101 research outputs found

    Hongos zoospóricos verdaderos, Straminipilas heterotróficos y Plasmodioforidios: estado del conocimiento en América del Sur

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    Zoosporic true fungi and fungal-like organisms include unrelated groups in the kingdoms Fungi, Straminipila and Protozoa. There is very little information on the diversity of these organisms in many ecosystems of great biodiversity, particularly tropical or neotropical areas. Research assessing their diversity has been mainly conducted in Argentina and Brazil using multiple baiting techniques, resulting in the discovery of many new taxa and new records. To date, 434 species in these groups have been recorded for both countries. Continuing research is necessary to provide a more comprehensive understanding of their diversity in South America. Few specialists are available to study such extensive areas, which are being degraded by deforestation, land/clearing, pollution and other anthropogenic activities that affect the habitat of these organisms, long before surveys can be carried out by mycologists and protistologists. Hence, attempts to gather information about the diversity of zoosporic true fungi, heterotrophic Straminipila and Plasmodiophorids from South America are urgently needed, and should receive high priority.Los hongos zoospóricos verdaderos, los straminipilas heterotróficos y los plasmodioforidios, son grupos de organismos filogenéticamente no relacionados pertenecientes a los reinos Fungi, Straminipila y Protozoa. Existe escasa información disponible acerca de estos organismos en ecosistemas de gran biodiversidad, particularmente en áreas tropicales y neotropicales. En Sudamérica, las investigaciones sobre su diversidad han sido principalmente realizadas en Argentina y en Brasil utilizando técnicas de cebado múltiple, resultando en el descubrimiento de nuevos taxones y nuevas citas. Hasta el momento, en ambos países se han registrado 434 especies pertenecientes a estos grupos, lo que demuestra que se necesitan más investigaciones para ampliar su conocimiento en Sudamérica. Existen pocos especialistas disponibles para estudiar áreas tan extensas, las cuales están siendo degradadas por la deforestación, la contaminación, y otras actividades antrópicas que afectan el hábitat de estos organismos, antes de que su diversidad pueda ser estudiada por micólogos y protistólogos. De esta forma, los estudios tendientes a reunir información sobre la diversidad de los hongos zoospóricos verdaderos, los Straminipilas heterotróficos y los Plasmodioforidios deben ser considerados altamente prioritarios en Sudamérica.Instituto de Botánica "Dr. Carlos Spegazzini

    A delineating procedure to retrieve relevant publication data in research areas: the case of nanocellulose

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    Advances concerning publication-level classification system have been demonstrated striking results by dealing properly with emergent, complex and interdisciplinary research areas, such as nanotechnology and nanocellulose. However, less attention has been paid to propose a delineating method to retrieve relevant research areas on specific subjects. This study aims at proposing a procedure to delineate research areas addressed in case nanocellulose. We investigate how a bibliometric analysis could provide interesting insights into research about this sustainable nanomaterial. The research topics clustered by a Publication-level Classification System were used. The procedure involves an iterative process, which includes developing and cleaning a set of core publication regarding the subject and an analysis of clusters they are associated with. Nanocellulose was selected as the subject of study, but the methodology may be applied to any other research area or topic. A discussion about each step of the procedure is provided. The proposed delineation procedure enables us to retrieve relevant publications from research areas involving nanocellulose. Seventeen research topics were mapped and associated with current research challenges on nanocellulose.Merit, Expertise and Measuremen

    Validation of the test need for cognition: a study in behavioral accounting

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    This study aimed to validate the Need for Cognition scale (NFC) in behavioral accounting. In addition, we sought to measure the possible correlations between the level of need for cognition and the existence of cognitive biases in decisions in accounting and financial information. Two validations were performed to carry out the process of full validation – criterion and construct. The analysis was done by the examination of a sample comprised by 128 graduation students. The statistical technique used for the validation of this test was a factorial analysis for it has the ability to determine the degree of influence of a particular variable in the explanation of a factor, and the processing logistic regression was used for the explanation of possible values as a function of known values or independent variables. The results of the construct of validity showed the legitimacy of the NFC as a unidimensional scale excluding three outputs of its original scale, since the criterion validity of the results confirmed the impact of the level of cognition in maximizing the occurrence of heuristics in managerial decisions

    The impact of maternal HIV infection on cord blood lymphocyte subsets and cytokine profile in exposed non-infected newborns

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Children born to HIV+ mothers are exposed intra-utero to several drugs and cytokines that can modify the developing immune system, and influence the newborn's immune response to infections and vaccines. We analyzed the relation between the distribution of cord blood lymphocyte subsets and cytokine profile in term newborns of HIV+ mothers using HAART during pregnancy and compared them to normal newborns.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a prospective, controlled study, 36 mother-child pairs from HIV+ mothers and 15 HIV-uninfected mothers were studied. Hematological features and cytokine profiles of mothers at 35 weeks of pregnancy were examined. Maternal and cord lymphocyte subsets as well as B-cell maturation in cord blood were analyzed by flow cytometry. The non-stimulated, as well as BCG- and PHA-stimulated production of IL2, IL4, IL7, IL10, IL12, IFN-γ and TNF-alpha in mononuclear cell cultures from mothers and infants were quantified using ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After one year follow-up none of the exposed infants became seropositive for HIV. An increase in B lymphocytes, especially the CD19/CD5+ ones, was observed in cord blood of HIV-exposed newborns. Children of HIV+ hard drug using mothers had also an increase of immature B-cells. Cord blood mononuclear cells of HIV-exposed newborns produced less IL-4 and IL-7 and more IL-10 and IFN-γ in culture than those of uninfected mothers. Cytokine values in supernatants were similar in infants and their mothers except for IFN-γ and TNF-alpha that were higher in HIV+ mothers, especially in drug abusing ones. Cord blood CD19/CD5+ lymphocytes showed a positive correlation with cord IL-7 and IL-10. A higher maternal age and smoking was associated with a decrease of cord blood CD4+ cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>in uninfected infants born to HIV+ women, several immunological abnormalities were found, related to the residual maternal immune changes induced by the HIV infection and those associated with antiretroviral treatment. Maternal smoking was associated to changes in cord CD3/CD4 lymphocytes and maternal hard drug abuse was associated with more pronounced changes in the cord B cell line.</p

    Variable expressivity of osteogenesis imperfecta in a Brazilian family due to p.G1079S mutation in the COL1A1 gene

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a Mendelian disease with genetic heterogeneity characterized by bone fragility, recurrent fractures, blue sclerae, and short stature, caused mostly by mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2 genes, which encode the pro-alpha 1(I) and pro-alpha 2(I) chains of type I collagen, respectively. A Brazilian family that showed variable expression of autosomal dominant OI was identified and characterized. Scanning for mutations was carried out using SSCP and DNA sequence analysis. The missense mutation c.3235G&gt;A was identified within exon 45 of the COL1A1 gene in a 16-year-old girl diagnosed as having OI type I; it resulted in substitution of a glycine residue (G) by a serine (S) at codon 1079 (p.G1079S). The proband's mother had the disease signs, but without bone fractures, as did five of nine uncles and aunts of the patient. All of them carried the mutation, which was excluded in four healthy brothers of the patient's mother. This is the first description in a Brazilian family with OI showing variable expression; only one among seven carriers for the c.3235G&gt;A mutation developed bone fractures, the most striking clinical feature of this disease. This finding has a significant implication for prenatal diagnosis in OI disease.Brazilian institutions ArcelorMittal TubaraoBrazilian institutions ArcelorMittal TubaraoFundacao de Apoio ao Hospital Universitario Cassiano Antonio MoraesFundacao de Apoio ao Hospital Universitario Cassiano Antonio MoraesConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoFundo de Apoio a Ciencia e Tecnologia de VitoriaFundo de Apoio a Ciencia e Tecnologia de VitoriaFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Espirito SantoFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Espirito Sant