231 research outputs found

    Age-Related Reference Intervals of the Main Biochemical and Hematological Parameters in C57BL/6J, 129SV/EV and C3H/HeJ Mouse Strains

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    BACKGROUND: Although the mouse is the animal model most widely used to study the pathogenesis and treatment of human diseases, reference values for biochemical parameters are scanty or lacking for the most frequently used strains. We therefore evaluated these parameters in the C57BL/6J, 129SV/EV and C3H/HeJ mice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We measured by dry chemistry 26 analytes relative to electrolyte balance, lipoprotein metabolism, and muscle/heart, liver, kidney and pancreas functions, and by automated blood counter 5 hematological parameters in 30 animals (15 male and 15 female) of each mouse strain at three age ranges: 1-2 months, 3-8 months and 9-12 months. Whole blood was collected from the retro-orbital sinus. We used quality control procedures to investigate analytical imprecision and inaccuracy. Reference values were calculated by non parametric methods (median and 2.5(th) and 97.5(th) percentiles). The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for between-group comparisons. Median levels of GLU, LDH, Chol and BUN were higher, and LPS, AST, ALP and CHE were lower in males than in females (p range: 0.05-0.001). Inter-strain differences were observed for: (1) GLU, t-Bil, K+, Ca++, PO(4)- (p<0.05) and for TAG, Chol, AST, Fe++ (p<0.001) in 4-8 month-old animals; (2) for CK, Crea, Mg++, Na++, K+, Cl- (p<0.05) and BUN (p<0.001) in 2- and in 10-12 month-old mice; and (3) for WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT and PLT (p<0.05) during the 1 year life span. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results indicate that metabolic variations in C57BL/6J, 129SV/EV and C3H/HeJ mice after therapeutic intervention should be evaluated against gender- and age-dependent reference intervals

    Repair of composite-to-masonry bond using flexible matrix

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    The paper presents an experimental investigation on an innovative repair method, in which composite reinforcements, after debonding, are re-bonded to the substrate using a highly deformable polymer. In order to assess the effectiveness of this solution, shear bond tests were carried out on brick and masonry substrates within two Round Robin Test series organized within the RILEM TC 250-CSM: Composites for Sustainable strengthening of Masonry. Five laboratories from Italy, Poland and Portugal were involved. The shear bond performance of the reinforcement systems before and after repair were compared in terms of ultimate loads, load-displacement curves and strain distributions. The results showed that the proposed repair method may provide higher strength and ductility than stiff epoxy resins, making it an effective and cost efficient technique for several perspective structural applications

    Mortar-based systems for externally bonded strengthening of masonry

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    Mortar-based composite materials appear particularly promising for use as externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) systems for masonry structures. Nevertheless, their mechanical performance, which may significantly differ from that of Fibre Reinforced Polymers, is still far from being fully investigated. Furthermore, standardized and reliable testing procedures have not been defined yet. The present paper provides an insight on experimental-related issues arising from campaigns on mortar-based EBRs carried out by laboratories in Italy, Portugal and Spain. The performance of three reinforcement systems made out of steel, carbon and basalt textiles embedded in inorganic matrices has been investigated by means of uniaxial tensile coupon testing and bond tests on brick and stone substrates. The experimental results contribute to the existing knowledge regarding the structural behaviour of mortar-based EBRs against tension and shear bond stress, and to the development of reliable test procedures aiming at their homogenization/standardization

    Extrusion of Endodontic Filling Materials: Medico-Legal Aspects. Two Cases

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    The Authors describe two cases of alleged malpractice due to overfilling. The aim of this article is to underline some medico-legal aspects regarding the quantity of extruded material which may be considered acceptable and the consequent damage to the patient

    Copper-Dependent Trafficking of the Ctr4-Ctr5 Copper Transporting Complex

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    In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, copper uptake is carried out by a heteromeric complex formed by the Ctr4 and Ctr5 proteins. Copper-induced differential subcellular localization may play a critical role with respect to fine tuning the number of Ctr4 and Ctr5 molecules at the cell surface.We have developed a bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay to analyze protein-protein interactions in vivo in S. pombe. The assay is based on the observation that N- and C-terminal subfragments of the Venus fluorescent protein can reconstitute a functional fluorophore only when they are brought into tight contact. Wild-type copies of the ctr4(+) and ctr5(+) genes were inserted downstream of and in-frame with the nonfluorescent C-terminal (VC) and N-terminal (VN) coding fragments of Venus, respectively. Co-expression of Ctr4-VC and Ctr5-VN fusion proteins allowed their detection at the plasma membrane of copper-limited cells. Similarly, cells co-expressing Ctr4-VN and Ctr4-VC in the presence of Ctr5-Myc(12) displayed a fluorescence signal at the plasma membrane. In contrast, Ctr5-VN and Ctr5-VC co-expressed in the presence of Ctr4-Flag(2) failed to be visualized at the plasma membrane, suggesting a requirement for a combination of two Ctr4 molecules with one Ctr5 molecule. We found that plasma membrane-located Ctr4-VC-Ctr5-VN fluorescent complexes were internalized when the cells were exposed to high levels of copper. The copper-induced internalization of Ctr4-VC-Ctr5-VN complexes was not dependent on de novo protein synthesis. When cells were transferred back from high to low copper levels, there was reappearance of the BiFC fluorescent signal at the plasma membrane.These findings reveal a copper-dependent internalization and recycling of the heteromeric Ctr4-Ctr5 complex as a function of copper availability

    The Role of the Yap5 Transcription Factor in Remodeling Gene Expression in Response to Fe Bioavailability

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    The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has developed several mechanisms to avoid either the drastic consequences of iron deprivation or the toxic effects of iron excess. In this work, we analysed the global gene expression changes occurring in yeast cells undergoing iron overload. Several genes directly or indirectly involved in iron homeostasis showed altered expression and the relevance of these changes are discussed. Microarray analyses were also performed to identify new targets of the iron responsive factor Yap5. Besides the iron vacuolar transporter CCC1, Yap5 also controls the expression of glutaredoxin GRX4, previously known to be involved in the regulation of Aft1 nuclear localization. Consistently, we show that in the absence of Yap5 Aft1 nuclear exclusion is slightly impaired. These studies provide further evidence that cells control iron homeostasis by using multiple pathways

    Regulation of Alr1 Mg Transporter Activity by Intracellular Magnesium

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    Mg homeostasis is critical to eukaryotic cells, but the contribution of Mg transporter activity to homeostasis is not fully understood. In yeast, Mg uptake is primarily mediated by the Alr1 transporter, which also allows low affinity uptake of other divalent cations such as Ni2+, Mn2+, Zn2+ and Co2+. Using Ni2+ uptake to assay Alr1 activity, we observed approximately nine-fold more activity under Mg-deficient conditions. The mnr2 mutation, which is thought to block release of vacuolar Mg stores, was associated with increased Alr1 activity, suggesting Alr1 was regulated by intracellular Mg supply. Consistent with a previous report of the regulation of Alr1 expression by Mg supply, Mg deficiency and the mnr2 mutation both increased the accumulation of a carboxy-terminal epitope-tagged version of the Alr1 protein (Alr1-HA). However, Mg supply had little effect on ALR1 promoter activity or mRNA levels. In addition, while Mg deficiency caused a seven-fold increase in Alr1-HA accumulation, the N-terminally tagged and untagged Alr1 proteins increased less than two-fold. These observations argue that the Mg-dependent accumulation of the C-terminal epitope-tagged protein was primarily an artifact of its modification. Plasma membrane localization of YFP-tagged Alr1 was also unaffected by Mg supply, indicating that a change in Alr1 location did not explain the increased activity we observed. We conclude that variation in Alr1 protein accumulation or location does not make a substantial contribution to its regulation by Mg supply, suggesting Alr1 activity is directly regulated via as yet unknown mechanisms