36 research outputs found

    The Legionella effector WipB is a translocated Ser/Thr phosphatase that targets the host lysosomal nutrient sensing machinery

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    Legionella pneumophila infects human alveolar macrophages and is responsible for Legionnaire’s disease, a severe form of pneumonia. L. pneumophila encodes more than 300 putative effectors, which are translocated into the host cell via the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system. These effectors highjack the host’s cellular processes to allow bacterial intracellular growth and replication. Here we adopted a multidisciplinary approach to investigate WipB, a Dot/Icm effector of unknown function. The crystal structure of the N-terminal domain at 1.7 Å resolution comprising residues 25 to 344 revealed that WipB harbours a Ser/Thr phosphatase domain related to the eukaryotic phospho-protein phosphatase (PPP) family. The C-terminal domain (residues 365–524) is sufficient to pilot the effector to acidified LAMP1-positive lysosomal compartments, where WipB interacts with the v-ATPase and the associated LAMTOR1 phosphoprotein, key components of the lysosomal nutrient sensing (LYNUS) apparatus that controls the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTORC1) kinase complex at the lysosomal surface. We propose that WipB is a lysosome-targeted phosphatase that modulates cellular nutrient sensing and the control of energy metabolism during Legionella infection

    A Minimal Threshold of c-di-GMP Is Essential for Fruiting Body Formation and Sporulation in Myxococcus xanthus

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    Generally, the second messenger bis-(3’-5’)-cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP) regulates the switch between motile and sessile lifestyles in bacteria. Here, we show that c-di-GMP is an essential regulator of multicellular development in the social bacterium Myxococcus xanthus. In response to starvation, M. xanthus initiates a developmental program that culminates in formation of spore-filled fruiting bodies. We show that c-di-GMP accumulates at elevated levels during development and that this increase is essential for completion of development whereas excess c-di-GMP does not interfere with development. MXAN3735 (renamed DmxB) is identified as a diguanylate cyclase that only functions during development and is responsible for this increased c-di-GMP accumulation. DmxB synthesis is induced in response to starvation, thereby restricting DmxB activity to development. DmxB is essential for development and functions downstream of the Dif chemosensory system to stimulate exopolysaccharide accumulation by inducing transcription of a subset of the genes encoding proteins involved in exopolysaccharide synthesis. The developmental defects in the dmxB mutant are non-cell autonomous and rescued by co-development with a strain proficient in exopolysaccharide synthesis, suggesting reduced exopolysaccharide accumulation as the causative defect in this mutant. The NtrC-like transcriptional regulator EpsI/Nla24, which is required for exopolysaccharide accumulation, is identified as a c-diGMP receptor, and thus a putative target for DmxB generated c-di-GMP. Because DmxB can be—at least partially—functionally replaced by a heterologous diguanylate cyclase, these results altogether suggest a model in which a minimum threshold level of c-di-GMP is essential for the successful completion of multicellular development in M. xanthus

    Structural insight into the membrane targeting domain of the Legionella deAMPylase SidD

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    AMPylation, the post-translational modification with adenosine monophosphate (AMP), is catalyzed by effector proteins from a variety of pathogens. Legionella pneumophila is thus far the only known pathogen that, in addition to encoding an AMPylase (SidM/DrrA), also encodes a deAMPylase, called SidD, that reverses SidM-mediated AMPylation of the vesicle transport GTPase Rab1. DeAMPylation is catalyzed by the N-terminal phosphatase-like domain of SidD. Here, we determined the crystal structure of full length SidD including the uncharacterized C-terminal domain (CTD). A flexible loop rich in aromatic residues within the CTD was required to target SidD to model membranes in vitro and to the Golgi apparatus within mammalian cells. Deletion of the loop (??loop) or substitution of its aromatic phenylalanine residues rendered SidD cytosolic, showing that the hydrophobic loop is the primary membrane-targeting determinant of SidD. Notably, deletion of the two terminal alpha helices resulted in a CTD variant incapable of discriminating between membranes of different composition. Moreover, a L. pneumophila strain producing SidD??loop phenocopied a L. pneumophila ??sidD strain during growth in mouse macrophages and displayed prolonged co-localization of AMPylated Rab1 with LCVs, thus revealing that membrane targeting of SidD via its CTD is a critical prerequisite for its ability to catalyze Rab1 deAMPylation during L. pneumophila infection

    FICD acts bifunctionally to AMPylate and de-AMPylate the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP

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    Protein folding homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is defended by an unfolded protein response that matches ER chaperone capacity to the burden of unfolded proteins. As levels of unfolded proteins decline, a metazoan-specific FIC-domain-containing ER-localized enzyme (FICD) rapidly inactivates the major ER chaperone BiP by AMPylating T518. Here we show that the single catalytic domain of FICD can also release the attached AMP, restoring functionality to BiP. Consistent with a role for endogenous FICD in de-AMPylating BiP, FICD/_{-/-} hamster cells are hypersensitive to introduction of a constitutively AMPylating, de-AMPylation-defective mutant FICD. These opposing activities hinge on a regulatory residue, E234, whose default state renders FICD a constitutive de-AMPylase in vitro\textit{in vitro}. The location of E234 on a conserved regulatory helix and the mutually antagonistic activities of FICD in vivo\textit{in vivo}, suggest a mechanism whereby fluctuating unfolded protein load actively switches FICD from a de-AMPylase to an AMPylase.Supported by Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowship to D.R. (Wellcome 200848/Z/16/Z), a UK Medical Research Council PhD studentship to L.A.P. and a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award to the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (Wellcome 100140)

    Implication of Proteins Containing Tetratricopeptide Repeats in Conditional Virulence Phenotypes of Legionella pneumophila

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    Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, is a ubiquitous freshwater bacterium whose virulence phenotypes require a type IV secretion system (T4SS). L. pneumophila strain JR32 contains two virulence-associated T4SSs, the Dot/Icm and Lvh T4SSs. Defective entry and phagosome acidification phenotypes of dot/icm mutants are conditional and reversed by incubating broth-grown stationary-phase cultures in water (WS treatment) prior to infection, as a mimic of the aquatic environment of Legionella. Reversal of dot/icm virulence defects requires the Lvh T4SS and is associated with a >10-fold induction of LpnE, a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing protein. In the current study, we demonstrated that defective entry and phagosome acidification phenotypes of mutants with changes in LpnE and EnhC, another TPR-containing protein, were similarly reversed by WS treatment. In contrast to dot/icm mutants for which the Lvh T4SS was required, reversal for the ΔlpnE or the ΔenhC mutant required that the other TPR-containing protein be present. The single and double ΔlpnE and ΔenhC mutants showed a hypersensitivity to sodium ion, a phenotype associated with dysfunction of the Dot/Icm T4SS. The ΔlpnE single and the ΔlpnE ΔenhC double mutant showed 3- to 9-fold increases in translocation of Dot/Icm T4SS substrates, LegS2/SplY and LepB. Taken together, these data identify TPR-containing proteins in a second mechanism by which the WS mimic of a Legionella environmental niche can reverse virulence defects of broth-grown cultures and implicate LpnE and EnhC directly or indirectly in translocation of Dot/Icm T4SS protein substrates