1,935 research outputs found

    Week and weekend day cadence patterns long-term post-bariatric surgery

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    Obesity can negatively influence walking cadence, reducing the overall intensity of daily activities and increasing the risk of weight gain. Purpose: Objectively describe the walking cadence of individuals’ long-term post-bariatric surgery. Methods: Fifty-eight participants, 51.2 ± 8.9 years old, with a BMI of 34.6 ± 10.1 kg/m2, 10.0 ± 3.1 years post-surgery wore an activPAL accelerometer for 7 consecutive days. Data was analyzed using participants’ current BMI, dichotomized by obesity status, < or ≥ 30 kg/m2. Results: On average, participants walked 5124 ± 2549 steps/day on weekdays and 6097 ± 2786 steps/day on weekend days (p = .003). Participants spent the majority (75%) of their daily steps at a slow-walking average cadence (non-obese: week = 65.3 ± 5.0 steps/min and weekend = 63.8 ± 6.7 steps/min; obese: week = 67.8 ± 8.2 steps/min and weekend = 63.3 ± 6.9 steps/min), with no difference between groups for week or weekend days (p = .153 and .774). The cadence of participants with obesity was significantly lower on weekends compared to weekdays for walking events > 30 s (p = .002) and > 60 s (p = .008) in duration. Weekday cadence of participants without obesity was similar to weekend day cadence across all walking event durations. The majority of walking events occurred below 30 s in duration for all participants. Conclusions: Long-term post-bariatric surgery, movement occurs in short duration bouts at a slow-walking cadence for the majority of movement. Individuals without obesity had similar movement patterns from week to weekend days while participants with obesity significantly lowered their cadence on weekend days

    Skyrmion fluctuations at a first-order phase transition boundary

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    Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected spin textures with promising prospects for applications in data storage. They can form a lattice state due to competing magnetic interactions and are commonly found in a small region of the temperature - magnetic field phase diagram. Recent work has demonstrated that these magnetic quasi-particles fluctuate at the μeV energy scale. Here, we use a coherent x-ray correlation method at an x-ray free-electron laser to investigate these fluctuations in a magnetic phase coexistence region near a first-order transition boundary where fluctuations are not expected to play a major role. Surprisingly, we find that the relaxation of the intermediate scattering function at this transition differs significantly compared to that deep in the skyrmion lattice phase. The observation of a compressed exponential behavior suggests solid-like dynamics, often associated with jamming. We assign this behavior to disorder and the phase coexistence observed in a narrow field-window near the transition, which can cause fluctuations that lead to glassy behavior

    Unique White Dwarfs Accompanying Recycled Pulsars

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    I introduce the two classes of pulsar, white-dwarf binaries, and describe for each what we have learned from a specific system, PSR J1012+5307 and PSR B0655+64, respectively, summarising what has been done, presenting new results, and discussing what the future may hold. Briefly, for the companion of PSR J1012+5307 we find a DA spectrum, and infer a mass of about 0.16Msun, the lowest among all spectroscopically identified white dwarfs. Combined with a radial-velocity orbit, a neutron-star mass between 1.5 and 3.2Msun (95% conf.) is derived. The companion of PSR B0655+64 shows strong Swan C2 bands, i.e., it is a DQ star. Unlike anything reported for other DQs, however, it shows variations in strength of the bands by a factor two. Most likely, the variations are periodic, with a period of about 9.7h. This is substantially shorter than the 1-day orbital period, which can likely be understood in terms of its past evolution.Comment: 6 pages of text and 2 figures, LaTeX using crckapb.sty (included) and psfig.sty. To appear in Proc. 10th European Workshop on white dwarfs (Eds. Isern, Hernanz, & Garcia-Berro

    Using interpretative phenomenological analysis to inform physiotherapy practice: An introduction with reference to the lived experience of cerebellar ataxia

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    The attached file is a pre-published version of the full and final paper which can be found at the link below.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Qualitative research methods that focus on the lived experience of people with health conditions are relatively underutilised in physiotherapy research. This article aims to introduce interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a research methodology oriented toward exploring and understanding the experience of a particular phenomenon (e.g., living with spinal cord injury or chronic pain, or being the carer of someone with a particular health condition). Researchers using IPA try to find out how people make sense of their experiences and the meanings they attach to them. The findings from IPA research are highly nuanced and offer a fine grained understanding that can be used to contextualise existing quantitative research, to inform understanding of novel or underresearched topics or, in their own right, to provoke a reappraisal of what is considered known about a specified phenomenon. We advocate IPA as a useful and accessible approach to qualitative research that can be used in the clinical setting to inform physiotherapy practice and the development of services from the perspective of individuals with particular health conditions.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Phenotypic and molecular assessment of seven patients with 6p25 deletion syndrome: Relevance to ocular dysgenesis and hearing impairment

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    BACKGROUND: Thirty-nine patients have been described with deletions involving chromosome 6p25. However, relatively few of these deletions have had molecular characterization. Common phenotypes of 6p25 deletion syndrome patients include hydrocephalus, hearing loss, and ocular, craniofacial, skeletal, cardiac, and renal malformations. Molecular characterization of deletions can identify genes that are responsible for these phenotypes. METHODS: We report the clinical phenotype of seven patients with terminal deletions of chromosome 6p25 and compare them to previously reported patients. Molecular characterization of the deletions was performed using polymorphic marker analysis to determine the extents of the deletions in these seven 6p25 deletion syndrome patients. RESULTS: Our results, and previous data, show that ocular dysgenesis and hearing impairment are the two most highly penetrant phenotypes of the 6p25 deletion syndrome. While deletion of the forkhead box C1 gene (FOXC1) probably underlies the ocular dysgenesis, no gene in this region is known to be involved in hearing impairment. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular dysgenesis and hearing impairment are the two most common phenotypes of 6p25 deletion syndrome. We conclude that a locus for dominant hearing loss is present at 6p25 and that this locus is restricted to a region distal to D6S1617. Molecular characterization of more 6p25 deletion patients will aid in refinement of this locus and the identification of a gene involved in dominant hearing loss

    Investigating the Therapeutic Potential of a Probiotic in a Rat Model for Infection Following Fracture Fixation

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    Background: Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the most common pathogen responsible for osteomyelitis. Objectives: Our objective was to investigate the potential of a probiotic as a treatment for S. aureus-induced infection following fracture fixation in a rat model. Methods: Fifty male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to five groups (Control, S. aureus, S. aureus +ceftriaxone, S. aureus + once weekly probiotic, and S. aureus + twice weekly probiotic). Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei (ATCC: 39392) was selected from eight strains of probiotic bacteria with anti-staphylococcal activity. Infection was induced by inoculation with106 colony-forming units (CFU) of S. aureus in a closed femur fracture model stabilized with an intramedullary pin. Three weeks after the surgery, the development of infection and response to the therapy was documented using radiographs, microbiological and histopathological analysis. Results: No bacteria were recovered from rats in the Control group. The analysis of variance revealed a significant difference in the CFU/femur (P < 0.001) and CFU/pin (P = 0.001) across all five treatment groups. When the results were compared, the CFU/femur was significantly lower in the S. aureus + Probiotic twice weekly in comparison with S. aureus (P = 0.008) and the S. aureus + ceftriaxone (P = 0.012) groups. Repeated measure ANOVA to test the radiographic scores during the follow-up time between the intervention groups revealed no significant differences (P = 0.179). Conclusions: Parenteral administration of viable L. casei inhibits S. aureus-induced infection as shown by the bacteriologic analysis, but makes no difference to the radiological union rates. This could be the first step towards developing an effective, biologic adjunctive therapy for the management of osteomyelitis following fracture fixation

    Neural correlates of sexual cue reactivity in individuals with and without compulsive sexual behaviours

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    Although compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB) has been conceptualized as a "behavioural" addiction and common or overlapping neural circuits may govern the processing of natural and drug rewards, little is known regarding the responses to sexually explicit materials in individuals with and without CSB. Here, the processing of cues of varying sexual content was assessed in individuals with and without CSB, focusing on neural regions identified in prior studies of drug-cue reactivity. 19 CSB subjects and 19 healthy volunteers were assessed using functional MRI comparing sexually explicit videos with non-sexual exciting videos. Ratings of sexual desire and liking were obtained. Relative to healthy volunteers, CSB subjects had greater desire but similar liking scores in response to the sexually explicit videos. Exposure to sexually explicit cues in CSB compared to non-CSB subjects was associated with activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate, ventral striatum and amygdala. Functional connectivity of the dorsal anterior cingulate-ventral striatum-amygdala network was associated with subjective sexual desire (but not liking) to a greater degree in CSB relative to non-CSB subjects. The dissociation between desire or wanting and liking is consistent with theories of incentive motivation underlying CSB as in drug addictions. Neural differences in the processing of sexual-cue reactivity were identified in CSB subjects in regions previously implicated in drug-cue reactivity studies. The greater engagement of corticostriatal limbic circuitry in CSB following exposure to sexual cues suggests neural mechanisms underlying CSB and potential biological targets for interventions

    Do not attempt resuscitation decisions in a cancer centre: addressing difficult ethical and communication issues

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    Talking to patients about ‘Do Not Attempt Resuscitation’ decisions is difficult for many doctors. Communication about ‘Do Not Attempt Resuscitation’ decisions should occur as part of a wider discussion of treatment goals at an earlier stage in the patient's illness. A doctor should not initiate any treatment, including cardio-pulmonary resuscitation if he/she does not believe it will benefit the patient. An ethical framework is offered which may be of practical help in clarifying decision-making

    Photocatalytic Template Removal by Non-Ozone-Generating UV Irradiation for the Fabrication of Well-Defined Mesoporous Inorganic Coatings

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    The processing of mesoporous inorganic coatings typically requires a high-temperature calcination step to remove organic precursors that are essential during the material assembly. Lowering the fabrication energy costs and cutting back on the necessary resources would provide a greater scope for the deployment in applications such as architectural glass, optical components, photovoltaic cells, and energy storage, as well as further compatibilize substrates with low temperature stability. Organic removal methods based on UV–ozone treatment are increasing in popularity, but concerns remain regarding large-scale ozone generation and usage of mercury-containing UV lamps. To this end, we present a method that relies on non-ozone-generating UV radiation at 254 nm (UV254) and incorporation of small amounts of photocatalytic material in the formulation, here demonstrated with TiO2 nanocrystals. At concentrations as low as 5 wt % relative to the main inorganic aluminosilicate material, the TiO2 nanocrystals catalyze a “cold combustion” of the organic components under UV254 irradiation to reveal a porous inorganic network. Using block copolymer-based co-assembly in conjunction with photocatalytic template removal, we produce well-defined mesoporous inorganic thin films with controlled porosity and refractive index values, where the required processing time is governed by the amount of TiO2 loading. This approach provides an inexpensive, flexible, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional organic removal techniques, such as UV–ozone degradation and thermal calcination

    A web-based clinical decision tool to support treatment decision-making in psychiatry: a pilot focus group study with clinicians, patients and carers

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    Background. Treatment decision tools have been developed in many fields of medicine, including psychiatry, however benefits for patients have not been sustained once the support is withdrawn. We have developed a web-based computerised clinical decision support tool (CDST), which can provide patients and clinicians with continuous, up-to-date, personalised information about the efficacy and tolerability of competing interventions. To test the feasibility and acceptability of the CDST we conducted a focus group study, aimed to explore the views of clinicians, patients and carers. Methods. The CDST was developed in Oxford. To tailor treatments at an individual level, the CDST combines the best available evidence from the scientific literature with patient preferences and values, and with patient medical profile to generate personalised clinical recommendations. We conducted three focus groups comprising of three different participant types: consultant psychiatrists, participants with mental health diagnosis and/or experience of caring for someone with a mental health diagnosis, and primary care practitioners and nurses. Each 1-hour focus group started with a short visual demonstration of the CDST. To standardise the discussion during the focus groups, we used the same topic guide that covered themes relating to the acceptability and usability of the CDST. Focus groups were recorded and any identifying participant details were anonymised. Data were analysed thematically and managed using the Framework method and the constant comparative method. Results. The focus groups took place in Oxford between October 2016 and January 2017. Overall 31 participants attended (12 consultants, 11 primary care practitioners and 8 patients or carers). The main themes that emerged related to CDST applications in clinical practice, communication, conflicting priorities and record keeping. CDST was considered a useful clinical decision support, with recognised value in promoting clinician-patient collaboration and contributing to the development of personalised medicine. One major benefit of the CDST was perceived to be the open discussion about the possible side-effects of medications. Participants from all the three groups, however, universally commented that the terminology and language presented on the CDST were too medicalised, potentially leading to ethical issues around consent to treatment. Conclusions. The CDST can improve communication pathways between patients, carers and clinicians, identifying care priorities and providing an up-to-date platform for implementing evidence-based practice, with regard to prescribing practices