1,292 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial disease and endocrine dysfunction

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    Mitochondria are critical organelles for endocrine health; steroid hormone biosynthesis occurs in these organelles and they provide energy in the form of ATP for hormone production and trafficking. Mitochondrial diseases are multisystem disorders that feature defective oxidative phosphorylation, and are characterized by enormous clinical, biochemical and genetic heterogeneity. To date, mitochondrial diseases have been found to result from >250 monogenic defects encoded across two genomes: the nuclear genome and the ancient circular mitochondrial genome located within mitochondria themselves. Endocrine dysfunction is often observed in genetic mitochondrial diseases and reflects decreased intracellular production or extracellular secretion of hormones. Diabetes mellitus is the most frequently described endocrine disturbance in patients with inherited mitochondrial diseases, but other endocrine manifestations in these patients can include growth hormone deficiency, hypogonadism, adrenal dysfunction, hypoparathyroidism and thyroid disease. Although mitochondrial endocrine dysfunction frequently occurs in the context of multisystem disease, some mitochondrial disorders are characterized by isolated endocrine involvement. Furthermore, additional monogenic mitochondrial endocrine diseases are anticipated to be revealed by the application of genome-wide next-generation sequencing approaches in the future. Understanding the mitochondrial basis of endocrine disturbance is key to developing innovative therapies for patients with mitochondrial diseases

    In vitro screening of fungicides and antagonists against Sclerotium rolfsii

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    A study was conducted in the microbiology laboratory of Plant Pathology Department, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, during 2010 to 2011 to control Sclerotium rolfsii with  fungicides and Trichoderma harzianum. Six fungicides namely Provax-200, Bavistin, Ridomil, Dithane M-45, Rovral 50 WP and Tilt were screened at 100, 200 and 400 ppm concentration for their efficacy against the radial colony growth of S. rolfsii. The complete inhibition was obtained with Provax-200 at all the selected  concentrations. Complete inhibition also obtained at the highest concentration of Tilt. The highest  concentration of Rovral 50WP inhibits 93.88% radial growth and significantly superior to Dithane M-45 at the  highest concentration. Bavistin and Ridomil were found to be significantly lower when used against the test  pathogen. A total of 20 T. harzianum isolates collected from rhizosphere and rhizoplane of different crops were  screened against S. rolfsii following dual plate culture technique. The screened isolates of Trichoderma showed significantly variable antagonism ranging from 65.01 to 83.06% reduction of radial growth of S. rolfsii. Among the screened antagonists, the isolate TH-18 of T. harzianum showed the highest (83.06%) inhibition of radial growth of S. rolfsii.Key words: Sclerotium rolfsii, Trichoderma harzianum, fungicides, antagonist

    Relokasi Peternakan Aulia Farm Kabupaten Magetan Dengan Pendekatan Integrated Farming System

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    In Indonesia, fine arts have developed and improved very well with some of the most influential arts and famous artists emerging to produce famous works to foreign countries. One of the cities in Indonesia that experienced a good development in the field of fine arts is Surakarta city. However, this city has not been able to provide the containers and infrastructure needed to supports the existing activities so that its development is still lagging far with other cities in Indonesia such as Bandung, Jakarta, Bali and Yogyakarta. The presence of Surakarta Art Center can be used as a stimulus and solution for the city of Surakarta to provide a good container for artists, communities and government in developing the fine arts in a better condition. The design process is done with several stages, start from literature studies, observasi until analyze the data that has produced the results of a design concept in accordance with the purpose. Carrying the concept of sustainable architecture on the design is expected to be the Center of Visual Arts Surakarta become an object of education, tourism, and creations that are able to integrate with nature so as to create a building of art with a sustainable environmen

    Forecasting Monthly Precipitation in Sylhet City Using ARIMA Model

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    In this study a seasonal ARIMA model was built using Box and Jenkins method to forecast long term rainfall in Sylhet. For this purpose rainfall data from 1980 to 2010 of Sylhet station were used to build and check the model. Rainfall data from 1980 to 2006 were used to develop the model while data from 2007 to 2010 were used to verify the prediction precision. Four basic chronological steps namely: identification, estimation, diagnostic checking, and forecasting were fitted out in developing the model.  Validity of the model was tested using standard graphical explanation of residuals given by Box and Jenkins. As a second step of validation, forecasted values of monthly rainfall were checked using actual data series. After completion of necessary checking and forecast observation, the ARIMA(0, 0, 1) (1,1, 1)12 was found to be the most effective to predict future precipitation with a 95% confidence interval. It is expected that this long term prediction will help decision makers in efficient scheduling of flood prediction, urban planning, rainwater harvesting and crop management. Keywords: Nonlinear time series analysis, ARIMA model, rainfall forecasting, Sylhet

    Gambaran Keselamatan Pekerja Menggunakan Teknologi Pemantauan Drone pada Proyek Konstruksi PT. X Makassar

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    Safety and Health of Construction work are activities to ensure and protect the safety and health of workers through accidents in the workplace. This study is to find out the description of the safety of workers using drone monitoring technology in construction activities at PT. X. This research is a type of descriptive research in a quantitative approach aimed to determine the safety of workers using drone monitoring technology in the construction project of PT. X Makassar 2020. The research will be conducted in November with a workforce of 108 people. The sample in this study was taken by purposive sampling technique so that the sample of 55 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire, Rapid Entry Body Assessment (REBA), analysis using SPSS software and drone. Data is presented in tabular form and narrated. This study shows the Knowledge variable at PT. X that out of 55 respondents (60%) respondents said that it was good. Based on the use of PPE, most respondents were classified as not compliant, namely as many as (67.3%), while the least were classified as compliant, as many as (32.7%). The most dominant work attitude of the respondents was Very High Risk Level (as much as 80%). While the least is the Medium Risk Level (3.6%). The results of the mapping in the rector's building, library and mosque using drones. The description of worker safety based on the variables of knowledge, PPE compliance, worker attitudes and hazards can be classified in part as good, but on variables

    Proses Reverse Engineering Menggunakan Laser Optical Scanner

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    Reverse Engineering is a process of product re-design by re-scanning the real workpiece. The scanning process can be done in various ways i.e. touch scanner and untouch scanner, in this research the scanner process is using Optical Laser Scanner, it is untouch scanner which is transferred into computation, the initial stage of the file will be in the form of mesh clouds i.e. point clouds in the shape of the workpiece itself, point clouds have the same density between one point and the other point, then it is engineered into a solid form of design with a perfectly shaped surface. In the final stage the design will be simulated into CNC simulation using software on computing tool. The execution is a computing design that uses several software. The results of usindg the optical scanner laser shows the difference of model size 1 -0.84mm - + 0.396mm, model 2 -4mm - + 1.77mm, model 3 -2.8mm - + 2.71mm. Keywords: Reverse Engineering, Scanner, CAD, mesh clouds

    MVB (Modern Vaccine Box) Berbasis Ican (Integrated Cooling Adsorbent) sebagai Solusi Memperpanjang Durasi Penyimpanan Vaksin pada Daerah Terpencil

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    Sebagai negara dengan letak geografis yang luas dengan dan jumlah daerah terisolasi yang cukup banyak, Indonesia mengalami kendala tersendiri terkait distribusi pelayanan kesehatan. Salah satunya adalah pemberian imunisasi atau vaksin. Dengan akses tempat yang memakan tempo perjalanan yang cukup lama serta minimnya listrik di daerah terpencil, maka vaksin yang selama ini dibawa dalam keadaan steril menggunakan vaccine carrier bertenaga listrik tidak dapat bertahan lama. Sistem refrigerasi berbasis ICAN (Integrated Cooling Adsorbent) pada kotak vaksin yang memanfaatkan medan magnet sebagai penghasil listrik terintegrasi menggunakanmicrocontroller, yang akan mengatur suplai listrik sehingga nantinya dapat menciptakan sistem vakum otomatis untuk menjaga siklus dingin dari kotak vaksin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat MVB (Modern Vaccine Box) yang berbasis Sistem Adsorpsi Dual Adsorben dengan Modifikasi Sistem Vakum dan Kontrol Suhu. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan untuk rasio berat methanol:arang aktif 1:5 tidak memberikan penurunan suhu yang signifikan atau sama dengan suhu ruangan yaitu 35oC. Pada percobaan kami berikutnya untuk rasio 1:4 dan 1:3 memberikan penurunan suhu mencapai 20oC. Untuk rasio methanol :arang aktif 1:3 memberikan durasi pendinginan yang lebih lama dari rasio 1:4. Untuk rasio 1:2 memberikan penurunan suhu mencapai 15oC dengan durasi yang cukup lama yaitu 2 minggu. Untuk rasio 1:1 memberikan penurunan suhu mencapai 6-7 oC dan durasi pendinginannya mencapai 1 minggu 2 hari. Sistem mikrokontroller terdiri dari beberapa bagian yaitu bagian sensor, bagian proses, dan bagian output. Pada bagian sensor atau masukan sistem yang digunakan yaitu sensor suhu LM35D untuk mengukur temperatur suhu dalam kotak vaksin dan limit switch sebagai saklar deteksi kotak vaksin untuk mendeteksi kerapatan dari kotak vaksin. Data keluaran yang diperoleh oleh Sensor Suhu LM35 dikonversikan menggunakan ADC (Analog Digital COnverter) untuk dapat dibaca oleh mikrokontroller. Kata kunci: Arangaktif, Distribusi Vaksin, ICAN, Metano


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    ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi saat ini begitu pesat di berbagai bidang, termasuk di bidang pemesinan. Peralatan produksi menjadi faktor utama untuk meningkatkan efektifitas, ketelitian, kenyamanan dan keamanan dalam melakukan produksi. Salah satu contoh hasil dari perkembangan teknologi mesin adalah digunakannya sistem kontrol otomatis yang menggunakan komputer sebagai media pengendali. Sistem kontrol ini dikenal dengan istilah Computer Numaric Control (CNC). Computer Numaric Control (CNC) merupakan suatu kendali mesin atas dasar informasi digital. Penggunaan sistem Computer Numaric Control (CNC) dapat diaplikasikan pada berbagai mesin, salah satu mesin yang menerapkan Computer Numaric Control (CNC) adalah Mesin Router. Mesin Router adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk membuat profil dan menghias tepian kayu. Mesin router jarang digunakan pengerajin kayu karena harga mesin router yang ada di pasaran sangat mahal. Banyak pengerajin kayu yang proses pembuatan ukiran kayu dilakukan secara manual. Produktivitas kerajinan kayu secara manual masih rendah, hal ini disebabkan karena peralatan yang digunakan pengerajin kayu secara manual masih terbatas. Berdasarkan tinjauan diatas, di laboratorium otomasi robotika telah dibuat prototype mesin router CNC. Prototype mesin router CNC yang terdapat di laboratorium otomasi robotika memiliki kekurangan pada motor penggerak. Jenis motor penggerak yang digunakan pada prototipe mesin router CNC yaitu motor stepper, daya motor stepper tidak kuat untuk menggerakkan beban mekanisme penggerak pahat mesin router CNC. Berdasarkan hal tersebut timbul gagasan untuk memodifikasi mekanisme penggerak pahat mesin router CNC. Mekanisme penggerak pahat mesin router CNC yang dimodifikasi adalah mekanisme penggerak arah sumbu-z

    Pengaruh Variasi Media Cetakan Pasir Merah dan Cetakan Pasir Hitam Pada Remelting Aluminium (Al) dengan Timah Hitam (Pb) Sebesar 20 % Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik, Kekerasan, Komposisi Kimia dan Struktur Mikro

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    This study aims to study the variation of red sand and black sand mold media on aluminum (Al) smelting with lead (Pb) by 20% on tensile strength, defense, chemical composition and microstructure. The casting process in this final project starts at the beginning of making a pattern. Then make red sand molds and black sand molds. Then the melting to melt the casting material is needed a tool called a heating kitchen. Then pouring, moving liquid metal from the heating kitchen to the mold with the help of a tool called a ladel, then poured into the mold. After the demolition, there is a principle that dismantling the results of metal casting from the mold is done directly or mechanically. Then check, in the casting process checking the results of the castings has a purpose that is stored quality and refinement of the technique. From the reception, there will be a shortage in the process that has been done, where there are shortcomings that will increase the quality results. The test results of casting from aluminum and lead smelters produce specimens with specimens, in the specimens with red sand mold the results are 131.58 N / mm2, while specimens with black sand mold can produce a pull of 150.48 N / mm2. For the trials on specimens with red sand mold, the results were 98,599 HB while those with black sand mold obtained results of 82,936 HB. The chemical composition of red sand contains 15 elements, but only 4 elements that determine the cast iron, namely Si, Zn, Pb, and Cu because they contain more than 1% of the iron composition. Micro structure. The grain size of the microstructure of black sand mold variation is greater than the size of the variation of red sand mold. The red sand used as a mold contains clay content of 16.28% and black sand containing 5.46%. Keywords: Casting, Aluminum, Black Tin, Sand Mol