15 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research: Finding the common ground of multi-faceted concepts

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    Inter- and transdisciplinarity are increasingly relevant concepts and practices within academia. While various definitions exist, a clear distinction between inter- and transdisciplinarity remains difficult. Although there is a wide consensus about the need to define and apply these approaches, there is no agreement over definitions. Building on data collected during the first year of the COST Action TD1408 “Interdisciplinarity in research programming and funding cycles” (INTREPID), this paper describes both tensions and common ground about the characteristics and building blocks of interand trans-disciplinarity. Drawing on empirical data from participatory workshops involving INTREPID network members coming from 27 different countries, the paper shows that diverse definitions of inter and trans-disciplinarity coexist within scientific literature and in the mind of researchers and practitioners. The understanding about the involvement of actors outside of academia also differs widely across scientific communities irrespective of disciplinary training or the research subjects. The focus should be on the knowledge that is required to deal with a specific problem, rather than discussing “if” and “how” to integrate actors outside the academia, and collaboration should start with joint problem framing. This diversity is, however, not an absolute obstacle to practice, since the latter is made possible through building blocks such as knowledge domains, problem- and solution- oriented approaches, common goals, as well as target knowledge. In order to move towards more effective inter- and transdisciplinary research, we identify the need for trained interdisciplinarity facilitators and ‘accompanying research’ (derived from the Danish term ‘følgeforskning’). These two roles can be essential to inter- and transdisciplinarity practices including the promotion of reflexivity

    Mutagenicity induced by the hydroalcoholic extract of the medicinal plant Plathymenia reticulata Benth

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    Plathymenia reticulata Benth has an anti-inflammatory effect and is capable of neutralizing the neuromuscular blockade induced by Bothrops jararacussu or Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms, probably by precipitating venom proteins (an effect caused by plant tannins). The present study aimed to evaluate the mutagenic activity of P. reticulata by using the Salmonella mutagenicity assay (Ames test) and the micronucleus test in CHO-K1 cells. P. reticulata extract concentrations of 2.84, 5.68, 11.37, and 19.90 mg/plate were assayed by the Ames test using TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102 bacterial strains, with (+S9) and without (-S9) metabolic activation. Concentrations of 5, 1.6 and 0.5 μg/mL of P. reticulata extract were used for the micronucleus test. P. reticulata extract was mutagenic to TA98 (-S9) and showed signs of mutagenic activity in TA97a and TA102 (both -S9) strains. Micronucleus test CBPI values showed that the endogenous metabolic system increased the number of viable cells when compared to the non-activated samples and the micronucleus frequency increased when the cells were treated in the absence of S9. We concluded that P. reticulata extract may present direct mutagenic properties

    Old, poor and out on the streets: on the road to exclusion Pobre, anciano y en la calle: una trayectoria de exclusión Pobre, idoso e na rua: uma trajetória de exclusão

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    This exploratory study aimed to investigate and describe the homeless elderly population user of a shelter specifically designed for them in Sao Paulo. A total of 20 elderly participated in the study. The data were gathered through interviews and field observation. The data analysis was based on Collective Health and Gerontology references. The main results reveal that the vulnerability of the elderly to become homeless occurs in a macro level, characterized by fragile work and residence ties. The micro level is characterized by the lack of familiar support. In conclusion, this study led us to rethink the human values regarding the social inequalities as well the trivialization of social injustice. We learned to view the homeless elderly as subject and not just passive object of charity and assistance.<br>Este estudio exploratorio tiene por objetivo investigar y describir la población anciana que vive en las calles, usuaria de un abrigo exclusivo para este segmento social en la ciudad de Sao Paulo. Los sujetos estudiados fueron veinte ancianos. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante técnicas de entrevista y observación de campo. Estas informaciones fueron analizadas mediante referenciales de las áreas de Gerontología y Salud Colectiva. Los principales resultados muestran que la vulnerabilidad del anciano en la calle ocurre tanto en el nivel macro, caracterizado por lazos de cuestiones laborales y habitacionales frágiles, como en el nivel micro, caracterizado por la falta de apoyo familiar. En conclusión, este estudio llevó a repensar los valores humanos respecto a desigualdades sociales y canalización de la injusticia social. Aprendimos a ver al anciano que vive en la calle como sujeto y no objeto pasivo de caridad y asistencialismo.<br>Este estudo exploratório teve por objetivo investigar e descrever a população idosa em situação de rua, usuária de um abrigo exclusivo para esse segmento, na cidade de São Paulo. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 20 idosos. Os dados foram coletados por meio das técnicas da entrevista e observação de campo. Foram analisados à luz dos referenciais das áreas da Gerontologia e Saúde Coletiva. Os principais resultados mostram que a vulnerabilidade do idoso às ruas se dá tanto no nível macro, caracterizado por laços trabalhistas e habitacionais frágeis, quanto no nível micro, caracterizado pela falta de apoio familiar. Concluindo, esse estudo propocia a reflexão sobre os valores humanos no que diz respeito às desigualdades sociais e banalização da injustiça social. Aprende-se a ver o idoso de rua como sujeito e não um objeto passivo de caridade e assistencialismo

    Epicuticular waxes from caatinga and cerrado species and their efficiency against water loss

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    The effects of the contents and chemical composition of the foliar epicuticular waxes of species from the caatinga (Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Capparis yco, Maytenus rigida and Ziziphus joazeiro) and cerrado (Aristolochia esperanzae, Didymopanax vinosum, Strychnos pseudoquina and Tocoyena formosa) were evaluated as to the resistance to water loss by means of an experimental device constructed for this purpose. In general, the waxes of the caatinga species investigated were more efficient against water loss than cerrado species. Increase of the thickness of the waxy deposits from 40 to 90m g.cm-2 had no significant effect on the resistance to water loss. The chemistry of the wax constituents was shown to be an important factor to determine the degree of resistance to evaporation. n-Alkanes and alcoholic triterpenes were the most efficient barriers, while hentriacontan-16-one (a ketone) and ursolic acid (an acid triterpene) revealed lowefficiency. The higher efficiency of the waxes of the leaves from caatinga species (mainly those of C. yco and Z. joazeiro) is probably accounted for the predominance of n-alkanes in their composition. The lower efficiency of the waxes of A. pyrifolium (caatinga), T. formosa and A. esperanzae (both species from the cerrado) is probably a consequence of the predominance of triterpenoids in the waxes of the two former species and hentriacontan-16-one in the latter.<br>A influência do teor e da composição química das ceras epicuticulares foliares de espécies da caatinga (Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Capparis yco, Maytenus rigida e Ziziphus joazeiro) e do cerrado (Aristolochia esperanzae, Didymopanax vinosum, Strychnos pseudoquina e Tocoyena formosa) foram avaliadas em relação à resistência à perda de água, através de um dispositivo experimental construído para essa finalidade. Em geral, as ceras das espécies da caatinga foram mais eficientes contra a perda de água que as das espécies do cerrado. O aumento da espessura dos depósitos cerosos de 40 até 90 mg.cm-2 não alterou significativamente a resistência à evaporação. A natureza química dos componentes das ceras revelou-se um fator importante na determinação do grau de resistência à evaporação. n-Alcanos e triterpenos alcoólicos foram os constituintes mais eficientes como barreiras à evaporação, enquanto hentriacontan-16-ona (uma cetona) e ácido ursólico (triterpeno com função carboxílica) foram menos eficazes. A maior eficiência das ceras epicuticulares de duas espécies da caatinga (C. yco e Z. joazeiro) provavelmente se deve à predominância de n-alcanos em sua composição. A menor eficiência das ceras epicuticulares de A. pyrifolium (outra espécie da caatinga), T. formosa e A. esperanzae (ambas espécies do cerrado), à predominância em suas ceras de ácido ursólico para as duas primeiras e hentriacontan-16-para a última