7 research outputs found

    FRP-to-masonry bond durability assessment with infrared thermography method

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    The bond behavior between FRP composites and masonry substrate plays an important role in the performance of externally bonded reinforced masonry structures. Therefore, monitoring the bond quality during the application and subsequent service life of a structure is of crucial importance for execution control and structural health monitoring. The bond quality can change during the service life of the structure due to environmental conditions. Local detachments may occur at the FRP/substrate interface, affecting the bond performance to a large extent. Therefore, the use of expedite and efficient non-destructive techniques for assessment of the bond quality and monitoring FRP delamination is of much interest. Active infrared thermography (IR) technique was used in this study for assessing the bond quality in environmentally degraded FRP-strengthened masonry elements. The applicability and accuracy of the adopted method was initially validated by localization and size quantification of artificially embedded defects in FRP-strengthened brick specimens. Then, the method was used for investigating the appearance and progression of FRP delaminations due to environmental conditions. GFRP-strengthened brick specimens were exposed to accelerated hygrothermal ageing tests and inspected periodically with the IR camera. The results showed environmental exposure may produce large progressive FRP delaminations.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Hygrothermal durability of bond in FRP-strengthened masonry

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    Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) are accepted as an efficient material for external strengthening of masonry structures. Previous researches have shown that the bond between FRP and the substrate plays an important role in the effectiveness of this strengthening technique. Extensive investigations have been devoted to the characterization of the short-term bond behavior, while its durability and long-term performance requires further studies. In this regard, a full experimental program for investigating the environmental durability of bond in FRP-strengthened masonry is crucial for understanding the degrading mechanisms. This paper presents the results of an experimental program aimed at investigating the hygrothermal durability of bond in FRP-strengthened bricks. Accelerated ageing tests were performed on the FRP-strengthened brick elements and the bond degradation was periodically investigated by visual inspection and by conventional single-lap shear bond tests. The changes in the properties of material constituents have also been monitored. The obtained results are presented and critically discussed.This work was developed within the framework of the RILEM Technical Committee "223-MSC: Masonry Strengthening with Composite Materials". The financial support from the project FP7-ENV-2009-1-244123-NIKER of the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission is gratefully acknowledged. The first author also acknowledges the financial support of the Portuguese Science Foundation (Fundacao de Ciencia e Tecnologia, FCT), through grant SFRH/BD/80697/2011

    Elementi curvi in muratura rinforzati con nastri in FRP: analisi dell'aderenza

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    L’utilizzo di materiali compositi fibrorinforzati (FRP) negli interventi di ripristino, consolidamento e miglioramento sismico di edifici in muratura esistenti rappresenta ormai da alcuni anni una soluzione alternativa alle tecniche tradizionali, soprattutto qualora risulti necessario mantenere l’assetto statico originario adottando soluzioni poco invasive e reversibili. Nel caso di applicazione di rinforzi esterni in FRP è fondamentale l’adesione del materiale di rinforzo al substrato esistente. Infatti, le ricerche condotte negli ultimi anni hanno evidenziato come, in molte applicazioni, la perdita di aderenza sia la tipologia di crisi più frequente e che limita l’efficacia della tecnica di rinforzo. Numerosi sono gli studi teorici e sperimentali condotti sull’argomento in riferimento alle strutture in calcestruzzo armato e diverse sono le indicazioni derivanti da codici normativi e linee guida per la progettazione a livello internazionale. Sono, invece, più limitate le ricerche condotte su substrati in muratura [1-6], in considerazione anche della elevata variabilità delle murature esistenti e, di conseguenza, della difficoltà di comparare o estendere i risultati ottenuti in specifiche situazioni. Le uniche indicazioni disponibili per la progettazione degli interventi di rinforzo sono quelle riportate nel documento CNR [7]. I parametri che influenzano il legame d’interfaccia muratura-rinforzo sono diversi: le proprietà del substrato e del sistema di rinforzo, la larghezza del rinforzo, la tecnica di messa in opera, le condizioni ambientali di esercizio. Le ricerche attualmente disponibili relative ai fenomeni di delaminazione dei rinforzi FRP dalla muratura sono, nelle maggior parte dei casi, riferite a superfici di interfaccia piane [1-6]. In questo caso la superficie di interfaccia è essenzialmente soggetta a tensioni tangenziali. In molte applicazioni, i rinforzi FRP vengono invece applicati su superfici curve (intradosso o estradosso di archi, volte, cupole), [8-10]. In questo caso, lo sforzo di trazione nel rinforzo induce sulla superficie di interfaccia, per equilibrio, tensioni normali di trazione o di compressione dipendentemente dalla concavità della superficie stessa (figura 1). Nel caso tipico di rinforzi intradossali di volte, la superficie di interfaccia risulta quindi soggetta, in generale, a tensioni tangenziali e tensioni normali di trazione. Ci si aspetta che la presenza delle tensioni di trazione riduca la resistenza alla delaminazione, rispetto al caso di superficie piana. Nelle linee guida [7] è riportato un semplice approccio progettuale per la valutazione del fenomeno, basato sulla resistenza a trazione dei blocchi costituenti la muratura di supporto. Per il miglioramento delle prestazioni del rinforzo, in termini di adesione con il supporto, possono essere utilizzati connettori meccanici di FRP, con la funzione di intercettare la propagazione della superficie di distacco tra rinforzo e supporto [9-13]. Nel presente lavoro viene presentata un’analisi sperimentale volta ad indagare il 2 comportamento all’interfaccia di elementi curvi in muratura rinforzati con nastri in carbonio. A tale scopo sono state eseguite prove di tipo beam-test, già messe a punto in [5-6], analizzando l’influenza di diversi raggi di curvatura del substrato e della presenza di connettori di ancoraggio, in grado di contribuire ad assorbire le tensioni normali e quindi di limitare i fenomeni di crisi all’interfaccia

    FRP-strengthened masonry

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    [Excerto] Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) are widely utilized for repairing and restoring existing masonry and concrete buildings and infrastructures. In particular, this kind of reinforcement is generally externally applied to the structural elements; hence the strengthening technique is called EBR (externally bonded reinforcement). For this reason, the interface between FRP and substrate plays an important role besides the mechanical and physical properties of materials, considering that delamination constitutes often the failure condition in many practical applications.- (undefined

    Strengthening of Stone and Brick Masonry Buildings

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    Today, the scientific community has recognised that the structural safety aspects of existing masonry buildings cannot be treated according to standard procedures that are fit for new constructions. Hence, new approaches for assessing the actual structural performance of existing masonry buildings and developing more appropriate methods and criteria for their repair and strengthening are in progress. The basic idea is that the usual design approaches naturally imply a certain level of \u201cover-design\u201d, and this can lead to unacceptable solutions, under the point of view of costs and conservation, when dealing with existing structures. For these reasons, attention must be paid to the appropriate selection and design of materials and technologies for intervention, taking into account the possibilities offered by traditional solutions and their possible combinations with innovative ones. As existing buildings are usually designed for vertical actions, the \u201cseismic conditions\u201d have the most awkward implications. Indeed, the earthquake actions refer to the very extreme structural resources, i.e. those connected with resistant mechanisms that are normally neglected, and are very difficult to be implemented into structural models. In this chapter, after a general introduction on the characteristics and peculiarities of existing buildings made of stone and clay brick masonry, where we will take into account mainly ordinary buildings, and after some general considerations on the more suitable approaches and criteria for the design of interventions, the most relevant techniques used to strengthen this kind of buildings will be presented