342 research outputs found

    Haptic feedback in the training of veterinary students

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    This paper reports on an initial study into the use of haptic (or touch) technology in the training of veterinary students. One major problem faced in veterinary education is that animals can be harmed by inexperienced students who are trying to learn the skills they need. The aim of the work described here is to provide haptic models to simulate internal examinations of horses so that students can learn the basic skills required on computer and then transfer to real animals with much less risk of doing them injury

    Preclinical coronavirus studies and pathology: Challenges of the high-containment laboratory

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role that animal models play in elucidating the pathogenesis of emerging diseases and rapidly analyzing potential medical countermeasures. Relevant pathologic outcomes are paramount in evaluating preclinical models and therapeutic outcomes and require careful advance planning. While there are numerous guidelines for attaining high-quality pathology specimens in routine animal studies, preclinical studies using coronaviruses are often conducted under biosafety level-3 (BSL3) conditions, which pose unique challenges and technical limitations. In such settings, rather than foregoing pathologic outcomes because of the inherent constraints of high-containment laboratory protocols, modifications can be made to conventional best practices of specimen collection. Particularly for those unfamiliar with working in a high-containment laboratory, the authors describe the logistics of conducting such work, focusing on animal experiments in BSL3 conditions. To promote scientific rigor and reproducibility and maximize the value of animal use, the authors provide specific points to be considered before, during, and following a high-containment animal study. The authors provide procedural modifications for attaining good quality pathologic assessment of the mouse lung, central nervous system, and blood specimens under high-containment conditions while being conscientious to maximize animal use for other concurrent assays

    Improved model identification for non-linear systems using a random subsampling and multifold modelling (RSMM) approach

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    In non-linear system identification, the available observed data are conventionally partitioned into two parts: the training data that are used for model identification and the test data that are used for model performance testing. This sort of 'hold-out' or 'split-sample' data partitioning method is convenient and the associated model identification procedure is in general easy to implement. The resultant model obtained from such a once-partitioned single training dataset, however, may occasionally lack robustness and generalisation to represent future unseen data, because the performance of the identified model may be highly dependent on how the data partition is made. To overcome the drawback of the hold-out data partitioning method, this study presents a new random subsampling and multifold modelling (RSMM) approach to produce less biased or preferably unbiased models. The basic idea and the associated procedure are as follows. First, generate K training datasets (and also K validation datasets), using a K-fold random subsampling method. Secondly, detect significant model terms and identify a common model structure that fits all the K datasets using a new proposed common model selection approach, called the multiple orthogonal search algorithm. Finally, estimate and refine the model parameters for the identified common-structured model using a multifold parameter estimation method. The proposed method can produce robust models with better generalisation performance

    Supporting researchers conducting qualitative research into sensitive, challenging, and difficult topics: Experiences and practical applications.

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    Qualitative researchers often engage in work addressing challenging, difficult, or sensitive topics and are consequently exposed to the participants’ narratives which may be emotionally charged, distressing, or compromising. These narratives occasionally rest heavy on a researcher’s conscience or may linger in the mind. Much literature has assessed how best to keep participants safe, but less attention has been given to how we keep researchers safe. We therefore document the following: (1) Our experiences of the issues presented by undertaking qualitative research involving challenging, difficult, or sensitive topics; and (2) Practical principles devised to overcome these issues, ensuring safety and wellbeing amongst researchers engaging in these types of qualitative research. We provide guidance for qualitative researchers of all levels of experience and expertise on how best to protect and support themselves, their colleagues, and other collaborating research staff, when undertaking qualitative research which might otherwise feel uncomfortable or overwhelming to tackle

    Short proofs of some extremal results III

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    We prove a selection of results from different areas of extremal combinatorics, including complete or partial solutions to a number of open problems. These results, coming mainly from extremal graph theory and Ramsey theory, have been collected together because in each case the relevant proofs are reasonably short

    Which antidepressants have demonstrated superior efficacy? A review of the evidence

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    A review of published evidence of superior efficacy of a particular antidepressant in major depressive disorder may assist clinicians in making considered treatment choices. To identify such candidates, an international group of experts met to assess published evidence (identified through searches in Medline and Embase databases and discussions with experts in the field) from randomized, controlled trials and meta-analyses comparing two antidepressants under conditions of fair comparison. Criteria were defined to judge the strength of evidence. Two pivotal studies in moderate-to-severe major depressive disorder that demonstrate superiority on the primary efficacy measure, or alternatively one pivotal study supported by consistent results from meta-analyses, was considered to constitute evidence for definite superiority. Three antidepressants met these criteria: clomipramine, venlafaxine, and escitalopram. Three antidepressants were found to have probable superiority: milnacipran, duloxetine, and mirtazapine. Only escitalopram was found to have definite superiority in the treatment of severe depression; probable superiority was identified for venlafaxine and possible superiority for milnacipran and clomipramine. This review of published data found evidence that only a very few antidepressants are shown to be more effective than other

    CD30-redirected chimeric antigen receptor T cells target CD30+ and CD30- embryonal carcinoma via antigen-dependent and fas/fasl interactions

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    Tumor antigen heterogeneity limits success of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies. Embryonal carcinomas (EC) and mixed testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) containing EC, which are the most aggressive TGCT subtypes, are useful for dissecting this issue as ECs express the CD30 antigen but also containCD30-/dim cells.Wefound that CD30- redirected CAR T cells (CD30.CAR T cells) exhibit antitumor activity in vitro against the human EC cell lines Tera-1, Tera-2, and NCCIT and putative EC stem cells identified by Hoechst dye staining. Cytolytic activity of CD30.CAR T cells was complemented by their sustained proliferation and proinflammatory cytokine production. CD30.CAR T cells also demonstrated antitumor activity in an in vivo xenograft NOD/SCID/gcnull (NSG)mousemodel of metastatic EC.Weobserved that CD30. CAR T cells, while targeting CD30+ EC tumor cells through the CAR (i.e., antigen-dependent targeting), also eliminated surrounding CD30- EC cells in an antigen-independent manner, via a cell-cell contact-dependent Fas/FasL interaction. In addition, ectopic Fas (CD95)expression inCD30+ Fas-ECwas sufficient to improve CD30.CAR T-cell antitumor activity. Overall, these data suggest that CD30.CAR T cells might be useful as an immunotherapy for ECs. Additionally, Fas/FasL interaction between tumor cells and CAR T cells can be exploited to reduce tumor escapedue to heterogeneous antigen expression or to improve CAR T-cell antitumor activity

    Anion exchange membrane soil nitrate predicts turfgrass color and yield.

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    Desirable nitrogen (N) management practices for turfgrass supply sufficient N for high quality turf while limiting excess soil N. Previous studies suggested the potential of anion exchange membranes (AEMs) for predicting turfgrass color, quality, or yield. However, these studies suggested a wide range of critical soil nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) values across sample dates. A field experiment, in randomized complete block design with treatments consisting of nine N application rates, was conducted on a mixed species cool-season turfgrass lawn across two growing seasons. Every 2 wk from May to October, turfgrass color was assessed with three different reflectance meters, and soil NO3-N was measured with in situ AEMs. Cate-Nelson models were developed comparing relative reflectance value and yield to AEM desorbed soil NO3-N pooled across all sample dates. These models predicted critical AEM soil NO3-N values from 0. 45 to 1.4 micro g cm-2 d-1. Turf had a low probability of further positive response to AEM soil NO3-N greater than these critical values. These results suggest that soil NO3-N critical values from AEMs may be applicable across sample dates and years and may serve to guide N fertilization to limit excess soil NO3-N

    Genome-wide enrichment analysis between endometriosis and obesity-related traits reveals novel susceptibility loci

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    Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition in women that results in pelvic pain and subfertility, and has been associated with decreased body mass index (BMI). Genetic variants contributing to the heritable component have started to emerge from genome-wide association studies (GWAS), although the majority remain unknown. Unexpectedly, we observed an intergenic locus on 7p15.2 that was genome-wide significantly associated with both endometriosis and fat distribution (waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI; WHRadjBMI) in an independent meta-GWAS of European ancestry individuals. This led us to investigate the potential overlap in genetic variants underlying the aetiology of endometriosis, WHRadjBMI and BMI using GWAS data. Our analyses demonstrated significant enrichment of common variants between fat distribution and endometriosis (P = 3.7 × 10(-3)), which was stronger when we restricted the investigation to more severe (Stage B) cases (P = 4.5 × 10(-4)). However, no genetic enrichment was observed between endometriosis and BMI (P = 0.79). In addition to 7p15.2, we identify four more variants with statistically significant evidence of involvement in both endometriosis and WHRadjBMI (in/near KIFAP3, CAB39L, WNT4, GRB14); two of these, KIFAP3 and CAB39L, are novel associations for both traits. KIFAP3, WNT4 and 7p15.2 are associated with the WNT signalling pathway; formal pathway analysis confirmed a statistically significant (P = 6.41 × 10(-4)) overrepresentation of shared associations in developmental processes/WNT signalling between the two traits. Our results demonstrate an example of potential biological pleiotropy that was hitherto unknown, and represent an opportunity for functional follow-up of loci and further cross-phenotype comparisons to assess how fat distribution and endometriosis pathogenesis research fields can inform each other

    An Immunocompetent Mouse Model of HPV16(+) Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    The incidence of human papilloma virus (HPV)-associated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is increasing and implicated in more than 60% of all oropharyngeal carcinomas (OPSCCs). Although whole-genome, transcriptome, and proteome analyses have identified altered signaling pathways in HPV-induced HNSCCs, additional tools are needed to investigate the unique pathobiology of OPSCC. Herein, bioinformatics analyses of human HPV(+) HNSCCs revealed that all tumors express full-length E6 and identified molecular subtypes based on relative E6 and E7 expression levels. To recapitulate the levels, stoichiometric ratios, and anatomic location of E6/E7 expression, we generated a genetically engineered mouse model whereby balanced expression of E6/E7 is directed to the oropharyngeal epithelium. The addition of a mutant PIK3CAE545K allele leads to the rapid development of pre-malignant lesions marked by immune cell accumulation, and a subset of these lesions progress to OPSCC. This mouse provides a faithful immunocompetent model for testing treatments and investigating mechanisms of immunosuppression