530 research outputs found

    Igualdade como diversidade no direito à educação : erradicando a discriminação étnico-racial no sistema de ensino brasileiro

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2017.Esta tese de doutorado na área do direito apresenta uma análise sobre a discriminação, as desigualdades étnico-raciais, o direito à educação e a implementação do direito internacional e de leis e políticas públicas no Brasil para promover a igualdade étnico-racial, sobretudo na educação. Uma pesquisa de campo foi realizada em cinco Estados do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, Alagoas, Pará, Distrito Federal e Rio Grande do Sul). Foram visitadas dez escolas públicas de ensino médio - duas em cada estado, sendo uma rural e outra urbana. O fator étnico-racial no Brasil é um fator fundamental que ajuda a explicar os fenômenos das desigualdades socioeconômicas e educacionais no país. Diversos indicadores de socioeconômicos e de desempenho escolar, desagregados por etnia-raça, mostram que há desigualdade, principalmente, entre as populações branca e afrodescendente. A maioria da população brasileira - especialmente a maioria dos afrodescendentes e indígenas - goza de seus direitos humanos de forma limitada. Tais desigualdades explícitas e persistentes podem ser consideradas como uma violação indireta e uma não realização de direitos humanos e/ou um ato de discriminação que aponta para a falta de leis e políticas públicas adequadas e efetivas para melhorar os padrões e as condições de vida da maioria dessas populações no Brasil. As desigualdades comprometem o desenvolvimento sustentável e a distribuição dos benefícios entre as regiões e classes sociais. Os indicadores socioeconômicos e educacionais analisados nesta tese sugerem que ainda há necessidade de melhorar a execução das leis e políticas públicas socioeconômicas e educacionais no Brasil, especialmente para alcançar os grupos e indivíduos mais marginalizados e vulneráveis. O direito internacional é uma ferramenta neste sentido e deve continuar evoluindo para ser mais inclusivo, emancipatório e multicultural, a fim de contribuir mais adequadamente para a redução das desigualdades e reverter os padrões hierárquicos de dominação e exploração etnocêntricos. Esta tese visa a contribuir para uma definição mais inclusiva do direito à educação, destacando os princípios universais de diversidade e multiculturalismo. Para um mundo sustentável, mais justo, pacífico e tolerante, a educação e o direito devem refletir e praticar critérios e princípios universais mínimos baseados na paz, na diversidade e no multiculturalismo.This doctoral thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of ethnic-racial discrimination and inequalities, the right to education and the implementation of the international legal framework and national laws and policies in Brazil to promote ethnic-racial equality, especially in education. Field research was carried out in five States of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Alagoas, Pará, Distrito Federal, and Rio Grande do Sul). Ten public high schools were visited two in each State, of which one in a rural area and one in an urban area. The ethnic-racial factor is a fundamental factor that helps explain the phenomena of socioeconomic and educational inequalities in Brazil. Socioeconomic and education performance indicators, disaggregated by ethnicityrace, show that a structural ethnic-racial inequality exists amongst the white and afrodescendant populations. Majority of the Brazilian population especially majority of afrodescendants and indigenous - enjoy their human rights in a limited way. In general, such explicit and persistent inequalities can be considered as an indirect violation and non realization of the respective human rights, and/or as an act of discrimination that points to the lack of adequate and effective laws and public policies aiming to improve the living standards and conditions of majority of these populations in Brazil. Inequalities compromise sustainable development and the distribution of benefits across regions and social classes. The socioeconomic and educational indicators analyzed in this thesis suggest that there is still a need to improve the execution of socioeconomic and educational laws and public policies in Brazil, to reach marginalized and vulnerable groups and individuals. International law is an instrument towards this and must continue evolving to become more inclusive, emancipatory and multicultural to contribute more adequately to the reduction of inequalities and reverse the hierarchical patterns of ethnocentric domination and exploitation. This thesis aims to contribute to a more inclusive definition of the right to education by emphasizing the universal principles of diversity and multiculturalism. For a sustainable world that is more just, peaceful and tolerant, education and law must reflect and practice minimum universal criteria and principles based on peace, diversity and multiculturalism

    Cyclopentenyl ethylamines active on CNS

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    Two new cyclopentenylethylamines were prepared and were submitted to a pharmacological screening together with some others previously described and now reprepared. All compounds exhibited different degrees of depressive activity on CNS and good analgesic activity. Compound 5, bearing a phenyl group on the carbon atom to which the amino group is connected, appears rather interesting being the most active as analgesic and the least toxic. Compounds 2 and 3 are able to antagonize in a certain degree lethal doses of physostigmine and also, respectively, of pentylenetetrazole and strychnine

    Identification of toxigenic fungal species associated with maize ear rot: Calmodulin as single informative gene

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    Accurate identification of fungi occurring on agrofood products is the key aspect of any prevention and pest management program, offering valuable information in leading crop health and food safety. Fungal species misidentification can dramatically impact biodiversity assessment, ecological studies, management decisions, and, concerning toxigenic fungi, health risk assessment, since they can produce a wide range of toxic secondary metabolites, referred to as mycotoxins. Since each toxigenic fungal species can have its own mycotoxin profile, a correct species identification, hereby attempted with universal DNA barcoding approach, could have a key role in mycotoxins prevention strategies. Currently, identification of single marker for species resolution in fungi has not been achieved and the analysis of multiple genes is used, with the advantage of an accurate species identification and disadvantage of difficult setting up of PCR-based diagnostic assays. In the present paper, we describe our strategy to set up a DNA-based species identification of fungal species associated with maize ear rot, combining DNA barcoding approach and species-specific primers design for PCR based assays. We have (i) investigated the appropriate molecular marker for species identification, limited to mycobiota possibly occurring on maize, identifying calmodulin gene as single taxonomically informative entity; (ii) designed 17 sets of primers for rapid identification of 14 Fusarium, 10 Aspergillus, 2 Penicillium, and 2 Talaromyces species or species groups, and finally (iii) tested specificity of the 17 set of primers, in combination with 3 additional sets previously developed

    Porta Valbona in Urbino: its representation between history and restoration

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    [EN] The Porta Valbona study is part of a complex project of conservation and valorisation of the defensive walls of Urbino that the research group, of the School of Conservation and Restoration of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, has developed in recent years. Built in 1621 it is the most important gate of the city both because it is connected to Via Mazzini, one of the main streets of the historic centre, and for its spectacular architectural appearance created for the wedding of Prince Federico Ubaldo della Rovere with Princess Claudia de Medici. The two eagles, in limestone, placed at the sides of the door, date back to the mid-eighteenth century and are the work of the Rimini architect Giovan Francesco Buonamici. It is also the only Gate of Urbino which has a monumental facing facing outwards, or towards Piazza del Mercatale. Despite having undergone several restorations and consolidations over the centuries, it has not been modified in its original appearance. Porta Valbona, together with the city walls, represents a real urban palimpsest, an exceptional case of sedimentation and stratification which, despite the events, still allows us to reconstruct its historical events. The applied design method was based on the following analyzes: a) urban analysis: knowledge of the characteristics and urban potential of the door; b) historical analysis: knowledge of the historical evolution and of the specific qualities of the door; c) geometric analysis: metric and architectural survey; d) material analysis, study of materials and forms of deterioration; e) structural analysis: identification of the morphological and constructive organization from the structural point of view. All the large amount of information obtained from the analysis was managed thanks to the use of GIS systems. Thus it was possible to identify the shape and character of the monument and its testimonial, constructive and architectural values were recognized. On the basis of an internal analysis of the cultural asset and an external analysis of the context in which it is located, it was possible to define the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.Baratin, L.; Cattaneo, A.; Moretti, E. (2020). Porta Valbona a Urbino: la sua rappresentazione tra storia e restauro. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1045-1052. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11401OCS1045105