1,673 research outputs found

    The Formation of Galactic Disks

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    We study the population of galactic disks expected in current hierarchical clustering models for structure formation. A rotationally supported disk with exponential surface density profile is assumed to form with a mass and angular momentum which are fixed fractions of those of its surrounding dark halo. We assume that haloes respond adiabatically to disk formation, and that only stable disks can correspond to real systems. With these assumptions the predicted population can match both present-day disks and the damped Lyman alpha absorbers in QSO spectra. Good agreement is found provided: (i) the masses of disks are a few percent of those of their haloes; (ii) the specific angular momenta of disks are similar to those of their haloes; (iii) present-day disks were assembled recently (at z<1). In particular, the observed scatter in the size-rotation velocity plane is reproduced, as is the slope and scatter of the Tully-Fisher relation. The zero-point of the TF relation is matched for a stellar mass-to-light ratio of 1 to 2 h in the I-band, consistent with observational values derived from disk dynamics. High redshift disks are predicted to be small and dense, and could plausibly merge together to form the observed population of elliptical galaxies. In many (but not all) currently popular cosmogonies, disks with rotation velocities exceeding 200 km/s can account for a third or more of the observed damped Lyman alpha systems at z=2.5. Half of the lines-of-sight to such systems are predicted to intersect the absorber at r>3kpc/h and about 10% at r>10kpc/h. The cross-section for absorption is strongly weighted towards disks with large angular momentum and so large size for their mass. The galaxy population associated with damped absorbers should thus be biased towards low surface brightness systems.Comment: 47 pages, Latex, aaspp4.sty, 14 figs included, submitted to MNRA

    Safety and efficacy of vismodegib in patients aged ≥65 years with advanced basal cell carcinoma.

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    Because many patients with unresectable basal cell carcinoma (BCC) are aged ≥65 years, this study explores the efficacy and safety of vismodegib in these patients with locally advanced (la) or metastatic (m) basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in the ERIVANCE BCC trial and the expanded access study (EAS).We compared patients aged ≥65 years to patients aged &lt;65 years taking vismodegib 150 mg/day, using descriptive statistics for response and safety. Patients aged ≥65 years (laBCC/mBCC) were enrolled in ERIVANCE BCC (33/14) and EAS (27/26). Investigator-assessed best overall response rate in patients ≥65 and &lt;65 years was 46.7%/35.7% and 72.7%/52.6% (laBCC/mBCC), respectively, in ERIVANCE BCC and 45.8%/33.3% and 46.9%/28.6%, respectively, in EAS. These differences were not clinically meaningful. Safety was similar in both groups, although those aged ≥65 years had a higher percentage of grade 3-5 adverse events than those aged &lt;65 years. Vismodegib demonstrated similar clinical activity and adverse events regardless of age

    The size distribution of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    abridged: We use a complete sample of about 140,000 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to study the size distribution of galaxies and its dependence on their luminosity, stellar mass, and morphological type. The large SDSS database provides statistics of unprecedented accuracy. For each type of galaxy, the size distribution at given luminosity (or stellar mass) is well described by a log-normal function, characterized by its median Rˉ\bar{R} and dispersion σlnR\sigma_{\ln R}. For late-type galaxies, there is a characteristic luminosity at Mr,020.5M_{r,0}\sim -20.5 (assuming h=0.7h=0.7) corresponding to a stellar mass M_0\sim 10^{10.6}\Msun. Galaxies more massive than M0M_0 have RˉM0.4\bar{R}\propto M^{0.4} and σlnR0.3\sigma_{\ln R}\sim 0.3, while less massive galaxies have RˉM0.15\bar{R}\propto M^{0.15} and σlnR0.5\sigma_{\ln R}\sim 0.5. For early-type galaxies, the Rˉ\bar{R} - MM relation is significantly steeper, RˉM0.55\bar{R}\propto M^{0.55}, but the σlnR\sigma_{\ln R} - MM relation is similar to that of late-type galaxies. Faint red galaxies have sizes quite independent of their luminosities.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables; replaced with the version accepted by MNRA

    Interactive Markov Models of Evolutionary Algorithms

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    This paper introduces a Markov model for evolutionary algorithms (EAs) that is based on interactions among individuals in the population. This interactive Markov model has the potential to provide tractable models for optimization problems of realistic size. We propose two simple discrete optimization search strategies with population-proportion-based selection and a modified mutation operator. The probability of selection is linearly proportional to the number of individuals at each point of the search space. The mutation operator randomly modifies an entire individual rather than a single decision variable. We exactly model these optimization search strategies with interactive Markov models. We present simulation results to confirm the interactive Markov model theory. We show that genetic algorithms and biogeography-based optimization perform better with the addition of population-proportion-based selection on a set of real-world benchmarks. We note that many other EAs, both new and old, might be able to be improved with this addition, or modeled with this method

    Interactive Markov Models of Evolutionary Algorithms

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    This paper introduces a Markov model for evolutionary algorithms (EAs) that is based on interactions among individuals in the population. This interactive Markov model has the potential to provide tractable models for optimization problems of realistic size. We propose two simple discrete optimization search strategies with population-proportion-based selection and a modified mutation operator. The probability of selection is linearly proportional to the number of individuals at each point of the search space. The mutation operator randomly modifies an entire individual rather than a single decision variable. We exactly model these optimization search strategies with interactive Markov models. We present simulation results to confirm the interactive Markov model theory. We show that genetic algorithms and biogeography-based optimization perform better with the addition of population-proportion-based selection on a set of real-world benchmarks. We note that many other EAs, both new and old, might be able to be improved with this addition, or modeled with this method

    Assembly bias and the dynamical structure of dark matter halos

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    Based on the Millennium Simulation we examine assembly bias for the halo properties: shape, triaxiality, concentration, spin, shape of the velocity ellipsoid and velocity anisotropy. For consistency we determine all these properties using the same set of particles, namely all gravitationally self-bound particles belonging to the most massive sub-structure of a given friends-of-friends halo. We confirm that near-spherical and high-spin halos show enhanced clustering. The opposite is true for strongly aspherical and low-spin halos. Further, below the typical collapse mass, M*, more concentrated halos show stronger clustering whereas less concentrated halos are less clustered which is reversed for masses above M*. Going beyond earlier work we show that: (1) oblate halos are more strongly clustered than prolate ones; (2) the dependence of clustering on the shape of the velocity ellipsoid coincides with that of the real-space shape, although the signal is stronger; (3) halos with weak velocity anisotropy are more clustered, whereas radially anisotropic halos are more weakly clustered; (4) for all highly clustered subsets we find systematically less radially biased velocity anisotropy profiles. These findings indicate that the velocity structure of halos is tightly correlated with environment.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Overcoming Calibration Problems in Pattern Labeling with Pairwise Ratings: Application to Personality Traits

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    We address the problem of calibration of workers whose task is to label patterns with continuous variables, which arises for instance in labeling images of videos of humans with continuous traits. Worker bias is particularly difficult to evaluate and correct when many workers contribute just a few labels, a situation arising typically when labeling is crowd-sourced. In the scenario of labeling short videos of people facing a camera with personality traits, we evaluate the feasibility of the pairwise ranking method to alleviate bias problems. Workers are exposed to pairs of videos at a time and must order by preference. The variable levels are reconstructed by fitting a Bradley-Terry-Luce model with maximum likelihood. This method may at first sight, seem prohibitively expensive because for N videos, p=N(N−1)/2 pairs must be potentially processed by workers rather that N videos. However, by performing extensive simulations, we determine an empirical law for the scaling of the number of pairs needed as a function of the number of videos in order to achieve a given accuracy of score reconstruction and show that the pairwise method is affordable. We apply the method to the labeling of a large scale dataset of 10,000 videos used in the ChaLearn Apparent Personality Trait challenge

    Galaxy-galaxy(-galaxy) lensing as a sensitive probe of galaxy evolution

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    The gravitational lensing effect provides various ways to study the mass environment of galaxies. We investigate how galaxy-galaxy(-galaxy) lensing can be used to test models of galaxy formation and evolution. We consider two semi-analytic galaxy formation models based on the Millennium Run N-body simulation: the Durham model by Bower et al. (2006) and the Garching model by Guo et al. (2011). We generate mock lensing observations for the two models, and then employ Fast Fourier Transform methods to compute second- and third-order aperture statistics in the simulated fields for various galaxy samples. We find that both models predict qualitatively similar aperture signals, but there are large quantitative differences. The Durham model predicts larger amplitudes in general. In both models, red galaxies exhibit stronger aperture signals than blue galaxies. Using these aperture measurements and assuming a linear deterministic bias model, we measure relative bias ratios of red and blue galaxy samples. We find that a linear deterministic bias is insufficient to describe the relative clustering of model galaxies below ten arcmin angular scales. Dividing galaxies into luminosity bins, the aperture signals decrease with decreasing luminosity for brighter galaxies, but increase again for fainter galaxies. This increase is likely an artifact due to too many faint satellite galaxies in massive group and cluster halos predicted by the models. Our study shows that galaxy-galaxy(-galaxy) lensing is a sensitive probe of galaxy evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted in A&