16 research outputs found

    The effect of social relationships on survival in elderly residents of a Southern European community: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Comparative evidence regarding the effects of social relationships on mortality in Mediterranean communities will increase our knowledge of their strengths and the ways in which they influence longevity across cultures. Men and women may benefit differently from social relationships because of cultural differences in gender roles. Psychosocial mechanisms such as social support, which may explain the effects of social networks, may also vary by culture.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Detailed information on the social relationships of a representative sample of 1,174 community-dwelling older adults was collected in Leganés, a city in central Spain. Mortality over a 6-year follow-up period was ascertained. Information on socio-demographic, health and disability variables was also collected. Cox proportional hazards models were fitted separately for men and women and for the combined sample.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Having a confidant was associated with a 25% (95% CI 5–40%) reduction in the mortality risk. The hazard ratio for lack of social participation was 1.5 (95% CI 1.3–1.7). Being engaged in meaningful roles protected against mortality, while receipt of emotional support did not affect survival. These results were comparable for men and women. Having contact with all family ties was associated with reduced mortality only in men. Structural aspects of social networks make a unique contribution to survival, independently of emotional support and the role played in the lives of significant others.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this elderly Southern European population, the beneficial effects of social networks, social participation, engagement in the life of significant others and having a confidant call for public policies that foster intergenerational and community exchanges.</p

    The V471A polymorphism in autophagy-related gene ATG7 modifies age at onset specifically in Italian Huntington disease patients

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    The cause of Huntington disease (HD) is a polyglutamine repeat expansion of more than 36 units in the huntingtin protein, which is inversely correlated with the age at onset of the disease. However, additional genetic factors are believed to modify the course and the age at onset of HD. Recently, we identified the V471A polymorphism in the autophagy-related gene ATG7, a key component of the autophagy pathway that plays an important role in HD pathogenesis, to be associated with the age at onset in a large group of European Huntington disease patients. To confirm this association in a second independent patient cohort, we analysed the ATG7 V471A polymorphism in additional 1,464 European HD patients of the “REGISTRY” cohort from the European Huntington Disease Network (EHDN). In the entire REGISTRY cohort we could not confirm a modifying effect of the ATG7 V471A polymorphism. However, analysing a modifying effect of ATG7 in these REGISTRY patients and in patients of our previous HD cohort according to their ethnic origin, we identified a significant effect of the ATG7 V471A polymorphism on the HD age at onset only in the Italian population (327 patients). In these Italian patients, the polymorphism is associated with a 6-years earlier disease onset and thus seems to have an aggravating effect. We could specify the role of ATG7 as a genetic modifier for HD particularly in the Italian population. This result affirms the modifying influence of the autophagic pathway on the course of HD, but also suggests population-specific modifying mechanisms in HD pathogenesis

    Discrepancies in reporting the CAG repeat lengths for Huntington's disease.

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    Huntington's disease results from a CAG repeat expansion within the Huntingtin gene; this is measured routinely in diagnostic laboratories. The European Huntington's Disease Network REGISTRY project centrally measures CAG repeat lengths on fresh samples; these were compared with the original results from 121 laboratories across 15 countries. We report on 1326 duplicate results; a discrepancy in reporting the upper allele occurred in 51% of cases, this reduced to 13.3% and 9.7% when we applied acceptable measurement errors proposed by the American College of Medical Genetics and the Draft European Best Practice Guidelines, respectively. Duplicate results were available for 1250 lower alleles; discrepancies occurred in 40% of cases. Clinically significant discrepancies occurred in 4.0% of cases with a potential unexplained misdiagnosis rate of 0.3%. There was considerable variation in the discrepancy rate among 10 of the countries participating in this study. Out of 1326 samples, 348 were re-analysed by an accredited diagnostic laboratory, based in Germany, with concordance rates of 93% and 94% for the upper and lower alleles, respectively. This became 100% if the acceptable measurement errors were applied. The central laboratory correctly reported allele sizes for six standard reference samples, blind to the known result. Our study differs from external quality assessment (EQA) schemes in that these are duplicate results obtained from a large sample of patients across the whole diagnostic range. We strongly recommend that laboratories state an error rate for their measurement on the report, participate in EQA schemes and use reference materials regularly to adjust their own internal standards

    Discrepancies in reporting the CAG repeat lengths for Huntington's disease.

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    Huntington's disease results from a CAG repeat expansion within the Huntingtin gene; this is measured routinely in diagnostic laboratories. The European Huntington's Disease Network REGISTRY project centrally measures CAG repeat lengths on fresh samples; these were compared with the original results from 121 laboratories across 15 countries. We report on 1326 duplicate results; a discrepancy in reporting the upper allele occurred in 51% of cases, this reduced to 13.3% and 9.7% when we applied acceptable measurement errors proposed by the American College of Medical Genetics and the Draft European Best Practice Guidelines, respectively. Duplicate results were available for 1250 lower alleles; discrepancies occurred in 40% of cases. Clinically significant discrepancies occurred in 4.0% of cases with a potential unexplained misdiagnosis rate of 0.3%. There was considerable variation in the discrepancy rate among 10 of the countries participating in this study. Out of 1326 samples, 348 were re-analysed by an accredited diagnostic laboratory, based in Germany, with concordance rates of 93% and 94% for the upper and lower alleles, respectively. This became 100% if the acceptable measurement errors were applied. The central laboratory correctly reported allele sizes for six standard reference samples, blind to the known result. Our study differs from external quality assessment (EQA) schemes in that these are duplicate results obtained from a large sample of patients across the whole diagnostic range. We strongly recommend that laboratories state an error rate for their measurement on the report, participate in EQA schemes and use reference materials regularly to adjust their own internal standards

    Observing Huntington's disease: the European Huntington's Disease Network's REGISTRY.

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    none642sinoneOrth M, Handley OJ, Schwenke C, Dunnett S, Wild EJ, Tabrizi SJ, Landwehrmeyer GB, Bachoud-Lévi AC, Bentivoglio AR, Biunno I, Bonelli R, Burgunder JM, Dunnett SB, Ferreira JJ, Giuliano J, Handley OJ, Heiberg A, Illmann T, van Kammen D, Landwehrmeye GB, Levey J, Nielsen JE, Päivärinta M, Roos RA, Sebastián AR, Tabrizi SJ, Vandenberghe W, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Zaremba J, Uhrova T, Wahlström J, Schwenke C, Orth M, Illmann T, Wallner M, Barth K, Guedes LC, Finisterra AM, Garde MB, Bos R, Burg S, Ecker D, Handley OJ, Held C, Koppers K, Laurà M, Descals AM, McLean T, Mestre T, Minster S, Monza D, Townhill J, Orth M, Padieu H, Paterski L, Peppa N, Koivisto SP, Rialland A, Røren N, Sasinková P, Cubillo PT, Tritsch C, van Walsem MR, Witjes-Ané MN, Yudina E, Zielonka D, Zielonka E, Zinzi P, Bonelli RM, Herranhof B, Holl A, Kapfhammer HP, Koppitz M, Magnet M, Otti D, Painold A, Reisinger K, Scheibl M, Hecht K, Lilek S, Müller N, Schöggl H, Ullah J, Brugger F, Hepperger C, Hotter A, Mahlknecht P, Nocker M, Seppi K, Wenning G, Buratti L, Hametner EM, Holas C, Hussl A, Mair K, Poewe W, Wolf E, Zangerl A, Braunwarth EM, Lilek S, Sinadinosa D, Walleczek AM, Bonelli RM, Ladurner G, Staffen W, Ribaï P, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Flamez A, Morez V, de Raedt S, Boogaerts A, Vandenberghe W, van Reijen D, Klempíř J, Kucharík M, Roth J, Šenkárová Z, Hasholt L, Hjermind LE, Jakobsen O, Nørremølle A, Sørensen SA, Stokholm J, Nielsen J, Hiivola H, Martikainen K, Tuuha K, Peippo M, Sipponen M, Ignatius J, Kärppä M, Åman J, Santala M, Allain P, Guérid MA, Gohier B, Olivier A, Prundean A, Scherer-Gagou C, Verny C, Babiloni B, Debruxelles S, Goizet C, Lafoucrière D, De Bruycker C, Carette AS, Decorte E, Delval A, Delliaux M, Dujardin K, Peter M, Plomhouse L, Simonin C, Thibault-Tanchou S, Bellonet M, Duru C, Krystkowiak P, Roussel M, Wannepain S, Azulay JP, Chabot C, Delphini M, Eusebio A, Grosjean H, Mundler L, Nowak M, Rudolf G, Steinmetz G, Tranchant C, Wagner C, Zimmermann MA, Calvas F, Cheriet S, Démonet JF, Galitzky M, Kosinski CM, Milkereit E, Probst D, Sass C, Schiefer J, Schlangen C, Werner CJ, Gelderblom H, Priller J, Prüss H, Spruth EJ, Andrich J, Hoffmann R, Kraus PH, Muth S, Prehn C, Saft C, Salmen S, Stamm C, Steiner T, Strassburger K, Lange H, Friedrich A, Hunger U, Löhle M, Schmidt S, Storch A, Wolz A, Wolz M, Lambeck J, Zucker B, Boelmans K, Ganos C, Hidding U, Lewerenz J, Münchau A, Orth M, Schmalfeld J, Stubbe L, Zittel S, Diercks G, Gorzolla H, Schrader C, Heinicke W, Ribbat M, Longinus B, Bürk K, Möller JC, Rissling I, Peinemann A, Städtler M, Weindl A, Bechtel N, Beckmann H, Bohlen S, Hölzner E, Lange H, Reilmann R, Rohm S, Rumpf S, Schepers S, Beister A, Dose M, Hammer K, Kieni J, Leythaeuser G, Marquard R, Raab T, Richter S, Selimbegovic-Turkovic A, Schrenk C, Schuierer M, Wiedemann A, Barth K, Buck A, Connemann J, Ecker D, Eschenbach C, Held C, Landwehrmeyer B, Lezius F, Nepper S, Niess A, Orth M, Süssmuth S, Trautmann S, Weydt P, Cormio C, Difruscolo O, Sciruicchio V, Serpino C, de Tommaso M, Capellari S, Cortelli P, Gallassi R, Poda R, Rizzo G, Scaglione C, Bertini E, Ghelli E, Ginestroni A, Massaro F, Mechi C, Paganini M, Piacentini S, Pradella S, Romoli AM, Sorbi S, Abbruzzese G, di Poggio MB, Di Maria E, Ferrandes G, Mandich P, Marchese R, Albanese A, Di Bella D, Di Donato S, Gellera C, Genitrini S, Mariotti C, Monza D, Nanetti L, Paridi D, Soliveri P, Tomasello C, De Michele G, Di Maio L, Rinaldi C, Russo CV, Salvatore E, Tucci T, Cannella M, Codella V, De Gregorio F, De Nicola N, Martino T, Simonelli M, Squitieri F, Bentivoglio AR, Catalli C, Di Giacopo R, Fasano A, Frontali M, Guidubaldi A, Ialongo T, Jacopini G, Loria G, Modoni A, Piano C, Chiara P, Quaranta D, Romano S, Soleti F, Spadaro M, Zinzi P, van Hout MS, van Vugt JP, de Weert AM, Bolwijn JJ, Dekker M, Leenders KL, van Oostrom JC, Bos R, Dumas EM, Jurgens CK, van den Bogaard SJ, Roos RA, 't Hart EP, Witjes-Ané MN, Kremer B, Verstappen CC, Heiberg A, van Walsem MR, Frich J, Wehus R, Aaserud O, Borgerød N, Bjørgo K, Fannemel M, Gørvell P, Pro Koivisto S, Retterstøl L, Overland T, Stokke B, Bjørnevoll I, Sando SB, Blinkenberg EØ, Hauge E, Tyvoll H, Sitek E, Slawek J, Soltan W, Boczarska-Jedynak M, Jasinska-Myga B, Opala G, Kłodowska-Duda G, Banaszkiewicz K, Szczudlik A, Rudzińska M, Wójcik M, Dec M, Krawczyk M, Bryl A, Ciesielska A, Klimberg A, Marcinkowski J, Sempołowicz J, Zielonka D, Samara H, Janik P, Kalbarczyk A, Kwiecinski H, Jamrozik Z, Antczak J, Jachinska K, Rakowicz M, Richter P, Ryglewicz D, Witkowski G, Zdzienicka E, Zaremba J, Sułek A, Krysa W, Júlio F, Januário C, Mestre T, Guedes L, Coelho M, Mendes T, Valadas A, Ferreira JJ, Timóteo Â, Costa C, Vale J, Cavaco S, Damásio J, Magalhães M, Gago M, Garrett C, Guerra MR, Solis P, Herrera CD, Garcia PM, Barrero F, Morales B, Cubo E, Mariscal N, Alonso-Frech F, Perez MR, Fenollar M, García RG, Quiroga PP, Rivera SV, Villanueva C, Bascuñana M, Ventura MF, Ribas GG, de Yébenes JG, Moreno JL, Cubillo PT, Ruíz PJ, Martínez-Descals A, Artiga MJ, Sánchez V, Perea MF, Lorenza F, Torres MM, Reinante G, Moreau LV, Barbera MA, Guia DB, Hernanz LC, Catena JL, Sebastián AR, Ferrer PQ, Carruesco GT, Bas J, Busquets N, Calopa M, Buongiorno MT, Muñoz E, Elorza MD, López CD, Terol SD, Robert MF, Ruíz BG, Casado AG, Martínez IH, Viladrich CM, Pons i Càrdenas R, Roca E, Llesoy JR, Idiago JM, Vergara MR, García SS, Villa Riballo A, González SG, Guisasola LM, Salvador C, San Martín ES, Gorospe A, Legarda I, Arques PN, Rodríguez MJ, Vives B, Gaston I, Ramos-Arroyo MA, Moreno JM, Peña JC, Avarvarei LD, Bastida AM, Recio MF, Vergé LR, Sánchez VS, Carrillo F, Cáceres MT, Mir P, Suarez MJ, Bosca M, Burguera JA, Garcia AC, Martínez LM, del Val JL, Loutfi G, Olofsson C, Stattin EL, Westman L, Wikström B, Höglund A, Pålhagen SE, Paucar M, Sandström B, Soltani R, Svenningsson P, Reza-Soltani TW, Constantinescu R, Fredlund G, Høsterey-Ugander U, Neleborn-Lingefjärd L, Wahlström J, Esmaeilzadeh M, Tedroff J, Winnberg E, Björn Y, Ekwall C, Gøller ML, Johansson A, Wiklund L, Petersen Å, Reimer J, Widner H, Burgunder JM, Burgunder Y, Stebler Y, Kaelin A, Romero I, Schüpbach M, Zaugg SW, Jack R, Matheson K, Miedzybrodzka Z, Rae D, Simpson S, Summers F, Ure A, Crooks J, Curtis A, de Souza Keylock J, Rickards H, Wright J, Hayward B, Sieradzan K, Wright A, Barker RA, Di Pietro A, Fisher K, Goodman A, Hill S, Kershaw A, Mason S, Paterson N, Raymond L, Bisson J, Busse M, Clenaghan C, Ellison-Rose L, Handley O, Hunt S, Townhill J, Price K, Rosser A, Edwards M, Hughes T, McGill M, Pearson P, Porteous M, Smith P, Zeman A, Causley A, Harrower T, Howcroft D, Lambord N, Rankin J, Brockie P, Foster J, Johns N, McKenzie S, Rothery J, Thomas G, Yates S, Miller J, Ritchie S, Burrows L, Fletcher A, Harding A, Laver F, Silva M, Thomson A, Burns P, Chu C, Evans C, Hamer S, Markova I, Miller J, Raman A, Barnes K, Chu C, Hobson E, Jamieson S, Markova I, Thomson J, Toscano J, Wild S, Yardumian P, Bourne C, Clayton C, Dipple H, Clapton J, Grant D, Hallam C, Middleton J, Murch A, Patino D, Bate L, Pate L, Andrews T, Dougherty A, Kavalier F, Golding C, Lashwood A, Robertson D, Ruddy D, Whaite A, Patton M, Peterson M, Rose S, Andrews T, Bruno S, Chu E, Doherty K, Golding, Fillingham K, Foustanos I, O'Donovan K, Peppa N, Tidswell K, Quarrell O.Orth, M; Handley, Oj; Schwenke, C; Dunnett, S; Wild, Ej; Tabrizi, Sj; Landwehrmeyer, Gb; Bachoud-Lévi, Ac; Bentivoglio, Ar; Biunno, I; Bonelli, R; Burgunder, Jm; Dunnett, Sb; Ferreira, Jj; Giuliano, J; Handley, Oj; Heiberg, A; Illmann, T; van Kammen, D; Landwehrmeye, Gb; Levey, J; Nielsen, Je; Päivärinta, M; Roos, Ra; Sebastián, Ar; Tabrizi, Sj; Vandenberghe, W; Verellen-Dumoulin, C; Zaremba, J; Uhrova, T; Wahlström, J; Schwenke, C; Orth, M; Illmann, T; Wallner, M; Barth, K; Guedes, Lc; Finisterra, Am; Garde, Mb; Bos, R; Burg, S; Ecker, D; Handley, Oj; Held, C; Koppers, K; Laurà, M; Descals, Am; Mclean, T; Mestre, T; Minster, S; Monza, D; Townhill, J; Orth, M; Padieu, H; Paterski, L; Peppa, N; Koivisto, Sp; Rialland, A; Røren, N; Sasinková, P; Cubillo, Pt; Tritsch, C; van Walsem, Mr; Witjes-Ané, Mn; Yudina, E; Zielonka, D; Zielonka, E; Zinzi, P; Bonelli, Rm; Herranhof, B; Holl, A; Kapfhammer, Hp; Koppitz, M; Magnet, M; Otti, D; Painold, A; Reisinger, K; Scheibl, M; Hecht, K; Lilek, S; Müller, N; Schöggl, H; Ullah, J; Brugger, F; Hepperger, C; Hotter, A; Mahlknecht, P; Nocker, M; Seppi, K; Wenning, G; Buratti, L; Hametner, Em; Holas, C; Hussl, A; Mair, K; Poewe, W; Wolf, E; Zangerl, A; Braunwarth, Em; Lilek, S; Sinadinosa, D; Walleczek, Am; Bonelli, Rm; Ladurner, G; Staffen, W; Ribaï, P; Verellen-Dumoulin, C; Flamez, A; Morez, V; de Raedt, S; Boogaerts, A; Vandenberghe, W; van Reijen, D; Klempíř, J; Kucharík, M; Roth, J; Šenkárová, Z; Hasholt, L; Hjermind, Le; Jakobsen, O; Nørremølle, A; Sørensen, Sa; Stokholm, J; Nielsen, J; Hiivola, H; Martikainen, K; Tuuha, K; Peippo, M; Sipponen, M; Ignatius, J; Kärppä, M; Åman, J; Santala, M; Allain, P; Guérid, Ma; Gohier, B; Olivier, A; Prundean, A; Scherer-Gagou, C; Verny, C; Babiloni, B; Debruxelles, S; Goizet, C; Lafoucrière, D; De Bruycker, C; Carette, As; Decorte, E; Delval, A; Delliaux, M; Dujardin, K; Peter, M; Plomhouse, L; Simonin, C; Thibault-Tanchou, S; Bellonet, M; Duru, C; Krystkowiak, P; Roussel, M; Wannepain, S; Azulay, Jp; Chabot, C; Delphini, M; Eusebio, A; Grosjean, H; Mundler, L; Nowak, M; Rudolf, G; Steinmetz, G; Tranchant, C; Wagner, C; Zimmermann, Ma; Calvas, F; Cheriet, S; Démonet, Jf; Galitzky, M; Kosinski, Cm; Milkereit, E; Probst, D; Sass, C; Schiefer, J; Schlangen, C; Werner, Cj; Gelderblom, H; Priller, J; Prüss, H; Spruth, Ej; Andrich, J; Hoffmann, R; Kraus, Ph; Muth, S; Prehn, C; Saft, C; Salmen, S; Stamm, C; Steiner, T; Strassburger, K; Lange, H; Friedrich, A; Hunger, U; Löhle, M; Schmidt, S; Storch, A; Wolz, A; Wolz, M; Lambeck, J; Zucker, B; Boelmans, K; Ganos, C; Hidding, U; Lewerenz, J; Münchau, A; Orth, M; Schmalfeld, J; Stubbe, L; Zittel, S; Diercks, G; Gorzolla, H; Schrader, C; Heinicke, W; Ribbat, M; Longinus, B; Bürk, K; Möller, Jc; Rissling, I; Peinemann, A; Städtler, M; Weindl, A; Bechtel, N; Beckmann, H; Bohlen, S; Hölzner, E; Lange, H; Reilmann, R; Rohm, S; Rumpf, S; Schepers, S; Beister, A; Dose, M; Hammer, K; Kieni, J; Leythaeuser, G; Marquard, R; Raab, T; Richter, S; Selimbegovic-Turkovic, A; Schrenk, C; Schuierer, M; Wiedemann, A; Barth, K; Buck, A; Connemann, J; Ecker, D; Eschenbach, C; Held, C; Landwehrmeyer, B; Lezius, F; Nepper, S; Niess, A; Orth, M; Süssmuth, S; Trautmann, S; Weydt, P; Cormio, C; Difruscolo, O; Sciruicchio, V; Serpino, C; de Tommaso, M; Capellari, S; Cortelli, P; Gallassi, R; Poda, R; Rizzo, G; Scaglione, C; Bertini, E; Ghelli, E; Ginestroni, A; Massaro, F; Mechi, C; Paganini, M; Piacentini, S; Pradella, S; Romoli, Am; Sorbi, S; Abbruzzese, G; di Poggio, Mb; Di Maria, E; Ferrandes, G; Mandich, P; Marchese, R; Albanese, A; Di Bella, D; Di Donato, S; Gellera, C; Genitrini, S; Mariotti, C; Monza, D; Nanetti, L; Paridi, D; Soliveri, P; Tomasello, C; De Michele, G; Di Maio, L; Rinaldi, C; Russo, Cv; Salvatore, E; Tucci, T; Cannella, M; Codella, V; De Gregorio, F; De Nicola, N; Martino, T; Simonelli, M; Squitieri, F; Bentivoglio, Ar; Catalli, C; Di Giacopo, R; Fasano, A; Frontali, M; Guidubaldi, A; Ialongo, T; Jacopini, G; Loria, G; Modoni, A; Piano, C; Chiara, P; Quaranta, D; Romano, S; Soleti, F; Spadaro, M; Zinzi, P; van Hout, Ms; van Vugt, Jp; de Weert, Am; Bolwijn, Jj; Dekker, M; Leenders, Kl; van Oostrom, Jc; Bos, R; Dumas, Em; Jurgens, Ck; van den Bogaard, Sj; Roos, Ra; 't Hart, Ep; Witjes-Ané, Mn; Kremer, B; Verstappen, Cc; Heiberg, A; van Walsem, Mr; Frich, J; Wehus, R; Aaserud, O; Borgerød, N; Bjørgo, K; Fannemel, M; Gørvell, P; Pro Koivisto, S; Retterstøl, L; Overland, T; Stokke, B; Bjørnevoll, I; Sando, Sb; Blinkenberg, Eø; Hauge, E; Tyvoll, H; Sitek, E; Slawek, J; Soltan, W; Boczarska-Jedynak, M; Jasinska-Myga, B; Opala, G; Kłodowska-Duda, G; Banaszkiewicz, K; Szczudlik, A; Rudzińska, M; Wójcik, M; Dec, M; Krawczyk, M; Bryl, A; Ciesielska, A; Klimberg, A; Marcinkowski, J; Sempołowicz, J; Zielonka, D; Samara, H; Janik, P; Kalbarczyk, A; Kwiecinski, H; Jamrozik, Z; Antczak, J; Jachinska, K; Rakowicz, M; Richter, P; Ryglewicz, D; Witkowski, G; Zdzienicka, E; Zaremba, J; Sułek, A; Krysa, W; Júlio, F; Januário, C; Mestre, T; Guedes, L; Coelho, M; Mendes, T; Valadas, A; Ferreira, Jj; Timóteo, Â; Costa, C; Vale, J; Cavaco, S; Damásio, J; Magalhães, M; Gago, M; Garrett, C; Guerra, Mr; Solis, P; Herrera, Cd; Garcia, Pm; Barrero, F; Morales, B; Cubo, E; Mariscal, N; Alonso-Frech, F; Perez, Mr; Fenollar, M; García, Rg; Quiroga, Pp; Rivera, Sv; Villanueva, C; Bascuñana, M; Ventura, Mf; Ribas, Gg; de Yébenes, Jg; Moreno, Jl; Cubillo, Pt; Ruíz, Pj; Martínez-Descals, A; Artiga, Mj; Sánchez, V; Perea, Mf; Lorenza, F; Torres, Mm; Reinante, G; Moreau, Lv; Barbera, Ma; Guia, Db; Hernanz, Lc; Catena, Jl; Sebastián, Ar; Ferrer, Pq; Carruesco, Gt; Bas, J; Busquets, N; Calopa, M; Buongiorno, Mt; Muñoz, E; Elorza, Md; López, Cd; Terol, Sd; Robert, Mf; Ruíz, Bg; Casado, Ag; Martínez, Ih; Viladrich, Cm; Pons, i Càrdenas R; Roca, E; Llesoy, Jr; Idiago, Jm; Vergara, Mr; García, Ss; Villa Riballo, A; González, Sg; Guisasola, Lm; Salvador, C; San Martín, Es; Gorospe, A; Legarda, I; Arques, Pn; Rodríguez, Mj; Vives, B; Gaston, I; Ramos-Arroyo, Ma; Moreno, Jm; Peña, Jc; Avarvarei, Ld; Bastida, Am; Recio, Mf; Vergé, Lr; Sánchez, Vs; Carrillo, F; Cáceres, Mt; Mir, P; Suarez, Mj; Bosca, M; Burguera, Ja; Garcia, Ac; Martínez, Lm; del Val, Jl; Loutfi, G; Olofsson, C; Stattin, El; Westman, L; Wikström, B; Höglund, A; Pålhagen, Se; Paucar, M; Sandström, B; Soltani, R; Svenningsson, P; Reza-Soltani, Tw; Constantinescu, R; Fredlund, G; Høsterey-Ugander, U; Neleborn-Lingefjärd, L; Wahlström, J; Esmaeilzadeh, M; Tedroff, J; Winnberg, E; Björn, Y; Ekwall, C; Gøller, Ml; Johansson, A; Wiklund, L; Petersen, Å; Reimer, J; Widner, H; Burgunder, Jm; Burgunder, Y; Stebler, Y; Kaelin, A; Romero, I; Schüpbach, M; Zaugg, Sw; Jack, R; Matheson, K; Miedzybrodzka, Z; Rae, D; Simpson, S; Summers, F; Ure, A; Crooks, J; Curtis, A; de Souza Keylock, J; Rickards, H; Wright, J; Hayward, B; Sieradzan, K; Wright, A; Barker, Ra; Di Pietro, A; Fisher, K; Goodman, A; Hill, S; Kershaw, A; Mason, S; Paterson, N; Raymond, L; Bisson, J; Busse, M; Clenaghan, C; Ellison-Rose, L; Handley, O; Hunt, S; Townhill, J; Price, K; Rosser, A; Edwards, M; Hughes, T; Mcgill, M; Pearson, P; Porteous, M; Smith, P; Zeman, A; Causley, A; Harrower, T; Howcroft, D; Lambord, N; Rankin, J; Brockie, P; Foster, J; Johns, N; Mckenzie, S; Rothery, J; Thomas, G; Yates, S; Miller, J; Ritchie, S; Burrows, L; Fletcher, A; Harding, A; Laver, F; Silva, M; Thomson, A; Burns, P; Chu, C; Evans, C; Hamer, S; Markova, I; Miller, J; Raman, A; Barnes, K; Chu, C; Hobson, E; Jamieson, S; Markova, I; Thomson, J; Toscano, J; Wild, S; Yardumian, P; Bourne, C; Clayton, C; Dipple, H; Clapton, J; Grant, D; Hallam, C; Middleton, J; Murch, A; Patino, D; Bate, L; Pate, L; Andrews, T; Dougherty, A; Kavalier, F; Golding, C; Lashwood, A; Robertson, D; Ruddy, D; Whaite, A; Patton, M; Peterson, M; Rose, S; Andrews, T; Bruno, S; Chu, E; Doherty, K; Golding, ; Fillingham, K; Foustanos, I; O'Donovan, K; Peppa, N; Tidswell, K; Quarrell, O

    Observing Huntington's disease: the European Huntington's Disease Network's REGISTRY.

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