1,352 research outputs found

    High resolution remote sensing missions of a tethered satellite

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    The application of the Tethered Satellite (TS) as an operational remote sensing platform is studied. It represents a new platform capable of covering the altitudes between airplanes and free flying satellites, offering an adequate lifetime, high geometric and radiometric resolution and improved cartographic accuracy. Two operational remote sensing missions are proposed: one using two linear array systems for along track stereoscopic observation and one using a synthetic aperture radar combined with an interferometric technique. These missions are able to improve significantly the accuracy of future real time cartographic systems from space, also allowing, in the case of active microwave systems, the Earth's observation both in adverse weather and at any time, day or night. Furthermore, a simulation program is described in which, in order to examine carefully the potentiality of the TS as a new remote sensing platform, the orbital and attitude dynamics description of the TSS is integrated with the sensor viewing geometry, the Earth's ellipsoid, the atmospheric effects, the Sun illumination and the digital elevation model. A preliminary experiment has been proposed which consist of a metric camera to be deployed downwards during the second Shuttle demonstration flight

    Data Fusion Techniques for Processing Aerospace Remote Sensing Electro-Optical Data

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    This paper deals with data fusion between different resolution multispectral (MS) and panchromatic (Pan) images in order to obtain high spatial resolution MS images. A survey is provided about the state-of-the-art data fusion techniques and synthesized product's quality assessment criteria. Several fusion algorithms and quality indexes were implemented in a Toolbox with a graphical user interface developed in MATLAB environment, namely Fusion Tool Box (FTB), developed to obtain experimental results. The analysis performed through FTB on two different data sets was oriented to validate the theoretical analysis and to perform a quantitative comparison among fusion algorithms for several applications. Results allow a first level evaluation of advantages and drawbacks of the various techniques for specific applications


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    This paper presents a radar approach to navigation of small and micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in environments challenging for common sensors. A technique based on radar odometry is briefly explained and schemes for complete integration with other sensors are proposed. The focus of the paper is set on ultralight radars and interpretation of outputs of such sensor when dealing with autonomous navigation in complex scenario. The experimental setup used to analyse the proposed approach comprises one multi-rotor UAV and one ultralight commercial radar. Results from flight tests in which both forward-only motion and mixed motion are presented and analysed, providing a reference for understanding outputs of radar in complex scenarios. The radar odometry solution is compared with ground truth provided by GPS sensor


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    This paper presents a radar approach to navigation of small and micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in environments challenging for common sensors. A technique based on radar odometry is briefly explained and schemes for complete integration with other sensors are proposed. The focus of the paper is set on ultralight radars and interpretation of outputs of such sensor when dealing with autonomous navigation in complex scenario. The experimental setup used to analyse the proposed approach comprises one multi-rotor UAV and one ultralight commercial radar. Results from flight tests in which both forward-only motion and mixed motion are presented and analysed, providing a reference for understanding outputs of radar in complex scenarios. The radar odometry solution is compared with ground truth provided by GPS sensor

    Small-scale distribution of metazoan meiofauna and sedimentary organic matter in subtidal sandy sediments (Mediterranean Sea)

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    While variations in sedimentary organic matter (OM) quantity, biochemical composition and nutritional quality as well as in meiofaunal abundance and assemblage composition at the macro- and mesoscale are relatively well known, information about variations at the microscale is much scarcer. To shed some light on this issue, we tested the null hypothesis by which abundance and composition of the meiofaunal assemblages, and the quantity, biochemical composition and nutritional quality of sedimentary organic matter in coastal shallow environments do not vary within a frame of 1 m2. No significant variation within the frame emerged for OM quantity, nutritional quality, biochemical composition and the abundance of meiofaunal assemblages. On the other hand, the composition of meiofaunal assemblages varied significantly within the frame and exhibited a clear segregation of assemblages farther to the shore, as a likely result of local micro-hydrodynamic conditions. Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that lipid and protein sedimentary contents had a random distribution, whereas carbohydrate and biopolymeric C contents and meiofaunal total abundance were characterized by a patchy distribution, with discrete peaks within the sub-frame squares (ca. 0.1 m2). Phytopigments showed a spatial positive autocorrelation distribution, following the micro-hydrodynamic pattern, with patches larger than the sub-frame square, but smaller than the entire one (1 m2). Overall, our results suggest that, within 1 m2 of subtidal sandy sediments, three replicates could be sufficient to assess correctly OM attributes and the abundance of meiofauna, but could be possibly inadequate for assessing meiofaunal assemblages’ composition at a finer scale (<1 m2)

    Yield and Quality of Sequentially Grown Cherry Tomato and Lettuce under Long-Term Conventional, Low-Input and Organic Soil Management Systems

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    Besides to conventional fertiliser use, organic and low-input technologies are being increasingly used for soil management in vegetable production. However, different factors operating during crop growth (i.e. the pre-harvest factors) and related to soil properties may affect yield and quality of vegetable crops. The present research aimed to study how different soil management regimes influence soil physical and chemical properties and how these affect yield and some quality traits of two major vegetable crops. We focused on lettuce, a major crop in the area under both conventional and organic production, and on cherry tomato, which is increasingly grown in organic vegetable systems. The soil management systems were: conventional (CM), following recommended fertilisation rates; low input (LI), using minimum fertilisation rates as needed; and organic, including manure application (MA) and incorporation of oat as green manure (GM) and of maize residues (MR). Preliminary results indicate that after 7 years of rotating vegetable crops soil properties tended to improve with some systems: e.g. lower bulk density and higher porosity with MA; higher cation exchange capacity (CEC) with MA and CM. After these 7-year pre-treatments, significant differences in crop growth and yields were observed for cherry tomato and lettuce grown under different production systems, but not for the overall quality indicators. The highest yields of cherry tomato were achieved with CM and MA, due to increased number of fruits per plant, with no differences in fruit weight. Lettuce yields were generally higher with CM compared to LI, although the effect was different for different types of lettuce: the leafy type produced higher yields per area whereas the Latin type produced heavier individual plants. Under organic soil management systems, the relative survival and the visual quality of the Latin type was reduced by Botrytis cinerea infections. The results of the study indicated that plots that underwent long-term applications of 15 t hamanure every two years produced similar yields than conventional systems and had comparable soil fertility attributes. However, the visual quality of the end product may be affected under organic systems. As observed for lettuce, cultivar choice may also play a role, since some lettuce types appeared to be more suitable for such systems than other

    Outcomes of feeding activity of the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa on quantity, biochemical composition, and nutritional quality of sedimentary organic matter

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    Introduction: Holothuria tubulosa is one of the most common sea cucumbers in the Mediterranean Sea, generally associated with organically enriched coastal sediments and seagrass beds. As a deposit-feeder, it is responsible for strong bioturbation processes and plays a putative key role in sedimentary carbon cycling and benthic trophodynamics. With the aim of exploring the potential use of holothuroids as a tool for remediating eutrophicated sediments, we investigated the effects of H. tubulosa on sedimentary organic matter quantity, biochemical composition, and nutritional quality. Methods: Holothuroids and associated samples of ambient sediments were collected in two sites located in the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea (Sardinia, Italy) and characterized by different trophic status backgrounds: the site of Oristano characterized by sandy-muddy sediments and the presence of mariculture plants (ranked as meso-eutrophic) and the site of Teulada characterized by sandy sediments and Posidonia oceanica meadows (ranked as oligo-mesotrophic). We compared the biochemical composition (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) of ambient sediment vs sea cucumbers feces and the sedimentary protein content vs protein content in the sediments retrieved in different gut sections (esophagus, mid gut, end gut) of the holothuroid. Results: Our results reveal that holothuroids feeding on meso-eutrophic sediments can increase protein (1.5 times) and lipid (1.3 times) content through their defecation, thus making these substrates a more labile food source for other benthic organisms. We report here that H. tubulosa feeding on meso-eutrophic sediment is most likely able to actively select particles rich in labile organic matter with buccal tentacles, as revealed by the protein content in the esophagus that is up to 2-folds higher than that in the source sediment. According to the inverse relationship between assimilation rates and availability of organic substrates and the optimal foraging theory, H. tubulosa feeding on oligo-mesotrophic sediments showed potential assimilation of proteins ca. 25% higher than that of specimens feeding on meso-eutrophic sediments. Discussion: Our results reveal that H. tubulosa feeding on meso-eutrophic sediments can profoundly influence the benthic trophic status, specifically modifying the biochemical composition and nutritional quality of organic matter, thus paving the way to its possible use in bioremediation actions of eutrophicated sediments and in Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture systems

    Dynamic Tests on a Steel Frame Equipped with Hysteretic and Visco-Re-Centring Energy Dissipating Bracing Systems

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    Abstract An extensive program of dynamic experimental tests, named JetPacs (Joint Experimental Testing on Passive and semiActive Control Systems), has been carried out at the Structural Laboratory of the University of Basilicata considering a 1:1.5 scaled three-dimensional steel frame, derived from a 2-storey, 1-bay prototype building. The JetPacs Project was developed within the RELUIS 2005-08 project, founded by Italian Dept. of Civil Protection. This work refers to the experimental tests on the model equipped with two different EDB systems based on Hysteretic Dampers (HD) and visco-re-centering devices (SMA+VD). The devices were designed with the purpose of limiting the inter-storey drifts so that the frame yielding is surely prevented. The visco-re-centering device was obtained by coupling Viscous Dampers (VD), with re-centering device based on shape memory alloy (SMA) wires, while the Hysteretic Damper was constituted by low-carbon U-shaped steel plates. The main objective of this paper is to compare the seismic response of the structure with SMA+VD and HD EDB's in order to calibrate a new performance based design procedure for the evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of SMA+VD devices. In this paper, the experimental results of the shaking table tests, in terms of comparison of both design solutions which lead to a comparable level of protection for the framed structure, are shown. The results obtained by numerical nonlinear time history analysis (NTHA) of both design solutions are also showed and compared with experimental ones
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