1,076 research outputs found

    The influence of intercalated oxygen on the properties of graphene on polycrystalline Cu under various environmental conditions.

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    Intercalation of oxygen at the interface of graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition and its polycrystalline copper catalyst can have a strong impact on the electronic, chemical and structural properties of both the graphene and the Cu. This can affect the oxidation resistance of the metal as well as subsequent graphene transfer. Here, we show, using near ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS), X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and (environmental) scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) that both the oxygen intercalation and de-intercalation are kinetically driven and can be clearly distinguished from carbon etching. The obtained results reveal that a charge transfer between as grown graphene and Cu can be annulled by intercalating oxygen creating quasi-free-standing graphene. This effect is found to be reversible on vacuum annealing proceeding via graphene grain boundaries and defects within the graphene but not without loss of graphene by oxidative etching for repeated (de-)intercalation cycles.P.R.K. acknowledges the Lindemann Trust Fellowship. R.S.W. acknowledges a Research Fellowship from St. John’s College, Cambridge. S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC grant InsituNANO (No. 279342) and EPSRC under grant GRAPHTED (Ref. EP/K016636/1). R.B. and A.K.-G. acknowledge funding from EU project GRAFOL, grant 285275.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2014/CP/c4cp04025b#!divAbstract

    A systematic review of the evidence for single stage and two stage revision of infected knee replacement

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    BACKGROUND: Periprosthetic infection about the knee is a devastating complication that may affect between 1% and 5% of knee replacement. With over 79 000 knee replacements being implanted each year in the UK, periprosthetic infection (PJI) is set to become an important burden of disease and cost to the healthcare economy. One of the important controversies in treatment of PJI is whether a single stage revision operation is superior to a two-stage procedure. This study sought to systematically evaluate the published evidence to determine which technique had lowest reinfection rates. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken using the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases with the aim to identify existing studies that present the outcomes of each surgical technique. Reinfection rate was the primary outcome measure. Studies of specific subsets of patients such as resistant organisms were excluded. RESULTS: 63 studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria. The majority of which (58) were reports of two-stage revision. Reinfection rated varied between 0% and 41% in two-stage studies, and 0% and 11% in single stage studies. No clinical trials were identified and the majority of studies were observational studies. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence for both one-stage and two-stage revision is largely of low quality. The evidence basis for two-stage revision is significantly larger, and further work into direct comparison between the two techniques should be undertaken as a priority

    Analogue peptides for the immunotherapy of human acute myeloid leukemia

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    Accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00262-015-1762-9The use of peptide vaccines, enhanced by adjuvants, has shown some efficacy in clinical trials. However, responses are often short-lived and rarely induce notable memory responses. The reason is that self-antigens have already been presented to the immune system as the tumor develops, leading to tolerance or some degree of host tumor cell destruction. To try to break tolerance against self-antigens, one of the methods employed has been to modify peptides at the anchor residues to enhance their ability to bind major histocompatibility complex molecules, extending their exposure to the T-cell receptor. These modified or analogue peptides have been investigated as stimulators of the immune system in patients with different cancers with variable but sometimes notable success. In this review we describe the background and recent developments in the use of analogue peptides for the immunotherapy of acute myeloid leukemia describing knowledge useful for the application of analogue peptide treatments for other malignancies

    Light-Induced Energetic Decoupling as a Mechanism for Phycobilisome-Related Energy Dissipation in Red Algae: A Single Molecule Study

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    BACKGROUND: Photosynthetic organisms have developed multiple protective mechanisms to prevent photodamage in vivo under high-light conditions. Cyanobacteria and red algae use phycobilisomes (PBsomes) as their major light-harvesting antennae complexes. The orange carotenoid protein in some cyanobacteria has been demonstrated to play roles in the photoprotective mechanism. The PBsome-itself-related energy dissipation mechanism is still unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, single-molecule spectroscopy is applied for the first time on the PBsomes of red alga Porphyridium cruentum, to detect the fluorescence emissions of phycoerythrins (PE) and PBsome core complex simultaneously, and the real-time detection could greatly characterize the fluorescence dynamics of individual PBsomes in response to intense light. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data revealed that strong green-light can induce the fluorescence decrease of PBsome, as well as the fluorescence increase of PE at the first stage of photobleaching. It strongly indicated an energetic decoupling occurring between PE and its neighbor. The fluorescence of PE was subsequently observed to be decreased, showing that PE was photobleached when energy transfer in the PBsomes was disrupted. In contrast, the energetic decoupling was not observed in either the PBsomes fixed with glutaraldehyde, or the mutant PBsomes lacking B-PE and remaining b-PE. It was concluded that the energetic decoupling of the PBsomes occurs at the specific association between B-PE and b-PE within the PBsome rod. Assuming that the same process occurs also at the much lower physiological light intensities, such a decoupling process is proposed to be a strategy corresponding to PBsomes to prevent photodamage of the photosynthetic reaction centers. Finally, a novel photoprotective role of gamma-subunit-containing PE in red algae was discussed

    Super-Resolution Imaging Strategies for Cell Biologists Using a Spinning Disk Microscope

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    In this study we use a spinning disk confocal microscope (SD) to generate super-resolution images of multiple cellular features from any plane in the cell. We obtain super-resolution images by using stochastic intensity fluctuations of biological probes, combining Photoactivation Light-Microscopy (PALM)/Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) methodologies. We compared different image analysis algorithms for processing super-resolution data to identify the most suitable for analysis of particular cell structures. SOFI was chosen for X and Y and was able to achieve a resolution of ca. 80 nm; however higher resolution was possible >30 nm, dependant on the super-resolution image analysis algorithm used. Our method uses low laser power and fluorescent probes which are available either commercially or through the scientific community, and therefore it is gentle enough for biological imaging. Through comparative studies with structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and widefield epifluorescence imaging we identified that our methodology was advantageous for imaging cellular structures which are not immediately at the cell-substrate interface, which include the nuclear architecture and mitochondria. We have shown that it was possible to obtain two coloured images, which highlights the potential this technique has for high-content screening, imaging of multiple epitopes and live cell imaging

    Highly variable use of diagnostic methods for sexually transmitted infections-results of a nationwide survey, Germany 2005

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sexual transmitted infections (STIs) have increased in Germany and other countries in Europe since the mid-nineties. To obtain a better picture of diagnostic methods used in STI testing institutions in Germany, we performed a nationwide survey amongst STI specialists in order to evaluate the quality of STI reports and provide recommendations to harmonize and possibly improve STI diagnostics in Germany.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We asked sentinel physicians and randomly chosen gynaecologists, urologists and dermato-venerologists, about the diagnostic methods used in 2005 to diagnose HIV, chlamydia (CT), gonorrhoea (GO) and syphilis (SY) in a national cross-sectional survey in order to recognize potential problems and provide recommendations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 739/2287 (32%) physicians participated. Of all participants, 80% offered tests for HIV, 84% for CT, 83% for GO and 83% for SY. Of all participants who performed HIV testing, 90% requested an antibody test, 3% a rapid test and 1% a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT). For CT testing, NAAT was used in 33% and rapid tests in 34% of participants. GO resistance testing was performed by 31% of the participants. SY testing was performed in 98% by serology.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Diagnostic methods for STI vary highly among the participants. Diagnostic guidelines should be reviewed and harmonised to ensure consistent use of the optimal STI diagnostic methods.</p

    Role of structural dynamics at the receptor G protein interface for signal transduction

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    GPCRs catalyze GDP/GTP exchange in the α-subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins (Gαßγ) through displacement of the Gα C-terminal α5 helix, which directly connects the interface of the active receptor (R*) to the nucleotide binding pocket of G. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry and kinetic analysis of R* catalysed G protein activation have suggested that displacement of α5 starts from an intermediate GDP bound complex (R*•GGDP). To elucidate the structural basis of receptor-catalysed displacement of α5, we modelled the structure of R*•GGDP. A flexible docking protocol yielded an intermediate R*•GGDP complex, with a similar overall arrangement as in the X-ray structure of the nucleotide free complex (R*•Gempty), however with the α5 C-terminus (GαCT) forming different polar contacts with R*. Starting molecular dynamics simulations of GαCT bound to R* in the intermediate position, we observe a screw-like motion, which restores the specific interactions of α5 with R* in R*•Gempty. The observed rotation of α5 by 60° is in line with experimental data. Reformation of hydrogen bonds, water expulsion and formation of hydrophobic interactions are driving forces of the α5 displacement. We conclude that the identified interactions between R* and G protein define a structural framework in which the α5 displacement promotes direct transmission of the signal from R* to the GDP binding pocket

    Recycled gabbro signature in hotspot magmas unveiled by plume–ridge interactions

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    Lavas erupted within plate interiors above upwelling mantle plumes have chemical signatures that are distinct from midocean ridge lavas. When a plume interacts with a mid-ocean ridge, the compositions of both their lavas changes, but there is no consensus as to how this interaction occurs1–3. For the past 15 Myr, the Pacific–Antarctic mid-ocean ridge has been approaching the Foundation hotspot4 and erupted lavas have formed seamounts. Here we analyse the noble gas isotope and trace element signature of lava samples collected from the seamounts. We find that both intraplate and on-axis lavas have noble gas isotope signatures consistent with the contribution from a primitive plume source. In contrast, nearaxis lavas show no primitive noble gas isotope signatures, but are enriched in strontium and lead, indicative of subducted former oceanic lower crust melting within the plume source5–7. We propose that, in a near-ridge setting, primitive, plumesourced magmas formed deep in the plume are preferentially channelled to and erupted at the ridge-axis. The remaining residue continues to rise and melt, forming the near-axis seamounts. With the deep melts removed, the geochemical signature of subduction contained within the residue becomes apparent. Lavas with strontium and lead enrichments are found worldwide where plumes meet mid-ocean ridges6–8, suggesting that subducted lower crust is an important but previously unrecognised plume component
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