170 research outputs found

    Librarian Love and Positive Change in Student Personality Development: A Library Management Perspective

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    Librarian behavior has brought a positive change in the students\u27 lives. Librarian love encourages the students\u27 stay in the public libraries of high schools. A decade ago, the world paid a high price for corporal punishment; in turn, the students faced a high level of stress and anxiety. However, UNESCO has launched a slogan, \u27No punishment but love\u27 all over the world. Therefore, this study measures the impact of librarian love on students\u27 personality development, e.g., discipline, emotional behavior, and perceived respect. Additionally, this study sees whether the high school librarians perceive a positive impact on their discipline, emotional behavior, and respect towards love. The study targeted 45 high schools of District Sheikhupura in the province of Punjab. The researcher personally distributed 480 survey questionnaires among the library teachers; however, 403 were returned valid and filled. The survey questionnaire was translated into Urdu, a native language of Pakistan, because it was too difficult to collect data from the English school. Smart PLS 3.3.3 was applied to test the model, and the study meets the measurement scales\u27 criteria of validity and reliability. The study supported that librarian love has a significant and positive influence on students\u27 discipline, emotional behavior, and perceived respect. It means librarian love brings a positive change in the personality and academic performance of the students in terms of discipline, emotional behavior, and respect. The study provides the guidelines as policy implications to the school education departments to ensure the strategy of love by the librarians so that the habit of spending more and more at libraries would be common

    Pengaruh Shalat Terhadap Peningkatan Produktifitas Pegawai Administrasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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    Dari sisi kejiwaan, shalat idealnya menenangkan jiwa (kedamaian, ketenangan), sehingga tak emosional, jiwa yang damai tenang melahirkan perilaku yang juga positif. Ini akan berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi kerja dan efektifitas tugas pekerjaan. Dengan melaksanakan shalat secara rutin dan khusu' kedisiplinan dan pekerjaan akan dilakukan seefektif mungkin. Bilamana kedisiplinan tidak dapat ditegakkan maka kemungkinan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan tidak dapat dicapai secara efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat mempengaruhi produktifitas kerja seseorang (Nitisemiti, 1982: 200). Berdasarkan analisis data SPSS didapatkan nilai P untuk disiplin kerja 0,01<0,05 maka ada perbedaan disiplin kerja antara karyawan yang shalat rutin dan yang tidak, nilai P untuk semangat kerja sebesar 0,037<0,05 maka ada perbedaan semangat kerja antara karyawan yang shalat rutin dan tidak, dan nilai P untuk motivasi kerja sebesar 0,04<0,05 maka ada perbedaan motivasi kerja karyawan yang shalat rutin dan yang tidak. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa rutinitas shalat mempengaruhi produktifitas seseorang

    Shift to Online Learning: Response of Pakistani Visual Art Teachers During Pandemic and Post-Covid Era

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    This study aims to investigate the response of Visual art teachers to educational lockdown and shift to online learning at art institutions. The study employed qualitative phenomenological research design to investigate visual artists i.e., painters, sculptors, textile designers, graphic designers, and performing artists who were faculty members in five leading art institutions of Lahore. Data were collected by conducting a total of 15 interviews from each mentioned discipline. These interviews were conducted preferably in their studios, at their homes, or at times online through WhatsApp video calls. The data was analyzed thematically by using NVIVO 12 software. Findings – It was observed that new methodologies were devised by the faculty and art institutions to mitigate the pandemic upshot, however, virtual learning made it hard for the faculty to teach practice-based subjects. As a result, the assessment criteria were also affected. The study findings provide insight for art institutions and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to start preparing their systems to offer effective online teaching as a substitute for regular classes in Visual Arts. The researchers could not find any such study in the local context, and very few globally. Therefore, this study may serve as a baseline for further research

    High Performance Antenna System in MIMO Configuration for 5G Wireless Communications Over Sub-6 GHz Spectrum

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    This paper presents a high-performance multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) antenna comprising 2 x 2 configuration of radiating elements that is designed for sub-6 GHz applications. The proposed MIMO antenna employs four identical radiating elements. High isolation between the radiating elements and therefore reduced mutual coupling is achieved by spatially arranging the radiating elements in an orthogonal configuration. Also, a novel frequency selective surface (FSS) was employed to increase the gain of the MIMO antenna over a wide bandwidth from 3 to 6 GHz. This was achieved by locating the FSS above the antenna at a certain height. The FSS essentially enhanced the antenna's directivity, reduced back lobe radiation and mutual coupling. The antenna was fabricated on a standard Rogers RT Duroid 5880 dielectric substrate with a 0.8 mm thickness. The overall dimension of the MIMO antenna is 50 x 50 x 12.5 mm(3) and it operates from 3.8 to 6 GHz, which corresponds to a fractional bandwidth of 41%. The proposed MIMO antenna has a measured peak gain of 4.8 dBi and inter radiation element isolation &gt;20 dB. Its envelope correlation coefficient is &lt;0.1 and diversity gain &gt;9.9 (dB). These characteristics make the proposed MIMO antenna system suitable for 5G communication systems

    Qualitative Assessment of the Pharmacist’s Role in Punjab, Pakistan: Medical Practitioners’ Views

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    Purpose: To assess the perception of Pakistani doctors regarding pharmacist’s role in Punjab Pakistan.Methods: A qualitative approach was used to assess the perception of doctors regarding pharmacist’s role in the study setting. A total of 12 doctors were interviewed using a semi- structured interview guide. The study was conducted for a period of 3 months in the Pakistani cities of Islamabad and Lahore, from July to September 2011. Doctors were informed regarding the aim, objective and nature of the study.Results: All the interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematically analyzed for their content. Thematic content analysis yielded four major themes: 1) Availability of pharmacist in Pakistan’s healthcare setting. 2) Willingness to collaborate with pharmacist. 3) Separation of prescribing from dispensing. 4) Difference in academic levels of doctors and pharmacist.Conclusion: Doctors are receptive to an expanded role for pharmacists, also regard them as drug information experts, but their expectations fall short of the quality of clinically-focused pharmacy services that pharmacists are actually rendering.Keywords: Doctors’ expectation, Pharmacist, Clinical pharmacy services, Qualitative study, Prescribin

    Ionic gold demonstrates antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains due to cellular ultrastructure damage

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    Due to the ever-increasing rise of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria, the development of alternative antimicrobial agents is a global priority. The antimicrobial activity of ionic gold was explored against four Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains with different AMR profiles in order to determine the antimicrobial activity of ionic gold and elucidate the mechanisms of action. Disc diffusion assays (zone of inhibition: ZoI) coupled with minimum inhibitory/bactericidal concentrations (MIC/MBC) were conducted to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of ionic gold. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to visualise morphological changes to the bacterial cell ultrastructure. Strains with increased AMR were slower to grow which is likely a fitness cost due to the enhanced AMR activity. Although greater concentrations of ionic gold were required to promote antimicrobial activity, ionic gold demonstrated similar antimicrobial values against all strains tested. Lowry assay results indicated that protein leakage was apparent following incubation with ionic gold, whilst SEM revealed cellular ultrastructure damage. This study suggests that the application of ionic gold as an alternative antimicrobial is promising, particularly against AMR P. aeruginosa. The antimicrobial activity of ionic gold against P. aeruginosa could potentially be utilised as an alternative therapeutic option in wound management, an approach that could benefit healthcare systems worldwide

    The Study of Quantum Interference in Metallic Photonic Crystals Doped with Four-Level Quantum Dots

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    In this work, the absorption coefficient of a metallic photonic crystal doped with nanoparticles has been obtained using numerical simulation techniques. The effects of quantum interference and the concentration of doped particles on the absorption coefficient of the system have been investigated. The nanoparticles have been considered as semiconductor quantum dots which behave as a four-level quantum system and are driven by a single coherent laser field. The results show that changing the position of the photonic band gap about the resonant energy of the two lower levels directly affects the decay rate, and the system can be switched between transparent and opaque states if the probe laser field is tuned to the resonance frequency. These results provide an application for metallic nanostructures in the fabrication of new optical switches and photonic devices

    Risk Factors for and Clinical Outcome of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in a Peri-Urban West-African Birth Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is the most prevalent congenital infection worldwide. Epidemiology and clinical outcomes are known to vary with socio-economic background, but few data are available from developing countries, where the overall burden of infectious diseases is frequently high. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: As part of an ongoing birth cohort study in The Gambia among term infants, urine samples were collected at birth and tested by PCR for the presence of CMV DNA. Risk factors for transmission and clinical outcome were assessed, including placental malaria infection. Babies were followed up at home monthly for morbidity and anthropometry, and at one year of age a clinical evaluation was performed. The prevalence of congenital CMV infection was 5.4% (40/741). A higher prevalence of hepatomegaly was the only significant clinical difference at birth. Congenitally infected children were more often first born babies (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 5.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.0-13.7), more frequently born in crowded compounds (adjusted OR 2.9, 95%CI 1.0-8.3) and active placental malaria was more prevalent (adjusted OR 2.9, 95%CI 1.0-8.4). These associations were corrected for maternal age, bed net use and season of birth. During the first year of follow up, mothers of congenitally infected children reported more health complaints for their child. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this study, the prevalence of congenital CMV among healthy neonates was much higher than previously reported in industrialised countries, and was associated with active placental malaria infection. There were no obvious clinical implications during the first year of life. The effect of early life CMV on the developing infant in the Gambia could be mitigated by environmental factors, such as the high burden of other infections.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    A 160-kilobit molecular electronic memory patterned at 10^(11) bits per square centimetre

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    The primary metric for gauging progress in the various semiconductor integrated circuit technologies is the spacing, or pitch, between the most closely spaced wires within a dynamic random access memory (DRAM) circuit. Modern DRAM circuits have 140nm pitch wires and a memory cell size of 0.0408 ÎŒm^2. Improving integrated circuit technology will require that these dimensions decrease over time. However, at present a large fraction of the patterning and materials requirements that we expect to need for the construction of new integrated circuit technologies in 2013 have ‘no known solution’. Promising ingredients for advances in integrated circuit technology are nanowires, molecular electronics and defect-tolerant architectures, as demonstrated by reports of single devices and small circuits. Methods of extending these approaches to large-scale, high-density circuitry are largely undeveloped. Here we describe a 160,000-bit molecular electronic memory circuit, fabricated at a density of 10^(11) bits cm^(-2) (pitch 33 nm; memory cell size 0.0011 mm^2), that is, roughly analogous to the dimensions of a DRAM circuit projected to be available by 2020. A monolayer of bistable, [2]rotaxane molecules 10 served as the data storage elements. Although the circuit has large numbers of defects, those defects could be readily identified through electronic testing and isolated using software coding. The working bits were then configured to form a fully functional random access memory circuit for storing and retrieving information

    CT angiography; useful in non-selected outpatients?

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    Dance has been a part of the physical education (PE) curriculum in several countries for a longtime. In spite of this, studies demonstrate that the position of dance in the subject of PE iscontested and that little time is devoted to dance. The overall aim of this article is to examine theposition of dance as a pedagogical discourse in Swedish steering documents over time. Theempirical material consists of five Swedish curricula for PE over a period of 50 years (1962–2011).Discourse analysis is used to identify organised systems of meaning, including privileged andprioritised values. Our theoretical frame of reference draws on Bernstein’s concept of codes. Threedifferent knowledge areas within dance are found in the text material: ‘dance as cultural preserver’,‘dance as bodily exercise’ and ‘dance as expression’. Three pedagogical discourses emerge fromthese knowledge areas: an identity formation discourse, a public health discourse and an aestheticdiscourse. The identity formation discourse in earlier curricula focuses on the perpetuation ofSwedish and Nordic cultural traditions, while in later curricula, it emphasises the construction of abroader multicultural identity formation related to the understanding of different cultures. Thepublic health discourse constitutes a prioritised understanding of dance as physical training relatedto a healthy lifestyle. The aesthetic discourse, which has the weakest position over time, representsthe valuing of embodied experiences and feelings expressed through movements. This discourse isclosely linked to the construction of gender. Over time, a new performance code came to surpassthe former competence code in the steering documents. The performance code positions dance inPE as mainly a physical activity with little artistic or aesthetic value. The pedagogical discourse ofdance remains within a highly disciplinary framework of social control
