1,264 research outputs found

    Pathological video game playing in Spanish and British adolescents: towards the exploration of Internet Gaming Disorder symptomatology

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    Research into problematic video gaming has increased greatly over the last decade and many screening instruments have been developed to identify such behaviour. This study re-examined the Problematic Videogame Playing [PVP] Scale. The objectives of the study were to (i) examine its psychometric properties in two European countries, (ii) estimate the prevalence of potential pathological gaming among adolescents in both countries, and (iii) assess the classification accuracy of the PVP Scale based on its symptomatology as a way of exploring its relationship with both the behavioural component model of addiction and the proposed Internet Gaming Disorder. The data were collected via a survey administered to 2,356 adolescents aged between 11 and 18 years from Spain (n=1,132) and Great Britain (n=1,224). Results indicated that the reliability of both versions was adequate, and the factorial and construct validity were good. Findings also showed that the prevalence of pathological gamers estimated with a rigorous cut-off point was 7.7% for Spanish and 14.6% for British adolescents. The scale showed adequate sensitivity, specificity and classification accuracy in both countries, and was able to differentiate between social and potential pathological gamers, and from their addictive symptomatology. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Adaptación española del "Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale" para población adolescente

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    El uso problemático del teléfono móvil es un fenómeno emergente en nuestra sociedad, que parece afectar especialmente a la población adolescente. El conocimiento acerca del uso problemático de esta tecnología resulta necesario, dado que puede desarrollarse un patrón comportamental con características adictivas. Apenas existen escalas que midan el posible uso problemático del móvil y ninguna adaptada exclusivamente a población adolescente española. La escala más utilizada internacionalmente es la Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale (MPPUS). El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar el MPPUS a la población adolescente española. Se administró la versión española del cuestionario a una muestra de 1132 de 12 a 18 años. La fiabilidad y la validez factorial eran comparables a las obtenidas en población adulta, por lo que la medida del uso problemático del móvil en los adolescentes españoles es unidimensional. Se detectó una prevalencia del 14.8% de usuarios problemáticos

    Factor V Leiden and Prothrombin G20210A in Portuguese Women with Recurrent Miscarriage: Is it Worthwhile to Investigate?

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of factor V Leiden (FVL) and prothrombin (PT) G20210A mutations in Portuguese women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage (RM) and a control group of parous women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: FVL and PT G20210A analysis were carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and 100 controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal losses). RESULTS: Overall, the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in women with RM (5 and 3%) compared with controls (5 and 1%) OR 1.36 (CI 95% 0.45-4.08). In RM embryonic subgroup, PT G20210A was observed in 1.3% of women and FVL prevalence (2.6%) was inclusively lesser than that of controls. Both polymorphisms were more prevalent in women with fetal losses than in controls, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of the >10 weeks' subgroup. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that neither FVL nor PT G20210A is associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with embryonic RM and negative personal thromboembolic history

    Immune-Checkpoint Inhibitors in B-Cell Lymphoma

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    For years, immunotherapy has been considered a viable and attractive treatment option for patients with cancer. Among the immunotherapy arsenal, the targeting of intratumoral immune cells by immune-checkpoint inhibitory agents has recently revolutionised the treatment of several subtypes of tumours. These approaches, aimed at restoring an effective antitumour immunity, rapidly reached the market thanks to the simultaneous identification of inhibitory signals that dampen an effective antitumor response in a large variety of neoplastic cells and the clinical development of monoclonal antibodies targeting checkpoint receptors. Leading therapies in solid tumours are mainly focused on the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed death 1 (PD-1) pathways. These approaches have found a promising testing ground in both Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, mainly because, in these diseases, the malignant cells interact with the immune system and commonly provide signals that regulate immune function. Although several trials have already demonstrated evidence of therapeutic activity with some checkpoint inhibitors in lymphoma, many of the immunologic lessons learned from solid tumours may not directly translate to lymphoid malignancies. In this sense, the mechanisms of effective antitumor responses are different between the different lymphoma subtypes, while the reasons for this substantial difference remain partially unknown. This review will discuss the current advances of immune-checkpoint blockade therapies in B-cell lymphoma and build a projection of how the field may evolve in the near future. In particular, we will analyse the current strategies being evaluated both preclinically and clinically, with the aim of fostering the use of immune-checkpoint inhibitors in lymphoma, including combination approaches with chemotherapeutics, biological agents and/or different immunologic therapies

    Seguimiento de dependientes del alcohol y/o de la cocaína después de su salida de una Comunidad Terapéutica: estudio piloto

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    En España, las Comunidades Terapéuticas (CT) constituyen un modelo de tratamiento común en las adicciones, aunque apenas existe investigación acerca de su eficacia y la persistencia de sus logros. Objetivos: Evaluar los efectos a corto, medio y largo plazo del tratamiento de la adicción al alcohol o cocaína en las CT de la “Fundación Salud y Comunidad”. Diseño: Estudio piloto descriptivo, con un diseño secuencial de cohorte. Se aplicó una encuesta diseñada ad hoc a 91 usuarios para conocer su evolución en los diferentes periodos de seguimiento (1, 3, 5 ó 10 años después de su salida de la CT): variables sociodemográficas, de uso de la/s sustancia/s psicoactiva/s y relacionadas con la estancia en la CT. Se describe el cambio entre antes de la CT y en la actualidad respecto a variables académicas, laborales, de consumo de droga/s, salud, adaptación socio-familiar y comportamiento delictivo. Resultados: las cohortes mostraron un patrón previo relativamente común, recibiendo un tratamiento similar. Los usuarios afirman haber disminuido el hábito de consumo frecuente de la droga principal, encontrando un 48.9% que no ha recaído ni siquiera mediante un consumo ocasional de la/s droga/s. También perciben haber mejorado su salud y sus relaciones familiares, así como el comportamiento agresivo y problemas legales derivados del consumo de droga/s. Conclusiones: tras su rehabilitación en una CT, los usuarios manifiestan una disminución global del consumo de drogas y perciben una mejora a nivel de salud, familia, violencia y problemáticas derivadas del consumo

    Dolor abdominal en postoperatorio de colocación de catéter de diálisis peritonea

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    Un nuevo caso clínico a discutir en el blog de AnestesiaR. No es necesariamente complicado, pero sí real. Discutamos por el placer de hacerlo. Varón, de 27 años, que ingresa en URPA desde área de CMA por dolor abdominal tras colocación de catéter de diálisis peritoneal

    Gitana: a SQL-based Git Repository Inspector

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    International audienceSoftware development projects are notoriously complex and difficult to deal with. Several support tools such as issue tracking, code review and Source Control Management (SCM) systems have been introduced in the past decades to ease development activities. While such tools efficiently track the evolution of a given aspect of the project (e.g., bug reports), they provide just a partial view of the project and often lack of advanced querying mechanisms limiting themselves to command line or simple GUI support. This is particularly true for projects that rely on Git, the most popular SCM system today. In this paper, we propose a conceptual schema for Git and an approach that, given a Git repository, exports its data to a relational database in order to (1) promote data integration with other existing SCM tools and (2) enable writing queries on Git data using standard SQL syntax. To ensure efficiency, our approach comes with an incremental propagation mechanism that refreshes the database content with the latest modifications. We have implemented our approach in Gitana, an open-source tool available on GitHub