at an average annual rate of about 4% from 2015 to 2020 with world production to exceed 52 million tons in 2017. From the first day of January 2016, the Commission Regulation No. 91/2015 established the FA classification through an indication from European Chemical Agency as category 2 mutagenic and category 1B carcinogen. A novel method for the determination of gaseous FA in air is presented herewith. The sampling was carried out using a miniaturized cartridge by means of a medium-flow pumping system (1.0 L min-1, 5–60 min) and absorption of FA vapors on 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Cartridge desorption removing the excess derivatizing agent based upon solid-phase extraction was performed by an innovative xyz robotic system on-line with fast gas chromatography (GC)—mass spectrometry (MS). Through the generation of standard atmospheres of known concentration of FA, we evaluated the precision (relative standard deviation for n = 10, 8.8%), lower lim..

    Systematic review on the evidences of an association between tinnitus and depression

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    Tinnitus has been associated with several psychiatric disorders, however there are still several questions regarding such association. OBJECTIVE: To assess the scientific evidence on the associations between symptoms of depression, depression, and tinnitus. METHOD: A systematic review was performed using PubMed, Lilacs, and SciELO scientific databases. This review included studies published in Portuguese, Spanish, or English correlating tinnitus with depression; letters to the editor and case reports were excluded. RESULTS: A total of 64 studies were identified, of which only 20 met the inclusion criteria and only 2 were case-control clinical trials. The majority of the studies (n = 18) found that depression is associated with tinnitus, either as a predisposition - resulting in poor adaptation to tinnitus or as a consequence of severe disease. CONCLUSION: An overall assessment of all of the selected studies suggests at least 3 possible associations between depression and tinnitus: depression affecting tinnitus, tinnitus predisposing individuals to depression, and tinnitus appearing as a comorbidity in patients with depression. There is a high prevalence of depressive symptoms in individuals with tinnitus, but the mechanisms by which depression and tinnitus mutually interact, are not fully understood.O zumbido tem sido associado a diversos transtornos psiquiátricos, entretanto ainda existem vários questionamentos sobre esta interrelação. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evidência científica das associações entre os sintomas depressivos, depressão e zumbido. MÉTODO: Realizada uma revisão sistemática nas bases: PubMed, Scielo e Lilacs. Foram incluídos estudos com adultos, publicados em português, espanhol ou inglês que correlacionaram o zumbido à depressão. Foram excluídos cartas ao editor e estudos de caso. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 64 artigos, dos quais 20 preencheram os critérios de inclusão, apenas dois eram ensaios clínicos. A maioria dos estudos (n = 18) comprovou que a depressão está relacionada ao zumbido, seja predispondo a uma má adaptação ao zumbido ou como consequência da gravidade do zumbido. CONCLUSÃO: Os estudos sugerem pelo menos três possíveis associações entre depressão e zumbido: depressão como um fator que afeta o zumbido, o zumbido como um fator que pode predispor à depressão, e zumbido como uma comorbidade em pacientes com depressão. Neste último caso, a depressão aumenta a intensidade, desconforto e intolerância ao zumbido, potencializando a depressão. Existe alta prevalência de sintomas depressivos em indivíduos com zumbido, porém, os mecanismos pelos quais a depressão e o zumbido mutuamente interagem não foram totalmente compreendidos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) EPMUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) EPM Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoSciEL

    Salud mental en las prácticas en salud: la experiencia del PROLIG

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    This paper presents the experience of the Psychosocial Service of Integrated Attention in Health (SAPIS) in a consultation-liaison psychiatry program (called PROLIG). The SAPIS was implemented in June 2002 at the São Paulo Hospital (HSP) to promote a broad attention to general and specific hospital psychosocial needs and also to reorganize the inclusion of mental health professionals in ambulatories and wards. This paper aims at describing the role of psychologists as mental health liaison professionals attending specific demands at these units of HSP. Their task involves providing psychological assistance to the patient and his family, as well as being a mental health specialist to the multi-professional team. Nevertheless, some difficulties have been found to implement and maintain these proposals. Concluding, psychologists as mental health liaison professionals promote changes in the health care offered by this institution; however, a deeper reflection and engagement of this institution as well as an implementation of health care policies are demanded to enable structural changes for the construction of an integral and integrated effective practice.El presente trabajo presenta el relato de experiencias del Servicio de Atención Psicosocial Integrado en Salud (SAPIS) en los Programas de Conexión (PROLIG). El SAPIS fue implantado en junio de 2002, en el Hospital São Paulo (HSP), con el objetivo de promover una atención más amplia a las necesidades generales y específicas del hospital en lo que se refiere a los aspectos psicosociales así como de reorganizar la inclusión de profesionales de salud mental en las enfermerías y ambulatorios. Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir la actuación del psicólogo como profesional de conexión en salud mental en el servicio a las demandas específicas de unidades del HSP. La tarea del profesional de conexión en salud mental implica la asistencia psicológica al paciente y su familiar así como el desempeño del papel de especialista en salud mental junto al equipo multiprofesional. Hemos encontrado en nuestra práctica, sin embargo, algunas dificultades para la implementación y el mantenimiento de algunas propuestas. Concluimos que la actuación del psicólogo como profesional de conexión de salud mental ha promovido cambios en los cuidados en salud en esa institución, sin embargo aún exige una profunda ponderación y mayor implicación de la institución y de políticas de salud que hagan viables los cambios estructurales para la construcción de una efectiva práctica integral e integrada en esa área.O presente trabalho apresenta o relato de experiências do Serviço de Atenção Psicossocial Integrada em Saúde (SAPIS) nos Programas de Ligação (PROLIG). O SAPIS foi implantado em junho de 2002, no Hospital São Paulo (HSP), com o objetivo de promover uma atenção mais ampla às necessidades gerais e específicas do hospital no que diz respeito aos aspectos psicossociais bem como de reorganizar a inclusão de profissionais de saúde mental nas enfermarias e ambulatórios. Esse estudo tem como objetivo descrever a atuação do psicólogo como profissional de ligação em saúde mental no atendimento às demandas específicas de unidades do HSP. A tarefa do profissional de ligação em saúde mental envolve a assistência psicológica ao paciente e seu familiar assim como o desempenho do papel de especialista em saúde mental junto à equipe multiprofissional. Temos encontrado em nossa prática, no entanto, algumas dificuldades para a implementação e a manutenção de algumas propostas. Concluímos que a atuação do psicólogo como profissional de ligação de saúde mental tem promovido mudanças nos cuidados em saúde nessa instituição, porém ainda exige uma profunda reflexão e maior envolvimento da instituição e de políticas de saúde que viabilizem mudanças estruturais para a construção de uma efetiva prática integral e integrada nessa área.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Exploring the Gut Microbiome Alteration of the European Hare (Lepus europaeus) after Short-Term Diet Modifications

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    This study aimed to characterise the gut microbiome composition of European hares (Lepus europaeus) and its potential changes after a short-term diet modification. The high sensitivity of European hare to habitat changes makes this species a good model to analyse possible alterations in gut microbiome after the introduction of additional nourishment into the diet. In total, 20 pairs were chosen for the experiments; 10 pairs formed the control group and were fed with standard fodder. The other 10 pairs represented the experimental group, whose diet was integrated with apples and carrots. The DNA from fresh faecal pellets collected after 4 days from the start of the experiment was extracted and the V3-V4 hypervariable regions were amplified and sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq® platform. The obtained amplicon sequence variants were classified into 735 bacterial genera belonging to 285 families and 36 phyla. The control and the experimental groups appeared to have a homogenous dispersion for the two taxonomic levels analysed with the most abundant phyla represented by Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. No difference between control and experimental samples was detected, suggesting that the short-term variation in food availability did not alter the hares’ gut microbiome. Further research is needed to estimate significant time threshold