6,788 research outputs found

    Contribution of an alveolar cell of origin to the high-grade malignant phenotype of pregnancy-associated breast cancer.

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    Pregnancy-associated breast cancers (PABCs) are tumors diagnosed during pregnancy or up to 5 years following parturition, and are usually high-grade, connective tissue-rich, and estrogen receptor (ER)/progesterone receptor-negative. Little is known about the cellular origin of PABCs or the mechanisms by which PABCs are initiated. Using the RCAS retrovirus to deliver the ErbB2 oncogene into the mammary epithelium of our previously reported MMTV-tva transgenic mice, we detected high-grade, poorly differentiated, stroma-rich and ER-negative tumors during pregnancy and lactation. These high-grade and stroma-rich tumors were less frequent in involuted mice or in age-matched nulliparous mice. More importantly, by generating a WAP-tva transgenic line for expression of ErbB2 selectively in WAP(+) mammary alveolar cells, we found that tumors had similar morphological phenotypes (high grade, poorly differentiated, stroma-rich and ER-negative), irrespective of the time since pregnancy and even in the absence of pregnancy. These data suggest that PABCs arise preferentially from an alveolar cell population that expands during pregnancy and lactation. This somatic mouse model may also be useful for preclinical testing of new prophylactic and therapeutic strategies against PABC

    An In vitro comparadve evaluadon of a hand file and three rotary Nill Instruments for removing gutta percha during root canal re-treatment

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of NITI mechanical rotary  instrumentation and Hedstrom file for gutta percha removal using dearing techniqueMethod: Forty extracted human single rooted premolar, each with a single canal were selected. The samples were decoronated to leave 17 mm root and Instrumented with K-flles upto MAF 30 using step back technique. Samples were obturated using cold lateral condensation of gutta-perdta and AH Plus sealer. The teeth were then randomly divided Into four groups of 10 specimens each. After 2 weeks all the canals were then retreated by either ProTaper re-treatment files, M--two re-treatment files, R-Endo re-treatment flies or Hedstrom flies. The amount of remaining filling materials after re-treatment procedures was assessed by  stereomlcroscope. Also time required for reaching original working length and for removal of obturating material (in min) was measured. Statistical analysis was accomplished using one way Kruskal-Wallls ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U testResult: M-two re-treatment flies showed least amount of gutta  perdta/sealer followed by Pro Taper re-treatment files, R-Endo  re-treatment flies and Hedstrom files.Conclusion: Under the experimental conditions, significant difference was observed between Pro Taper re-treatment flies&... Hedstrom flies and Mtwo re-treatment flies&... Hedstrom flies for gutta percha/sealer removal. Complete removal of materials did not occur with any of the instrument systems investigated.Keywords: Clearing technique, re-tteatment, rotary Instrument

    High-resolution spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis and Other Hydrogen Deficient Stars

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    High-resolution spectroscopy is a very important tool for studying stellar physics, perhaps, particularly so for such enigmatic objects like the R Coronae Borealis and related Hydrogen deficient stars that produce carbon dust in addition to their peculiar abundances. Examples of how high-resolution spectroscopy is used in the study of these stars to address the two major puzzles are presented: (i) How are such rare H-deficient stars created? and (ii) How and where are the obscuring soot clouds produced around the R Coronae Borealis stars?Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 201

    Influence of Anaesthesia on Mobilisation Following Hip Fracture Surgery : An Observational Study: 麻醉技術對髖部骨折病人術後活動能力的影響:一項觀察性研究

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    Background Anaesthetic technique can influence mortality and morbidity following hip fracture surgery. However, its influence on postoperative mobilisation is not clear. In this study, we evaluated the influence of anaesthetic technique on postoperative mobilisation. Methods In this prospective observational study, we included all consecutive patients who underwent surgery for hip fracture between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2013 at our institution. Any patients who died prior to mobilisation or who could not be followed up after surgery were excluded. Data was collected on demographics, clinical characteristics, anaesthesia technique and surgical factors, and date and time of admission, operation, first mobilisation and discharge. Results Of the 1040 patients included in the analysis, 264 received general anaesthesia only (Group GA), 322 received general anaesthesia with regional anaesthesia (Group GARA), and 454 received central neuraxial blockade anaesthesia with or without sedation (Group CNB). There was no significant difference in age (p = 0.56), sex (p = 0.23), number of comorbidities (p = 0.06), residential status (p = 0.18), time to surgery (p = 0.10) and length of hospital stay (p = 0.30) between the three groups. There was a statistically significant difference in ASA grade (p = 0.01), implant type used (p = 0.04), grade of operating surgeon (p = 0.02) and grade of anaesthetist during surgery (p = 0.004) among the three groups. Patients in Group GARA had a median time-to-first mobilisation of 23.8 hours after surgery, compared to 24.1 hours in Group GA and 24.3 hours in Group CNB. This difference was not statistically significant after controlling for confounding factors (p = 0.45). Conclusion Our results show that anaesthetic technique does not influence time-to-first mobilisation after hip fracture surgery

    Renal impairment in a rural African antiretroviral programme

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    Background: There is little knowledge regarding the prevalence and nature of renal impairment in African populations initiating antiretroviral treatment, nor evidence to inform the most cost effective methods of screening for renal impairment. With the increasing availability of the potentially nephrotixic drug, tenofovir, such information is important for the planning of antiretroviral programmes Methods: (i) Retrospective review of the prevalence and risk factors for impaired renal function in 2189 individuals initiating antiretroviral treatment in a rural African setting between 2004 and 2007 (ii) A prospective study of 149 consecutive patients initiating antiretrovirals to assess the utility of urine analysis for the detection of impaired renal function. Severe renal and moderately impaired renal function were defined as an estimated GFR of ≤ 30 mls/min/1.73 m2 and 30–60 mls/min/1.73 m2 respectively. Logistic regression was used to determine odds ratio (OR) of significantly impaired renal function (combining severe and moderate impairment). Co-variates for analysis were age, sex and CD4 count at initiation. Results: (i) There was a low prevalence of severe renal impairment (29/2189, 1.3% 95% C.I. 0.8–1.8) whereas moderate renal impairment was more frequent (287/2189, 13.1% 95% C.I. 11.6–14.5) with many patients having advanced immunosuppression at treatment initiation (median CD4 120 cells/μl). In multivariable logistic regression age over 40 (aOR 4.65, 95% C.I. 3.54–6.1), male gender (aOR 1.89, 95% C.I. 1.39–2.56) and CD4<100 cells/ul (aOR 1.4, 95% C.I. 1.07–1.82) were associated with risk of significant renal impairment (ii) In 149 consecutive patients, urine analysis had poor sensitivity and specificity for detecting impaired renal function. Conclusion: In this rural African setting, significant renal impairment is uncommon in patients initiating antiretrovirals. Urine analysis alone may be inadequate for identification of those with impaired renal function where resources for biochemistry are limited

    Chemotaxis When Bacteria Remember: Drift versus Diffusion

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    {\sl Escherichia coli} ({\sl E. coli}) bacteria govern their trajectories by switching between running and tumbling modes as a function of the nutrient concentration they experienced in the past. At short time one observes a drift of the bacterial population, while at long time one observes accumulation in high-nutrient regions. Recent work has viewed chemotaxis as a compromise between drift toward favorable regions and accumulation in favorable regions. A number of earlier studies assume that a bacterium resets its memory at tumbles -- a fact not borne out by experiment -- and make use of approximate coarse-grained descriptions. Here, we revisit the problem of chemotaxis without resorting to any memory resets. We find that when bacteria respond to the environment in a non-adaptive manner, chemotaxis is generally dominated by diffusion, whereas when bacteria respond in an adaptive manner, chemotaxis is dominated by a bias in the motion. In the adaptive case, favorable drift occurs together with favorable accumulation. We derive our results from detailed simulations and a variety of analytical arguments. In particular, we introduce a new coarse-grained description of chemotaxis as biased diffusion, and we discuss the way it departs from older coarse-grained descriptions.Comment: Revised version, journal reference adde

    NK cells sense tumors, course of disease and treatments: Consequences for NK-based therapies

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    The recent findings on NK activation indicate that these cells are important antitumor effectors. NK cells participate in the graft-vs.-leukemia effect to control the relapse in leukemic patients transplanted with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells. In various tumors, correlation between NK cell infiltrates and prognosis were reported. However, tumor-infiltrating NK cells are yet poorly characterized. We here summarize our results and the recent studies of the literature on tumor-infiltrating NK cells, and discuss the impact of these novel insights into NK cell responses against tumors for the design of NK cell-based therapies

    Small-Group Learning in an Upper-Level University Biology Class Enhances Academic Performance and Student Attitudes Toward Group Work

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    To improve science learning, science educators' teaching tools need to address two major criteria: teaching practice should mirror our current understanding of the learning process; and science teaching should reflect scientific practice. We designed a small-group learning (SGL) model for a fourth year university neurobiology course using these criteria and studied student achievement and attitude in five course sections encompassing the transition from individual work-based to SGL course design. All students completed daily quizzes/assignments involving analysis of scientific data and the development of scientific models. Students in individual work-based (Individualistic) sections usually worked independently on these assignments, whereas SGL students completed assignments in permanent groups of six. SGL students had significantly higher final exam grades than Individualistic students. The transition to the SGL model was marked by a notable increase in 10th percentile exam grade (Individualistic: 47.5%; Initial SGL: 60%; Refined SGL: 65%), suggesting SGL enhanced achievement among the least prepared students. We also studied student achievement on paired quizzes: quizzes were first completed individually and submitted, and then completed as a group and submitted. The group quiz grade was higher than the individual quiz grade of the highest achiever in each group over the term. All students – even term high achievers –could benefit from the SGL environment. Additionally, entrance and exit surveys demonstrated student attitudes toward SGL were more positive at the end of the Refined SGL course. We assert that SGL is uniquely-positioned to promote effective learning in the science classroom

    Bridging Time Scales in Cellular Decision Making with a Stochastic Bistable Switch

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    Cellular transformations which involve a significant phenotypical change of the cell's state use bistable biochemical switches as underlying decision systems. In this work, we aim at linking cellular decisions taking place on a time scale of years to decades with the biochemical dynamics in signal transduction and gene regulation, occuring on a time scale of minutes to hours. We show that a stochastic bistable switch forms a viable biochemical mechanism to implement decision processes on long time scales. As a case study, the mechanism is applied to model the initiation of follicle growth in mammalian ovaries, where the physiological time scale of follicle pool depletion is on the order of the organism's lifespan. We construct a simple mathematical model for this process based on experimental evidence for the involved genetic mechanisms. Despite the underlying stochasticity, the proposed mechanism turns out to yield reliable behavior in large populations of cells subject to the considered decision process. Our model explains how the physiological time constant may emerge from the intrinsic stochasticity of the underlying gene regulatory network. Apart from ovarian follicles, the proposed mechanism may also be of relevance for other physiological systems where cells take binary decisions over a long time scale.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic Devices Based on Purified Carbon Nanotubes Grown By High Pressure Decomposition of Carbon Monoxide

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    The excellent properties of transistors, wires, and sensors made from single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) make them promising candidates for use in advanced nanoelectronic systems. Gas-phase growth procedures such as the high pressure decomposition of carbon monoxide (HiPCO) method yield large quantities of small diameter semiconducting SWNTs, which are ideal for use in nanoelectronic circuits. As-grown HiPCO material, however, commonly contains a large fraction of carbonaceous impurities that degrade properties of SWNT devices. Here we demonstrate a purification, deposition, and fabrication process that yields devices consisting of metallic and semiconducting nanotubes with electronic characteristics vastly superior to those of circuits made from raw HiPCO. Source-drain current measurements on the circuits as a function of temperature and backgate voltage are used to quantify the energy gap of semiconducting nanotubes in a field effect transistor geometry. This work demonstrates significant progress towards the goal of producing complex integrated circuits from bulk-grown SWNT material.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Nature Material