1,445 research outputs found

    La protesta campesina como protesta ambiental, siglos XVIII-XX

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    This article analyses peasant conflicts from an environmental perspective. First, we show a general theory about environmental conflicts making a clear differentiation among environmental conflicts making a clear differentiation among environmental, environmentalist and green movement conflicts. This differentiation is accomplished using as criterion the goals of the actors in relation to both the agroecosystems sustainability and the types of discourses used in the protests. Second, we analyse the peasant use of agroecosystems and the differences between agricultural systems based on organic energy in contrast with those based on fossil energy. Finally, we identify several types of peasant environmental conflicts between 18th and 20th centuries: environmental peasant protests in Mediterranean Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa; conflicts produced around resources like water, common goods or against pollution, Land Reform, reactions to environmental policies or defence of indigenous territories. As these examples show, attention must be paid to the environmental dimension of the peasant protest in order to understand the conflicts, although sometimes mixed with gender and class dimensions

    «El Pacto Andaluz por la Naturaleza» (1985). La confluencia del movimiento campesino y el movimiento ecologista.

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    En los últimos años se ha desarrollado un importante debate en la Historia Ambiental acerca de lar elación entre campesinado y ecologismo, especialmente a partir de la propuesta de Guha y Martínez Alier (1997) de un Ecologismo Popular y de las críticas al mismo. En este artículo pretendemos profundizar en estas ideas a partir del análisis de la gestación y desarrollo de una de las primeras iniciativas del movimiento ecologista en España, e lPacto Andaluz por la Naturaleza, de 1985-1986.Esta iniciativa surgió de la confluencia de numerosas organizaciones ecologistas con el movimiento jornalero que representaba el Sindicato de Obreros del Campo (SOC) en la defensa de una gestión sostenible del bosque. Estas movilizaciones tuvieron como resultado la aprobación del Plan Forestal Andaluz en 1989 y la introducción, por la vía de la reclamación de mayor empleo, de valores ecologistas que venían a superar las concepciones conservacionistas hasta entonces asociadas con el ambientalismo. Esta es la historia de la confluencia entre un viejo movimiento en vías de extinción, el movimiento jornalero, y un nuevo movimiento social, el ecologista. El resultado es un buen ejemplo de la complejidad y capacidad de transformación del conflicto social.In recent years there has been an intensive debate on the relationship between peasantry and environmentalism in Environmental History. The starting point was the controversial definition of Popular Environmentalism by Ramachandra Guha and Martínez Alier (1997). In the present article we focus on these ideas through the analysis of a specific social movement, the «Andalusian Agreement for Nature» (Pacto Andaluz por la Naturaleza, 1985/1986), one of the first expressions of the Spanish green movement. The interesting feature lies in its origin. This green movement, claiming for a new sustainable use of forests, arose from the confluence of several environmentalist organizations and the traditional Peasant Union (Sindicato de Obreros del Campo). The struggles achieved a new Forest Policy (1989) adopted by the regional government, introducing new ecological values in the population beyond the traditional conservationist conception of environmentalism.This is the history of the confluence of an Old Social Movement, the peasant movement, and a New Social Movement, the green one. We consider this to be a good example for understanding the complexity and the auto‐transformation capacity of the social conflict

    Simultaneous assessment, through sap flow and stable isotopes, of water use efficiency (WUE) in thinned pines shows improvement in growth, tree-climate sensitivity and WUE, but not in WUEi

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    [EN] In water-limited regions, adaptive management of forest and water relationships has been put forward, to implement hydrology-oriented silviculture to reduce stand evapotranspiration and, at the tree level, to improve growth and water use efficiency (WUE). The main goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of thinning in the short and medium term on tree growth, climate (drought) sensitivity, WUE performed using growth and sap flow measurements and WUEi performed using delta C-13 and delta O-18 isotopes, in a typical semiarid forest. This approach also evaluated the reliability of isotopes as indicators of the effects of adaptive forest management. A stagnated Aleppo pine plantation was experimentally thinned at high intensity (H98) in 1998 and at High (H), Medium (M) and Low (L) intensities in 2008, along with a control (C). Substantial limitation of tree growth was observed in C. Thinning not only increased growth, but also changed the.tree growth-precipitation relationships, with C trees depending more on precipitation than thinned trees did. WUEi after thinning was significantly affected only in the medium term, with C trees being more efficient (94.4 mu molCO(2)/molH(2)O) than H98 trees (88.7), especially in dry spells (100.7). WUEi was found to increase when precipitation decreased, regardless of the treatment. However, WUE increased sharply from C (1.26 g biomass/L H2O) to H (3.20 WO, showing a clear difference with WUEi observed in the same years. Thinning caused an increase in 8180 in the short term, but no relationship was found between 8180 and tree water use. It can be concluded that forest management improved WUE in spite of higher tree transpiration, but WUEi remained unchanged, probably due to an underestimate of photosynthetic capacity. The dual isotope (delta C-13 and delta O-18) conceptual model was not consistent with our experimental data. Thus, the question of whether stable isotopes can be used as a tool for addressing the ecophysiological impacts of thinning remains open. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This study is part of the research projects "CGL2011-28776-C02-02, HYDROSIL", "CGL2014-58127-C3-2, SILWAMED," funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds, and "Determination of hydrologic and forest recovery factors in Mediterranean forests and their social perception," supported by the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs. The authors are grateful to the Valencia Regional Government (CMAAUV, Generalitat Valenciana) and the VAERSA staff for their support in allowing the use of the La Hunde experimental forest and for their assistance in carrying out the fieldwork. We express our gratitude to Professor R. Montes for constructive criticism and suggestions on an earlier version of the paper. The first author thanks the Mundus 17 Programme, coordinated by the University of Porto (Portugal).The authors are grateful to the Valencia Regional Government (CMAAUV, Generalitat Valenciana) and the VAERSA staff for their support in allowing the use of the La Hunde experimental forest and for their assistance in carrying out the fieldwork. We express our gratitude to Professor R. Montes for constructive criticism and suggestions on an earlier version of the paper. The first author thanks the Mundus 17 Programme, coordinated by the University of Porto (Portugal).Gualberto-Fernandes, TJ.; Campo García, ADD.; Herrera Fernandez, R.; Molina Herrera, A. (2016). Simultaneous assessment, through sap flow and stable isotopes, of water use efficiency (WUE) in thinned pines shows improvement in growth, tree-climate sensitivity and WUE, but not in WUEi. Forest Ecology and Management. 361:298-308. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2015.11.029S29830836

    La aportación musical de Manuel Antonio Herrera Moya, artista y docente ubetense

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    En esta tesis doctoral se analiza el valor artístico-musical de la producción de Manuel Antonio Herrera Moya como parte del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad de Úbeda. Estudiando y dando a conocer su figura y profundizando en sus diversas facetas musicales, biográficas y su catalogo compositivo. La Tesis viene tratada en dos grandes bloques, por un lado Pensamiento y Creación Musical en Manuel Antonio Herrera Moya donde se contextualiza y presenta al músico y por otro Estudio de la Producción Musical de Manuel Antonio Herrera Moya, que profundiza en su obra indagando en las circunstancias de sus respectivas líneas de creación para posteriormente catalogar y analizar en rasgos generales cada uno de los géneros de su obra. A su vez el trabajo se distribuye en cuatro apartados o capítulos. El primero de ellos se plantea desde el punto de vista de la situación del compositor dentro del panorama de las corrientes estilísticas del siglo XX y del contexto artístico existente en España durante la segunda mitad de dicho siglo y los inicios del siglo XXI haciendo especial hincapié en los años en los que desarrolla su actividad y formación como intérprete, director, compositor y docente. El segundo de los apartados de la investigación está compuesto principalmente por el aspecto biográfico de su figura mirando directamente a la trayectoria e influencias recibidas por Herrera Moya a lo largo de su dilatada carrera, tanto las heredadas de su formación en el Real Conservatorio de Madrid como las recibidas a lo largo de su vida a través del contacto con el ambiente musical de la ciudad de Úbeda, afrontando su faceta como director e instrumentista, así como la parte de su vida que dedica al aspecto pedagógico y también a la composición. El tercer capítulo se traslada al ámbito puramente técnico-compositivo pretendiendo mostrar los principales rasgos de su lenguaje. Dentro de este punto se valora la obra del maestro desde todas las perspectivas posibles así como su trascendencia y repercusión. Melodía, armonía, ritmo, sonoridades y forma serán los principales parámetros a analizar y a través de ellos se tratará de establecer las conclusiones derivadas de la música del compositor. En el cuarto de los apartados nos centramos en la producción musical de Herrera Moya realizando una minuciosa catalogación de su obra y las posibles relaciones internas con el resto de su producción. Todo ello con el objetivo de establecer las líneas maestras de los distintos caminos abordados por el compositor a lo largo de los años que dedica a la tarea de escribir música

    Cuestionando los relatos tradicionales: desigualdad, cambio liberal y crecimiento agrario en el Sur peninsular (1752-1901).

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    En este artículo analizamos los efectos de la Revolución Liberal en el campo andaluz y planteamos algunas hipótesis sobre la interacción entre la equidad en la distribución de la renta agraria, el aumento de la producción y sus efectos ambientales durante el siglo XIX. El análisis se realiza sobre un estudio de caso: Montefrío, situado en la provincia de Granada. En primer lugar analizamos la evolución de los usos del suelo y estimamos la producción agraria entre mediados del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XX. Mostramos después los diferentes ritmos del crecimiento demográfico en este período y su interacción con los usos del suelo. A continuación se estudian los efectos de la reforma agraria liberal teniendo en cuenta la distribución de la propiedad de la tierra, pero también del ganado y del trabajo agrícola. Finalmente se evalúan las consecuencias sociales y ambientales en base a una serie de indicadores. El resultado permite señalar que a finales del siglo XIX tuvo lugar un claro deterioro de las condiciones de vida de la población a pesar de la mejor distribución de la propiedad de la tierra.In this article we analyse the effects of the Liberal Revolution in rural areas of Southern Spain. Several hypotheses are posited on the interaction among equity in the distribution of agricultural income, production and environmental effects during the 19th century. We focus on the case of Montefrío, located in the province of Granada. First, the evolution of land use is analysed and agricultural production is estimated between the mid‐18th and early 20th century. The varying rates of population growth in this period are shown as well as their interaction with land use. Then the effects of the liberal land reform are presented, taking into account the distribution of land ownership, livestock and agricultural work. Finally we assess social and environmental consequences using a series of indicators. As a result, it is clear that there was a deterioration in living conditions in the late 19th century despite the improved distribution of land ownership

    Hydrology-oriented (adaptive) silviculture in a semiarid pine plantation: How much can be modified the water cycle through forest management?

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    [EN] Hydrology-oriented silviculture might adapt Mediterranean forests to climatic changes, although its implementation demands a better understanding and quantification on the water fluxes. The influence of thinning intensity (high, medium, low and a control) and its effect on the mid-term (thinned plots in 1998 and 2008) on the water cycle (transpiration, soil water and interception) and growth [basal area increment (BAI)] were investigated in 55-year-old Aleppo pine trees. Thinning enhanced a lower dependence of growth on climate fluctuations. The high-intensity treatment showed significant increases in the mean annual BAI (from 4.1 to 17.3 cm(2)) that was maintained in the mid-term. Thinning intensity progressively increased the sap flow velocity (v (s)) in all cases with respect to the control. In the mid-term, an increased functionality of the inner sapwood was also observed. Mean daily tree water use ranged from 5 (control) to 18 (high intensity) l tree(-1). However, when expressed on an area basis, daily transpiration ranged from 0.18 (medium) to 0.30 mm (control), meaning that in spite of the higher transpiration rates in the remaining trees, stand transpiration was reduced with thinning. Deep infiltration of water was also enhanced with thinning (about 30 % of rainfall) and did not compete with transpiration, as both presented opposite seasonal patterns. The changes in the stand water relationships after 10 years were well explained by the forest cover metric. The blue to green water ratio changed from 0.15 in the control to 0.72 in the high-intensity treatment, with the remaining treatments in the 0.34-0.48 range.This study is a component of two research projects: ‘‘CGL2011-28776-C02-02, Hydrological characterisation of forest structures at plot scale for an adaptive management, HYDROSIL’’, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds, and ‘‘Determination of hydrological and forest recovery factors in Mediterranean forests and their social perception’’, led by Dr. E. Rojas and supported by the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs. The authors are grateful to the Valencia Regional Government (CMAAUV, Generalitat Valenciana) and the VAERSA staff for their support in allowing the use of the La Hunde experimental forest and for their assistance in carrying out the fieldwork. The second author thanks the Mundus 17 Program, coordinated by the University of Porto—Portugal.Campo García, ADD.; Gualberto Fernandes, TJ.; Molina Herrera, A. (2014). Hydrology-oriented (adaptive) silviculture in a semiarid pine plantation: How much can be modified the water cycle through forest management?. European Journal of Forest Research. 133(55):879-894. https://doi.org/10.1007//s10342-014-0805-7S8798941335

    A prescription of methodological guidelines for comparing bio-inspired optimization algorithms

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    Bio-inspired optimization (including Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence) is a growing research topic with many competitive bio-inspired algorithms being proposed every year. In such an active area, preparing a successful proposal of a new bio-inspired algorithm is not an easy task. Given the maturity of this research field, proposing a new optimization technique with innovative elements is no longer enough. Apart from the novelty, results reported by the authors should be proven to achieve a significant advance over previous outcomes from the state of the art. Unfortunately, not all new proposals deal with this requirement properly. Some of them fail to select appropriate benchmarks or reference algorithms to compare with. In other cases, the validation process carried out is not defined in a principled way (or is even not done at all). Consequently, the significance of the results presented in such studies cannot be guaranteed. In this work we review several recommendations in the literature and propose methodological guidelines to prepare a successful proposal, taking all these issues into account. We expect these guidelines to be useful not only for authors, but also for reviewers and editors along their assessment of new contributions to the field.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science (TIN2016-8113-R, TIN2017-89517-P and TIN2017-83132-C2- 2-R) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (PINV-18-XEOGHQ-19- 4QTEBP). Eneko Osaba and Javier Del Ser-would also like to thank the Basque Government for its funding support through the ELKARTEK and EMAITEK programs. Javier Del Ser-receives funding support from the Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE (IT1294-19) granted by the Department of Education of the Basque Government

    Evaluación de la recarga producida mediante manejo de una masa de Pinus halepensis con técnicas de silvicultura hidrológica

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    [ES] El balance hídrico, y especialmente la recarga por percolación profunda de un suelo, puede ser modificado a nivel de parcela mediante el manejo de la masa. Extendido a nivel de cuenca debemos esperar que dicha modificación afecte al conjunto del ciclo hidrológico. Sin embargo, el primer paso es la cuantificación del efecto que produce sobre el balance de agua el manejo silvícola de la masa con fines hidrológicos a nivel de parcela. Para ello se diseñó un experimento en una parcela de Pinus halepensis en la que se realizaron aclareos de distinta intensidad. El ciclo del agua se monitorizó midiendo la temperatura, humedad relativa, pluviometría dentro y fuera de la masa, el contenido de agua del suelo y la transpiración. Para cuantificar el volumen de agua que atraviesa la zona de raíces se calibró y validó el modelo HYDRUS-1D, el cual resuelve las ecuaciones de flujo en medios porosos saturados y no saturados. Los resultados demuestran que la recarga conseguida mediante el manejo de la masa puede ser modificada, consiguiendo valores de recarga netamente superiores en las parcelas tratadas. Sin embargo reducciones por debajo del 50% la fracción de cabida cubierta (FCC) no producen mejora en la recarga. Se comprueba que el régimen de precipitaciones tiene un efecto importante en el valor de la recarga. Dado que se trata de parcelas llanas en las que no se evidenció escorrentía, el estudio debe ser ampliado a laderas en donde este componente del ciclo presente una mayor importancia.García Prats, A.; Campo García, ADD.; Molina Herrera, A. (2015). Evaluación de la recarga producida mediante manejo de una masa de Pinus halepensis con técnicas de silvicultura hidrológica. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. (41):195-210. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65572S1952104